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Christopher J. Martin [14]Christopher John Martin [1]
  1. William's Machine.Christopher J. Martin - 1986 - Journal of Philosophy 83 (10):564.
  2.  51
    The Theory of Natural Consequence.Christopher J. Martin - 2018 - Vivarium 56 (3-4):340-366.
    _ Source: _Volume 56, Issue 3-4, pp 340 - 366 The history of thinking about consequences in the Middle Ages divides into three periods. During the first of these, from the eleventh to the middle of the twelfth century, and the second, from then until the beginning of the fourteenth century, the notion of natural consequence played a crucial role in logic, metaphysics, and theology. The first part of this paper traces the development of the theory of natural consequence in (...)
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    Only God Can Make a Tree.Christopher J. Martin - 2019 - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 7 (1).
    sProblems about the nature of integral parts and wholes were central to twelfth-century discussions of the individuation and persistence over time of both substances and artifacts. This paper examines in detail Abaelard’s contribution to these discussions arguing that Abaelard proposes a solution to these problems which preserves our common sense intuitions about identity over time. In Abaelard’s work we find an explicit solution to the problem of the identity over time of living things which appeals to the persistence of the (...)
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    The Logic of Growth.Christopher J. Martin - 1998 - Medieval Philosophy & Theology 7 (1):1-15.
    Among the various testimonia assembled by Iwakuma and Ebbesen to the twelfth-century school of philosophers known as the Nominales,Iwakuma Yukio and Sten Ebbesen, “Logico -Theological Schools from the Secon d Half of the 12th Century: A List of Sources,” Vivarium XXX (1992):173–210. four record their commitment to the apparently outrageous thesis that nothing grows. My aim in this essay is to explore the reasons the Nominale s had for maintaining this thesis and to investigate the role that the theory which (...)
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    The logic of the nominales, or, the rise and fall of impossible positio.Christopher J. Martin - 1992 - Vivarium 30 (1):110-126.
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    The Invention of Relations: Early Twelfth-Century Discussions of Aristotle's Account of Relatives1.Christopher J. Martin - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (3):447-467.
    Aristotle's discussion of relatives in the Categories presented its eleventh- and twelfth-century readers with many puzzles. Their attempt to solve these puzzles and to develop a coherent account of the category led around the beginning of the twelfth century to the invention of relations as items which stand to relatives as qualities stand to qualified substances. In this paper, I first discuss the details of Aristotle's accounts of relatives and the related category of ‘situation’ and Boethius' commentary on them. I (...)
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    John Mair on Future Contingency.Christopher J. Martin - 2004 - In Russell L. Friedman & Sten Ebbesen (eds.), John Buridan and beyond: topics in the language sciences, 1300-1700. Copenhagen: Commission agent, C.A. Reitzel. pp. 89--183.
  8. Logics for distinctions: Peter of navarre and the scotistic treatment of impossible hypotheses.Christopher J. Martin - 2000 - In I. Angelelli & P. Pérez-Ilzarbe (eds.), Medieval and Renaissance Logic in Spain. G. Olms. pp. 54--439.
  9.  31
    Schooling in Mexico: Staying in or Dropping out.Christopher J. Martin - 1994 - British Journal of Educational Studies 42 (4):422-423.
  10.  21
    The Grammar and Logic of Oneness and Number at the Beginning of the Twelfth Century.Christopher J. Martin - 2022 - Vivarium 60 (2-3):137-161.
    The study of the interdependence of grammar and logic at the beginning of the twelfth century is a difficult subject and progress here has been slow. With the recent publication of the Notae Dunelmenses, however, we are now able to see rather more clearly how closely the two disciplines were bound to one another. The following article draws upon this newly published material and on unpublished material from contemporary commentaries on Aristotle’s Categories to investigate how the grammarians’ account of number (...)
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  11. ‘They had added not a single tiny proposition’: The Reception of the Prior Analytics in the First Half of the Twelfth Century.Christopher J. Martin - 2010 - Vivarium 48 (1-2):159-192.
    A study of the reception of Aristotle's Prior Analytics in the first half of the twelfth century. It is shown that Peter Abaelard was perhaps acquainted with as much as the first seven chapters of Book I of the Prior Analytics but with no more. The appearance at the beginning of the twelfth century of a short list of dialectical loci which has puzzled earlier commentators is explained by noting that this list formalises the classification of extensional relations between general (...)
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  12. “What An Ugly Child”: Abaelard on Translation, Figurative Language, and Logic.Christopher J. Martin - 2011 - Vivarium 49 (1-3):26-49.
    An examination the development of Peter Abaelard's views on translation and figurative meaning. Mediaeval philosophers curiously do not connect the theory of translation implied by Aristotelian semantics with the multiplicity of tongues consequent upon the fall of Babel and do not seem to have much to offer to help in solving the problems of scriptural interpretation noted by Augustine. Indeed, on the Aristotelian account of meaning such problems do not arise. This paper shows that Abaelard is like others in this (...)
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    John Buridan On Self-Reference: Chapter Eight of Buridan's Sophismata. [REVIEW]Christopher J. Martin - 1985 - Philosophical Review 94 (3):406-408.
    John Buridan was a fourteenth-century philosopher who enjoyed an enormous reputation for about two hundred years, was then totally neglected, and is now being 'rediscovered' through his relevance to contemporary work in philosophical logic. The final chapter of Buridan's Sophismata deals with problems about self-reference, and in particular with the semantic paradoxes. He offers his own distinctive solution to the well-known 'Liar Paradox' and introduces a number of other paradoxes that will be unfamiliar to most logicians. Buridan also moves on (...)
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