Results for 'Eliane Segers'

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  1.  12
    The Impact of the Digital Home Environment on Kindergartners’ Language and Early Literacy.Eliane Segers & Tijs Kleemans - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  2. Beyond the Senses: How Self-Directed Speech and Word Meaning Structure Impact Executive Functioning and Theory of Mind in Individuals With Hearing and Language Problems.Thomas F. Camminga, Daan Hermans, Eliane Segers & Constance T. W. M. Vissers - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:646181.
    Many individuals with developmental language disorder (DLD) and individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH) have social–emotional problems, such as social difficulties, and show signs of aggression, depression, and anxiety. These problems can be partly associated with their executive functions (EFs) and theory of mind (ToM). The difficulties of both groups in EF and ToM may in turn be related to self-directed speech (i.e., overt or covert speech that is directed at the self). Self-directed speech is thought to (...)
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    Getting what you desire: the normative significance of genetic relatedness in parent–child relationships.Seppe Segers, Guido Pennings & Heidi Mertes - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (3):487-495.
    People who are involuntarily childless need to use assisted reproductive technologies if they want to have a genetically related child. Yet, from an ethical point of view it is unclear to what extent assistance to satisfy this specific desire should be warranted. We first show that the subjectively felt harm due to the inability to satisfy this reproductive desire does not in itself entail the normative conclusion that it has to be met. In response, we evaluate the alternative view according (...)
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    Robot Technology for the Elderly and the Value of Veracity: Disruptive Technology or Reinvigorating Entrenched Principles?Seppe Segers - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (6):1-14.
    The implementation of care robotics in care settings is identified by some authors as a disruptive innovation, in the sense that it will upend the praxis of care. It is an open ethical question whether this alleged disruption will also have a transformative impact on established ethical concepts and principles. One prevalent worry is that the implementation of care robots will turn deception into a routine component of elderly care, at least to the extent that these robots will function as (...)
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    Disrupting medical necessity: Setting an old medical ethics theme in new light.Seppe Segers & Michiel De Proost - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (3):335-342.
    Recent medical innovations like ‘omics’ technologies, mobile health (mHealth) applications or telemedicine are perceived as part of a shift towards a more preventive, participatory and affordable healthcare model. These innovations are often regarded as ‘disruptive technologies’. It is a topic of debate to what extent these technologies may transform the medical enterprise, and relatedly, what this means for medical ethics. The question of whether these developments disrupt established ethical principles like respect for autonomy has indeed received increasing normative attention during (...)
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    The relationship between students' perceptions of portfolio assessment practice and their approaches to learning.Mien Segers, David Gijbels & Marieke Thurlings - 2008 - Educational Studies 34 (1):35-44.
    This study focuses on students’ learning approaches in the context of a competency‐based program on Applied Sciences, with portfolio assessment as its core mode of assessment. The study examines students’ perceptions of these assessment practices and the relationships to their learning approaches. Additionally, differences in perceptions and learning approaches between first‐year students and second‐year students, who already have one year of experience with the portfolio assessment practice, are investigated. A total of 110 students completed two questionnaires at the end of (...)
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    Independent judgment-linked and motor-linked forms of artificial grammar learning.Carol A. Seger - 1998 - Consciousness and Cognition 7 (2):259-284.
    Three experiments investigated whether a motor-linked measure (string typing speed) and an judgment-linked measure (grammatical judgment of strings) accessed the same implicit learning mechanisms in the artificial grammar learning task. Participants first studied grammatical strings through observation or through responding to each letter by typing it and then performed typing and grammatical judgment tests. Grammatical judgment test performance was better after observation than after respond learning, whereas typing test performance on higher order relations was worse after observation than after respond (...)
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    The elusive constellations of poverty.Seger M. Breugelmans, Arnoud Plantinga, Marcel Zeelenberg, Olga Poluektova & Maria Efremova - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  9. A trabalhadora normatizada.Eliane da Silva Lopes - 1987 - In Italo Tronca (ed.), Foucault vivo. Campinas, SP: Pontes Editores.
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    The concept of identity and children's selective attention.Eliane Vurpillot & William A. Ball - 1979 - In Gordon A. Hale & Michael Lewis (eds.), Attention and Cognitive Development. Plenum.. pp. 23--42.
  11.  13
    Take five? A coherentist argument why medical AI does not require a new ethical principle.Seppe Segers & Michiel De Proost - 2024 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 45 (5):387-400.
