Results for 'Asger Bo Skjerning Steffensen'

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  1.  84
    The no correlation argument: can the morality of conscientious objection be empirically supported? the Italian case.Marco Bo, Carla Maria Zotti & Lorena Charrier - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):1-6.
    Background The legitimacy of conscientious objection to abortion continues to fuel heated debate in Italy. In two recent decisions, the European Committee for Social Rights underlined that conscientious objection places safe, legal, and accessible care and services out of reach for most Italian women and that the measures that Italy has adopted to guarantee free access to abortion services are inadequate. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Health states that current Italian legislation, if appropriately applied, accommodates both the right to conscientious objection (...)
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  2. Mellor’s Question: Are Determinables Properties of Properties or of Particulars?Bo R. Meinertsen - 2021 - American Philosophical Quarterly 58 (3):291-305.
    What I call Mellor’s Question is the problem of whether determinables are properties of their determinates or properties of the particulars that possess these determinates. One can distinguish two basic competing theories of determinables that address the issue, implicitly if not explicitly. On the second-order theory, determinables are second-order properties of determinate properties; on the second-level theory, determinables are first-order properties of the particulars with these determinate properties. Higher-order properties are prima facie ontologically uneconomical, and in line with my general (...)
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  3. A Relation as the Unifier of States of Affairs.Bo Meinertsen - 2008 - Dialectica 62 (1):1–19.
    This paper is concerned with what I call the ‘problem of unity’ . This is the puzzle of how Armstrong‐like states of affairs are unified. The general approach is ‘relational internalism’: the unifier of such a state of affairs is a relation of some sort in it. A view commonly associated with relational internalism is that if such a relation satisfies a certain ‘naive’ expectation to a relation – that it is related to its relata – then Bradley's regress results. (...)
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  4. Associationalism for 150 years and still alive and kicking: Some reflections on Danish civil society.Lars Bo Kaspersen & Laila Ottesen - 2001 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 4 (1):105-130.
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    Aufgaben und Methoden der Moralpsychologie.Johannes Bökmann - 1964 - Köln,: J. P. Bachem.
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    Two different approaches to philosophy a critical reflection on contemporary Chinese philosophy.Chen Bo - 2018 - Asian Philosophy 28 (3):197-214.
    ABSTRACTBy means of critical reflection on the current situation of Chinese philosophy, this article aims to clarify two different approaches to philosophy. One is for scholars to focus on original texts and thought tradition, concerned with interpretation and inheritance; even in this way, scholars can achieve theoretical innovation through creative interpretation. The other is for researchers to face up questions from academics and from reality, and mainly to do theoretical creation in philosophy on a profound theoretical background, strictly following academic (...)
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    The Epitaph of a Buddhist Lady: A Newly Discovered Chinese-Sogdian Bilingual.Bi Bo & Nicholas Sims-Williams - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (4):803.
    The inscription edited in this paper is the third bilingual Chinese-Sogdian epitaph to be made known, following that of Wirkakk and Wiyusi and that of Nanai-vande and Kekan, published in 2005 and 2017 respectively. The new epitaph is that of a Sogdian lady who died in 736 CE. Apart from its linguistic interest, it is important as attesting the conversion of a Sogdian lady to the “heretical” Buddhist Sanjie or “Three levels” movement, which remained popular despite being officially suppressed under (...)
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    Løgstrups mange ansigter.David Bugge, Pia Rose Böwadt & Peter Aaboe Sørensen (eds.) - 2006 - København: Forlaget ANIS.
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    Yangmyŏnghak yŏllon: ponsim i kamt'ong hanŭn ttattŭthan sesang.In-bo Chŏng - 2020 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Ak'anet. Edited by Chŏng-gil Han.
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    Compensatory Ethics.Chen-Bo Zhong, Gillian Ku, Robert B. Lount & J. Keith Murnighan - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (3):323-339.
    Several theories, both ancient and recent, suggest that having the time to contemplate a decision should increase moral awareness and the likelihood of ethical choices. Our findings indicated just the opposite: greater time for deliberation led to less ethical decisions. Post-hoc analyses and a followup experiment suggested that decision makers act as if their previous choices have created or lost moral credentials: after an ethical first choice, people acted significantly less ethically in their subsequent choice but after an unethical first (...)
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  11. Outline of a new semantics for counterfactuals.Lars Bo Gundersen - 2004 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 85 (1):1–20.
    It is argued that the so‐called principles of “strong centering” and “weak centering” central to the traditional Lewis‐Stalnaker semantics for counterfactuals are both fallacious. A foundation for an alternative semantics without these prinsciples is outlined. The core idea is that the statistically normal worlds – rather than those worlds most qualitatively similar to the actual world – should serve as the semantical fulcrum.
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  12. Forget the Folk: Moral Responsibility Preservation Motives and Other Conditions for Compatibilism.Cory J. Clark, Bo M. Winegard & Roy F. Baumeister - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:397001.
