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  1. Aquinas and the Question of God's Existence: Exploring the Five Ways.Damian Ilodigwe - forthcoming - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 2018 (1).
    Without doubt, St Thomas Aquinas was the greatest of the medieval philosophers. Aquinas was a prolific writer and he made contributions to virtually every area of Philosophy and Theology. His account of the existence of God is perhaps the best known aspect of his work. This is especially true of the celebrated five arguments he adduced in demonstration of the existence of God. In exploring Aquinas’ Five ways, which some commentators regard as Aquinas’ substantive contribution to Philosophy of religion, our (...)
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    British idealism and the concept of the self: edited by William Mander and Stamatoula Panagakou, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, pp. 335, $109.99 (hb), ISBN: 978-1-137-46670-9.Damian Ilodigwe - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (6):1256-1261.
    W. J. Mander and Stamatoula Panagakou’s book is one of the latest expressions of the resurgence of British Idealism after its demotion in British philosophy as a result of the ascendancy of analyti...
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  3. Anselm and the Question of God's Existence: Interrogating the Ontological Argument.Damian Ilodigwe - 2017 - Nigerian Journal of Theology 31:96-110.
    St Anselm is one of the major thinkers of the medieval epoch of the history of philosophy. Interest in Anselm usually focuses on his discussion of the problem of the existence of God especially as contained in the Proslogion. Indeed Anselm is mostly known for his attempt to proof the existence of God in the Proslogion. The argument he advances here which goes by the name ontological argument has been a point of reference all through the history of Western philosophy (...)
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  4. (1 other version)Ayer's Critique of Metaphysics.Damian Ilodigwe - 2014 - EKPOMA Review 2 (2014):35-55.
    Ayer’s critique of Metaphysics is much indebted to Hume and Kant’s pioneering appraisals of metaphysics. Its uniqueness lies mainly in the attempt to ground the rejection of metaphysics on a linguistic basis rather than epistemic premise as Hume and Kant before him. Yet it remains to be seen whether Ayer’s initiative fares better than its predecessors in discrediting metaphysics.
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  5. Bradley's Acount of Truth: Between Epistemology and Metaphysics.Damian Ilodigwe - 2013 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 19 (2):219-250.
    Since the epistemological turn initiated by Descartes at the start of the modern period and subsequently cemented by Kant's Copernican revolution in epistemology, attention has focused more on the issue of criteria of truth than the essence of truth. This is especially true in respect of discussions in philosophy of truth in contemporary philosophy. While Bradley recognizes the importance of the issue of criteria as far as the problem of truth is concerned, he is nonetheless more concerned with the question (...)
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  6. Bradley's Acount of Ideal Morality: Self-Realization and Its Equivocations.Damian Ilodigwe - 2017 - Studia Redemptorystowskie 15:81-106.
    Many commentators regard Ethical Studies as the most Hegelian of Bradley’s writings. The common perception is that the Fifth essay of that work, which articulates an ethics of “My Station and its Duties”, expresses Bradley’s position on the question of the nature of morality. Nonetheless when the dialectical structure of Ethical Studies is taken into account, the common perception is not only questionable, but it also emerges that, in interrogating the nature of morality, Bradley’s concern is beyond matters merely ethical, (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Bradley's Account of Self as Appearance: Between Kant's Transcendental Idealism and Hegel's Specculative Idealism.Damian Ilodigwe - 2018 - Tattva Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):57-74.
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    Berkeley: a portrait.Damian Ilodigwe - 2010 - New Castle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Berkeley is popular in the philosophical tradition as the philosopher who denied the existence of matter in favor of spiritual substance. His esse est percipi thesis is understandably seen as a recipe for subjective idealism. While there is a point to this reading of Berkeley, it remains to be seen whether it does justice to the full significance of Berkeley’s philosophy. In Berkeley’s scholarship consequently the traditional understanding of Berkeley as a subjective idealist has been challenged by scholars such as (...)
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    Bradley and the problematic status of metaphysics: in search of an adequate ontology of appearance.Damian Ilodigwe - 2005 - Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Part 3 relates Bradley's philosophy to the situation of contemporary philosophy by assessing Russell and James's appraisal of Bradley.Praise for the book:This ...
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  10. Bradley's Concept of Metaphysics.Damian Ilodigwe - 2016 - EKPOMA Review 3 (2016):116-137.
    -/- Bradley is one of the most important philosophers in the 20th century. He contributed to virtually every area of the philosophical discipline. However, he is mostly known for his work in metaphysics which finds a systematic exposition in his magnum opus: Appearance and Reality: An Essay in Metaphysics (1893). Bradley’s concept of metaphysics is implicit in all his writings, especially in his account of morality as self-realization in Ethical Studies and of course the theory of judgement and inference he (...)
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    Bradley, Ethical Studies, and Dialectic.Damian Ilodigwe - 2004 - Bradley Studies 10 (1-2):65-87.