    With the growing application of machine learning models in medicine, principlist bioethics has been put forward as needing revision. This paper reflects on the dominant trope in AI ethics to include a new ‘principle of explicability’ alongside the traditional four principles of bioethics that make up the theory of principlism. It specifically suggests that these four principles are sufficient and challenges the relevance of explicability as a separate ethical principle by emphasizing the coherentist affinity of principlism. We argue that, through (...)
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    Arte y productos culturales. Conversación con Éliane Escoubas.Éliane Escoubas, Kathia Hanza & José Carlos Gutiérrez - 2007 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 6:101-109.
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  13. Sobre feitiços e ritos: enfermidade e cura nas reduções jesuítico-guaranis, século XVII On spells and rites: illness and cure in the Jesuit Guarany reductions in.Eliane Cristina Deckmann Fleck - 2005 - Topoi 6 (10):71-98.
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    Spatialisation de l'apparaître : le volume et le rythme.Éliane Escoubas - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans Projets de paysage le 18/01/2011. Nous remercions Éliane Escoubas de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Résumé : L'investigation de la spatialité prend son point de départ de la notion de “phénomène” qui est “l'apparaître” de ce qui apparaît. L'apparaître n'apparaît pas parmi les choses apparaissantes, il est leur surgissement, lui-même inapparent. Quotidiennement nous nous contentons de “voir” les choses, de voir ce qui est – seul l'art, sous ses diverses formes, - Philosophie (...)
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    Entre a Igreja e a escola: o catolicismo e a escola do campo no Marajó em conexão.Eliane Miranda Costa - 2020 - Horizonte 18 (55):275.
    O texto aborda a relação da educação escolar e o catolicismo no espaço rural, especialmente, no rio Mapuá, no município de Breves, arquipélago de Marajó, estado do Pará. Tem-se por objetivo identificar a presença do catolicismo na escola do campo e a relação com a formação dos alunos ribeirinhos. Especificamente, a perspectiva é discutir a influência dos rituais religiosos e artefatos sagrados no processo educativo e na cultura escolar do campo. É uma investigação de natureza qualitativa, fundamentada na incursão bibliográfica (...)
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    Art et pathologies: au regard de la phénoménologie et de la psychanalyse.Eliane Escoubas & Caroline Gros (eds.) - 2005 - Argenteuil: Le Cercle Herméneutique.
    Plus qu'un ouvrage concernant les rapports ombrageux et controversés de l'art et de la pathologie, ce recueil est d'abord une rencontre, un creuset entre des champs, la clinique et la théorie qui, pour s'y confronter, excèdent les limites du " prêt-à-penser ". C'est pourquoi ici les divergences de méthodes et de perspectives entre des approches phénoménologique et psychanalytique ne dressent pas de strictes délimitations, mais font résonner des dissonances capables de laisser penser l'écart entre l'art et la pathologie comme établi (...)
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    Derrida et la vérité du dessin : une autre révolution copernicienne ?Éliane Escoubas - 2007 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 53 (1):47-59.
    On part ici de l’hypothèse que Mémoires d’aveugle. L’autoportrait et autres ruines de Jacques Derrida est en quelque sorte l’illustration de La Voix et le phénomène et donc la critique, par Derrida, de la phénoménologie de l’intuition, de la perception et de la vue. On relève toutefois aussi des rencontres avec Husserl et Kant. On n’oublie pas non plus qu’il y va de l’art, des arts visuels et, dans la grande richesse thématique de cet ouvrage, on relève des moments forts, (...)
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  18. Sade.Eliane Robert Moraes - 1987 - In Italo Tronca (ed.), Foucault vivo. Campinas, SP: Pontes Editores.
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    " The Earth Is the Indian's Mother, Nhandecy.Eliane Potiguara - 1997 - In Karen Warren (ed.), Ecofeminism: Women, Culture, Nature. Indiana Univ Pr. pp. 140.
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    The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and Followers' Perceptions of Fairness.Eliane Bacha & Sandra Walker - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (3):667-680.
    Of recent time, there has been a concern about ethical leadership and ethics in business. Research on leadership did not pay a lot of attention to fairness and many authors have studied the relationship between leader fairness and factors such as outcome satisfaction and trust in leader for instance. For the moment, there is no study that focused on the direct relationship between transformational leadership and fairness. That’s why; in this paper our aim is to study the relationship between transformational (...)
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    Princípios, Valores e Atitudes Em Tempos de “Modernidade Líquida”: Reflexões Sobre Pedagogia Franciscana Na Escola Franciscana Imaculada Conceição - Dourados-Ms.Eliane Maria Amaro, Adriana Renata Santos & Celina Pereira Oliveira - 2024 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 17 (33):93-98.
