Results for 'E. Kieckers'

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  1.  40
    Marketing research interviewers and their perceived necessity of moral compromise.J. E. Nelson & P. L. Kiecker - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (10):1107 - 1117.
    Marketing research interviewers often feel that they must compromise their own moral principles while executing work-related activities. This finding is based on analysis of data obtained from three focus group interviews and a mail survey of 173 telephone survey interviewers. Data from the mail survey were used to construct scales measuring interviewers' perceived necessity of moral compromise, moral character, and job satisfaction. The three scales then were used in a hierarchical regression analysis to predict incidences of interviewers' self-reported proscribed behaviors (...)
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    6. Zu ỏργὴ προσπίπτει τινὶ cum infinit, bei Thuc. II 11, 7.E. Kieckers - 1922 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 78 (3-4):396-397.
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    7. Nochmals zur Satzapposition.E. Kieckers - 1922 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 78 (3-4):397-400.
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    5. Zum Gebrauch des Artikels im Griechischen.E. Kieckers - 1921 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 77 (1-4):422-422.
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    Professionalism's Facets: Ambiguity, Ambivalence, and Nostalgia.E. L. Erde - 2008 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 33 (1):6-26.
    Medical educators invoke professionalism as a core competency in curricula. This paper criticizes classic definitions. It also identifies some negative traits of medicine as a profession. The call to professionalism is naive nostalgia. Straightforward didactics in professionalism cannot do the desired work in medical education. The most we can say is that students should adopt the good aspects of professionalism and the profession should stop being some of what it has been. This is a platitude. If the notion is to (...)
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    The concept of 'competence' in medical ethics.E. Baumgarten - 1980 - Journal of Medical Ethics 6 (4):180-184.
    Dr Baumgarten analyses three possible justifications for doctors to decide that a patient is 'incompetent' to make or participate in medical decisions affecting him, and points out the difficulties of each. He argues that the degree to which a patient relinquishes control over decision-making which affects him will vary in different circumstances and should be explicitly agreed in the initial doctor-patient contract, rather as it often is when a client employs a professional to invest money on his behalf.
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    Reconsidering prenatal screening: an empirical-ethical approach to understand moral dilemmas as a question of personal preferences.E. Garcia, D. R. M. Timmermans & E. van Leeuwen - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (7):410-414.
    In contrast to most Western countries, routine offer of prenatal screening is considered problematic in the Netherlands. The main argument against offering it to every pregnant woman is that women would be brought into a moral dilemma when deciding whether to use screening or not. This paper explores whether the active offer of a prenatal screening test indeed confronts women with a moral dilemma. A qualitative study was developed, based on a randomised controlled trial that aimed to assess the decision-making (...)
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  8.  40
    On withholding nutrition and hydration in the terminally ill: has palliative medicine gone too far? A commentary.E. Wilkes - 1994 - Journal of Medical Ethics 20 (3):144-145.
  9.  19
    Tracing Long-term Value Change in (Energy) Technologies: Opportunities of Probabilistic Topic Models Using Large Data Sets.E. J. L. Chappin, I. R. van de Poel & T. E. de Wildt - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (3):429-458.
    We propose a new approach for tracing value change. Value change may lead to a mismatch between current value priorities in society and the values for which technologies were designed in the past, such as energy technologies based on fossil fuels, which were developed when sustainability was not considered a very important value. Better anticipating value change is essential to avoid a lack of social acceptance and moral acceptability of technologies. While value change can be studied historically and qualitatively, we (...)
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  10.  56
    Patient autonomy, assessment of competence and surrogate decision-making: A call for reasonableness in deciding for others.Kristine Baerøe - 2008 - Bioethics 24 (2):87-95.
    In this paper, I address some of the shortcomings of established clinical ethics centring on personal autonomy and consent and what I label the Doctrine of Respecting Personal Autonomy in Healthcare. I discuss two implications of this doctrine: 1) the practice for treating patients who are considered to have borderline decision-making competence and 2) the practice of surrogate decision-making in general. I argue that none of these practices are currently aligned with respectful treatment of vulnerable individuals. Because of ‘structural arbitrariness’ (...)
