Results for 'Claudia Winklmayr'

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  1. The Aesthetic Self. The Importance of Aesthetic Taste in Music and Art for Our Perceived Identity.Joerg Fingerhut, Javier Gomez-Lavin, Claudia Winklmayr & Jesse J. Prinz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:577703.
    To what extent do aesthetic taste and our interest in the arts constitute who we are? In this paper, we present a series of empirical findings that suggest anAesthetic Self Effectsupporting the claim that our aesthetic engagements are a central component of our identity. Counterfactual changes in aesthetic preferences, for example, moving from liking classical music to liking pop, are perceived as altering us as a person. The Aesthetic Self Effect is as strong as the impact of moral changes, such (...)
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    Worth living or worth dying? The views of the general public about allowing disabled children to die.Claudia Brick, Guy Kahane, Dominic Wilkinson, Lucius Caviola & Julian Savulescu - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (1):7-15.
    BackgroundDecisions about withdrawal of life support for infants have given rise to legal battles between physicians and parents creating intense media attention. It is unclear how we should evaluate when life is no longer worth living for an infant. Public attitudes towards treatment withdrawal and the role of parents in situations of disagreement have not previously been assessed.MethodsAn online survey was conducted with a sample of the UK public to assess public views about the benefit of life in hypothetical cases (...)
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    Is suffering a sufficient legitimation for UTx?Claudia Bozzaro, Melanie Weismann, Anna Maria Westermann & Ibrahim Alkatout - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (4):350-358.
    Uterus transplantation is a relatively new intervention. A woman with absolute uterine factor infertility receives, by a surgical procedure, a transplanted uterus, most often by living donation. The uterus recipient may thus become pregnant and conceive her own child. As with any other medical treatment, UTx requires legitimation. The anticipated benefits must outweigh the risks of the medical intervention. The risks and benefits of UTx are by no means unequivocal and cannot be easily determined. The benefits depend on the final (...)
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    Participación Política Femenina. Experiencia de mujeres concejalas en la provincia de Bío Bío, período 2004-2008.Carmen Claudia Acuña - 2008 - Polis 19.
    De siete mujeres concejalas electas en la provincia de Bio Bio, octava región, en 1996; el año 2004 habían aumentado a veintidós. Si bien esta cifra parece no ser tan significativa, ella da cuenta de los importantes avances que las mujeres han tenido en una esfera de difícil acceso como lo es el mundo político. Este artículo busca dar cuenta de la participación política femenina, a través de las experiencias de quince mujeres concejalas de la provincia del Bío Bío, todas (...)
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  5. Passing.Claudia Mills - 1999 - Social Theory and Practice 25 (1):29-51.
  6. The dynamic nature of meaning.Claudia Arrighi & Roberta Ferrario - 2005 - In Lorenzo Magnani & Riccardo Dossena (eds.), Computing, Philosophy and Cognition: Proceedings of the European Computing and Philosophy Conference (ECAP 2004). College Publications. pp. 295-312.
    In this paper we investigate how the dynamic nature of words’ meanings plays a role in a philosophical theory of meaning. For ‘dynamic nature’ we intend the characteristic of being flexible, of changing according to many factors (speakers, contexts, and more). We consider meaning as something that gradually takes shape from the dynamic processes of communication. Accordingly, we present a draft of a theory of meaning that, on the one hand, describes how a private meaning is formed as a mental (...)
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    Gods, German Scholars, and the Gift of Greece.Claudia Breger - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (7-8):111-134.
    This article argues that the abundance of Greek figures and scenarios in Kittler’s recent work points to a shift in his oeuvre, which, however, does not represent a radical break with his ‘hardware studies’. At the turn of the 21st century, Kittler champions an emphatic notion of culture as a necessary supplement to science and technology. This conceptual marriage mediates grand historical narratives of cultural identity. Specifically, Kittler’s texts provide us with narratives of Greek origin which serve to re-capture collective (...)
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  8. “Vuoto d’autore: indeterminazione, non intenzionalità e organizzazione nella poetica di John Cage.”.Claudia Landolfi - 2014 - Aperture 30 (2037-2558).
    The paper is focused on the intedermination in compositive processes. In particular on John Cage. The art and the thought of Cage were a response to the growing complexity of the world through a practice and a reflection that focuses heavily on the concept of emptiness, understood as technical decentralization of: the author of the musical structure and the individual and of the same identification of sounds. This complexity results from a network of independent nodes, subjects, activities and institutions that (...)
