Results for 'Deborah Ruth Barnbaum'

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  1.  89
    The Ethics of Autism: Among Them, but Not of Them.Deborah R. Barnbaum - 2008 - Indiana University Press.
    Autism is one of the most compelling, controversial, and heartbreaking cognitive disorders. It presents unique philosophical challenges as well, raising intriguing questions in philosophy of mind, cognitive science, and philosophy of language that need to be explored if the autistic population is to be responsibly served. Starting from the "theory of mind" thesis that a fundamental deficit in autism is the inability to recognize that other persons have minds, Deborah R. Barnbaum considers its implications for the nature of (...)
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    Interpreting surrogate consent using counterfactuals.Deborah Barnbaum - 1999 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 16 (2):167–172.
    Philosophers such as Dan Brock believe that surrogates who make health care decisions on behalf of previously competent patients, in the absence of an advance directive, should make these decisions based upon a substituted judgment principle. Brock favours substituted judgment over a best interests standard. However, Edward Wierenga claims that the substituted judgment principle ought to be abandoned in favour of a best interests standard, because of an inherent problem with the substituted judgment principle. Wierenga's version of the substituted judgment (...)
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    Data Safety Monitoring during Covid-19: Keep On Keeping On.Deborah Barnbaum - 2020 - Ethics and Human Research 42 (3):43-44.
    A discussion of lessons learned in the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic which allowed data safety monitoring boards (DSMBs) to continue their work protecting the interests of human research participants while preserving research studies.
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    Ophthalmic Research’s Unique Challenges: Not All First-in-Human Surgeries Are the Same.Deborah R. Barnbaum - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (5):90-92.
    Laspro et al. (2024) present an insightful survey of ethical issues emerging in first-in-human whole eye transplants (WET). Their discussion is applicable to a broad range of first-in-human surgica...
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    Research Ethics.Deborah R. Barnbaum & Michael Byron - 2001 - Prentice-Hall.
    Original chapters complement anthologized readings on topics in research ethics such as informed consent, the use of humans and animals in research, research misconduct, and conflicts of interest.
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    Why Tamagatchis Are Not Pets.Deborah Barnbaum - 1998 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 13 (4):41-43.
    What makes "digital pets" pets? This article posits four necessary and jointly sufficient conditions for an individual to be a pet, concluding that digital pets fail to meet these sufficient criteria and thus are not pets.
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    Teaching Empathy in Medical Ethics.Deborah R. Barnbaum - 2001 - Teaching Philosophy 24 (1):63-75.
    Being empathetic (or compassionate) is an important trait that allows for those working in health care professions to successfully analyze cases and provide patients with adequate care. One standard and enormously important way to try and teach empathy involves the use of case studies. The case-study approach, however, has some unique limitations in teaching empathy. This paper describes an activity where students are asked to imagine that they have contracted a specific disease (one that lasts the entire semester) through a (...)
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    Randomization Among: The Other Randomization (5th edition).Deborah Barnbaum - 2019 - Ethics and Human Research 41 (5):35-40.
    Researchers may be concurrently recruiting for several multi-site clinical trials at the same time, placing them in the position of potentially recruiting a patient-participant into one of several competing trials. This article examines how researchers should go about making equipoise calculations when competition emerges, creating ethical dilemmas about randomizing among, and not merely within, clinical trials.
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    "Making More Sense of" Minimal Risk".Deborah Barnbaum - 2002 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 24 (3):10-13.
    The product rule has been used to calculate the risk of a research study, in which the risk of harm is calculated as the product of the degree of harm multiplied by the likelihood that the harm will occur. This article challenges the product rule, especially when used to calculate "minimal risk" studies.
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    Supererogation in clinical research.Deborah R. Barnbaum - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (3):343-349.
    ‘Supererogation’ is the notion of going beyond the call of duty. The concept of supererogation has received scrutiny in ethical theory, as well as clinical bioethics. Yet, there has been little attention paid to supererogation in research ethics. Supererogation is examined in this paper from three perspectives: (1) a summary of two analyses of ‘supererogation’ in moral theory, as well as an examination as to whether acts of supererogation exist; (2) a discussion of supererogation in clinical practice, including arguments that (...)
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    Sellars and Contemporary Philosophy.David Pereplyotchik & Deborah R. Barnbaum (eds.) - 2016 - New York, USA: Routledge.
    Wilfrid Sellars made profound and lasting contributions to nearly every area of philosophy. The aim of this collection is to highlight the continuing importance of Sellars’ work to contemporary debates. The contributors include several luminaries in Sellars scholarship, as well as members of the new generation whose work demonstrates the lasting power of Sellars’ ideas. Papers by O’Shea and Koons develop Sellars’ underexplored views concerning ethics, practical reasoning, and free will, with an emphasis on his longstanding engagement with Kant. Sachs, (...)
