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  1. Computer Simulations as Experiments.Anouk Barberousse, Sara Franceschelli & Cyrille Imbert - 2009 - Synthese 169 (3):557 - 574.
    Whereas computer simulations involve no direct physical interaction between the machine they are run on and the physical systems they are used to investigate, they are often used as experiments and yield data about these systems. It is commonly argued that they do so because they are implemented on physical machines. We claim that physicality is not necessary for their representational and predictive capacities and that the explanation of why computer simulations generate desired information about their target system is only (...)
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  2. Scientific Collaboration: Do Two Heads Need to Be More than Twice Better than One?Thomas Boyer-Kassem & Cyrille Imbert - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (4):667-688.
    Epistemic accounts of scientific collaboration usually assume that, one way or another, two heads really are more than twice better than one. We show that this hypothesis is unduly strong. We present a deliberately crude model with unfavorable hypotheses. We show that, even then, when the priority rule is applied, large differences in successfulness can emerge from small differences in efficiency, with sometimes increasing marginal returns. We emphasize that success is sensitive to the structure of competing communities. Our results suggest (...)
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    Unfolding in the empirical sciences: experiments, thought experiments and computer simulations.Rawad El Skaf & Cyrille Imbert - 2013 - Synthese 190 (16):3451-3474.
    Experiments (E), computer simulations (CS) and thought experiments (TE) are usually seen as playing different roles in science and as having different epistemologies. Accordingly, they are usually analyzed separately. We argue in this paper that these activities can contribute to answering the same questions by playing the same epistemic role when they are used to unfold the content of a well-described scenario. We emphasize that in such cases, these three activities can be described by means of the same conceptual framework—even (...)
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    Models and Simulations.Roman Frigg, Stephan Hartmann & Cyrille Imbert - 2009 - Synthese 169 (3).
    Special issue. With contributions by Anouk Barberouse, Sarah Francescelli and Cyrille Imbert, Robert Batterman, Roman Frigg and Julian Reiss, Axel Gelfert, Till Grüne-Yanoff, Paul Humphreys, James Mattingly and Walter Warwick, Matthew Parker, Wendy Parker, Dirk Schlimm, and Eric Winsberg.
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  5. Models, Simulations, and Representations.Paul Humphreys & Cyrille Imbert (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Routledge.
    Although scientific models and simulations differ in numerous ways, they are similar in so far as they are posing essentially philosophical problems about the nature of representation. This collection is designed to bring together some of the best work on the nature of representation being done by both established senior philosophers of science and younger researchers. Most of the pieces, while appealing to existing traditions of scientific representation, explore new types of questions, such as: how understanding can be developed within (...)
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    Improving deliberations by reducing misrepresentation effects.Cyrille Imbert, Thomas Boyer-Kassem, Vincent Chevrier & Christine Bourjot - 2020 - Episteme 17 (4):403-419.
    ABSTRACTDeliberative and decisional groups play crucial roles in most aspects of social life. But it is not obvious how to organize these groups and various socio-cognitive mechanisms can spoil debates and decisions. In this paper we focus on one such important mechanism: the misrepresentation of views, i.e. when agents express views that are aligned with those already expressed, and which differ from their private opinions. We introduce a model to analyze the extent to which this behavioral pattern can warp deliberations (...)
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    Preface.Roman Frigg, Stephan Hartmann & Cyrille Imbert - 2011 - Synthese 180 (1):1-2.
    The roles models play in science have long been recognised and sparked rich and varied philosophical debates. In recent years attention has also been paid to the computational techniques used in the sciences, and the question arose what the implications were of the use of computer simulations for our understanding of scientific modelling, and science more generally. This was the subject of the conference “Models and Simulations”, which took place at the IHPST in Paris in June 2006. Selected papers of (...)
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    Une objectivité kaléidoscopique : construire l'image scientifique du monde.Pierre-Alain Braillard, Alexandre Guay, Cyrille Imbert & Thomas Pradeu - 2011 - Philosophie 110 (3):46-71.
    Dans Science, Perception and Reality, Sellars distingue l’image manifeste de l’homme et l’image scientifique de l’homme. La première est obtenue à partir de la façon dont nous prenons conscience de nous-mêmes comme humains dans le monde. La seconde correspond à ce que les différentes sciences nous amènent à postuler sur la manière dont l’homme est constitué. Van Fraassen, lui, étend au monde ces concepts...
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    Why diachronically emergent properties must also be salient.Cyrille Imbert - 2007 - In Carlos Gershenson, Diederik Aerts & Bruce Edmonds (eds.), Worldviews, Science and Us: Philosophy and Complexity. World Scientific. pp. 99--116.
    In this paper, I criticize Bedau's definition of `diachronically emergent properties', which says that a property is a DEP if it can only be predicted by a simulation and is nominally emergent. I argue at length that this definition is not complete because it fails to eliminate trivial cases. I discuss the features that an additional criterion should meet in order to complete the definition and I develop a notion, salience, which together with the simulation requirement can be used to (...)