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  9. On the Right to Self-Determination for the Negro People in the Black Belt.Claudia Jones - 1995 - In Beverly Guy-Sheftal (ed.), Words of Fire: An Anthology of African American Feminist Thought. The New Press. pp. 67--77.
  10. “Il governo del corpo attraverso il movimento disciplinato e la ricerca della variazione intensiva nella contact improvisation.”.Claudia Landolfi - 2014 - Passparnous 17 (2281-9223).
    The object of this investigation is the connection between dance and modern philosophy. The body has been disciplined in modern era in a very peculiar way which is conveyed into governmental processes of optimization of the bodily potentiality. Dance has not only an aesthetic value but a political one. In this contribution I analyse the government of the body through disciplined movement and the research for the intensive variations in the contemporary sperimental 'contact improvisation'.
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    Abductive reasoning, interpretation and collaborative processes.Claudia Arrighi & Roberta Ferrario - 2008 - Foundations of Science 13 (1):75-87.
    In this paper we want to examine how the mutual understanding of speakers is reached during a conversation through collaborative processes, and what role is played by abductive inference (in the Peircean sense) in these processes. We do this by bringing together contributions coming from a variety of disciplines, such as logic, philosophy of language and psychology. When speakers are engaged in a conversation, they refer to a supposed common ground: every participant ascribes to the others some knowledge, belief, opinion (...)
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    Aristotle and the Animals: The Logos of Life Itself.Claudia Zatta - 2021 - Routledge.
    With a novel approach to Aristotle's zoology, this study looks at animals as creatures of nature and reveals a scientific discourse that, in response to his predecessors, exiles logos as reason and pursues the logos intrinsic to animals' bodies empowering them to sense the world and live. The volume explores Aristotle's conception of animals through a discussion of his ad hoc methodology to study them, including the pertinence of the soul to such a study, and the rise of zoology as (...)
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  13. Das Erlanger Modell. Urteilskraft und Handlungskompetenz als Lernziele des Ethikunterrichts.Claudia Wiesemann - 1994 - Ethik in der Medizin 6 (2):93-98.
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    Environmental atrocities and non-sentient life.Claudia Card - 2004 - Ethics and the Environment 9 (1):23-45.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Environmental Atrocities and Non-Sentient LifeClaudia Card (bio)Environmental Atrocities and Non-Sentient Life1. To Whom (or to What) Can Evils Be Done?Mention of environmental atrocities calls to mind such catastrophes as major oil spills, which ruin the fishing (not to mention the fish) for extended periods. Such carelessness is not simply a disaster to human projects. It destroys or endangers species and ecosystems as well as individual organisms, plant and animal. (...)
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    Don't fence me in: The liberation of undomesticated critique.Claudia Ruitenberg - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 38 (3):341–350.
    In response to Helmut Heid's critique of domesticated philosophical critique, I focus on the metaphor of domestication, which is central to his article. Drawing on the work of Jacques Derrida, I offer a deconstructive critique of the opposition between domesticated and undomesticated critique, arguing that a clear conceptual demarcation between the two is impossible, and that ‘domesticated’ and ‘undomesticated’ critique always carry each other's traces. I explore connections between the undomesticated and das Unheimliche (Freud's ‘Uncanny’), as well as differences between (...)
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  16. I meccanismi Del riferimento: Un'indagine preliminare.Claudia Bianchi - 2002 - Epistemologia 25 (1):63-84.
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    Tradition und Traditionsbruch zwischen Skepsis und Dogmatik: interkulturelle philosophische Perspektiven.Claudia Bickmann, Hermann-Josef Scheidgen, Tobias Voßhenrich & Markus Wirtz (eds.) - 2006 - Rodopi.
    Tradition und Traditionsbruch gehören zu den entscheidenden Herausforderungen in einer beschleunigt zusammenwachsenden Welt. Sollen beide Seiten nicht in einem unfriedlichen Antagonismus verharren, so ist Prämissentransparenz und Grenzbestimmung der je eigenen und fremden Argumente gefragt. In der Auseinandersetzung mit klassischen Quellen der europäischen und außereuropäischen Philosophiegeschichte soll der vorliegende Band zeigen, daß Selbstkritik und Selbstaffirmation in allen Weltphilosophien nur mehr zwei entgegengesetzte Reaktionen auf eine von innen oder von außen gefährdete Identität zum Ausdruck bringen. Skepsis und Dogmatik betreffen darum nicht allein (...)
