Results for 'Daniel Sinnett'

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  1.  91
    Pediatric Research and the Return of Individual Research Results.Denise Avard, Karine Sénécal, Parvaz Madadi & Daniel Sinnett - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (4):593-604.
    As a matter of respect for the person, it is considered an ethical duty to offer to return research results to participants where appropriate. Nevertheless, the return of individual research results to participants raises many socio-ethical issues and greater challenges when the participant is a child. This discrepancy arises partly because the return of individual pediatric research results entails a tripartite relationship between researcher, child, and parent and is embroiled in numerous considerations.Extra caution is required in the pediatric research context (...)
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  2. Autobiographical Memory and Moral Agency.Daniel Vanello (ed.) - forthcoming - Routledge.
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  3. Varieties of epistemic instrumentalism.Daniel Buckley - 2021 - Synthese 198 (10):9293-9313.
    There exists a family of views concerning the foundations of epistemic normativity that all travel under the heading “epistemic instrumentalism”. These views are unified by their attempt to explain epistemic normativity in terms of instrumental normativity. Very roughly, they all say that we have reason to respond to truth-related considerations when forming and maintaining doxastic attitudes since regulating our doxastic attitudes in this way helps us satisfy our aims, interests, or goals. Thus, according to epistemic instrumentalists, truth-related considerations constitute reasons (...)
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  4. Descartes' Metaphysical Physics.Daniel GARBER - 1992 - Studia Leibnitiana 26 (1):127-128.
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    The heterogeneous social : new thinking about the foundations of the social sciences.Daniel Little - 2009 - In Chrysostomos Mantzavinos (ed.), Philosophy of the social sciences: philosophical theory and scientific practice. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 154--78.
  6. Remembering the Past and Imagining the Actual.Daniel Munro - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 12 (2).
    Recently, a view I refer to as “hypothetical continuism” has garnered some favour among philosophers, based largely on empirical research showing substantial neurocognitive overlaps between episodic memory and imagination. According to this view, episodically remembering past events is the same kind of cognitive process as sensorily imagining future and counterfactual events. In this paper, I first argue that hypothetical continuism is false, on the basis of substantive epistemic asymmetries between episodic memory and the relevant kinds of imagination. However, I then (...)
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    Intentionalism versus The New Conventionalism.Daniel W. Harris - 2016 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16 (2):173-201.
    Are the properties of communicative acts grounded in the intentions with which they are performed, or in the conventions that govern them? The latest round in this debate has been sparked by Ernie Lepore and Matthew Stone (2015), who argue that much more of communication is conventional than we thought, and that the rest isn’t really communication after all, but merely the initiation of open-ended imaginative thought. I argue that although Lepore and Stone may be right about many of the (...)
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  8. The Definition of "Luck" and the Problem of Moral Luck.Daniel Statman - 2019 - In Ian M. Church & Robert J. Hartman (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Psychology of Luck. New York: Routledge. pp. 195-205.
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    (1 other version)The lost world of Thomas Jefferson.Daniel Joseph Boorstin - 1976 - [Gloucester, Mass.]: Peter Smith.
    In this classic work by one of America's most distinguished historians, Daniel Boorstin enters into Thomas Jefferson's world of ideas.
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  10. Darwinism Evolving: Systems Dynamics and the Genealogy of Natural Selection.Daniel J. Depew & Bruce H. Weber - 1996 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 47 (4):640-646.
  11.  23
    On the possibilities of detecting intentions prior to understanding them.Daniel J. Povinelli - 2001 - In Bertram F. Malle, Louis J. Moses & Dare A. Baldwin (eds.), Intentions and Intentionality: Foundations of Social Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 225--248.
  12. Illusionism about Phenomenal Consciousness: Explaining the Illusion.Daniel Shabasson - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (2):427-453.
    According to illusionism, phenomenal consciousness is an introspective illusion. The illusion problem is to explain the cause of the illusion, or why we are powerfully disposed to judge—erroneously—that we are phenomenally conscious. I propose a theory to solve the illusion problem. I argue that on the basis of three hypotheses about the mind—which I call introspective opacity, the infallibility intuition, and the justification constraint—we can explain our disposition, on introspection, to draw erroneous unconscious inferences about our sensory states. Being subject (...)
