Results for 'Boris Christian Kment'

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  1. Modality and Explanatory Reasoning.Boris Christian Kment - 2014 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Boris Kment takes a new approach to the study of modality that emphasises the origin of modal notions in everyday thought. He argues that the concepts of necessity and possibility originate in counterfactual reasoning, which allows us to investigate explanatory connections. Contrary to accepted views, explanation is more fundamental than modality.
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  2. Modality and Explanatory Reasoning By Boris Kment.Boris Kment - 2014 - Analysis 77 (1):129–133.
    The aim of Modality and Explanatory Reasoning (MER) is to shed light on metaphysical necessity and the broader class of modal properties to which it belongs. This topic is approached with two goals: to develop a new and reductive analysis of modality, and to understand the purpose and origin of modal thought. I argue that a proper understanding of modality requires us to reconceptualize its relationship to causation and other forms of explanation such as grounding, a relation that connects metaphysically (...)
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  3. Haecceitism, Chance, and Counterfactuals.Boris Kment - 2012 - Philosophical Review 121 (4):573-609.
    Antihaecceitists believe that all facts about specific individuals—such as the fact that Fred exists, or that Katie is tall—globally supervene on purely qualitative facts. Haecceitists deny that. The issue is not only of interest in itself, but receives additional importance from its intimate connection to the question of whether all fundamental facts are qualitative or whether they include facts about which specific individuals there are and how qualitative properties and relations are distributed over them. Those who think that all fundamental (...)
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  4. Russell–Myhill and grounding.Boris Kment - 2022 - Analysis 82 (1):49-60.
    The Russell-Myhill paradox puts pressure on the Russellian structured view of propositions by showing that it conflicts with certain prima facie attractive ontological and logical principles. I describe several versions of RMP and argue that structurists can appeal to natural assumptions about metaphysical grounding to provide independent reasons for rejecting the ontological principles used in these paradoxes. It remains a task for future work to extend this grounding-based approach to all variants of RMP.
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  5. Counterfactuals and the analysis of necessity.Boris Kment - 2006 - Philosophical Perspectives 20 (1):237–302.
  6. Counterfactuals and explanation.Boris Kment - 2006 - Mind 115 (458):261-310.
    On the received view, counterfactuals are analysed using the concept of closeness between possible worlds: the counterfactual 'If it had been the case that p, then it would have been the case that q' is true at a world w just in case q is true at all the possible p-worlds closest to w. The degree of closeness between two worlds is usually thought to be determined by weighting different respects of similarity between them. The question I consider in the (...)
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  7. Decision, causality, and predetermination.Boris Kment - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 107 (3):638-670.
    Evidential decision theory (EDT) says that the choiceworthiness of an option depends on its evidential connections to possible outcomes. Causal decision theory (CDT) holds that it depends on your beliefs about its causal connections. While Newcomb cases support CDT, Arif Ahmed has described examples that support EDT. A new account is needed to get all cases right. I argue that an option A's choiceworthiness is determined by the probability that a good outcome ensues at possible A‐worlds that match actuality in (...)
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  8. Essence and modal knowledge.Boris Kment - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 8):1957-1979.
    During the last quarter of a century, a number of philosophers have become attracted to the idea that necessity can be analyzed in terms of a hyperintensional notion of essence. One challenge for proponents of this view is to give a plausible explanation of our modal knowledge. The goal of this paper is to develop a strategy for meeting this challenge. My approach rests on an account of modality that I developed in previous work, and which analyzes modal properties in (...)
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    Modality, Capacities, and Intuition.Boris Kment - 2022 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 129 (2):319-324.
    Barbara Vetter has argued that the notion of a metaphysical possibility functions like a natural-kind concept that picks out whatever kind is instantiated by the large majority of paradigmatic examples. Vetter holds that proponents of such a view can reject appeals to intuition and a priori reasoning as ways of supporting claims about the extension of metaphysical possibility, and that the attractiveness of a natural-kind account is consequently undiminished by intuitive counterexamples. This paper argues that that is far from obvious. (...)
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  10. Causation: Determination and difference-making.Boris Kment - 2010 - Noûs 44 (1):80-111.