  12. Book Reviews-Bodies in Glass: Genetics, Eugenics, Embryo Ethics.Deborah Lynn Steinberg & Ruth Chadwick - 1998 - Bioethics 12 (4):343-345.
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    Women Writing Culture.Ruth Behar & Deborah A. Gordon - 1995 - Univ of California Press.
    Extrait de la couverture : ""Here, for the first time, is a book that brings women's writings out of exile to rethink anthropology's purpose at the end of the century.... As a historical resource, the collection undertakes fresh readings of the work of well-known women anthropologists and also reclaims the writings of women of color for anthropology. As a critical account, it bravely interrogates the politics of authorship. As a creative endeavor, it embraces new Feminist voices of ethnography that challenge (...)
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    The gambler's fallacy, the therapeutic misconception, and unrealistic optimism.Don Swekoski & Deborah Barnbaum - 2013 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 35 (2):1-6.
    The Therapeutic Misconception (TM) is a cognitive error with similarities to another cognitive error -- the Gambler's Fallacy (GF). This paper examines the similarities between TM and GF in an attempt to further illuminate the nature of TM, and to distinguish it from another cognitive error, Unrealistic Optimism (UO). Many cases of UO and mis-classified as TM.
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    (1 other version)Pragmatic Aesthetics and the Autistic Artist.Kyle Hunter & Deborah Barnbaum - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 46 (4):48-56.
    There are striking examples of artistic achievement among persons with autism. While autism can be the source of profound social isolation and physical difficulties, it can also lead to great accomplishment: it is estimated that between 5 percent1 and 10 percent2 of persons with autism have special skills or talents. These talents range widely, from abilities to pick out prime numbers or calculating the days of the week for dates many years into the future or the past, to the musical (...)
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    The High Price of “Free” Trade: U.S. Trade Agreements and Access to Medicines.Ruth Lopert & Deborah Gleeson - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (1):199-223.
    The United States’ pursuit of increasingly TRIPS-Plus levels of intellectual property protection for medicines in bilateral and regional trade agreements is well recognized. Less so, however, are U.S. efforts through these agreements, to directly influence and constrain the pharmaceutical coverage programs of its trading partners. The pursuit of increasing levels of intellectual property protection in successive bilateral and regional trade agreements has been driven, at least in part, by a U.S. desire to achieve standards of protection it anticipated from the (...)
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    Gender, assets, and market-oriented agriculture: learning from high-value crop and livestock projects in Africa and Asia.Agnes R. Quisumbing, Deborah Rubin, Cristina Manfre, Elizabeth Waithanji, Mara van den Bold, Deanna Olney, Nancy Johnson & Ruth Meinzen-Dick - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (4):705-725.
    Strengthening the abilities of smallholder farmers in developing countries, particularly women farmers, to produce for both home and the market is currently a development priority. In many contexts, ownership of assets is strongly gendered, reflecting existing gender norms and limiting women’s ability to invest in more profitable livelihood strategies such as market-oriented agriculture. Yet the intersection between women’s asset endowments and their ability to participate in and benefit from agricultural interventions receives minimal attention. This paper explores changes in gender relations (...)
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  18. (1 other version)2006 Reviewer Acknowledgement.Bindu Arya, Ruth Aguilera, Ken Aupperle, Kristin Backhaus, Deborah Balser, Tina Bansla, Barbara Bartkus, Melissa Baucus, Shawn Berman & Stephanie Bertels - 2007 - Business and Society 46 (1):4-6.
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  19. Deborah E. Rupp Cynthia A. Williams.Ruth V. Aguilera - 2010 - In Marshall Schminke (ed.), Managerial Ethics: Managing the Psychology of Morality. Routledge. pp. 69.
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    JME Referees in 1992.Barbara Applebaum, Lyn Brown, Don Cochrane, Mike Cross, Deborah Deemer, Janet Edwards, Ruth Hayhoe, Marilyn Johnson, Patricia King & Romulo Magsino - 1993 - Journal of Moral Education 22 (2):183.
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    Review of The Ethics of Autism: Among Them, but Not of Them by Deborah R. Barnbaum[REVIEW]Barbara Russell - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (2):70-71.
  22.  98
    What is an Animal Companion? Revisiting the Barnbaum-Varner Definition.Dustin Sigsbee - 2024 - Journal of Animal Ethics 14 (2):144-152.
    Many animal ethicists have shifted from using the term “pet” to the term “animal companion,” but what exactly is an animal companion? Arguably, the most comprehensive description of what an animal companion is comes from Gary Varner, who builds upon the work of Deborah Barnbaum. This article examines what I call the Barnbaum-Varner definition of an animal companion. I suggest that while the definition mostly captures what we think of when we think of an animal companion, there (...)