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    18 Chimpanzee theory of mind? the long road to strong inference.Daniel Povinelli - 1996 - In Peter Carruthers & Peter K. Smith (eds.), Theories of Theories of Mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 293.
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    Schelling's Theory of Symbolic Language: Forming the System of Identity.Daniel Whistler - 2013 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    A reconstruction of F.W.J. Schelling's philosophy of language based on a detailed reading of §73 of Schelling's lectures on the Philosophy of Art.
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  15. Toward a cognitive theory of consciousness.Daniel C. Dennett - 1978 - Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 9.
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  16. (1 other version)A note on conditionals and restrictors.Daniel Rothschild - 2021 - In Lee Walters & John Hawthorne (eds.), Conditionals, Paradox, and Probability: Themes from the Philosophy of Dorothy Edgington. Oxford, England: Oxford University press.
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    Overdetermination.Daniel Lim - 2015 - In God and Mental Causation. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
    Non-Reductive Physicalism is similar in many ways with, what I will call, Orthodox Theism. This strongly suggests that Non-Reductive Physicalist solutions to the Supervenience Argument can be adapted to offer Orthodox Theistic solutions to the Conservation is Continuous Creation Argument. One particular Non-Reductive Physicalist solution will be examined in detail and then applied in the debate over Occasionalism.
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    The moral choice.Daniel C. Maguire - 1978 - Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday.
  19. Marx’s Attempt to Leave Philosophy.Daniel Brudney - 1998 - Science and Society 66 (2):282-287.
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  20. Science and Religion: Are They Compatible?Daniel Clement Dennett & Alvin Plantinga - 2010 - Oup Usa.
    An enlightening discussion that will motivate students to think critically, the book opens with Plantinga's assertion that Christianity is compatible with evolutionary theory because Christians believe that God created the living world, and it is entirely possible that God did so by using a process of evolution.
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    Bayesian Psychiatry and the Social Focus of Delusions.Daniel Williams & Marcella Montagnese - manuscript
    A large and growing body of research in computational psychiatry draws on Bayesian modelling to illuminate the dysfunctions and aberrations that underlie psychiatric disorders. After identifying the chief attractions of this research programme, we argue that its typical focus on abstract, domain-general inferential processes is likely to obscure many of the distinctive ways in which the human mind can break down and malfunction. We illustrate this by appeal to psychosis and the social phenomenology of delusions.
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    Green Moral Hazards.Daniel Zizzamia & Gernot Wagner - 2022 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 25 (3):264-280.
    ABSTRACT Moral hazards are ubiquitous. Green ones typically involve technological fixes: Environmentalists often see ‘technofixes’ as morally fraught because they absolve actors from taking more difficult steps toward systemic solutions. Carbon removal and especially solar geoengineering are only the latest example of such technologies. We here explore green moral hazards throughout American history. We argue that dismissing (solar) geoengineering on moral hazard grounds is often unproductive. Instead, especially those vehemently opposed to the technology should use it as an opportunity to (...)
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  23. Artificial Life as Philosophy.Daniel C. Dennett - unknown
    There are two likely paths for philosophers to follow in their encounters with Artificial Life: they can see it as a new way of doing philosophy, or simply as a new object worthy of philosophical attention using traditional methods. Is Artificial Life best seen as a new philosophical method or a new phenomenon? There is a case to be made for each alternative, but I urge philosophers to take the leap and consider the first to be the more important and (...)
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  24. Agency and authenticity: Which value grounds patient choice?Daniel Brudney & John Lantos - 2011 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 32 (4):217-227.
    In current American medical practice, autonomy is assumed to be more valuable than human life: if a patient autonomously refuses lifesaving treatment, the doctors are supposed to let him die. In this paper we discuss two values that might be at stake in such clinical contexts. Usually, we hear only of autonomy and best interests. However, here, autonomy is ambiguous between two concepts—concepts that are tied to different values and to different philosophical traditions. In some cases, the two values (that (...)
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    Reality and Impenetrability in Kant's Philosophy of Nature.Daniel Warren - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    This book highlights Kant's fundamental contrast between the mechanistic and dynamical conceptions of matter, which is central to his views about the foundations of physics, and is best understood in terms of the contrast between objects of sensibility and things in themselves.
