36 found
  1. A logic of intention and attempt.Emiliano Lorini & Andreas Herzig - 2008 - Synthese 163 (1):45 - 77.
    We present a modal logic called (logic of intention and attempt) in which we can reason about intention dynamics and intentional action execution. By exploiting the expressive power of , we provide a formal analysis of the relation between intention and action and highlight the pivotal role of attempt in action execution. Besides, we deal with the problems of instrumental reasoning and intention persistence.
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  2. The cognitive structure of surprise: Looking for basic principles.Emiliano Lorini & Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2007 - Topoi 26 (1):133-149.
    We develop a conceptual and formal clarification of notion of surprise as a belief-based phenomenon by exploring a rich typology. Each kind of surprise is associated with a particular phase of cognitive processing and involves particular kinds of epistemic representations (representations and expectations under scrutiny, implicit beliefs, presuppositions). We define two main kinds of surprise: mismatch-based surprise and astonishment. In the central part of the paper we suggest how a formal model of surprise can be integrated with a formal model (...)
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  3.  37
    Rethinking epistemic logic with belief bases.Emiliano Lorini - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 282 (C):103233.
  4.  32
    The Dynamics of Epistemic Attitudes in Resource-Bounded Agents.Philippe Balbiani, David Fernández-Duque & Emiliano Lorini - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (3):457-488.
    The paper presents a new logic for reasoning about the formation of beliefs through perception or through inference in non-omniscient resource-bounded agents. The logic distinguishes the concept of explicit belief from the concept of background knowledge. This distinction is reflected in its formal semantics and axiomatics: we use a non-standard semantics putting together a neighborhood semantics for explicit beliefs and relational semantics for background knowledge, and we have specific axioms in the logic highlighting the relationship between the two concepts. Mental (...)
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  5.  49
    Temporal logic and its application to normative reasoning.Emiliano Lorini - 2013 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 23 (4):372-399.
    I present a variant of with time, called, interpreted in standard Kripke semantics. On the syntactic level, is nothing but the extension of atemporal individual by: the future tense and past tense operators, and the operator of group agency for the grand coalition. A sound and complete axiomatisation for is given. Moreover, it is shown that supports reasoning about interesting normative concepts such as the concepts of achievement obligation and commitment.
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  6. A dynamic logic of agency I: Stit, capabilities and powers.Andreas Herzig & Emiliano Lorini - 2010 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 19 (1):89-121.
    The aim of this paper, is to provide a logical framework for reasoning about actions, agency, and powers of agents and coalitions in game-like multi-agent systems. First we define our basic Dynamic Logic of Agency ( ). Differently from other logics of individual and coalitional capability such as Alternating-time Temporal Logic (ATL) and Coalition Logic, in cooperation modalities for expressing powers of agents and coalitions are not primitive, but are defined from more basic dynamic logic operators of action and (historic) (...)
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  7.  88
    Epistemic logic meets epistemic game theory: a comparison between multi-agent Kripke models and type spaces.Paolo Galeazzi & Emiliano Lorini - 2016 - Synthese 193 (7):2097-2127.
    In the literature there are at least two main formal structures to deal with situations of interactive epistemology: Kripke models and type spaces. As shown in many papers :149–225, 1999; Battigalli and Siniscalchi in J Econ Theory 106:356–391, 2002; Klein and Pacuit in Stud Log 102:297–319, 2014; Lorini in J Philos Log 42:863–904, 2013), both these frameworks can be used to express epistemic conditions for solution concepts in game theory. The main result of this paper is a formal comparison between (...)
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  8.  23
    A logic for reasoning about counterfactual emotions.Emiliano Lorini & François Schwarzentruber - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (3-4):814-847.
  9.  23
    Possible Worlds Semantics Based on Observation and Communication.Faustine Maffre, Emiliano Lorini & Andreas Herzig - 2018 - In Hans van Ditmarsch & Gabriel Sandu (eds.), Jaakko Hintikka on Knowledge and Game Theoretical Semantics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 339-362.
    We analyze a recent trend in epistemic logic which consists in studying construction of knowledge from the agents’ observational abilities. It is based on the intuition that an agent’s knowledge comes from three possible sources: her observations, communication with other agents, and inference. The approaches mainly focus on the former two and suppose that the object of observations are propositional variables and that agents learn from public announcements. This allows to model knowledge in a more compact and intuitive way than (...)
