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  1.  36
    Writing as a Model of Cultural Sedimentation and Memory: Ferraris, Derrida and Husserl.Dalius Jonkus - 2023 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 12 (1):103-114.
    Despite their creativity, cultural actions are not established out of nothing. They are based on previous actions, their passive or active memory, and extension. Sedimentation is the depositing of sediments that occurs during certain processes. They testify to the processes that have taken place and themselves become significant links or traces. Different layers of sediment are formed, which testify to past events, which have structures in the present. The best-known phenomenological concept of sedimentation was formulated in Husserl’s text The Origin (...)
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    The philosophy of vasily sesemann: Neo-kantianism, intuitivism and phenomenology.Dalius Jonkus - 2017 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 6 (1):79-96.
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    Body and Time in Sesemann's Philosophy of Culture: Preface to the Publication of the Vasily Sesemann's Manuscript "Sport and Contemporary Culture".Dalius Jonkus - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (3):524-532.
    This publication presents manuscript of the famous Russian-Lithuanian philosopher Vasily Seseman accompanied by a preface. The manuscript "Sport and Contemporary Culture" is the text of Seseman's manuscript collection, which is located in Vilnius University. Manuscript is a preparatory text for the article "Time, Culture and Body". In "Time, Culture and Body" Sesemann develops his ideas concerning the objectifying attitude, which leads to human's alienation towards body and time. Sesemann claims that the time is perceived as a meaningful entirety only when (...)
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    Klaidinantis m. Merleau-ponty knygos vertimas.Dalius Jonkus - forthcoming - Problemos:194.
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    Phenomenological Approaches to Self-Consciousness and the Unconscious.Dalius Jonkus - 2015 - Studia Phaenomenologica 15:247-258.
    This paper deals with the approach to self-consciousness and the unconscious found in the work of Moritz Geiger and the little known philosopher Vasily Sesemann. The aim of this presentation is to provide an account of Sesemann’s disagreement with Geiger regarding the concept of unconsciousness as well as to introduce his phenomenological explanation of the nonobjectifying self-consciousness. The first part of this paper explores Geiger’s concept of unconsciousness. The second part is concerned with Sesemann’s conception of the non-objectifying self-consciousness and (...)
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    Aesthetic A Priori and Embodied Imagination.Dalius Jonkus - 2019 - Social Imaginaries 5 (1):143-160.
    This paper discusses the modern idea of imagination and its various transformations in the phenomenological conceptual frameworks of Edward Casey, Mikel Dufrenne (1910-1995), Max Scheler (1874-1928) and Vasily Sesemann (1884-1963). I would like to raise and critically assess questions regarding the role of imagination in our consciousness: whether imagination is a productive or reproductive activity; and how, if at all, aesthetic expression limits the imagination. Casey criticizes Dufrenne for his attempt to unite imagination with aesthetic expression. He argues for the (...)
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  7.  28
    Aesthetic Experience and Empathy in Vasily Sesemann’s Phenomenological Aesthetics.Dalius Jonkus - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 10 (2):211-225.
    Vasily Sesemann’s aesthetics is a transcendental philosophy that seeks to answer the question of how an experience of beauty is possible. Sesemann insists that aesthetics should focus on the study of the aesthetic object itself, and through it go to the problematics of the act of perception and creativity. Sesemann states that not only the relationship between the work of art and the perceiver is important in order to understand the aesthetic object, but also the relationship between the work of (...)
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    Kultūros krizė ir fenomenologinė sedimentacijos samprata E. Husserlio filosofijoje.Dalius Jonkus - 2024 - Problemos 105:74-87.
    Kultūrinių objektyvacijų dinamiką Husserlis įvardija sedimentacijos terminu, kuris apima atrastos prasmės formulavimą materialiose juslinėse išraiškose ir šių pasyviai egzistuojančių reikšmių reaktyvavimą. Šiame straipsnyje analizuojama sedimentacijos samprata susiejant ją su Husserlio apmąstymais apie kultūros krizę. Skirtingai nuo įprastų Husserlio kultūros filosofijos interpretacijų, teigiančių, kad mokslų krizė kyla dėl jų moksliškumo neadekvatumo ir negebėjimo spręsti gyvenimo prasmės problemų, aš teigiu, kad krizė gali būti suprasta kaip sedimentacijos dvilypumo rezultatas. Sedimentacijos ne tik išsaugo žinias, bet ir sukuria iliuziją, kad žinios atkuria pačios save. (...)
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    Vertybių ir vertinimo problema heideggerio filosofijoje.Dalius Jonkus - 2017 - Problemos 91:87.
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    Vosylius Sezemanas. Interrelation of Mind and Body. The Main Thoughts (translatiion).Dalius Jonkus - 2023 - Problemos 103:155-165.
    Pratarmę, rankraščio nuorašą ir vertimą parengė Dalius Jonkus, Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas.
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    The Concept of Consciousness in Vasily Sesemann’s Manuscripts.Dalius Jonkus & Йонкус Далюс - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):41-51.