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    Child organ stealing stories: risk, rumour and reproductive technologies.Claudia Castañeda - 2000 - In Barbara Adam, Ulrich Beck & Joost Van Loon (eds.), The risk society and beyond: critical issues for social theory. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE. pp. 136--154.
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  19. Emociones cómicas: El Tractatus Coislinianus a la luz de la poética aristofánica.Claudia N. Fernández - 2006 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 10:137-156.
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    Psychopolitics and bewilderment: the facialization of identity,.Claudia Landolfi - 2014 - Psychopolitics and Bewilderment: The Facialization of Identity, Berfrois, ISSN 2051-3046, Pendant Publishing (UK) (2051-3046).
    Confronting different contemporary sources from philosophy and poetry, this article provides a trace of the emerging reflections on the question of political identity as person/face/mask that can be recognized. The article is focused on authors from Eastern Europe, the post-communist one, where, in recent years, a psychoanalytic perspective on politics has put in place the topic of void, lack, absence as an ineludible tool for facing identity. In the case of the mask, one can see the face and both the (...)
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    RIBEIRO, N. "Pessoa Philosophical Essays". New York: Contra Mundum Press, 2012. 260p.Cláudia Souza - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (129):379-381.
    Neste texto, procuro encontrar as origens de um dos mais importantes conceitos de Gilles Deleuze, o conceito de Imagem-tempo. Este conceito remete-nos para os primeiros textos de Deleuze dedicados à filosofia de Espinosa e ao problema do autómato espiritual e relaciona-se directamente com o problema da passividade/actividade do espectador. Ou seja, o conceito crucial na sua filosofia do cinema, a Imagem-tempo, esconde uma importante reflexão sobre a Imagem cinematográfica como arte de massas, os (im)poderes do pensamento e o modo fascista (...)
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  22. Questions regarding a war on terrorism.Claudia Card - 2003 - Hypatia 18 (1):164 - 169.
    : The concept of a war on terrorism creates havoc with attempts to apply rules of war. For "terrorism" is not an agent. Nor is it clear what relationship to terrorism agents must have in order to be legitimate targets. Nor is it clear what kinds of terrorism count. Would a war on terrorism in the home be a justifiable response to domestic battering? If not, do similar objections apply to a war on public terrorism?
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    A Sociolinguística Educacional na prática de uma proposta interventiva com o gênero relato pessoal.Cláudia Zanata de Oliveira Vasconcelos & Neusa Inês Philippsen - 2021 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 6 (1):1-15.
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    Explanatory frameworks in complex change and resilience system modelling.Mark Addis & Claudia Eckert - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Heterogenous flows across system boundaries continue to pose significant problems for efficient resource allocation especially with respect to long term strategic planning and immediate problems about allocation to address particular resource shortages. The approach taken here to modelling such flows is an engineering change prediction one. This enables margin modelling by producing system models in dependency matrices with different linkage types. Change prediction approaches from engineering design can analyse where these bottlenecks in integrated systems would be so that resources can (...)
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    (1 other version)Pentecostalismos em movimento. O lugar religioso na modernidade.Claudia Danielle Andrade Ritz - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (49):433-436.
    Resenha: LEMOS, Fernanda. Pentecostalismos em movimento: o lugar religioso na modernidade. Curitiba: Prismas, 2017. 166 p.
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  26. Der Protestantismus in den Arenen des Politischen. Eine zeithistorische Perspektive.Christiane Kuller & Claudia Lepp - 2019 - In Christian Albrecht & Reiner Anselm (eds.), Aus Verantwortung: der Protestantismus in den Arenen des Politischen. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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  27. Nosologische und therapeutische Konzeptionen in der romantischen Medizin.Hans-Uwe Lammel & Claudia Wiesemann - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (1):155.
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  28. Kunstliche Beatmung. Strukturgeschichte eines ethischen Dilemmas.Sebastian Schellong & Claudia Wiesemann - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (1):155.
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  29. O outro lado do Império: as disputas mercantis e os conflitos de jurisdição no Império Luso-Brasileiro The other side of the Empire: commercial disputes and jurisdictional.Cláudia Maria das Graças Chaves - 2006 - Topoi 7 (12):147-177.
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  30. What's wrong with adult-child sex?Claudia Card - 2002 - Journal of Social Philosophy 33 (2):170–177.