    Much of the modern philosophy of causation has been governed by two ideas: (i) causes make their effects inevitable; (ii) a cause is something that makes a difference to whether its effect occurs. I focus on explaining the origin of idea (ii) and its connection to (i). On my view, the frequent attempts to turn (ii) into an analysis of causation are wrongheaded. Patterns of difference-making aren't what makes causal claims true. They merely provide a useful test for causal claims. (...)
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    Necessity and linguistic rules.Boris Kment - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (8):2400-2416.
    Amie Thomasson has argued against descriptivism about modality, which starts from the idea that modal statements serve to track features of the world and that these features explain the truth-values of modal claims. Thomasson objects that descriptivists cannot satisfactorily explain how modal features fit into the naturalistic picture of the world and that they cannot account for our apparent capacity to acquire modal knowledge. On Thomasson’s alternative to descriptivism (called ‘normativism’), the function of modal claims is to facilitate communication about (...)
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  12. De re modality.Boris Kment - 2018 - In Otávio Bueno & Scott A. Shalkowski (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Modality. New York: Routledge.
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  13. Chance and the Structure of Modal Space.Boris Kment - 2018 - Mind 127 (507):633-665.
    The sample space of the chance distribution at a given time is a class of possible worlds. Thanks to this connection between chance and modality, one’s views about modal space can have significant consequences in the theory of chance and can be evaluated in part by how plausible these implications are. I apply this methodology to evaluate certain forms of modal contingentism, the thesis that some facts about what is possible are contingent. Any modal contingentist view that meets certain conditions (...)
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  14. Free Will and Ultimate Explanation.Boris Kment - 2017 - Philosophical Issues 27 (1):114-130.
    Many philosophers and non-philosophers who reflect on the causal antecedents of human action get the impression that no agent can have morally relevant freedom. Call this the ‘non-existence impression.’ The paper aims to understand the (often implicit) reasoning underlying this impression. On the most popular reconstructions, the reasoning relies on the assumption that either an action is the outcome of a chance process, or it is determined by factors that are beyond the agent’s control or which she did not bring (...)
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    Replies to Sullivan and Lange.Boris Kment - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 91 (2):516-539.
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  16. Model Theory and Contingent Existence.Boris Kment - 2016 - Analysis 76 (2):172-190.
    Contingentism is the view that it is possible for there to be contingent existents. Timothy Williamson has argued that contingentists cannot provide a satisfactory interpretation of the possible-world semantics for modal logic. This paper aims to provide such an interpretation on behalf of contingentists.
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    Erratum to: Russell–Myhill and grounding.Boris Kment - 2022 - Analysis 82 (2):298-298.
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    Replies to Dorr, Emery and Hill and Yablo.Boris Kment - 2017 - Analysis 77 (1):166-188.
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    Précis of Modality and Explanatory Reasoning.Boris Kment - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 91 (2):489-498.
    The aim of Modality and Explanatory Reasoning (MER) is to shed light on metaphysical necessity and the broader class of modal properties to which it belongs. This topic is approached with two goals: to develop a new and reductive analysis of modality, and to understand the purpose and origin of modal thought. I argue that a proper understanding of modality requires us to reconceptualize its relationship to causation and other forms of explanation such as grounding, a relation that connects metaphysically (...)
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  20. Verificationism, Conventionalism, and a Priori Inference.Boris Kment - 2000
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    Strong and weak AI narratives: an analytical framework.Paolo Bory, Simone Natale & Christian Katzenbach - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-11.
    The current debate on artificial intelligence (AI) tends to associate AI imaginaries with the vision of a future technology capable of emulating or surpassing human intelligence. This article advocates for a more nuanced analysis of AI imaginaries, distinguishing “strong AI narratives,” i.e., narratives that envision futurable AI technologies that are virtually indistinguishable from humans, from "weak" AI narratives, i.e., narratives that discuss and make sense of the functioning and implications of existing AI technologies. Drawing on the academic literature on AI (...)
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    A New Perspective on the Multidimensionality of Divergent Thinking Tasks.Boris Forthmann, Paul-Christian Bürkner, Carsten Szardenings, Mathias Benedek & Heinz Holling - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Play to Win: Action Video Game Experience and Attention Driven Perceptual Exploration in Categorization Learning.Sabrina Schenk, Christian Bellebaum, Robert K. Lech, Rebekka Heinen & Boris Suchan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Christian Müller / Muriel Roiland-Rouabah : Les non-dits du nom. Onomastique et documents en terres d’Islam. Mélanges offerts à Jacqueline Sublet.Boris Liebrenz - 2015 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 92 (2):533-541.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 92 Heft: 2 Seiten: 533-541.