    Vasily Sesemann’s manuscript Self-Knowledge, Self-Consciousness and Objectification explores the relationship of consciousness with self-consciousness and the subconscious, as well as various forms of objectification of consciousness. This manuscript can be attributed to a group of manuscript texts that discuss the origin of consciousness and the metaphysical relationship between matter and spirit. Sesemann studied consciousness, describing it as an intentional experience and rejecting its naturalistic explanations. Sesemann revealed the irreducibility of life to physiological chemical processes and, at the same time, rejected (...)
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  12.  10
    Formalizmas ir fenomenologija v. Sezemano estetikoje.Dalius Jonkus - forthcoming - Problemos:144.
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    Grožio patrauklumas. Estetika ir erosas Algio Mickūno filosofijoje.Dalius Jonkus - 2015 - Problemos 87:94.
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    Instinktai kaip sedimentacija E. Husserlio fenomenologijoje.Dalius Jonkus - 2024 - Problemos 106:171-184.
    Huserliška instinktų samprata transformavo intencionalumo sampratą, papildė sąmonės teleologijos koncepciją ir naujai nušvietė iracionalumo ir racionalumo santykio problemą. Šiame straipsnyje Husserlio instinktų fenomenologija analizuojama per sedimentacijos koncepcijos prizmę. Aš teigiu, kad instinktus galima suprasti kaip sedimentaciją, kaip sąmoningumo virsmo nesąmoningumu ir nesąmoningumo transformavimo į sąmoningumą modelį. Instinktų kaip sedimentacijos samprata padeda suprasti, kaip iš kartos į kartą yra išsaugomi ir perduodami įgūdžiai, kaip mūsų sąmoningoje patirtyje veikia nesąmoningi instinktai.
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  15. Kūrybiškumo psichologija ir fenomenologija Vosyliaus Sezemano estetikoje.Dalius Jonkus - 2015 - Filosofija. Sociologija 26 (1).
    „Ši dovana ištobulinama pratybomis, ir tapytojas įvaldo savo regėjimą ne per kelis mėnesius ir ne būdamas vienas. Svarbu ne tai, ankstyvas ar vėlyvas, spontaniškas ar muziejuje susiformavęs yra tapytojo regėjimas, kiekvienu atveju jo regėjimas mokosi tik žiūrėdamas.“Straipsnyje analizuojama kūrybos psichologijos ir fenomenologijos samprata Vosyliaus Sezemano estetikoje. Tyrimas atskleidžia, kaip estetikos bendrųjų problemų svarstymas yra susijęs su kūrybos ir kultūros filosofija. Estetika turi analizuoti ne tik estetinio objekto suvokimo aktus, bet ir tai, kaip estetinis objektas yra kuriamas. Straipsnyje aptariama: kaip Sezemano (...)
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    Nedalykinis savęs pažinimas kaip natūralistinės psichologijos alternatyva Vosyliaus Sezemano filosofijoje.Dalius Jonkus - 2015 - Problemos 88:7.
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    Preface to the publication of the vasily sesemann’s manuscripts — Scheler, Lossky, Bergson . Vasily sesemann’s manuscripts in vilnius and ulan-ude.Dalius Jonkus - 2017 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 6 (1):201-210.
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    Reason and Life. Phenomenological Interpretations of Don Quixote.Dalius Jonkus - 2014 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:235.
    Don Quixote is not only a novel which represents Spanish culture, but a hero that reveals the relation between life and reason. I will compare two interpretations of Don Quixote. The first phenomenological interpreta-tion belongs to Ortega Y Gasset, and the second to Lithuanian philosopher Algis Mickūnas. The interpretations of Don Quixote are related to the question about an ideal. What is the role of ideals in culture? Are ideals principles con-structed by reason? Do these principles deny the reality of (...)
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    Understanding Pain.Dalius Jonkus - 2022 - Problemos 101:132-136.
    Geniušas, S., 2021. Kas yra skausmas? Vilnius: Phi knygos, 150 p. ISBN 978-609-8236-12-5.
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    Vasily sesemann’s aesthetic ideas and beauty of the ethical action behavior. Preface to the publication of vasily sesemann’s manuscript — the problem of spiritual beauty.Dalius Jonkus - 2018 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 7 (2):531-541.
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    Vosyliaus Sezemano filosofija: savęs pažinimo ir estetinės patirties fenomenologija: monografija.Dalius Jonkus - 2015 - Vilnius: Versus Aureus.
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  22.  14
    Self-knowledge, self-consciousness and objectification.Vasily Sesemann, Сеземан Василий, Dalius Jonkus & Йонкус Далюс - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):52-61.
    The manuscript “Self-knowledge, self-consciousness and objectification” is the text of Sesemann’s manuscript collection, Vilnius University (F122-102). The manuscript in the notebook dates from the third quarter of 1954 (Krasnokamsk). The notes were made in ink, some in pencil. The text was written during Sesemann's stay in a labor camp in Taishet (Irkutsk region) in 1950-1955. Due to the limited volume of publications in the journal, only part of Sesemann's text is given.
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    Saulius Geniusas, Husserlio fenomenologijos horizontai. [REVIEW]Dalius Jonkus - 2015 - Problemos 87:189.
    Saulius Geniusas. The Origins of the Horizon in Husserl’s Phenomenology. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012. 243 p.. ISBN 978-94-007-4643-5.
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