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    Der assistierte Suizid als sozialer Akt.Claudia Bozzaro - 2024 - In Claudia Bozzaro, Gesine Richter & Christoph Rehmann-Sutter (eds.), Ethik des assistierten Suizids: Autonomien, Vulnerabilitäten, Ambivalenzen. transcript Verlag. pp. 213-222.
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    Multimodal genres in textbooks: are students being schooled for visual literacy?Paes de Barros, Cláudia Graziano & Elizangela Patrícia Moreira da Costa - 2012 - Bakhtiniana 7 (2):38 - 56.
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  33. As ideias de Lima Vas.Claudia Maria Rocha de Oliveira - 2020 - In Delmar Cardoso & Paulo Roberto Margutti Pinto (eds.), III Colóquio Pensadores Brasileiros: coletânea de textos, 2019. Porto Alegre: Editora Fi.
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    Hannah Arendt: política, historia, memoria y narración.Claudia Galindo Lara - 2011 - Aguascalientes, Ags.: Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes.
  35. More than Just Networking for Citizen Science : Examining Core Roles of Practitioner Organizations.Claudia Göbel, Jessica L. Cappadonna, Gregory J. Newman, Jian Zhang & Katrin Vohland - 2017 - In Luigi Ceccaroni (ed.), Analyzing the role of citizen science in modern research. Hershey PA: Information Science Reference.
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  36. Ontología del hombre en Eduardo Nicol.Claudia Márquez Pemartín - 1999 - In Alvarez Argüelles & Luz María (eds.), En torno a la obra de Eduardo Nicol. México, D.F.: Seminario de Metafísica, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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  37. A construção da Identidade, o comércio do eu no universo publicitário e modos de relacionamento social hipermodernos.Maria Cláudia Tardin Pinheiro - 2010 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 16 (2):80-94.
    This article presents some culture and social influences in the construction of Brazilian identity in the hypermodern society of big cities. For that I’ll analyze the advertising world that represents this contemporanea society. I’ll describe some results of my doctorate thesis defended in May of 2007 with I pointed out the thematic and strategies of publicity persuasions more appeared in the more consumed magazines in Brazil in 2005, mainly the emotional strategies of publicity that are frequently used in this country (...)
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    Literature as a practice of the self. Subjectivity and language in Michel Foucault.Claudia Zorrilla - 2023 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 21:27-41.
    The motif of literature abandoned by Foucault in the 70s can find new possibilities and resurface transformed from an ethical perspective that continues focusing on the language. Language and subject are not two vertebral topics in Foucault’s reflection, but a single framework in which literature, disappearance of the subject and ethics are linking different paths of the same journey. Western man largely questioned in Foucault’s works appears together with other subjectivities that challenge him and make us think about the limits (...)
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    Good life today and tomorrow: antibiotic resistance as a sustainability problem in medicine.Claudia Bozzaro, Jan Rupp, Michael Stolpe & Hinrich Schulenburg - 2023 - Ethik in der Medizin 35 (1):111-123.
    Definition of the problem Using the example of the emergence of antibiotic resistance, we show in the first part of our article that there are specific sustainability problems in medicine, which can ultimately lead to an impairment of the ability of future patients to satisfy their basic health needs and realize a flourishing life. Methods After clarification of the concept of sustainability in the second part, we explain why the possibility of satisfying basic health needs, for example, is considered a (...)
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    A condição histórico-social da mulher na perspectiva socialista: um estudo das trajetórias de Rosa Luxemburgo e Alexandra Kollontai.Cláudia Ramos de Souza Bonfim - 2013 - Filosofia E Educação 5 (2):285-301.
    Este estudo é qualitativo-histórico-bibliográfico, pauta-se nos referenciais da análise crítico-dialética. Objetiva-se apontar as contribuições das socialistas Alexandra Kollontai e Rosa Luxemburgo para se pensar a condição da mulher na sociedade. A fundamentação téorica constitui-se especialmente ao redor do resgate historiográfico da produção matricial de Kollontai e Luxemburgo. Indaga-se: “historicamente, qual foi a contribuição das produções das mulheres socialistas, especialmente Kollontai e Luxemburgo e o que essas concepções e reflexões oferecem para a análise, a crítica e a busca da superação da (...)