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  11.  67
    Innovation in Human Research Protection: The AbioCor Artificial Heart Trial.E. Haavi Morreim, George E. Webb, Harvey L. Gordon, Baruch Brody, David Casarett, Ken Rosenfeld, James Sabin, John D. Lantos, Barry Morenz, Robert Krouse & Stan Goodman - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (5):W6-W16.
    Human clinical research has become a huge economic enterprise (Morin et al. 2002; Noah 2002). Because the human subject at the center can be so easily marginalized, many commentators recommend spec...
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  12.  21
    Ethical aspects of clinical chemistry.E. BenGershom - 1983 - Journal of Medical Ethics 9 (4):207-210.
    The work performed by the clinical chemist may deeply affect the decisions of the doctor and the well-being of the patient. Yet in contrast to the doctor and to the nurse the clinical chemist usually has no personal relationship with the patient. Being encumbered by much technology and anonymity is itself a reason for scrutinising his involvement in issues of health care ethics. This is an attempt at clarifying some major aspects: the relationship of his professional ethics to medical ethics (...)
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  13. Ethical decision-making in two patients with locked-in syndrome on the intensive care unit.E. J. O. Kompanje - 2009 - Clinical Ethics 4 (2):98-101.
    Locked-in syndrome (LIS) is one of the most dramatic neurological outcomes and has a profound impact on patients and their families. Most patients have intact cognition and intellectual ability and perception. Communication is possible with eyelid and/or eyeball movement. According to the literature, the wish to die is not an important issue in acute and chronic LIS. This study describes and analyses the ethical decision-making process in two opposite cases of LIS in the intensive care unit. One patient expressed the (...)
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  14.  66
    Bioethics regulations in Turkey.E. Aydin - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (5):404-407.
    Although modern technical and scientific developments in medicine are followed closely in Turkey, it cannot be claimed that the same is true in the field of bioethics. Yet, more and more attention is now being paid to bioethics and ethics training in health sciences. In addition, there are also legal regulations in bioethics, some of which are not so new. The objective of these regulations is to provide technical and administrative control. Ethical concerns are rather few. What attracts our attention (...)
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  15.  56
    Children, ADHD, and Citizenship.E. F. Cohen & C. P. Morley - 2009 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 34 (2):155-180.
    The diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a subject of controversy, for a host of reasons. This paper seeks to explore the manner in which children's interests may be subsumed to those of parents, teachers, and society as a whole in the course of diagnosis, treatment, and labeling, utilizing a framework for children's citizenship proposed by Elizabeth Cohen. Additionally, the paper explores aspects of discipline associated with the diagnosis, as well as distributional pathologies resulting from the application of the diagnosis (...)
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  16.  79
    Genetics and the British insurance industry.E. D. Cook - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (2):157-162.
    Genetics and genetic testing raise key issues for insurance and employment. Governmental and public concern galvanised the British insurance industry into developing a code of practice. The history of the development of the code, issues of genetic discrimination, access to medical information, consent and the dangers of withholding information and the impact on the equity of pooled risk are explored. Proactive steps by the Association of British Insurers suggest that moral reflection not legislation is the way forward.
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    Cancer and truth.E. Hanganu & G. Popa - 1977 - Journal of Medical Ethics 3 (2):74-75.
    In this paper the authors discuss the continuing dilemma for doctors who have to tell a patient that he has cancer, particularly the moment when he should confirm a diagnosis that most patients have already sensed. For the writers it is most important that the doctor should be a bridge for the patient to return to his everyday world from the physical and spiritual isolation which his disease has created.
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  18.  43
    Perspectives on AIDS: ethical and social issues.E. King - 1993 - Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (2):124-125.
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  19.  28
    A note on ethics and the part-timer in occupational health.E. V. Kuenssberg - 1980 - Journal of Medical Ethics 6 (4):197-198.
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  20.  23
    Ethics in psychiatry--the patient's freedom and bondage.E. K. Ledermann - 1982 - Journal of Medical Ethics 8 (4):191-194.