    The present article. entitled “Principles, values and attitudes in times of “liquid modernity”: Reflections on Franciscan pedagogy at Imaculada Conceição Franciscan School - Dourados - MS”, emerged from studies realized through Rede SCALIFRA -ZN, in the year of 2023, entitled “Itenerários Franciscanos” (Franciscan Itineraries)”, which dynamics was outlined by regional seminaries, involving eight elementary schools, belonged to the school network SCALIFRA -ZN. In this way, the reflection focus was the Franciscan Pedagogy, the teacher’s role and the teaching quality, on the (...)
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    “É verdade este bilete”: relações dialógicas e(m) discurso no ciberespaço.Eliane Fernandes Azzari, Maria de Fátima Silva Amarante & Eliane Righi de Andrade - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (1):7-32.
    RESUMO Este artigo contempla nosso estudo de práticas socioculturais que demonstram que/como o sujeito contemporâneo dialoga online com enunciados advindos de acontecimentos do universo off-line. Nosso corpus apresenta postagens circuladas publicamente em páginas diversas no Facebook em que se lê: “É verdade esse bilete”. A afirmativa, proveniente de um bilhete escrito por uma criança em sua esfera familiar e divulgado em redes sociais, foi apropriada por múltiplos interlocutores no ciberespaço a fim de produzir efeitos de humor e dizeres contraditórios em (...)
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    Islam and Democracy.Eliane Ursula Ettmueller - 2006 - Astrolabio 3:16-29.
    Este artículo propone una lectura de las reflexiones de uno de los eruditos islámicos progresistas más importantes, el teólogo egipcio Ali Abderraziq. Se centra en sus estudios sobre El Islam y los fundamentos del poder, publicado en 1925. El objetivo principal del artículo es ofrecer una visión más sofisticada del pensamiento político islámico y mostrar que es posible un proceso de evolución democrática endógeno y de secularización desde dentro del dogma islámico.
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    Avaliação psicológica, neuropsicológica e recursos em neuroimagem: novas perspectivas em saúde mental.Eliane da Silva Moreira Fay, Lucas Neiva-Silva & Carolina Vieira - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 26:181-195.
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    Le handicap aux prises avec le risque de l'inhumanité.Évelyne Grange-Ségéral - 2007 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 174 (4):27-38.
    L’auteur s’appuie sur le travail de F. André, L’enfant insuffisamment bon (1985), pour explorer l’idée que le handicap et la souffrance qu’il procure à son contact met en question l’identification humaine sur un plan familial et sociétal et entraîne des mécanismes d’indifférenciation entre l’humain et le non-humain, le vivant et le non vivant. Situés dans un mouvement protecteur au départ, ces mécanismes aggravent ensuite les effets du handicap au sein des familles ou des établissements spécialisés en empêchant le développement de (...)
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    La patience de Pénélope et le courage d'Ulysse.Évelyne Grange-Ségéral - 2007 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 177 (3):67-74.
    L’adoption a la particularité d’activer un champ fantasmatique dont l’auteur se propose d’éclairer certains aspects. La résonance entre la situation adoptive et ce que Freud a appelé le « roman familial » en fait un lieu possible d’exacerbation des rivalités, des fantasmes de rapt, des mécanismes d’idéalisation, aussi bien au sein des familles adoptantes que dans leurs relations avec les professionnels chargés de les accompagner. L’idéalisation conjointe parents-pro-fessionnels de la situation adoptive a pour effet d’empêcher la reconnaissance de la négativité (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Putting “Epistemic Injustice” to Work in Bioethics: Beyond Nonmaleficence.Sigrid Wallaert & Seppe Segers - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 2023:1-4.
    We expand on Della Croce’s ambition to interpret “epistemic injustice” as a specification of non-maleficence in the use of the influential four-principle framework. This is an alluring line of thought for conceptual, moral, and heuristic reasons. Although it is commendable, Della Croce’s attempt remains tentative. So does our critique of it. Yet, we take on the challenge to critically address two interrelated points. First, we broaden the analysis to include deliberations about hermeneutical injustice. We argue that, if due consideration of (...)
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    Esboço de uma ontologia da imagem e de uma estética das artes visuais contempor'neas.Eliane Escoubas - 2008 - Phainomenon 16-17 (1):129-138.
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    Weaving the Interconnected Threads: Care for Creation, Nonviolence, and Racial Justice.Eliane Lakam - 2023 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 20 (2):259-280.