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  10.  38
    A Logic Of Trust And Reputation.Andreas Herzig, Emiliano Lorini, Jomi Hübner & Laurent Vercouter - 2010 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 18 (1):214-244.
    The aim of this paper is to present a logical framework in which the concepts of trust and reputation can be formally characterized and their properties studied. We start from the definition of trust proposed by Castelfranchi & Falcone . We formalize this definition in a logic of time, action, beliefs and choices. Then, we provide a refinement of C&F’s definition by distinguishing two general types of trust: occurrent trust and dispositional trust. In the second part of the paper we (...)
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  11. A dynamic logic of agency II: Deterministic dla {\mathcal{dla}} , coalition logic, and game theory.Emiliano Lorini - 2010 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 19 (3):327-351.
    We continue the work initiated in Herzig and Lorini (J Logic Lang Inform, in press) whose aim is to provide a minimalistic logical framework combining the expressiveness of dynamic logic in which actions are first-class citizens in the object language, with the expressiveness of logics of agency such as STIT and logics of group capabilities such as CL and ATL. We present a logic called ( Deterministic Dynamic logic of Agency ) which supports reasoning about actions and joint actions of (...)
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  12.  42
    A STIT Logic for Reasoning About Social Influence.Emiliano Lorini & Giovanni Sartor - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (4):773-812.
    In this paper we propose a method for modeling social influence within the STIT approach to action. Our proposal consists in extending the STIT language with special operators that allow us to represent the consequences of an agent’s choices over the rational choices of another agent.
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  13.  50
    The Strength of Desires: A Logical Approach.Didier Dubois, Emiliano Lorini & Henri Prade - 2017 - Minds and Machines 27 (1):199-231.
    The aim of this paper is to propose a formal approach to reasoning about desires, understood as logical propositions which we would be pleased to make true, also acknowledging the fact that desire is a matter of degree. It is first shown that, at the static level, desires should satisfy certain principles that differ from those to which beliefs obey. In this sense, from a static perspective, the logic of desires is different from the logic of beliefs. While the accumulation (...)
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  14.  10
    Action Theories.Andreas Herzig, Emiliano Lorini & Nicolas Troquard - 2012 - In Sven Ove Hansson & Vincent F. Hendricks (eds.), Introduction to Formal Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 591-607.
    We present the main logical theories of action. We distinguish theories identifying an action with its result from theories studying actions in terms of both their results and the means that result is obtained. The first family includes most prominently the logic of seeing-to-it-that and the logic of bringing-it-about-that. The second includes propositional dynamic logic and its variants. For all these logics we overview their extensions by other modalities such as modal operators of knowledge, belief, and obligation.
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    A logic of trust and reputation.Andreas Herzig, Emiliano Lorini, France Jomi F. Hübner & Laurent Vercouter - 2010 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 18 (1).
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    On the Epistemic Foundation for Iterated Weak Dominance: An Analysis in a Logic of Individual and Collective attitudes.Emiliano Lorini - 2013 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 42 (6):863-904.
    This paper proposes a logical framework for representing static and dynamic properties of different kinds of individual and collective attitudes. A complete axiomatization as well as a decidability result for the logic are given. The logic is applied to game theory by providing a formal analysis of the epistemic conditions of iterated deletion of weakly dominated strategies (IDWDS), or iterated weak dominance for short. The main difference between the analysis of the epistemic conditions of iterated weak dominance given in this (...)
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  17.  25
    On the dynamics of institutional agreements.Andreas Herzig, Tiago Lima & Emiliano Lorini - 2009 - Synthese 171 (2):321-355.
    In this paper we investigate a logic for modelling individual and collective acceptances that is called acceptance logic. The logic has formulae of the form \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\rm A}_{G:x} \varphi$$\end{document} reading ‘if the agents in the set of agents G identify themselves with institution x then they together accept that \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\varphi}$$\end{document} ’. We extend acceptance logic by two kinds of dynamic modal operators. The first (...)
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  18. On the Dynamics of Institutional Agreements.Andreas Herzig, Tiago de Lima & Emiliano Lorini - 2009 - Synthese 171 (2):321 - 355.