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  26. Is time-discounting hyperbolic or subadditive?Daniel Read - 2001 - Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 23 (1):5–32.
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    Introduction to Blockheads! Essays on Ned Block's Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness.Daniel Stoljar - 2018 - In Adam Pautz & Daniel Stoljar (eds.), Blockheads! Essays on Ned Block’s Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness. new york: MIT Press.
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    Ought and agency.Daniel Skibra - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-40.
    A thorny question surrounding the meaning of ought concerns a felt distinction between deontic uses of ought that seem to evaluate a state of affairs versus those that seem to describe a requirement or obligation to perform an action, as in and, respectively. There ought not be childhood death and disease. You ought to keep that promise. Various accounts have been offered to explain the contrast between “agentive” and “non-agentive” ought sentences. One such account is the Agency-in-the-Prejacent theory, which traces (...)
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  29. Intention, awareness, and implicit memory: The retrieval intentionality criterion.Daniel L. Schacter, J. Bowers & J. Booker - 1989 - In S. Lewandowsky, J. M. Dunn & K. Kirsner (eds.), Implicit Memory: Theoretical Issues. Lawrence Erlbaum.
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    Ethical issues associated with solid organ transplantation and substance use: a scoping review.Daniel Z. Buchman, Ani Orchanian-Cheff, Denitsa Vasileva & Lauren Notini - 2019 - Monash Bioethics Review 37 (3-4):111-135.
    While solid organ transplantation for patients with substance use issues has attracted ethical discussion, a typology of the ethics themes has not been articulated in the literature. We conducted a scoping review of peer-reviewed literature on solid organ transplantation and substance use published between January 1997 and April 2016. We aimed to identify and develop a typology of the main ethical themes discussed in this literature and to identify gaps worthy of future research. Seventy articles met inclusion criteria and underwent (...)
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  31. Methodological Naturalism.Daniel J. McKaughan & Erik L. Peterson - 2013 - In Robert Fastiggi (ed.), New Catholic Encyclopedia (Supplement 2012-13: Ethics and Philosophy). Gale-Cengage Learning.
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    Conflicto y balance de derechos.Daniel Mendonca - 2018 - CDMX, México: Editorial Fontamara. Edited by Ulises Schmill.
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  33. Kwestia zła w egzystencjalizmie Heideggera.Daniel Mielnik - 2003 - Colloquia Communia 74 (1):132-142.
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    Exclusion From Public Space: A Comparative Constitutional Analysis.Daniel Moeckli - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    Hardly known twenty years ago, exclusion from public space has today become a standard tool of state intervention. Every year, tens of thousands of homeless individuals, drug addicts, teenagers, protesters and others are banned from parts of public space. The rise of exclusion measures is characteristic of two broader developments that have profoundly transformed public space in recent years: the privatisation of public space, and its increased control in the 'security society'. Despite the fundamental problems it raises, exclusion from public (...)
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    Contemporary athletics & ancient Greek ideals.Daniel A. Dombrowski - 2009 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The ancient background -- Weiss and the pursuit of bodily excellence -- Huizinga and the homo ludens hypothesis -- Feezell, moderation, and irony -- The process of becoming virtuous.
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    Interpreting Suárez: Critical Essays.Daniel Schwartz (ed.) - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Francisco Suárez is arguably the most important Neo-Scholastic philosopher and a vital link in the chain leading from medieval philosophy to that of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. Long neglected by the Anglo-Saxon philosophical community, this sixteenth-century Jesuit theologian is now an object of intense scholarly attention. In this volume, Daniel Schwartz brings together essays by leading specialists which provide detailed treatment of some key themes of Francisco Suárez's philosophical work: God, metaphysics, meta-ethics, the human soul, action, ethics and (...)
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  37.  15
    The Status of Irrationality: Karl Jaspers' Response to Davidson and Searle.Daniel Adsett - unknown
    In this dissertation I advance a Jaspersian account of the formation and possession of irrational attitudes. This account stands in opposition to two competing views – externalism and internalism with respect to rational and irrational attitudes. According to externalism, a subject’s attitudes are irrational when they fail to satisfy standards or criteria independent of the subject, such as laws of logic, methods for evidence acquisition, and rules of decision theory. According to internalism, a subject’s attitudes are irrational when they are (...)
