Results for 'D. A. Lynch'

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  1.  16
    The Theory of Knowledge of Vital du Four. [REVIEW]A. C. D. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (1):143-144.
    Lynch’s book should take its place as an important study of late 13th century Franciscan cognition theory. Vital du Four is an important figure in the regard that he bridges the gap between Bonaventura and Duns Scotus. Moreover, he is one of the earliest Franciscan writers to have come to grips with Henry of Ghent. Even more important is the fact that much of Vital’s work was for some time mistakenly held to be that of Duns Scotus. Hence the (...)
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  2. “For a Long Time Our Voices have been Hushed”: Using Student Perspectives to Develop Supports for Neurodiverse College Students.Kristen Gillespie-Lynch, Dennis Bublitz, Annemarie Donachie, Vincent Wong, Patricia J. Brooks & Joanne D’Onofrio - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]Patrick D. Lynch, Dan Landis, Ronald Schwartz, William B. Moody, Daniel P. Keating, E. S. Marlow Iii, Allen H. Kuntz, Thomas M. Sherman, Virginia M. Macagnoni, Noele Krenkel, Joseph E. Schmeidicke, Jeremy D. Finn, Gaea Leinhardt & Phyllis A. Katz - unknown
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    Perspectives on the Philosophy of William P. Alston.Heather D. Battaly & Michael Patrick Lynch (eds.) - 2005 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    One of the most influential analytic philosophers of the late twentieth century, William P. Alston is a leading light in epistemology, philosophy of religion, and the philosophy of language. In this volume, twelve leading philosophers critically discuss the central topics of his work in these areas, including perception, epistemic circularity, justification, the problem of religious diversity, and truth.
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  5. Perspectives on the Philosophy of William P. Alston.Heather D. Battaly & Michael P. Lynch - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (4):750-751.
    One of the most influential analytic philosophers of the late twentieth century, William P. Alston is a leading light in epistemology, philosophy of religion, and the philosophy of language. In this volume, twelve leading philosophers critically discuss the central topics of his work in these areas, including perception, epistemic circularity, justification, the problem of religious diversity, and truth.
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    Lewis F. D.. The enumerability and invariance of complexity classes. Journal of computer and system sciences, vol. 5 , pp. 286–303. [REVIEW]Nancy A. Lynch - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (2):349-349.
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    Designing a Summer Transition Program for Incoming and Current College Students on the Autism Spectrum: A Participatory Approach.Emily Hotez, Christina Shane-Simpson, Rita Obeid, Danielle DeNigris, Michael Siller, Corinna Costikas, Jonathan Pickens, Anthony Massa, Michael Giannola, Joanne D'Onofrio & Kristen Gillespie-Lynch - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    portrait Of A Georgian Lady: The Letters Of Hester Lynch Piozzi, 1784-1821.Edward A. Bloom, Lillian D. Bloom & Joan E. Klingel - 1978 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 60 (2):303-338.
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    Smoking Pot Doesn't Hurt Anyone But Me!Jack Green Musselman, Russ Frohardt & D. G. Lynch - 2010 - In Fritz Allhoff & Dale Jacquette (eds.), Cannabis Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 175–191.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Moral Argument Science and Health Argument Social Policy Argument.
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    Incorporating ethical principles into clinical research protocols: a tool for protocol writers and ethics committees.Rebecca H. Li, Mary C. Wacholtz, Mark Barnes, Liam Boggs, Susan Callery-D'Amico, Amy Davis, Alla Digilova, David Forster, Kate Heffernan, Maeve Luthin, Holly Fernandez Lynch, Lindsay McNair, Jennifer E. Miller, Jacquelyn Murphy, Luann Van Campen, Mark Wilenzick, Delia Wolf, Cris Woolston, Carmen Aldinger & Barbara E. Bierer - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (4):229-234.
    A novel Protocol Ethics Tool Kit (‘Ethics Tool Kit’) has been developed by a multi-stakeholder group of the Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center of Brigham and Women9s Hospital and Harvard. The purpose of the Ethics Tool Kit is to facilitate effective recognition, consideration and deliberation of critical ethical issues in clinical trial protocols. The Ethics Tool Kit may be used by investigators and sponsors to develop a dedicated Ethics Section within a protocol to improve the consistency and transparency between clinical trial (...)
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  11.  84
    Hume and the Limits of Reason.Michael P. Lynch - 1996 - Hume Studies 22 (1):89-104.