    In this paper we investigate a logic for modelling individual and collective acceptances that is called acceptance logic. The logic has formulae of the form $A_{Gx} \phi $ reading 'if the agents in the set of agents G identify themselves with institution x then they together accept that φ'. We extend acceptance logic by two kinds of dynamic modal operators. The first kind are public announcements of the form x!ψ, meaning that the agents learn that ψ is the case in (...)
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  19.  70
    Handbook of Legal Reasoning and Argumentation.Colin Aitken, Amalia Amaya, Kevin D. Ashley, Carla Bagnoli, Giorgio Bongiovanni, Bartosz Brożek, Cristiano Castelfranchi, Samuele Chilovi, Marcello Di Bello, Jaap Hage, Kenneth Einar Himma, Lewis A. Kornhauser, Emiliano Lorini, Fabrizio Macagno, Andrei Marmor, J. J. Moreso, Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco, Antonino Rotolo, Giovanni Sartor, Burkhard Schafer, Chiara Valentini, Bart Verheij, Douglas Walton & Wojciech Załuski (eds.) - 2011 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag.
    This handbook offers a deep analysis of the main forms of legal reasoning and argumentation from both a logical-philosophical and legal perspective. These forms are covered in an exhaustive and critical fashion, and the handbook accordingly divides in three parts: the first one introduces and discusses the basic concepts of practical reasoning. The second one discusses the main general forms of reasoning and argumentation relevant for legal discourse. The third one looks at their application in law as well as at (...)
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  20.  68
    Social Intelligence.Andreas Herzig, Emiliano Lorini & David Pearce - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (4):689-689.
  21.  29
    Logic and Interaction: Foreword to the Special Issue.Patrick Blackburn & Emiliano Lorini - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (2):137-139.
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  22. Computer-mediated trust in self-interested expert recommendations.Jonathan Ben-Naim, Jean-François Bonnefon, Andreas Herzig, Sylvie Leblois & Emiliano Lorini - 2010 - AI and Society 25 (4):413-422.
    Important decisions are often based on a distributed process of information processing, from a knowledge base that is itself distributed among agents. The simplest such situation is that where a decision-maker seeks the recommendations of experts. Because experts may have vested interests in the consequences of their recommendations, decision-makers usually seek the advice of experts they trust. Trust, however, is a commodity that is usually built through repeated face time and social interaction and thus cannot easily be built in a (...)
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    Logic, Rationality, and Interaction 7th International Workshop, LORI 2019, Chongqing, China, October 18–21, 2019, Proceedings.Patrick Blackburn, Emiliano Lorini & Meiyun Guo (eds.) - 2019 - Springer.
    This LNCS book is part of the FOLLI book series and constitutes the proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Logic, Rationality, and Interaction, LORI 2019, held in Chongqing, China, in October 2019. The 31 papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 56 submissions. They focus on the following topics: agency; argumentation and agreement; belief revision and belief merging; belief representation; cooperation; decision making and planning; natural language; philosophy and philosophical logic; and strategic reasoning.
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    Logic of Action from the Perspective of Knowledge Representation.Andreas Herzig, Emiliano Lorini & Elise Perrotin - 2024 - In Jacek Malinowski & Rafał Palczewski (eds.), Janusz Czelakowski on Logical Consequence. Springer Verlag. pp. 401-418.
    Taking the perspective of knowledge representation, we introduce a simple logic of agency where the agents’ actions are described by their precondition and effects and whose semantics is based on the concept of attempt. We give its syntax, semantics, and axiomatics and discuss the relation with other proposals, in particular Belnap and Horty’s ‘branching time and agent choice’ semantics (BT+AC) and Czelakowski’s relational semantics.
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    Preface.Andreas Herzig, Emiliano Lorini & David Pearce - 2017 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 27 (1-2):90-90.
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    Conflicting goals and their impact on games where payoffs are more or less ambiguous.Astrid Hopfensitz, Emiliano Lorini & Frederic Moisan - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (1):85-87.
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    A minimal logic for interactive epistemology.Emiliano Lorini - 2016 - Synthese 193 (3):725-755.
    We propose a minimal logic for interactive epistemology based on a qualitative representation of epistemic individual and group attitudes including knowledge, belief, strong belief, common knowledge and common belief. We show that our logic is sufficiently expressive to provide an epistemic foundation for various game-theoretic solution concepts including “1-round of deletion of weakly dominated strategies, followed by iterated deletion of strongly dominated strategies” ) and “2-rounds of deletion of weakly dominated strategies, followed by iterated deletion of strongly dominated strategies” ). (...)