    Ethics is defined as the realm of the 'ought', the realm of conscience which postulates that Man has the freedom to carry out what he judges to be morally right. By such acts he realizes his freedom of making himself into a truer, more authentic person than he was before. A libertarian psychotherapy, based on this ethic, is outlined. Medical science (as all science) belongs to the realm of the 'is' and postulates that the phenomena which it studies follow a (...)
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  21.  72
    Obtaining consent from minors with parental responsibility.E. Macharia & D. Milanovic - 2009 - Clinical Ethics 4 (2):102-105.
    Britain has the highest rate of pregnancies in Europe among young women aged 15–19 years. In girls under 16, the rates of pregnancy are rising: in 2006, there were 7.8 conceptions per 1000 girls; in 2007, there were 8.3 conceptions per 1000 girls. Where babies are born with conditions requiring treatment, the clinician may be faced with the task of obtaining consent from a parent who is also a minor. These situations present potential pitfalls. Guidance from legislative acts and case (...)
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  22.  30
    Protecting the vulnerable: autonomy and consent in health care.E. Matthews - 1993 - Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (1):59-59.
  23.  40
    Ethics consultation: a practical guide.E. M. Meslin - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (4):252-253.
  24.  41
    Beyond the Lies: Solving the Problem.E. Haavi Morreim - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (4):61-63.
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    A Good Death: Conversations with East Londoners.E. Saunderson - 1998 - Journal of Medical Ethics 24 (5):352-352.
  26.  72
    Temperance.E. Telfer - 1990 - Journal of Medical Ethics 16 (3):157-159.
    The kind of temperance discussed is the virtue of moderation concerning the pleasures of eating and drinking. A person lacks this moderation if either his desire for such pleasures causes conflicts with his own standards of appropriate behaviour or the standards themselves attach too much importance to the pleasures concerned. Opinions vary about the proper status of these pleasures, but people surely value them too highly if they place them above their health or the moral duty not to cause unnecessary (...)
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  27.  56
    Teaching ethics: an initiative in cancer and palliative care.E. Wilkes - 1994 - Journal of Medical Ethics 20 (1):57-58.
  28. The physiological basis of perception.E. D. Adrian - 1954 - In J. F. Delafresnaye (ed.), Brain Mechanisms and Consciousness. Oxford,: Blackwell. pp. 237--248.
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    Student-Inspired Activities for the Teaching and Learning of Engineering Ethics.E. Alpay - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1455-1468.
    Ethics teaching in engineering can be problematic because of student perceptions of its subjective, ambiguous and philosophical content. The use of discipline-specific case studies has helped to address such perceptions, as has practical decision making and problem solving approaches based on some ethical frameworks. However, a need exists for a wider range of creative methods in ethics education to help complement the variety of activities and learning experiences within the engineering curriculum. In this work, a novel approach is presented in (...)
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  30. Review: P. J. E. Kail: Projection and Realism in Hume's Philosophy. [REVIEW]L. E. Loeb - 2009 - Mind 118 (469):181-185.
  31.  38
    From Plato to Wittgenstein: Essays by G.E.M. Anscombe.G. E. M. Anscombe - 2011 - Andrews UK.
    In 2005 St Andrews Studies published a volume of essays by Anscombe entitled Human Life, Action and Ethics, followed in 2008 by a second with the title Faith in a Hard Ground. Both books were highly praised. This third volume brings essays on the thought of historical philosophers in which Anscombe engages directly with their ideas and arguments. Many are published here for the first time and the collection provides further testimony to Anscombe's insight and intellectual imagination.
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  32. (1 other version)La pensée politique de Calvin.Marc Édouard Chenevière - 1937 - Paris,: Éditions "Je sers".
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  33. Li Shih-tsʻên chiang yen chi.Shih-tsʻên Li - 1929
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    (1 other version)Automatic for the People? Cybernetics and Left‐Accelerationism.Michael E. Gardiner - 2022 - Constellations 29 (2):131-145.
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  35. An Aspect of Eternal Truth, by T.R.U.E.R. U. E. T. & Aspect - 1910
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    Democratic education in superdiverse schools in Aotearoa New Zealand.Bronwyn E. Wood - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    One of the greatest challenges facing democracies is how to live together with difference. The growth of globalisation and international migration has presented schools with increased opportunities and challenges related to learning from and living with superdiversity. Yet within current policy settings and educational practices, the alignment between superdiversity and democratic education is not explicitly foregrounded. In this paper I examine how teachers (n = 24) from four superdiverse secondary schools in Aotearoa New Zealand’s responded to growing cultural, linguistic and (...)