    Violence is often understood as a phenomenon characterized by direct physical harm customarily motivated by willful malice. In his 2017 World Day of Peace Message, Pope Francis challenges this narrow definition, noting that violence is not confined to physical harm but also includes environmental devastation, which, as he points out, disproportionately harms the most vulnerable members of the planet. Following this claim, this article probes the interrelationship between care for creation, nonviolence, and racial justice, highlighting the significance of this intersectionality (...)
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    Anticipatory gaps challenge the public governance of heritable human genome editing.Jon Rueda, Seppe Segers, Jeroen Hopster, Karolina Kudlek, Belén Liedo, Samuela Marchiori & John Danaher - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Considering public moral attitudes is a hallmark of the anticipatory governance of emerging biotechnologies, such as heritable human genome editing. However, such anticipatory governance often overlooks that future morality is open to change and that future generations may perform different moral assessments on the very biotechnologies we are trying to govern in the present. In this article, we identify an ’anticipatory gap’ that has not been sufficiently addressed in the discussion on the public governance of heritable genome editing, namely, uncertainty (...)
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  31. (1 other version)A linguagem literária e a pluralidade cultural: contribuições para uma reflexão étnico-racial na escola.Eliane Santana Dias Debus & Margarida Cristina Vasques - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):133-144.
    Este texto, bem como as pesquisas que realizamos, tem como meta dar visibilidade às leituras literárias destinadas ao público infantil e juvenil, que enfatizem o tema étnico-racial, ou ainda, títulos que incluam a real participação de personagens negras, costumes afro-brasileiros e informações culturais produtoras de identificação entre o leitor e a narrativa, contribuindo, assim, com as mudanças atuais na história da educação brasileira. Neste texto, apresentamos seis títulos da Editora SM, que, em seu catálogo editorial para 2008/2009, dos 173 títulos (...)
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    Era uma Benjamin Lacombe.Eliane Debus - 2021 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 1:33-36.
    Era uma vez..., de Benjamin Lacombe, é um livro que é arte pura, magistralmente sedutor pela sua arquitetura física e imagens insólitas. Um livro pop-up, com personagens dos contos clássicos para infância (Polegarzinha, Pinóquio, Madame Butterfly, Chapeuzinho Vermelho, Alice no País das Maravilhas, O Barba Azul, A Bela Adormecida e Peter Pan), que desfilam pelas páginas em dobraduras em três dimensões. Talvez Madama Butterfly se distancie das narrativas feéricas, mas por certo, Lacombe a introduziu com perfeição na sua insólita construção.
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  33. A Polyphonic Painting: Paul Klee and Rhythm.Eliane Escoubas - 2012 - In Paul Klee (ed.), Paul Klee: Philosophical Vision, From Nature to Art. Mcmullen Museum of Art, Boston College.
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    Femmes rurales en Belgique. Aspects sociaux et discours idéologiques XIXe-XXe siècles.Éliane Gubin - 2002 - Clio 16:221-244.
    Les paysannes ont-elles une histoire? Leur parcours semble défier l'évolution « classique » de l'émancipation féminine. Elles échappent à la chronologie élaborée au cours de ces dernières années par l'histoire des femmes, elles restent en marge des grands moments fondateurs. Ni les luttes politiques autour de l'éducation des filles, ni l'émergence du féminisme – fait principalement urbain – ni celle du syndicalisme et des premiers jalons de la législation sociale n'influencent leur condition...
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    The impact of multisensory integration deficits on speech perception in children with autism spectrum disorders.Ryan A. Stevenson, Magali Segers, Susanne Ferber, Morgan D. Barense & Mark T. Wallace - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    On the valence of surprise.Marret K. Noordewier & Seger M. Breugelmans - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (7):1326-1334.
  37.  5
    L'art au regard de la phénoménologie: colloque de l'Ecole des beaux-arts de Toulouse, 25-26-27 mai 1993.Eliane Escoubas & Balbino Giner (eds.) - 1994 - Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail.
    Sul concetto di scienza della pittura nel Trattato della Pittura di Leonardo da Vinci.
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    Bibia Pavard, Florence Rochefort et Michelle Zancarini-Fournel, Les lois Veil. Cont.Éliane Gubin - 2014 - Clio 40:316-316.
    Bien que les lois Veil soient fondamentales et « marquent une rupture majeure dans l’histoire des femmes et du genre, comme dans l’Histoire avec un grand H » (p. 6), leur généalogie demeure mal connue. Loin de prendre naissance dans la seconde vague féministe, elles sont l’aboutissement de longues années de lutte menées par des courants très divers, sans lien nécessairement entre eux, et poursuivant des buts et des stratégies spécifiques. Structuré en trois parties, l’ouvrage en présente les...