    A striking feature of Bradley’s thought is its dialectical structure. This is evident in all his writings especially Ethical Studies in which he investigates the topic of self-realization within the larger context of the question of the nature of morality. In the Ethical Studies Bradley looks at different accounts of morality vis-à-vis the demand of self realization and finds none of them absolutely adequate albeit one is relatively adequate than the other. For this reason he condemns the “ethics of pleasure (...)
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  12. Communication and Diplomacy as an Instrument for Good Governance and Sustainable Economic Development.Damian Ilodigwe - 2017 - Journal of Power, Politics and Governance 5:1-28.
    There is a tendency in recent development literature to couple the concept of good governance with the concept of sustainable development. The coupling of the two concepts witnesses to the correlation that subsists between good governance and sustainable development, such that given that sustainable development is a function of good governance, where there is good governance, we should not only expect that there will be progress, but, more importantly, we should also expect that the progress is sustainable, so that the (...)
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  13. Discipleship and Integrity.Damian Ilodigwe - 2017 - Ibadan: St Paul Publications.
  14. Descartes on the Problem of Knowledge.Damian Ilodigwe - 2017 - Ibadan Dominican Studies 3:55-78.
    One of the enduring contributions of Descartes to philosophy is Descartes’ response to the challenge of scepticism. In addressing the challenge of scepticism Descartes understood that scepticism was a philosophical challenge which needed to be answered by taking into account its inner logic. It is not surprising therefore that Descartes sought to demonstrate as a counter-point to scepticism that there is at least one truth we can know with certitude, namely, the truth of the self. By fulfilling the demand of (...)
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    Faith in Action.Damian Ilodigwe - 2014 - Ibadan: St Paul Publications.
  16. Globalization and the Question of African Identity.Damian Ilodigwe - forthcoming - Sociology and Anthropology 2018 (7).
    A prominent feature of the contemporary society in the last couple of decades is the phenomenon of globalization. While globalization has brought immense benefits to Africa on the one hand, Africa’s entrance into and participation in the global scene has also precipitated a crisis of confusion and identity for Africa–a situation which is analogous to the effect of her encounter with colonialism, so that unless the dialectic of identity and difference that inevitably arises from this situation is constructively managed, it (...)
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    (1 other version)James and Bradley’s Absolutism.Damian Ilodigwe - 2005 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 43 (4):603-620.
    The influence of James’s anti-intellectualism on his reading of Bradley is clearest in his “Bradley or Bergson?,” an article James contributed to the Journal of Philosophy in 1910. The fact that the article appeared late in James’s career makes it an important document. But aside from this, the article is also important for the light it casts on the assumptions behind James’s portrait of Bradley as an intellectualist. As the article intimates, James is fully aware of the affinity between him (...)
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  18. Jamess Appraisal of Bradley.Damian Ilodigwe - 2006 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 12 (2):37-73.
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  19. Oakeshott's Critique of the Sovereignty of Reason.Damian Ilodigwe - 2017 - Journal of Power, Politics and Governance 5 (1):46-73.
    One of the best known aspects of Oakeshott’s philosophy is his critique of rationalism. Because it is often read in a manner that dissociates it from the larger milieu in which it subsists, namely, Oakeshotts’s philosophy of experience, Oakeshott is sometimes labeled as an enemy of politics, one who is uninterested in political affairs; or, again, as a conservative, one who is at odds with modernity. Yet it remains to be seen whether these labels do justice to the complexity of (...)
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  20. Oakeshott's Debt to Bradley.Damian Ilodigwe - forthcoming - South Pacific Journal of Philosophy and Culture 13.
  21. Parmenides and the Question of the One.Damian Ilodigwe - 2016 - WAJOPS West African Journal of Philosophical Studies 18:114-138.
    Parmenides is one of the greatest thinkers in the history of Western philosophy. His thought has been a major point of reference for many metaphysical discussions that define the history of philosophy. Indeed there is virtually no moment in the history of metaphysics that his thought has not been influential. It is usual to contrast his philosophy of the unchanging reality of the One with Heraclitus' philosophy of change and becoming. While his counter-intuitive denial of change is questionable the philosophical (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Whitehead's Conversion of Metaphysics to Speculative Philosophy.Damian Ilodigwe - forthcoming - Philosophia 19 (2):1-18.
    Like many of his contemporaries such as Bradley and Collingwood, Whitehead wrote at a time when positivism was the dominant philosophical influence in British philosophy, following the disintegration of the Hegelian synthesis. Central to Whitehead’s philosophical project is the task of rehabilitation of metaphysics against the backdrop of its deconstruction by logical positivism. While Whitehead is broadly sympathetic to the ideal of metaphysics, he believes that the grandiose conception of metaphysics as science of being qua being associated with traditional metaphysics (...)
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  23. William James.Damian Ilodigwe - 2010 - In William Sweet (ed.), Biographical Encyclopedia of British Idealism. New York: Continuum.