    The purpose of this paper is to explain Hume's account of the way both the scope and the degree of benevolent motivation is limited. I argue that Hume consistently affirms, both in the _Treatise<D> and in the second _Enquiry<D>, (i) that the scope of benevolent motivation is very broad, such that it includes any creature that is conscious and capable of thought, and (ii) that the degree of benevolent motivation is limited, such that a person is naturally inclined to feel (...)
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  12.  38
    On sets of relations definable by addition.James F. Lynch - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (3):659-668.
    For every k ∈ ω, there is an infinite set $A_k \subseteq \omega$ and a d(k) ∈ ω such that for all $Q_0, Q_1 \subseteq A_k$ where |Q 0 | = |Q 1 or $d(k) , the structures $\langle \omega, +, Q_0\rangle$ and $\langle \omega, +, Q_1\rangle$ are indistinguishable by first-order sentences of quantifier depth k whose atomic formulas are of the form u = v, u + v = w, and Q(u), where u, v, and w are variables.
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  13.  33
    Three Forms of Pluralism about Truth.Michael P. Lynch - 2008 - Philosophia Scientiae 12 (1):109-124.
    Le pluralisme aléthique est la conception suivant laquelle il y a plus d’une manière pour des propositions d’être vraies. Cet article étudie trois manières de comprendre cette idée et argumente que chacune a des faiblesses significatives. Je conclus en suggérant une issue au pluraliste qui lui permette de construire une position plus plausible.
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    Sobre la dificultat de ser nihilista.Enrique Lynch - 2002 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 35:55-66.
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    Agency and Imagination in the Films of David Lynch: Philosophical Perspectives.James D. Reid & Candace R. Craig - 2019 - Lexington Books.
    Agency and Imagination in the Films of David Lynch: Philosophical Perspectives offers a sustained philosophical interpretation of the filmmaker’s work in light of classic and contemporary discussions of human agency and the complex relations between our capacity to act and our ability to imagine.
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    Political camerawork: documentary and the lasting impact of reenacting historical trauma.D. Andy Rice - 2023 - Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
    What mental and physical distress do actors, camerapersons, and reporters experience when working on reenactments of traumatic moments in history? In Political Camerawork, D. Andy Rice theorizes that the intense feelings produced while creating these performed scenarios, called "simulation documentaries," connect difficult pasts to the present. Building on his background as a nonfiction film director, producer, editor, and cinematographer, Rice analyzes performance techniques to gain insight into the emotional toll of simulation documentaries, including those reliving the Vietnam War, the US (...)
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    Nooses in Public Spaces.Angela D. Sims - 2009 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 29 (2):81-95.
    LYNCHING, A MORAL PROBLEM THAT PROVIDES INSIGHT INTO AMERICA'S past and present, is more than "a rope and a bundle of sticks." Lynching was always intended as a metaphor to understand race relations in the United States. How, then, might we interpret the proliferation of nooses in various American locales in 2006 and 2007? In this essay I examine whether responses to a cultural symbol—the noose—can result in ethical possibilities that contribute to the common good.
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    The victims of Rufinus.T. D. Barnes - 1984 - Classical Quarterly 34 (01):227-.
    Claudian's poem In Rufinum is a historical epic with at least two unusual features: the first book contains many of the standard elements of a formal invective, and the two books were composed and recited some eighteen months apart, since Book One celebrates the death of Rufinus on 27 November 395 as a very recent event , while the preface to Book Two refers explicitly to Stilicho's expedition to Greece in 397. The interval in composition is matched by a gap (...)
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    Contemporary American Philosophy. [REVIEW]J. D. Bastable - 1959 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 9:273-274.
    This packed record of proceedings of the 1959 meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Association is dedicated to the memory of its first and recently deceased Secretary, Monsignor C. A. Hart. It opens with the convivial address by its President, Professor L. E. Lynch, the citation by M. Maritain for the award of the Spellman–Aquinas Medal of Rev. Dr. G. B. Phelan and the latter’s personal address on philosophical wisdom. Two other lectures range from the statement by Professor F. (...)
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  20. Family consent, communication, and advance directives for cancer disclosure: a Japanese case and discussion.A. Akabayashi, M. D. Fetters & T. S. Elwyn - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (4):296-301.