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    Christian Barth: Intentionalität und Bewusstsein in der frühen Neuzeit. Die Philosophie des Geistes von René Descartes und Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Frankfurt a. M. 2017: Vittorio Klostermann... [REVIEW]Boris Hennig - 2021 - Philosophische Rundschau 68 (1):60.
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    Soul, Archeus, and Nature in van Helmont’s Medical Naturalism.Boris Demarest - 2021 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 11 (2):564-584.
    Jan Baptist van Helmont’s development of the Paracelsian theory of the Archeus is often considered uncomfortably close to the animist theory that the specificity of organic bodies is largely due to the soul. In this paper, I argue that the historical assimilation of these two positions is mistaken. I show that van Helmont introduced his theory of the Archeus on the grounds that it guaranteed that natural processes are properly natural, and that his theory was driven by a specific conception (...)
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    Gumanizm i dukhovnoe razvitie obshchestva.Boris Nikolaevich Bessonov - 2006 - Moskva: RAGS.
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    The Clash on the Theological Left. Or Marxist and Christian Again in Dialogue after Forty Years.Boris Gunjević - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (3):649-656.
    Autorova je nakana reflektirati o tekstu Marksist i kršćanin, koji je nastao kao produkt dijaloga iz 1969. Dijalog su vodili Branko Bošnjak i Mijo Škvorc na Studentskoj tribini unutar ciklusa predavanja pod nazivom »O religiji«. Povod ovog susreta bila je knjiga Branka Bošnjaka Filozofija i kršćanstvo, nakon koje je održana vrlo dobro posjećena tribina i tiskana knjiga Marksist i kršćanin. Taj mali tekst od svega stotinjak kartica ima neprijepornu važnost u kontekstu suvremene hrvatske filozofske misli. Tekst je sročen tako da (...)
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  29. Vizantijska filozofija u srednjevekovnoj Srbiji.Boris Milosavljeviâc, Pseudo-Dionysius, John & Gregory Palamas (eds.) - 2002 - Beograd: "Stubovi kulture".
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    The Fall of Jerusalem and the Christian Church.Boris Gunjević - 2008 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 2 (1):139-140.
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    The Catholic Church, Jews, the Shoah and the State of Israel.Boris Havel - 2023 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 34 (2):21-34.
    Judaism and Christianity are religions whose theological epistemology is based on revelation. The primary source of revelation is Holy Scripture. However, history has also been recognised as a source of revelation, particularly the history of Israel and the Jewish people. Because they understood history as a source of revelation, many religious Jews altered their understanding of Jewish statehood in Eretz Israel during the twentieth century, from distinctly averse to increasingly supportive. On the same principles, the Catholic Church made arguably the (...)
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    Etyczna kultura starożytnego Rzymu a wczesne chrześcijaństwo.Borys Łapicki - 1958 - Łódź,: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich we Wrocławiu.
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    The history of separation: the Kievan Metropolitanate, the Constantinople Patriarchate and the Genesis of the Brest Union.Borys Gudziak - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 81:31-43.
    The Brest Union marks a turning point in the history of the Kyivan Church. Since the time of Vladimir and the introduction of Christianity in at the end of X century. The Kyivan Metropolitanate was the daughter of the Church of the Constantinople Patriarchate. Formation of the Metropolitanate under the care of Byzantium - the most important institutional feature of the official entry of Kievan Rus in the Christian world. During the XI-XIII centuries. Kievan Metropolitanate gradually embraced all the (...)