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  38. Right Practical Reason: Aristotle, Action, and Prudence in Aquinas.Daniel Westberg - 1997 - Philosophical Quarterly 47 (187):263-265.
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  39. Philosophy, geometry, and logic in Leibniz, Wolff, and the early Kant.Daniel Sutherland - 2010 - In Michael Friedman, Mary Domski & Michael Dickson (eds.), Discourse on a New Method: Reinvigorating the Marriage of History and Philosophy of Science. Open Court.
  40. Regulating Speech: Harm, Norms, and Discrimination.Daniel Wodak - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 1.
    Mary Kate McGowan’s Just Words offers an interesting account of exercitives. On McGowan’s view, one of the things we do with words is change what’s permitted, and we do this ubiquitously, without any special authority or specific intention. McGowan’s account of exercitives is meant to identify a mechanism by which ordinary speech is harmful, and which justifies the regulation of such speech. It is here that I part ways. I make three main arguments. First, McGowan’s focus on harm is misguided; (...)
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  41. Narrative practice and understanding reasons: Reply to Gallagher.Daniel D. Hutto - 2006 - In Richard Menary (ed.), Radical Enactivism: Intentionality, Phenomenology, and Narrative : Focus on the Philosophy of Daniel D. Hutto. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  42. Access to consciousness: Dissociations between implicit and explicit knowledge in neuropsychological syndromes.Daniel L. Schacter, M. P. McAndrews & Morris Moscovitch - 1997 - In Lawrence Weiskrantz (ed.), Thought without language: Thought without awareness? New York:
  43. Egalitarianism Reconsidered.Daniel M. Hausman & Matt Sensat Waldren - 2011 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 8 (4):567-586.
    This paper argues that egalitarian theories should be judged by the degree to which they meet four different challenges. Fundamentalist egalitarianism, which contends that certain inequalities are intrinsically bad or unjust regardless of their consequences, fails to meet these challenges. Building on discussions by T.M. Scanlon and David Miller, we argue that egalitarianism is better understood in terms of commitments to six egalitarian objectives. A consequence of our view, in contrast to Martin O'Neill's “non-intrinsic egalitarianism,“ is that egalitarianism is better (...)
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  44. East Meets West: Human Rights and Democracy in East Asia.Daniel Bell - 2002 - Political Theory 30 (2):299-301.
  45. Franz Rosenzweig.Daniel Barreto - 2015 - In Alberto Sucasas, Emmanuel Taub & Luis Ignacio García (eds.), Pensamiento judío contemporáneo. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo Libros.
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    François Jullien.Daniel Bougnoux, François L'Yvonnet & François Jullien (eds.) - 2018 - Paris: Éditions de l'Herne.
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  47. The Strangeness of the Church.Daniel Jenkins - 1955
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    Cato's virtues and The Prince: Readin Sallust's war with Catiline with Machiavelli's The Prince.Daniel Kapust - 2007 - History of Political Thought 28 (3):433-448.
    This paper explores the relationship between Machiavelli's The Prince and Sallust's War with Catiline. In particular, I will argue that Sallust's War with Catiline, and especially the debate between Cato and Caesar over the treatment of the Catilinarian conspirators, provide both a model and a source for portions of Machiavelli's The Prince often held to be most inconsistent with classical thought. Moreover, I will argue that Machiavelli, in describing his ideal prince and the attributes he should adopt, recreates the rhetorical (...)
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  49. Soul and mind: Life and thought in the seventeenth century.Daniel Garber - 1998 - In Daniel Garber & Michael Ayers (eds.), The Cambridge history of seventeenth-century philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1--559.
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    Divine beauty: the aesthetics of Charles Hartshorne.Daniel A. Dombrowski - 2004 - Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.
    While considered by many as one of the greatest philosophers of religion and metaphysicians of the 20th century, Charles Hartshorne’s contributions to the study of aesthetics are perhaps the most neglected aspect of his extensive and highly nuanced thought. DIVINE BEAUTY offers the first detailed explication of Hartshorne’s aesthetic theory and its place within his theocentric philosophy.
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