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    Sexualidad y educación superior en Brasil y Cuba: coordenadas analíticas para un estudio comparativo.Cláudia Ramos de Souza Bonfim & Eduardo Francisco Freyre Roach - 2009 - Filosofia E Educação 1 (1):19-36.
    Desde el siglo XVIII hasta el comienzo de la década de los 1960, la construcción social de la sexualidad y la educación sexual en Brasil y Cuba, transcurren por similares circunstancias socioeconómicas, políticos y culturales. Posterior a los 1960 se evidencian rupturas entre los sistemas de educación superior de ambos países. Brasil pasa de una dictadura militar al neoliberalismo, y Cuba de la dictadura al socialismo. No obstante, tanto en los momentos de continuidad como en los de ruptura, los educadores (...)
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    Astrology in seventeenth-century Peru.Claudia Brosseder - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 41 (2):146-157.
    This article discusses three aspects of the history of astrology in seventeenth-century Peru that are of larger interest for the history of science in Latin America: Creole concerns about indigenous idolatry, the impact of the Inquisition on natural philosophy, and communication between scholars within the Spanish colonies and the transatlantic world. Drawing mainly on the scholars Antonio de la Calancha, Juan de Figueroa, and Ruiz de Lozano, along with several Jesuits, the article analyzes how natural and medical astrology took shape (...)
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    7. Remembering Swann.Claudia J. Brodsky - 1987 - In The Imposition of Form: Studies in Narrative Representation and Knowledge. Princeton University Press. pp. 262-306.
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    The road to lake wobegon.Claudia Card - 1999 - Journal of Social Philosophy 30 (3):369–378.
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    Conflict, People, and City-Space: Some Exempla from Thucydides' History.Claudia Zatta - 2011 - Classical Antiquity 30 (2):318-350.
    This essay considers episodes in which phenomena like war and civil strife affected, changed, and revealed the identity of the polis. Even if framed by an understanding of the Peloponnesian War and the imperialistic logic and destiny of Athens, Thucydides' History still provides us with narratives that illuminate the particular history of “minor” poleis, each with its specific events, turning points, and dynamics. Through analysis of Thucydides' historical material, this essay focuses on Plataea, Corcyra, and Mytilene and discusses the notion (...)
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    Democritus and folly: The two wise Fools.Claudia Zatta - 2001 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 63 (3):533-549.
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    Lambek’s Syntactic Calculus and Noncommutative Variants of Linear Logic: Laws and Proof-Nets.V. Michele Abrusci & Claudia Casadio - 2021 - In Claudia Casadio & Philip J. Scott (eds.), Joachim Lambek: The Interplay of Mathematics, Logic, and Linguistics. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-37.
    This work is devoted to the relations between Lambek’s Syntactic Calculus and noncommutative variants of Girard’s Linear Logic; in particular the paper will consider: the geometrical representation of the laws of LC by means of proof-nets; the discovery - due to such a geometrical representation - of some laws of LC not yet considered; the discussion of possible linguistic uses of these new laws.
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  48. Bolívar en la poética que piensa la realidad.Claudia Arcila Rojas - 2011 - Escritos 19 (43).
    Este texto pregunta filosóficamente porel sustento poético de la pieza literariade Simón Bolívar, Mi delirio sobre El Chimborazo. De la lectura del poema sedesprende la vinculación de lo pensante con lo axiológico y lo político, y desde allí,con los universales de justicia, libertad y dignidad como auténticas expresiones de lo bello, y por ende, de lo estético de la naturaleza y de la gramática del lenguaje. Se analizan así los andamios históricos y evolutivos que le permiten al hombre atravesar los (...)
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    La escuela como territorio de pensamiento; un espacio reflexivo, crítico, académico y liberador.Claudia del Pilar Vélez De La Calle & José David Ortega Correal - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación:108-125.
    Propone develar cómo influye el narcotráfico, las formas de resistencia y reexistencia en la escuela del Norte del Valle del Cauca (Colombia). Desde un enfoque cualitativo se forman textos de las historias de vida y relatos de experiencias construidos en diálogo sobre los temas generadores Escuela y narcotráfico, analizados por medio de matrices de interpretación y su triangulación; autores, actores y maestro participante en una perspectiva hermenéutica pluritópica. En ella participan estudiantes, padres y madres de familia, docentes y otros miembros (...)
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  50. Negligência parental: Uma abor-dagem experimental a problemas comunitários.Margarida V. Garrido & Cláudia Camilo - forthcoming - Mind.
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