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    New mathematics for old physics: The case of lattice fluids.Anouk Barberousse & Cyrille Imbert - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 44 (3):231-241.
    We analyze the effects of the introduction of new mathematical tools on an old branch of physics by focusing on lattice fluids, which are cellular automata -based hydrodynamical models. We examine the nature of these discrete models, the type of novelty they bring about within scientific practice and the role they play in the field of fluid dynamics. We critically analyze Rohrlich's, Fox Keller's and Hughes' claims about CA-based models. We distinguish between different senses of the predicates “phenomenological” and “theoretical” (...)
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    (1 other version)Relevance, Not Invariance, Explanatoriness, Not Manipulability: Discussion of Woodward’s Views on Explanatory Relevance.Cyrille Imbert - 2013 - Philosophy of Science 80 (5):625-636.
    According to Woodward’s causal model of explanation, explanatory information is relevant for manipulation purposes and indicates by means of invariant causal relations how to change the value of certain target explanandum variables by intervening on others. Therefore, the depth of an explanation is evaluated through the size of the domain of invariance of the generalization involved. In this article, I argue that Woodward’s account of explanatory relevance is still unsatisfactory and claim that the depth of an explanation should be explicated (...)
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  12.  42
    Inferential power, formalisms, and scientific models.Vincent Ardourel, Anouk Barberousse & Cyrille Imbert - unknown
    Scientific models need to be investigated if they are to provide valuable information about the systems they represent. Surprisingly, the epistemological question of what enables this investigation has hardly been investigated. Even authors who consider the inferential role of models as central, like Hughes or Bueno and Colyvan, content themselves with claiming that models contain mathematical resources that provide inferential power. We claim that these notions require further analysis and argue that mathematical formalisms contribute to this inferential role. We characterize (...)
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  13. Can simulations be explanatory an why do they seem not to be?Cyrille Imbert - unknown
    Computer simulations are usually considered to be non-explanatory because, when a simulation reveals that a property is instantiated in a system, it does not enable the exact identification of what it is that brings this property out (relevance requirement). Conversely, analytical deductions are widely considered to yield explanations and understanding. In this paper, I emphasize that explanations should satisfy the relevance requirement and argue that the more they do so, the more they have explanatory value. Finally, I show that this (...)
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    Introduction, SI of Synthese “The collective dimension of science”.Cyrille Imbert, Ryan Muldoon, Jan Sprenger & Kevin Zollman - 2014 - Synthese 191 (1):1-2.
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    The Collective Dimension of Science, special issue of Synthese.Cyrille Imbert, Ryan Muldoon, Jan Sprenger & Kevin Zollman - unknown
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    Recurring Models and Sensitivity to Computational Constraints.Anouk Barberousse & Cyrille Imbert - 2014 - The Monist 97 (3):259-279.
    Why are some models, like the harmonic oscillator, the Ising model, a few Hamiltonian equations in quantum mechanics, the poisson equation, or the Lokta-Volterra equations, repeatedly used within and across scientific domains, whereas theories allow for many more modeling possibilities? Some historians and philosophers of science have already proposed plausible explanations. For example, Kuhn and Cartwright point to a tendency toward conservatism in science, and Humphreys emphasizes the importance of the intractability of what he calls “templates.” This paper investigates more (...)
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  17.  22
    Introduction.Isabelle Drouet, Cyrille Imbert & Maël Lemoine - 2021 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 8 (2):1-5.
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    Are larger studies always better? Sample size and data pooling effects in research communities.David Waszek & Cyrille Imbert - unknown
    The persistent pervasiveness of inappropriately small studies in empirical fields is regu-larly deplored in scientific discussions. Consensually, taken individually, higher-powered studies are more likely to be truth-conducive. However, are they also beneficial for the wider performance of truth-seeking communities? We study the impact of sample sizes on collective exploration dynamics under ordinary conditions of resource limita-tion. We find that large collaborative studies, because they decrease diversity, can have detrimental effects in certain realistic circumstances that we characterize precisely. We show how (...)
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    (1 other version)Formal verification, scientific code, and the epistemological heterogeneity of computational science.Cyrille Imbert & Vincent Ardourel - 2022 - Philosophy of Science:1-40.
    Various errors can affect scientific code and detecting them is a central concern within computational science. Could formal verification methods, which are now available tools, be widely adopted to guarantee the general reliability of scientific code? After discussing their benefits and drawbacks, we claim that, absent significant changes as regards features like their user-friendliness and versatility, these methods are unlikely to be adopted throughout computational science, beyond certain specific contexts for which they are well-suited. This issue exemplifies the epistemological heterogeneity (...)
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  20.  20
    The identification and prevention of bad practices and malpractices in science. Commentary on Hanne Andersen's "Epistemic dependence in contemporary science: Practices and malpractices".Cyrille Imbert - 2014 - In Léna Soler, Sjoerd Zwart, Mitchael Lynch & Vincent Israel-Jost (eds.), Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
    According to Hanne Andersen, "an analysis of goes beyond research ethics and includes important epistemological aspects" (p.1). Her purpose is to point at a new area for philosophy of science in practice, which she does by highlighting different epistemological issues about malpractices and showing how documenting them in a precise way is beneficial to their solution. She articulates in particular two questions, namely the issue of the identification of bad practices and malpractices, and the ways of preventing the latter from (...)
