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Bradley Franks [18]Bradley William Franks [1]
  1. Essentialism, word use, and concepts.Nick Braisby, Bradley Franks & James Hampton - 1996 - Cognition 59 (3):247-274.
    The essentialist approach to word meaning has been used to undermine the fundamental assumptions of the cognitive psychology of concepts. Essentialism assumes that a word refers to a natural kind category in virtue of category members possessing essential properties. In support of this thesis, Kripke and Putnam deploy various intuitions concerning word use under circumstances in which discoveries about natural kinds are made. Although some studies employing counterfactual discoveries and related transformations appear to vindicate essentialism, we argue that the intuitions (...)
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  2.  68
    Beyond “Monologicality”? Exploring Conspiracist Worldviews.Bradley Franks, Adrian Bangerter, Martin W. Bauer, Matthew Hall & Mark C. Noort - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:250235.
    Conspiracy theories (CTs) are widespread ways by which people make sense of unsettling or disturbing cultural events. Belief in CTs is often connected to problematic consequences, such as decreased engagement with conventional political action or even political extremism, so understanding the psychological and social qualities of CTs belief is important. CTs have often been understood to be “monological”, displaying the tendency for belief in one conspiracy theory to be correlated with belief in (many) others. Explanations of monologicality invoke a nomothetical (...)
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  3. On explanation in cognitive science: Competence, idealization, and the failure of the classical cascade.Bradley Franks - 1995 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46 (4):475-502.
    underpinning of the cognitive sciences. I argue, however, that it often fails to provide adequate explanations, in particular in conjunction with competence theories. This failure originates in the idealizations in competence descriptions, which either ?block? the cascade, or produce a successful cascade which fails to explain cognition.
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    Sense Generation: A “Quasi‐Classical” Approach to Concepts and Concept Combination.Bradley Franks - 1995 - Cognitive Science 19 (4):441-505.
    This article presents a detailed formal approach to concepts and concept combination. Sense generation is a competence‐level theory that attempts to respect constraints from the various cognitive sciences, and postulates “quasi‐classical” conceptual structures where attributes receive only one value (but are defeasible and so do not represent necessary and sufficient conditions on category membership) and where classification is binary (but explicitly context‐sensitive). It is also argued that any general theory of concepts must account for “privative” combinations (e.g., stone lion, fake (...)
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    Partiality and coherence in concept combination.Nick Braisby, Bradley Franks & Terry Myers - 1992 - In Jes Ezquerro (ed.), Cognition, Semantics and Philosophy. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 179--207.
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  6.  36
    The Nature of Unnaturalness in Religious Representations: Negation and Concept Combination.Bradley Franks - 2003 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 3 (1):41-68.
    The cognitive anthropological approach has provided a powerful means of beginning to understand religious representations. I suggest that two extant approaches, despite their general plausibility, may not accurately characterise the detailed nature of those representations. A major source of this inaccuracy lies in the characterisation of negation of ontological properties, which gives rise to broader questions about their ontological determinacy and counter-intuitiveness. I suggest that a more plausible account may be forthcoming by allowing a more complex approach to the representations, (...)
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  7.  63
    Discussion. Idealizations, competence and explanation: A response to Patterson.Bradley Franks - 1999 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 50 (4):735-746.
    The connection between idealizations, competence and multi-level explanations in cognitive psychology is discussed, in response to Patterson's ([1998]) reply to Franks ([1995]). I argue that idealizations are inherent in competence explanations and as a result, such explanations cannot be formulated in the multi-level terms widely used in the cognitive sciences. Patterson's argument was that neither competence nor performance involve idealizations, and, since they are separate 'systems', it is inappropriate to apply a single multi-level explanation to them. I suggest that there (...)
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  8.  65
    Realism and folk psychology in the ascription of concepts.Bradley Franks - 1992 - Philosophical Psychology 5 (4):369-390.
    This paper discusses some requirements on a folk-psychological, computational account of concepts. Although most psychological views take the folk-psychological stance that concept-possession requires capacities of both representation and classification, such views lack a philosophical context. In contrast, philosophically motivated views stress one of these capacities at the expense of the other. This paper seeks to provide some philosophical motivation for the (folk-) psychological stance. Philosophical and psychological constraints on a computational level account provide the context for evaluating two theses. The (...)