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    From self-regarding to other-regarding agents in strategic games: a logical analysis.Emiliano Lorini - 2011 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 21 (3-4):443-475.
    I propose a modal logic that enables to reason about self-regarding and otherregarding motivations in strategic games. This logic integrates the concepts of joint action, belief, individual and group payoff. The first part of the article is focused on self-regarding agents. A self-regarding agent decides to perform a certain action only if he believes that this action maximizes his own personal benefit. The second part of the article explores different kinds of other-regarding motivations such as fairness and reciprocity. Differently from (...)
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  29.  65
    Foreword to the Synthese special issue on theories of information dynamics and interaction and their application to dialogue.Emiliano Lorini & Laure Vieu - 2011 - Synthese 183 (S1):1-3.
  30.  16
    Norms in Action: A Logical Perspective.Emiliano Lorini - 2011 - In Colin Aitken, Amalia Amaya, Kevin D. Ashley, Carla Bagnoli, Giorgio Bongiovanni, Bartosz Brożek, Cristiano Castelfranchi, Samuele Chilovi, Marcello Di Bello, Jaap Hage, Kenneth Einar Himma, Lewis A. Kornhauser, Emiliano Lorini, Fabrizio Macagno, Andrei Marmor, J. J. Moreso, Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco, Antonino Rotolo, Giovanni Sartor, Burkhard Schafer, Chiara Valentini, Bart Verheij, Douglas Walton & Wojciech Załuski (eds.), Handbook of Legal Reasoning and Argumentation. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag. pp. 77-101.
    A theory of action is fundamental for legal theory, as the law is meant to direct behaviour: it influences the behaviour of agents who can understand the law’s prescriptions and act accordingly. A connection between law and action is assumed by the most diverse approaches to the law; when no reference is made to this connection it is since it appears to be an obvious truism. Let us list just a few examples where this connection appears most clearly.
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  31. On Modal Logics of Group Belief.Emiliano Lorini, Dominique Longin, Andreas Herzig & Benoit Gaudou - 2015 - In Emiliano Lorini & Andreas Herzig (eds.), The Cognitive Foundations of Group Attitudes and Social Interaction. Cham: Springer.
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    Special Issue: Information Dynamics in Artificial Societies.Emiliano Lorini, Laurent Perrussel & Roland Mühlenbernd - 2016 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 25 (3-4):269-271.
  33.  49
    The Cognitive Foundations of Group Attitudes and Social Interaction.Emiliano Lorini & Andreas Herzig (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Springer.
    This book offers a widely interdisciplinary approach to investigating important questions surrounding the cognitive foundations of group attitudes and social interaction. The volume tackles issues such as the relationship between individual and group attitudes, the cognitive bases of group identity and group identification and the link between emotions and individual attitudes. This volume delves into the links between individual attitudes and how they are reflected in shared attitudes where common belief, collective acceptance, joint intentions, and group preferences come into play. (...)
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    AGM Contraction and Revision of Rules.Roland Mühlenbernd, Laurent Perrussel & Emiliano Lorini - 2016 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 25 (3 - 4):273-297.
    In this paper we study AGM contraction and revision of rules using input/output logical theories. We replace propositional formulas in the AGM framework of theory change by pairs of propositional formulas, representing the rule based character of theories, and we replace the classical consequence operator Cn by an input/output logic. The results in this paper suggest that, in general, results from belief base dynamics can be transferred to rule base dynamics, but that a similar transfer of AGM theory change to (...)
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    The effects of social ties on coordination: conceptual foundations for an empirical analysis. [REVIEW]Giuseppe Attanasi, Astrid Hopfensitz, Emiliano Lorini & Frédéric Moisan - 2014 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 13 (1):47-73.
    This paper investigates the influence that social ties can have on behavior. After defining the concept of social ties that we consider, we introduce an original model of social ties. The impact of such ties on social preferences is studied in a coordination game with outside option. We provide a detailed game theoretical analysis of this game while considering various types of players, i.e., self-interest maximizing, inequity averse, and fair agents. In addition to these approaches that require strategic reasoning in (...)
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    Editorial Introduction: Logical Methods for Social Concepts. [REVIEW]Andreas Herzig & Emiliano Lorini - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (4):441-443.