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    Basic Motor Competencies of 6- to 8-Year-Old Primary School Children in 10 European Countries: A Cross-Sectional Study on Associations With Age, Sex, Body Mass Index, and Physical Activity. [REVIEW]Marina Wälti, Jeffrey Sallen, Manolis Adamakis, Fabienne Ennigkeit, Erin Gerlach, Christopher Heim, Boris Jidovtseff, Irene Kossyva, Jana Labudová, Dana Masaryková, Remo Mombarg, Liliane De Sousa Morgado, Benjamin Niederkofler, Maike Niehues, Marcos Onofre, Uwe Pühse, Ana Quitério, Claude Scheuer, Harald Seelig, Petr Vlček, Jaroslav Vrbas & Christian Herrmann - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Basic motor competencies are a prerequisite for children to be physically active, participate in sports and thus develop a healthy, active lifestyle. The present study provides a broad screening of BMC and associations with age, sex, body mass index and extracurricular physical activity in 10 different European countries. The different country and regional contexts within Europe will offer a novel view on already established BMC associations. The cross-sectional study was conducted in 11 regions in 10 European countries in 2018. The (...)
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    Les États pontificaux face à Philippe II, marge ou centre alternatif de la Monarchie catholique ? Retour sur les fondements juridiques, politiques et pragmatiques d'un empire conjoncturel.Boris Jeanne - 2012 - Astérion. Philosophie, Histoire des Idées, Pensée Politique 10 (10).
    The Catholic Monarchy is the short-lived dynastic union (1580-1640) between the kingdoms of Spain and Portugal. By returning on the legal, political and pragmatic foundations of this empire which cannot be called Empire (because this name belongs to the Holy Roman Empire of the cousins of Vienna), the article tries to seize better the internal functioning of this heterogeneous political set, by adopting two points of view: that of America (how the notion of Catholic Monarchy is understood in the reynos, (...)
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    Kathrin Müller: Das Kreuz. Eine Objektgeschichte des bekanntesten Symbols von der Spätantike bis zur Neuzeit, Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder 2022, 302 S. [REVIEW]Boris Paschke - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 76 (2):151-153.
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  37. Axiomatic Natural Philosophy and the Emergence of Biology as a Science.Hein van den Berg & Boris Demarest - 2020 - Journal of the History of Biology 53 (3):379-422.
    Ernst Mayr argued that the emergence of biology as a special science in the early nineteenth century was possible due to the demise of the mathematical model of science and its insistence on demonstrative knowledge. More recently, John Zammito has claimed that the rise of biology as a special science was due to a distinctive experimental, anti-metaphysical, anti-mathematical, and anti-rationalist strand of thought coming from outside of Germany. In this paper we argue that this narrative neglects the important role played (...)
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    Matthew and His Christian Contemporaries (Library of NT Studies 333). Edited by David C. Sim and Boris Repschinski.Nicholas King - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (1):160-161.
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    Modality and Explanatory Reasoning, by Boris Kment: Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. xii + 362, US$74. [REVIEW]Barry Ward - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (2):399-402.
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    Repliken zu Hoffmann-Kolss, Hübner, Kment, Koslicki, Loets und Metschl.Barbara Vetter - 2023 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 130 (1):82-105.
    This is the third part of a „controversy“, in which I respond to comments from Vera Hoffmann-Kolss, Johannes Hübner, Boris Kment, Kathrin Koslicki, Annina Loets, and Ulrich Metschl concerning my earlier paper „Möglichkeit ohne mögliche Welten“ („possibility without possible worlds“).
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    In the Image of God: Foundations and Objections Within the Discourse on Human Dignity : Proceedings of the Colloquium Bologna and Rossena (July 2009) in Honour of Pier Cesare Bori on His 70th Birthday.Alberto Melloni & Riccardo Saccenti (eds.) - 2010 - LIT Verlag.
    In the last years, starting from the study of the foundations of human rights, Pier Cesare Bori has focused his research on the exegesis of Genesis 1, 26-28, according to which man is created in the image of God. In the Christian framework the imago Dei has led to different interpretations: a charismatic and eschatological, an ontological and a functional one. To solve the contradictions between these different exegesis of imago Dei Bori has suggested to consider a larger context, (...)
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    Orí O! A ideia de Pessoa, a Problemática do Destino e o Ritual do Bọrí entre os Yorùbás e no Candomblé (Orí O! The Idea of Person, the Problematic of Destiny and the Ritual of Bọrí among the Yorùbá and in Candomblé) - DOI 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n29p70. [REVIEW]João Ferreira Dias - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (29):70-87.