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    Psychiatric Disorders: Grounded in Human Biology but Not Natural Kinds.Steven E. Hyman - 2021 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 64 (1):6-28.
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  38. Maria ignazia deiana incinerazione E inumazione: Il Caso Della sardegna.Incinerazione E. Inumazione - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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    Nshan, hamakarg, haghordaktsʻum: hodvatsneri zhoghovatsu nvirvats Ēdvard Atʻayani hishatakin.Ė Atai︠a︡n & A. S. Abrahamyan (eds.) - 2011 - Erevan: EPH hratarakchʻutʻyun.
  40. The obligationes of John Tarteys: edition and introduction.E. Jennifer Ashworth - 1992 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 3 (2):653-703.
    L'ed. delle Obligationes si basa su quattro mss.: Praha, Knihovni Metropolitni Kapituly, M.CXLV ; Oxford, New College, E 289 ; Praha, Státní Knihóvna CSR, VIII E 11 ; Salamanca, Biblioteca de la Universidad, 2358 . Nell'introduzione l'A. prende in esame la tradizione manoscritta delle opere di Giovanni Tarteys, fornendo anche una breve notizia biografica di questo magister artium attivo ad Oxford tra la fine del Trecento e gli inizi del Quattrocento. Segue un'analisi comparata del De Obligationibus di Giovanni con le (...)
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  41.  10
    Just War and Judgment in Fratelli Tutti.Joseph E. Capizzi - 2024 - Studies in Christian Ethics 37 (3):471-483.
    For decades the papal tradition has renounced the term ‘war’ as something around which to build an ethical approach. One can sympathize with this: resort to war seems the consequence of ethical failure and brings in its train a host of brutalities including rape, torture, and murder that harm both victims and perpetrators. But that view of ‘war’ is an incomplete representation of the possibilities of the uses of force to secure legitimate political goods. Thus the popes have struggled to (...)
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  42.  3
    Analitika mistit︠s︡izma.E. G. Balagushkin (ed.) - 2011 - Moskva: Reabilitat︠s︡ii︠a︡.
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  43.  8
    Intelligent systems and the paradoxicalness of creative activity: in search for alternatives to the informational approach.E. V. Biricheva & E. V. Sterkhov - 2019 - Liberal Arts in Russia 8 (6):390.
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  44. On law and logic.Carlos E. Alchourrón - 2012 - In Jordi Ferrer Beltrán & Giovanni Battista Ratti (eds.), The Logic of Legal Requirements: Essays on Defeasibility. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
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    Historical and Philosophical Dimensions of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science.Robert E. Butts & Kaarlo Jaakko Juhani Hintikka (eds.) - 1977 - Dordrecht and Boston: Reidel.
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  46.  9
    Destellos de una filosofía fenomenológica. Comentarios a la obra de Giovanni Piana.Davide E. Daturi - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 96:61-80.
    El objetivo de este ensayo es aclarar el sentido de filosofía según el filósofo italiano Giovanni Piana. Más allá de ser una búsqueda de algo que se quiere saber o de un saber hacer, la filo-sofía es una actividad teórica que nace de un estado de confusión. La tarea del filósofo es en-tonces aquella de orientarse en esta confusión, tratando alcanzar la claridad. La propuesta me-todológica de Piana parte entonces de una aclaración conceptual que determina el trabajo del filósofo y (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Earth creatures : anacarnation in an excarnate age.M. E. Littlejohn - 2022 - In Brian Treanor & James L. Taylor (eds.), Anacarnation and returning to the lived body with Richard Kearney. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  48.  13
    Zu Hildebrand′s Glossarium.Κ. E. Georges - 1872 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 31 (1-4):543-543.
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    (2 other versions)Ii. jahresberichte.E. Herzog - 1867 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 25 (1-4).
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    XXX. Das Grab des Marius.E. Hesselmeyer - 1903 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 62 (1):604-619.
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