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  21. Cellular Automata in fluid dynamics: not so different.Anouk Barberousse & Cyrille Imbert - forthcoming - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
  22. Cellular automata, modeling, and computation.Anouk Barberousse, Sara Franceschelli & Cyrille Imbert - unknown
    Cellular Automata (CA) based simulations are widely used in a great variety of domains, fromstatistical physics to social science. They allow for spectacular displays and numerical predictions. Are they forall that a revolutionary modeling tool, allowing for “direct simulation”, or for the simulation of “the phenomenon itself”? Or are they merely models "of a phenomenological nature rather than of a fundamental one”? How do they compareto other modeling techniques? In order to answer these questions, we present a systematic exploration of (...)
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    Explaining Scientific Collaboration: A General Functional Account.Thomas Boyer-Kassem & Cyrille Imbert - 2024 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 75 (4):993-1017.
    Scientific collaboration has increased over the past two centuries, a fact for which various explanations have been proposed. We offer a novel functional explanation of this increase in collaboration, grounded in a sequential model of scientific research where the priority rule applies. Robust patterns concerning the differential success of collaborative groups with respect to their competitors are derived, and it is argued that these patterns feed the development of collaboration. This general mechanism may trigger an ‘arms race’ and is compatible (...)
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    Explication et pertinence : du sel ensorcelé à la loi des aires.Cyrille Imbert - 2011 - Dialogue 50 (4):689-723.
    ABSTRACT: Whereas relevance in scientific explanations is usually discussed as if it was a single problem, several criteria of relevance will be distinguished in this paper. Emphasis is laid upon the notion of intra-scientific relevance, which is illustrated using explanation of the law of areas as an example. Traditional accounts of explanation, such as the causal and unificationist accounts, are analyzed against these criteria of relevance. Particularly, it will be shown that these accounts fail to indicate which explanations fulfill the (...)
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    Getting the advantages of theft without honest toil: Realism about the complexity of physical systems without realist commitments to their scientific representations.Cyrille Imbert - unknown
    This paper shows that, under certain reasonable conditions, if the investigation of the behavior of a physical system is difficult, no scientific change can make it significantly easier. This impossibility result implies that complexity is then a necessary feature of models which truly represent the target system and of all models which are rich enough to catch its behavior and therefore that it is an inevitable element of any possible science in which this behavior is accounted for. I finally argue (...)
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    Le sophiste et ses images : épistémologie du temps simulé.Cyrille Imbert - 2008 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 133 (3):309-318.
    Les simulations donnent l’impression de ressembler aux systèmes qu’elles représentent, au point d’en être peut-être des analogues. Dans cet article, je discute d’abord les différentes notions de temps qu’il faut distinguer pour bien analyser les simulations puis je montre sur cette base que, pour être de bonnes représentations scientifiques, les simulations ne doivent pas en général ressembler du point de vue temporel aux objets qu’elles représentent.Simulations often give the impression of being similar to the systems they represent. In this paper, (...)
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    Realism about the complexity of physical systems without realist commitments to their scientific representations: How to get the advantages of theft without honest toil.Cyrille Imbert - unknown
    This paper shows that, under certain reasonable conditions, if the investigation of the behavior of a physical system is difficult, no scientific change can make it significantly easier. This impossibility result implies that complexity is then a necessary feature of models which truly represent the target system and of all models which are rich enough to catch its behavior and therefore that it is an inevitable element of any possible science in which this behavior is accounted for. I finally argue (...)
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    Simulations, Explanation, Understanding: An Analytical Overview.Cyrille Imbert - 2017 - Philosophia Scientiae 21:49-109.
    J’analyse dans cet article la valeur explicative que peuvent avoir les simulations numériques. On rencontre en effet souvent l’affirmation selon laquelle les simulations permettent de prédire, de reproduire ou d’imiter des phénomènes, mais guère de les expliquer. Les simulations rendraient aussi possible l’étude du comportement d’un système par la force brute du calcul mais n’apporteraient pas une compréhension réelle de ce système et de son comportement. Dans tous les cas, il semble que, à tort ou à raison, les simulations posent, (...)
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    The Multidimensional Epistemology of Computer Simulations: Novel Issues and the Need to Avoid the Drunkard’s Search Fallacy.Cyrille Imbert - 2019 - In Claus Beisbart & Nicole J. Saam (eds.), Computer Simulation Validation: Fundamental Concepts, Methodological Frameworks, and Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 1029-1055.
    Computers have transformed science and help to extend the boundaries of human knowledge. However, does the validation and diffusion of results of computational inquiries and computer simulations call for a novel epistemological analysis? I discuss how the notion of novelty should be cashed out to investigate this issue meaningfully and argue that a consequentialist framework similar to the one used by Goldman to develop social epistemologySocial epistemology can be helpful at this point. I highlight computational, mathematical, representational, and social stages (...)
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