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  23. Sellars and Contemporary Philosophy, edited by David Pereplyotchik and Deborah Barnbaum, Studies in American Philosophy Series (London: Routledge), pp. 15–35. ISBN 9781138670624.James O'Shea (ed.) - 2017 - London and New York:
  24. Hypocrisy and Integrity: Machiavelli, Rousseau, and the Ethics of Politics.Ruth Weissbourd Grant - 1997 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Questioning the usual judgements of political ethics, Ruth W. Grant argues that hypocrisy can actually be constructive while strictly principled behavior can be destructive. _Hypocrisy and Integrity_ offers a new conceptual framework that clarifies the differences between idealism and fanaticism while it uncovers the moral limits of compromise. "Exciting and provocative.... Grant's work is to be highly recommended, offering a fresh reading of Rousseau and Machiavelli as well as presenting a penetrating analysis of hypocrisy and integrity."—Ronald J. Terchek, _American (...)
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  25. Varieties of Meaning: The 2002 Jean Nicod Lectures.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 2007 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 75 (3):674-681.
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    'Due' and 'Undue' Inducements: On Pasing Money to Research Subjects.Ruth Macklin - 1981 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 3 (5):1.
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    Descartes and the Ontology of Everyday Life.Deborah J. Brown & Calvin G. Normore - 2019 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Edited by Calvin G. Normore.
    The seventeenth century was a period of extraordinary invention, discovery and revolutions in scientific, social and political orders. It was a time of expansive automation, biological discovery, rapid advances in medical knowledge, of animal trials and a questioning of the boundaries between species, human and non-human, between social classes, and of the assumed naturalness of political inequality. This book gives a tour through those objects, ordinary and extraordinary, which captivated the philosophical imagination of the single most important French philosopher of (...)
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    Commercial Video Games in School Teaching: Two Mixed Methods Case Studies on Students’ Reflection Processes.Marco Rüth & Kai Kaspar - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Commercial video games are popular entertainment media and part of students’ media reality. While commercial video games’ main purpose is not learning, they nonetheless could and should serve as objects of reflection in formal educational settings. Teachers could guide student learning and reflection as well as motivate students with commercial video games, but more evidence from formal educational settings is required. We conducted two mixed methods case studies to investigate students’ reflection processes using commercial video games in regular formal high (...)
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  29. Aristotle: the power of perception.Deborah K. W. Modrak - 1987 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  30. Counseling as inter-culture : another "cultural hermeneutic".Ruth C. Chao - 2008 - In Jay Goulding (ed.), China-West interculture: toward the philosophy of world integration: essays on Wu Kuang-Ming's thinking. New York: Global Scholarly Publications.
  31. Out of the Cave: Understanding Rationality.Deborah Heikes - 2010 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 31 (3-4):237-252.
    The history of philosophy is in many ways a history of how we understand rationality. However, philosophers have historically adopted a fairly narrow approach toward rationality, focusing almost exclusively on issues of structure and the justification of beliefs. In this essay, I argue that considerations of reflective equilibrium should lead philosophers to take into account the empirical features of rationality. After all, our philosophical understanding of rationality must ultimately reflect these features or risk failure. I consider what specific lessons philosophers (...)
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    Re-disciplining Academic Careers? Interdisciplinary Practice and Career Development in a Swedish Environmental Sciences Research Center.Ruth Müller & Wolfgang Kaltenbrunner - 2019 - Minerva 57 (4):479-499.
    Interdisciplinarity is often framed as crucial for addressing the complex problems of contemporary society and for achieving new levels of innovation. But while science policy and institutions have provided a variety of incentives for stimulating interdisciplinary work throughout Europe, there is also growing evidence that some aspects of the academic system do not necessarily reward interdisciplinary work. In this study, we explore how mid-career researchers in an environmental science research center in Sweden relate to and handle the distinct forms of (...)
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  33. What can we Learn from Buridan's Ass?Ruth Weintraub - 2012 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 42 (3):281-301.
    The mythical1 hungry ass, facing two identical bundles of hay equidistant from him, has engendered two related questions. Can he choose one of the bundles, there seemingly being nothing to incline him one way or the other? If he can, the second puzzle — pertaining to rational choice — arises. It seems the ass cannot rationally choose one of the bundles, because there is no sufficient reason for any choice.2In what follows, I will argue that choice is possible even when (...)
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    Cognition of the Literary Work of Art.Ruth Ann Crowley & Kenneth Olsen (eds.) - 1973 - Northwestern University Press.
    This long-awaited translation of Das literarische Kunstwerk makes available for the first time in English Roman Ingarden's influential study. Though it is inter-disciplinary in scope, situated as it is on the borderlines of ontology and logic, philosophy of literature and theory of language, Ingarden's work has a deliberately narrow focus: the literary work, its structure and mode of existence. The Literary Work of Art establishes the groundwork for a philosophy of literature, i.e., an ontology in terms of which the basic (...)