    O presente artigo pretende analisar a ideia de pessoa entre os yorùbás da África Ocidental, a partir da conceção de orí , i. e., a cabeça, entendida entre eles como portadora de personalidade e destino, ideia amplamente difundida pela literatura sobre a matéria da personalidade humana e sentidos de destino. A partir do orí , adentrar-se-á pela problemática da predestinação entre os yorùbás e o sentido do ritual de alimento à cabeça, o b ọ rí, entre os yorùbás, com referência (...)
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  43. Book Review: Vladimir Solovyov, The Justification of the Good: An Essay on Moral Philosophy [1897], ed. Boris Jakim, trans. Nathalie A. Duddington [1918] (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2005). lxix + 410 pp. £24.99 (pb), ISBN 0—8028—2863—9. [REVIEW]Andrew Louth - 2007 - Studies in Christian Ethics 20 (2):311-314.
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    In Defense of Anti-Haecceitism: Chance and Counterfactuals.Tomasz Bigaj - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-15.
    Boris Kment formulates two challenges to anti-haecceitism: one based on the concept of chance, and the other involving counterfactuals. In this paper I refute the chance-based argument by appropriately reformulating its premises in a non-individualistic language. Regarding the argument from counterfactuals I consider three strategies of defense. The strategy that is ultimately accepted as most promising is a revamped approach based on the distinction between possible worlds and possibilities. I counter Kment’s claim that the introduction of fine-grained (...)
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    Modality & Explanatory Reasoning. [REVIEW]Richard Baron - 2016 - Philosophy Now 115:44-45.
    A review of Boris Kment, Modality and Explanatory Reasoning.
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  46. New Directions in the Epistemology of Modality: Introduction.Antonella Mallozzi - 2021 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 8):1841-1859.
    The fourteen papers in this collection offer a variety of original contributions to the epistemology of modality. In seeking to explain how we might account for our knowledge of possibility and necessity, they raise some novel questions, develop some unfamiliar theoretical perspectives, and make some intriguing proposals. Collectively, they advance our understanding of the field. In Part I of this Introduction, I give some general background about the contemporary literature in the area, by sketching a timeline of the main tendencies (...)
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  47. New Directions in the Epistemology of Modality, Special Issue of Synthese.Antonella Mallozzi (ed.) - 2021 - Springer.
    The fourteen papers in this collection offer a variety of original contributions to the epistemology of modality. In seeking to explain our knowledge of possibility and necessity, they raise some novel questions, develop some unfamiliar theoretical perspectives, and make some intriguing proposals. In the Introduction (penultimate draft available for download), I give some general background about the contemporary literature in the area, by sketching a timeline of the main tendencies of the past twenty-five years or so, up to the present (...)
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    Should Special Science Laws Be Written into the Semantics of Counterfactuals?Daniel Dohrn - 2019 - Kairos 22 (1):86-108.
    Adam Elga has presented an anti-thermodynamic process as a counterexample to Lewis’s default semantics for counterfactuals. The outstanding reaction of Jonathan Schaffer and Boris Kment is revisionary. It sacrifices Lewis’s aim of defining causation in terms of counterfactual dependence. Lewis himself suggested an alternative: «counter-entropic funnybusiness» should make for dissimilarity. But how is this alternative to be spelled out? I discuss a recent proposal: include special science laws, among them the laws of thermodynamics. Although the proposal fails, it (...)
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    The Meaning of History.Nikolai Berdyaev - 1962 - Semantron Press. Edited by George Reavey.
    Translator's note -- Foreword by Boris Jakim -- On the essence of the historical : the meaning of tradition -- On the nature of the historical : the metaphysical and the historical -- Of celestial history : god and man -- Of celestial history : time and eternity -- The destiny of the Jews -- Christianity and history -- The Renaissance and humanism -- The end of the Renaissance and the crisis of humanism : the advent of the machine (...)
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    The meaning of history.Nikolaĭ Berdi︠a︡ev - 1936 - Cleveland,: Meridian Books. Edited by George Reavey.
    The great Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev (1874-1948) believed that the dawn of the twentieth century would bring an end to the old atheistic and positivistic worldview and the beginning of a new era of the spirit. His philosophy goes beyond mere rational conceptualization and tries to attain authentic life itself: the profound layers of existence in contact with the divine world. He directed all his efforts-philosophical as well as in his personal and public life-at replacing the kingdom of this world (...)
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