Results for 'Durwood Ruegger'

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  1. A study of the effect of age and gender upon student business ethics.Durwood Ruegger & Ernest W. King - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (3):179 - 186.
    The present survey was voluntarily and anonymously completed by 2,196 students enrolled in business courses at the University of Southern Mississippi. The intent of the survey was to determine whether or not age or gender played a role in a person''s perception of proper ethical conduct.The findings suggests that gender is a significant factor in the determination of ethical conduct and that females are more ethical than males in their perception of business ethical situations.
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    Michael and Paulus.Durwood Foster - 2008 - Tradition and Discovery 35 (3):21-39.
    Polanyi’s and Tillich’s unique dialogue of February 1963 is systematically exegeted, its provenance and aftermath traced and its disappointing but challenging outcome inventoried. Mutual lack of preparation flawed the Berkeley meeting along with Tillich’s severe preoccupation. Polanyi had valued Tillich’s basic theology but never delved into the latter’s important conceptualization of science, wherein Polanyi’s own concerns are significantly broached. Tillich had barely heard of Polanyi, while under the surface was widedisparity in the meaning of faith. Afterwards, having meaninglessly blandished, they (...)
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    Response to Jeffrey Hopkins.Durwood Foster - 1988 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 8:151.
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    Through the Eyes of the Beholder—In Quest of Queer Approaches to Legal Writing on Water and Gender.Vanessa Rüegger - 2013 - Feminist Review 103 (1):140-150.
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    Buddhist-Christian dialogue: current sticking points.Durwood Foster - 1987 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 7:151-182.
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    Pannenbergs polanyianism: A response to John V. Apczynski.Durwood Foster - 1982 - Zygon 17 (1):75-81.
    . John V. Apczynski, while presenting a helpful analysis of Wolfhart Pannenberg and Michael Polanyi, does not succeed in showing that Pannenberg’s theology is incoherent. Contrary to Apczynski, I hold that Pannenberg’s concern for theoretic assertions is not extrinsic but intrinsic and central to his program. Moreover, this concern does not rest directly upon the cultural dominance of impersonal knowing but is a countering of the theological overreaction against it. Polanyi has pioneered the critique of impersonal knowledge, but in Pannenberg’s (...)
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    More on Polanyi and Tillich on Participative Knowing.R. Melvin Keiser, Durwood Foster, Richard Gelwick & Donald Musser - 2010 - Tradition and Discovery 37 (3):19-27.
    This discussion, featuring short comments by R. Melvin Keiser, Durwood Foster, Richard Gelwick and Donald Musser, grew out of articles in TAD 35:3 (2008-2009) on connections and disconnections between the thought of Polanyi and Tillich (featuring essays by Foster and Gelwick with a response from Musser). Keiser raises questions about perspectives articulated in the earlier articles and Foster, Gelwick and Musser respond here.
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    Zur sogenannten Ökonomisierung des Gesundheitswesens. Eine Replik zu: Arne Manzeschke: Die effiziente Organisation. Beobachtungen zur Sinn- und Seinskrise des Krankenhauses. Ethik Med 23: 271–282. [REVIEW]Heinz Rüegger, Eliane Pfister Lipp, Ludwig Theodor Heuss, Kathrin Hillewerth & Werner Widmer - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (2):153-157.
  9. The God who loves.A. Durwood Foster - 1971 - New York,: Bruce Pub. Co..
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    Ethical aspects of age(ing) in the context of medicine and healthcare: an outline of central problems and research perspectives.Mark Schweda, Michael Coors, Anika Mitzkat, Larissa Pfaller, Heinz Rüegger, Martina Schmidhuber, Uwe Sperling & Claudia Bozzaro - 2018 - Ethik in der Medizin 30 (1):5-20.
    Die individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Folgen des demographischen Wandels rücken moralische Fragen, die den angemessenen Umgang mit älteren Menschen und die sinnvolle Gestaltung des Lebens im Alter betreffen, verstärkt in den Mittelpunkt öffentlicher Aufmerksamkeit sowie medizin- bzw. pflegeethischer und gesundheitspolitischer Auseinandersetzungen. Allerdings wird das Altern als Prozess und das höhere Alter als Lebensphase in vielen dieser medizin- bzw. pflegeethischen und gesundheitspolitischen Debatten zumeist lediglich unter dem spezifischen Gesichtspunkt der jeweils erörterten Praktiken, Fragestellungen und Problemlagen thematisiert. Eine Betrachtung, die diese verschiedenen konkreten (...)
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    Zur Sache: Eine Gegendarstellung zur Replik von Rüegger et al. in Ethik Med 24: 153–157.Arne Manzeschke - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (3):245-247.
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