    The dilemma of whether and how to disclose a diagnosis of cancer or of any other terminal illness continues to be a subject of worldwide interest. We present the case of a 62-year-old Japanese woman afflicted with advanced gall bladder cancer who had previously expressed a preference not to be told a diagnosis of cancer. The treating physician revealed the diagnosis to the family first, and then told the patient: "You don't have any cancer yet, but if we don't treat (...)
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    Filosofii︠a︡ soznanii︠a︡ Meraba Mamardashvili.D. Ė Gaspari︠a︡n - 2013 - Moskva: Kanon+.
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  22. The Functional Prerequisites of a Society.D. F. Aberle, A. K. Cohen, A. K. Davis, Levy & F. X. Sutton - 1949 - Ethics 60 (2):100 - 111.
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  23. Toward a science of consciousness: the first Tucson discussions and debates.D. J. Chalmers, R. Hameroff, A. W. Kaszniak & A. C. Scott - 1996 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & Alwyn Scott (eds.), Toward a Science of Consciousness: The First Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press.
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  24. Arriaga (and Hurtado) against the Baroque Mainstream: The Case of Ens rationis.Daniel D. Novotný - 2016 - Filosoficky Casopis 64:119-144.
    In 1632 Rodrigo de Arriaga, an important Baroque scholastic thinker, published a textbook in philosophy, of which the last revised and extended edition was published in 1669. Arriaga develops in it a peculiar theory of beings of reason, drawing on Pedro Hurtado de Mendoza, according to which beings of reason are that which is expressed by false judgments. It is a theory quite different from the classical theories held by Francisco Suárez, the Thomists and the majority of Scotists on the (...)
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    A study of copper distribution in lamellar Al–CuAl2eutectics using an energy analysing electron microscope.D. R. Spalding, R. E. Villacrana & G. A. Chadwick - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 20 (165):471-488.
  26.  21
    The elastic energy of a parallelogram-shaped dislocation loop.D. J. Bacon & A. G. Crocker - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 13 (122):217-235.
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    Self and Community in a Changing World.D. A. Masolo - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    Revisiting African philosophy’s classic questions, D. A. Masolo advances understandings of what it means to be human—whether of African or other origin. Masolo reframes indigenous knowledge as diversity: How are we to understand the place and structure of consciousness? How does the everyday color the world we know? Where are the boundaries between self and other, universal and particular, and individual and community? From here, he takes a dramatic turn toward Africa’s current political situation and considers why individual rights and (...)
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    Patient‐Engaged Research: Choosing the “Right” Patients to Avoid Pitfalls.Emily A. Largent, Holly Fernandez Lynch & Matthew S. McCoy - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (5):26-34.
    To ensure that the information resulting from research is relevant to patients, the Patient‐Centered Outcomes Research Institute eschews the “traditional health research” paradigm, in which investigators drive all aspects of research, in favor of one in which patients assume the role of research partner. If we accept the premise that patient engagement can offer fresh perspectives that shape research in valuable ways, then at least two important sets of questions present themselves. First, how are patients being engaged—and how should they (...)
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  29.  49
    Journeying to Ixtlan: Ethics of Psychedelic Medicine and Research for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias.Andrew Peterson, Emily A. Largent, Holly Fernandez Lynch, Jason Karlawish & Dominic Sisti - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (2):107-123.
    In this paper, we examine the case of psychedelic medicine for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD). These “mind-altering” drugs are not currently offered as treatments to persons with AD/ADRD, though there is growing interest in their use to treat underlying causes and associated psychiatric symptoms. We present a research agenda for examining the ethics of psychedelic medicine and research involving persons living with AD/ADRD, and offer preliminary analyses of six ethical issues: the impact of psychedelics on autonomy and consent; (...)
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  30.  65
    (1 other version)A Book of Latin Verse. Collected by H. W. Garrod. Clarendon Press, 1915.D. G. A. - 1916 - The Classical Review 30 (02):60-61.
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  31.  73
    A Grammar of Politics. By H. J. Laski.A. D. Lindsay - 1926 - Philosophy 1 (2):246.
  32.  14
    David Lynch: matière, temps et image.Eric Dufour - 2008 - Vrin.
    Ce livre presente les films de Lynch en montrant que ce qui deja apparait dans Eraserhead trouve son prolongement et sa cle dans Inland Empire (en passant bien sur par les autres oeuvres et tout particulierement Lost Highway et Mulholland Drive). A savoir que, comme dans le premier chapitre de Matiere et memoire de Bergson, le monde est image, de sorte que la matiere se resout dans son image et que ce sont les images qui, par leur agencement, creent (...)