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    A creationist myth: Pragmatic combination not feature creation.Nick Braisby & Bradley Franks - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1):19-20.
    Schyns et al. argue that flexibility in categorisation implies “feature creation.” We argue that this notion is flawed, that flexibility can be explained by combinations over fixed feature sets, and that feature creation would in any case fail to explain categorisation. We suggest that flexibility in categorisation is due to pragmatic factors influencing feature combination, rendering feature creation unnecessary.
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    On the psychological basis for rigid designation.Nick Braisby, Bradley Franks & James Hampton - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum. pp. 56--65.
  11.  98
    Semantics versus pragmatics in colour categorization.Nick Braisby & Bradley Franks - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):181-182.
    We argue that the confusing pattern of evidence concerning colour categorization reported by Saunders & van Brakel is unsurprising. On a perspectival view, categorization may follow semantic or pragmatic attributes. Colour lacks clear semantic attributes; as a result categorization is necessarily pragmatic and context-sensitive. This view of colour categorization helps explain the developmental delay in colour naming.
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  12.  48
    Why the dynamical hypothesis cannot qualify as a law of qualitative structure.Nick Braisby, Richard Cooper & Bradley Franks - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):630-631.
    Van Gelder presents the dynamical hypothesis as a novel law of qualitative structure to compete with Newell and Simon's (1976) physical symbol systems hypothesis. Unlike Newell and Simon's hypothesis, the dynamical hypothesis fails to provide necessary and sufficient conditions for cognition. Furthermore, imprecision in the statement of the dynamical hypothesis renders it unfalsifiable.
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  13.  56
    Interruptibility as a constraint on hybrid systems.Richard Cooper & Bradley Franks - 1993 - Minds and Machines 3 (1):73-96.
    It is widely mooted that a plausible computational cognitive model should involve both symbolic and connectionist components. However, sound principles for combining these components within a hybrid system are currently lacking; the design of such systems is oftenad hoc. In an attempt to ameliorate this we provide a framework of types of hybrid systems and constraints therein, within which to explore the issues. In particular, we suggest the use of system independent constraints, whose source lies in general considerations about cognitive (...)
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  14.  16
    The divided we and multiple obligations.Bradley Franks & Andrew Stewart - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e70.
    Tomasello's account of the origins and nature of moral obligation rightly emphasises the key roles of social relations and a cooperative sense of “we.” However, we suggest that it overlooks the complexity of those social relations and the resulting prevalence of a divided “we” in moral social groups. We argue that the social identity dynamics that arise can lead to competing obligations in a single group, and this has implications for the evolution of obligation.
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  15. The role of "the environment" in cognitive and evolutionary psychology.Bradley Franks - 2005 - Philosophical Psychology 18 (1):59-82.
    Evolutionary psychology is widely understood as involving an integration of evolutionary theory and cognitive psychology, in which the former promises to revolutionise the latter. In this paper, I suggest some reasons to doubt that the assumptions of evolutionary theory and of cognitive psychology are as directly compatible as is widely assumed. These reasons relate to three different problems of specifying adaptive functions as the basis for characterising cognitive mechanisms: the disjunction problem, the grain problem and the environment problem. Each of (...)
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  16.  42
    The Roles of Evolution in the Social Sciences: Is Biology Ballistic?Bradley Franks - 2014 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 44 (3):288-305.
    This paper discusses some widespread but often not fully articulated views concerning the possible roles of biology and evolution in the social sciences. Such views cluster around a set of intuitions that suggest that evolution's role is “ballistic”: it constitutes a starting point for mind that has been, and is, superseded by the role of culture and social construction. An implication is that evolved and the socially constructed aspects of mind are separable and independent, with the latter being the primary (...)
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  17.  21
    What does agency afford the self?Bradley Franks & Benjamin G. Voyer - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    What is the point? Concepts, description, and rigid designation.Bradley Franks & Nick Braisby - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1):70-70.
    Millikan's nondescriptionist approach applies an account of meaning to concepts in terms of designation. The essentialism that provides the principal grounds for rigid designation, however, receives no empirical support from concepts. Whatever the grounding, this view not only faces the problems of rigid designation in theories of meaning, it also calls for a role for pragmatics more consonant with descriptionist theories of concepts.
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