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    Let the People Rule: Direct Democracy in the Twenty-First Century.Saskia Ruth-Lovell, Yanina Welp & Laurence Whitehead (eds.) - 2016 - Ecpr Press.
    The biggest contemporary challenge to democratic legitimacy gravitates around the crisis of democratic representation.
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  36. Julie Fisher.Ruth Swailes - 2022 - In Aaron Bradbury & Ruth Swailes (eds.), Early childhood theories today. Thousand Oaks, California: Learning Matters.
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    Another Defense of Common Morality.Ruth Macklin - 2022 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 31 (2):177-184.
    Robert Baker and Rosamond Rhodes each argue against the universality “common morality,” the approach to ethics that comprises four fundamental principles and their application in various settings. Baker contends that common morality cannot account for cultural diversity in the world and claims that a human rights approach is superior in the context of global health. Rhodes maintains that bioethics is not reducible to common morality because medical professionals have special privileges and responsibilities that people lack in everyday life. Baker fails (...)
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  38.  29
    The moral limits of law: obedience, respect, and legitimacy.Ruth C. A. Higgins - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Moral Limits of Law analyzes the related debates concerning the moral obligation to obey the law, conscientious citizenship, and state legitimacy. Modern societies are drawn in a tension between the centripetal pull of the local and the centrifugal stress of the global. Boundaries that once appeared permanent are now permeable: transnational legal, economic, and trade institutions increasingly erode the autonomy of states. Nonetheless transnational principles are still typically effected through state law. For law's subjects, this tension brings into focus (...)
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  39.  28
    A collaborative conference on women as research subjects.Ruth Dreyfus - 1998 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 20 (6):12.
  40. The logic of interpretation.Ruth Lorand - 2010 - In Peter K. Machamer & Gereon Wolters (eds.), Interpretation: Ways of Thinking About the Sciences and the Arts. Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press.
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  41. Compare and contrast Dretske, Fodor, and Millikan on teleosemantics.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 1990 - Philosophical Topics 18 (2):151-61.
  42. Quantification and ontology.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1972 - Noûs 6 (3):240-250.
  43. Semantics, Pragmatics, and Natural-Language Interpretation.Ruth M. Kempson - 1996 - In Shalom Lappin (ed.), The handbook of contemporary semantic theory. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell Reference. pp. 561--598.
  44.  40
    Heidegger, Politics and Climate Change: Risking It All.Ruth Irwin - 2008 - Continuum.
    Globalization -- Globalization and the environment -- Climate change and the crisis of philosophy -- Social conscience and global market -- Categories, environmental indicators, and the enlightenment market -- Environmentalism -- Pessimistic realism and optimistic total management -- Population statistics and modern governmentality -- Pragmatism -- Technological enframing -- Heidegger, the origin and the finitude of civilization -- Technology and the kultur of late modernity -- Embodied subjectivity and the critique of modernity.
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  45.  16
    Direct to consumer testing, drugs and gifts.Ruth Chadwick - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (3):222-222.
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    Incarnating encounters: Reflections on spirituality, art and interreligious dialogue.Ruth Illman - 2012 - In Giuseppe Giordan & Enzo Pace (eds.), Mapping religion and spirituality in a postsecular world. Boston: Brill. pp. 22--43.
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    Aesthetic community.Ruth Ronen - 2021 - Dialogue 60 (2):319-336.
    RÉSUMÉLe goût, en tant que faculté d'appréciation esthétique, implique un individu, et pourtant suppose une communauté. Dans cet article, nous constatons qu'une disposition singulière à l’égard des objets de goût est conditionnée par le consentement d'autrui et par l’être-avec autrui. De cette façon, une communauté esthétique est établie. Cette idée de communauté esthétique remonte au sensus communis de Kant et à la notion de préservation de Heidegger : dans les deux cas, c'est la présence d'une communauté qui conditionne l'expérience esthétique.
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  48. Torah and Wisdom.Ruth LINK-SALINGER - 1992
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    Kant's moral and political philosophy.Ruth F. Chadwick (ed.) - 1992 - New York: Routledge.
    This collection brings together many of the most influential criticisms of Kantian philosophy, from his own time to the present day. Volume I is historical, including Kant criticism from Schiller to Buchdahl. It contains some previously untranslated material. Volumes II, III and IV include recent essays on Kant, covering the major aspects of his work. Volume II looks at the Critique of Pure Reason, Volume III at Kant's moral and political philosophy, and Volume IV at the Critique of Judgement and (...)
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    Virtual genetic counselling.Ruth Chadwick & Kim Petrie - 1999 - In Dr Michael Parker & Michael Parker (eds.), Ethics and Community in the Health Care Professions. New York: Routledge. pp. 96.
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