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  33.  22
    A new rank test for the K-Sample problem.A. D. Barbour, D. I. Cartwright, J. B. Donnelly & G. K. Eagleson - 1985 - History and Philosophy of Logic 14 (6).
  34.  5
    Mafhūm al-ḥudūth al-dahrī fī mītāfīzīqā al-wujūd.ʻĀdil Maḥmūd Badr - 2021 - al-Lādhiqīyah, Sūrīyah: Dār al-Ḥiwār lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Living Life Laser-Focused: A Young Man Forced To Be Both Doctor and Patient.Minicozzi A. & Fajgenbaum D. - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 6 (6).
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    Akhlāq-i ḥirfahʹī va vaẓāyif-i ṣinfī-i rūḥānīyat az nigāh-i Imām Khumaynī =.Ḥamīd Āqānūrī - 2013 - Qum: Pizhūhishgāh-i ʻUlūm va Farhang-i Islāmī, vābastah bih Daftar-i Tablīghāt-i Islāmī-i Ḥawzah-ʼi ʻIlmīyah-ʼi Qum. Edited by Muḥammad Bāqir Anṣārī & Ruqayyah Chāvushī.
    Ruhollah Khomeini views on clergy and professional ethics.
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    Vchityvai︠a︡sʹ v Marksa: izbrannye raboty po marksovedenii︠u︡.D. B. Ri︠a︡zanov - 2018 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN.
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  38. Serious pediatric illness : A spectrum of clinician directiveness in collaborative decision making.D. Clark Jonna, Alexander Mithya Lewis-Newby & Wynne Morrison A. Kon - 2021 - In John D. Lantos (ed.), The ethics of shared decision making. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Deduktivnye umozakli︠u︡chenii︠a︡ i prot︠s︡ess poznanii︠a︡.K. D. Sanai︠a︡ - 1989 - Tbilisi: "Met︠s︡niereba".
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  40.  49
    A. H. Armstrong: Plotinus. Pp. 174. London: Allen and Unwin, 1953. Cloth, 10 s. 6 d. net.D. A. Rees - 1955 - The Classical Review 5 (02):201-.
  41.  4
    Psikhologii︠a︡ ugolovnoĭ otvetstvennosti.O. D. Sitkovskai︠a︡ - 1998 - Moskva: Izd-vo NORMA.
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  42. Nauchnyĭ poisk i religioznai︠a︡ vera.A. D. Aleksandrov - 1974
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  43. Logicheskai︠a︡ forma i obʺekt poznanii︠a︡.K. D. Sanai︠a︡ - 1985 - Tbilisi: Izd-vo "Met︠s︡niereba".
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    Filosofii︠a︡ dukhovnosti i zdorovʹe.A. D. Botulu - 2005 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡.
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  45. Falsafat al-muṣādafah.Maḥmūd Amīn ʻĀlim - 1970
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  46. Filosofii︠a︡ religii v marksizme i russkom materializme XIX v.A. D. Sukhov - 2014 - Moskva: Institut filosofii RAN.
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  47.  5
    Russkai͡a Filosofii͡a: Kharakternye Priznaki I Predstaviteli, Osobennosti Razvitii͡a.A. D. Sukhov - 2012 - Moskva: KANON+.
    В книге дается анализ основных характерных признаков русской философии, позволяющие выделить ее как нечто особенное из общего контекста философских культур.
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  48. But why does what works work? A response to Fifer, Henschen, Gould, and Ravizza, 2008.A. Martindale & D. Collins - unknown
    The article "What works when working with athletes" by Fifer, Henschen, Gould, and Ravizza offers an interesting array of information and insights used by three highly experienced applied sport psychology consultants. This response article, however, contends that it may be possible to glean a further, and crucial, level of understanding by exploring the metacognition behind the selection of such courses of action. This may be provided through applied cognitive task analysis techniques to access the cognitive mechanisms underpinning professional practice. A (...)
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    A defence of sense-data.A. D. Ritchie - 1952 - Philosophical Quarterly 2 (8):240-245.
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  50. Ishkālīyat al-wujūd al-dhihnī fī al-falsafah al-Islāmīyah: Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī namūdhajan.ʻĀdil Maḥmūd Badr - 2006 - Dimashq: Dār al-Ḥiwār.
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