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    O útil e a obra de arte em Marx e Heidegger.Eliane Santana De Mendonça - 2010 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 2 (2):74-81.
    O trabalho elabora uma comparação entre os pensamentos de Karl Marx e Martin Heidegger no que tange à questão do útil. Em seguida propõe uma reflexão sobre como as diferenças entre os dois filósofos neste tema implica em distintos posicionamentos em relação à obra de arte. O objetivo do trabalho é apontar pontos de convergência e divergência entre os pensamentos destes filósofos em relação aos temas propostos.
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    Philosophie.Éliane Muller, François Azouvi, Lester G. Crocker, Jean-Michel Buée, Pierre Kerszberg & Anne-Françoise Schmid - 1986 - Revue de Synthèse 107 (1-2):141-154.
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    Chesterton's Paradox and Lewis's Fantasy.Eliane Tixier - 1991 - The Chesterton Review 17 (3/4):424-429.
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    The curious case of “trust” in the light of changing doctor–patient relationships.Seppe Segers & Heidi Mertes - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (8):849-857.
    The centrality of trust in traditional doctor–patient relationships has been criticized as inordinately paternalistic, yet in today's discussions about medical ethics—mostly in response to disruptive innovation in healthcare—trust reappears as an asset to enable empowerment. To turn away from paternalistic trust‐based doctor–patient relationships and to arrive at an empowerment‐based medical model, increasing reference is made to the importance of nurturing trust in technologies that are supposed to bring that empowerment. In this article we stimulate discussion about why the move towards (...)
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  43. The path toward ectogenesis: looking beyond the technical challenges.Seppe Segers - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundBreakthroughs in animal studies make the topic of human application of ectogenesis for medical and non-medical purposes more relevant than ever before. While current data do not yet demonstrate a reasonable expectation of clinical benefit soon, several groups are investigating the feasibility of artificial uteri for extracorporeal human gestation.Main textThis paper offers the first comprehensive and up to date discussion of the most important pros and cons of human ectogenesis in light of clinical application, along with an examination of crucial (...)
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    “Mythos, logos, epos son la palabra” (Heidegger).Éliane Escoubas - 2009 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 21 (2):401-409.
    Este texto se ocupa de dos volúmenes de la obra de Heidegger: el curso sobre Parménides de 1942 y la recopilación De camino al habla de 1950-1959. El curso sobre Parménides trabaja los términos griegos mythos, logos y epos, y los determina como “los mismos” –lo que no precisamente corresponde a la identidad–. En sus diferencias mismas, remiten a la “palabra” (das Wort). Varios años después, la “palabra” es invocada en la triple denominación de Sprache, Wort y Sage que, en (...)
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  45. Geneviève Fraisse, Les femmes et leur histoire; Michelle Perrot, Les Femmes ou les silences de l Histoire.Eliane Gubin - 2000 - Clio 12.
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    Les cultures juvéniles réunionnaises.Eliane Wolff - 2002 - Hermes 32:123.
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    The ethics of ectogenesis‐aided foetal treatment.Seppe Segers, Guido Pennings & Heidi Mertes - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (4):364-370.
    In this paper, we aim to stimulate ethical debate about the morally relevant connection between ectogenesis and the foetus as a potential beneficiary of treatment. Ectogenesis could facilitate foetal interventions by treating the foetus independently of the pregnant woman and provide easier access to the foetus if interventions are required. The moral relevance hereof derives from the observation that, together with other developments in genetic technology and prenatal treatment, this may catalyse the allocation of a patient status to the foetus. (...)
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    Reproductive Technologies and family ties.Ji-Young Lee & Seppe Segers - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (7):589-591.
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    Étude iconographique sur un thème de la toreutique.Éliane G. Raftopoulou - 1991 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 115 (1):259-281.
    Publication d'un miroir à boîte, provenant d'une tombe fortuitement découverte à Lamia en 1983. Le type du miroir et l'étude iconographique et comparative de la représentation en relief du couvercle se rapportant à une scène dionysiaque mettent en évidence son caractère attique, ainsi que sa datation aux environs du dernier quart du ive s. av. J.-C. Les éléments iconographiques analysés ici sont rapprochés de parallèles provenant tant de la sculpture et de la céramique que des terres cuites et des bronzes. (...)
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    Un portrait romain au musée de Chania.Éliane G. Raftopoulou - 1968 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 92 (1):1-20.
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