    For years, experimental philosophers have attempted to discern whether laypeople find free will compatible with a scientifically deterministic understanding of the universe, yet no consensus has emerged. The present work provides one potential explanation for these discrepant findings: People are strongly motivated to preserve free will and moral responsibility, and thus do not have stable, logically rigorous notions of free will. Seven studies support this hypothesis by demonstrating that a variety of logically irrelevant (but motivationally relevant) features influence compatibilist judgments. (...)
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  13. Against Disjunctive Properties: Four Armstrongian Arguments.Bo R. Meinertsen - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (1):95-106.
    This paper defends the case against (sparse) disjunctive properties by means of four Armstrongian arguments. The first of these is a logical atomist argument from truthmaking, which is, broadly speaking, ‘Armstrongian’ (Armstrong 1997). This argument is strong – although it stands or falls with the relevant notion of truthmaking, as it were. However, three arguments, which are prima facie independent of truthmaking, can be found explicitly early in Armstrong’s middle period. Two of these early arguments face a serious objection put (...)
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  14. Bildung as democratic opinion and will formation: Habermas beyond Habermas.Asger Sørensen - 2020 - In Torill Strand (ed.), Rethinking Ethical-Political Education. Springer. pp. 137--151.
    Considering citizenship education specifically in relation to deliberative politics, first, I focus on the role that Habermas in Between Facts and Norms allots to opinion and will formation as a kind of Bildung, emphasizing the collective aspect of discursive formation in the state as well as in civil society. Secondly, even though I have stressed the crucial role of deliberation in the formation to virtue, I recognize that Habermas attempts to combine the republican call for civic virtue with the liberal (...)
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  15. (1 other version)La Bildung según Habermas:: publicidad, discurso y política.Asger Sørensen - 2015 - Ixtli - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía de la Educación 2 (3):109--127.
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  16. Conflicting ideas of the university: a case of Neo-liberalism and New Public Management in Northern Europe.Asger Sørensen - 2015 - Paideutika 11 (21):129--139.
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  17. Dialectics - a commentary to Singer: 'Global Business and the Dialectic'.Asger Sørensen - 2003 - Human Systems Management 21.
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  18. Durkheims ansats til en etik for det moderne samfund – og en metodologisk kritik af den filosofiske etik.Asger Sørensen - 1998 - In . Roskilde Universitetsforlag.
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  19. Filosofi som terapi: om seksuelle overgreb og universitetsreformer, eksistentielle problemer og psykiske lidelser, filosofisk stræben og videnskabelig rationalitet - om ideal og virkelighed i den filosofiske tarapi.Asger Sørensen - 1995 - Filosofi 4:18--29.
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  20. Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich.Asger Sørensen & Carsten Friberg - 2010 - In Albert Jensen (ed.), Leksikon for Det 21. Århundrede. Solidaritatet.
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  21. Justice and Democracy. Some Preliminary Reflections.Asger Sørensen - 2013 - In . Editorial Comares.
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  22. Koldau sætter fingeren på et ømt punkt.Asger Sørensen - 2012 - Information:19--19.
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  23. Om teksterne.Asger Sørensen - 2008 - In Enrique Dussel & Asger Sørensen (eds.), Frigørelsesfilosofi. København: Politisk Revy. pp. 53--62.
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  24. Praktisk filosofi i lyset af Georges Bataille – om lighed, etik og menneskelighed.Asger Sørensen - 1999 - In . Politisk Revy.
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  25.  7
    Saramdoem ŭi tori hyo: 70-in ŭi hyoja hyonyŏ wa 39-kaji hyohaeng iyagi.Yong-bŏm Yi - 2004 - Sŏul-si: Paum.
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  26. V. 1]. Xian Qin juan.Wang Bo zhu - 2010 - In Yijie Tang & Zhonghua Li (eds.), Zhongguo ru xue shi. Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she.
  27. Methodological issues concerning Chinese philosophy : a theme introduction.Bo Mou - 2009 - In History of Chinese philosophy. New York: Routledge.
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    Moral rules and moral experience: A comparative analysis of Dewey and laozi on morality.Bo Mou - 2001 - Asian Philosophy 11 (3):161 – 178.
    In this article, through a comparative analysis of Dewey's and Laozi's relevant accounts, I examine a pragmatic insight concerning moral rules and moral experience to the effect that (i) fixed and formulated moral rules should not be taken as the final absolute moral authority, and (ii) attention needs to be paid to the moral agent's own moral experience that responds to the felt demands in concrete situations. The purpose of this paper is to enhance understanding the crucial points of the (...)
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    Measuring and testing awareness of emotional face expressions.Kristian Sandberg, Bo Martin Bibby & Morten Overgaard - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):806-809.
    Comparison of behavioural measures of consciousness has attracted much attention recently. In a recent article, Szczepanowski et al. conclude that confidence ratings predict accuracy better than both the perceptual awareness scale and post-decision wagering when using stimuli with emotional content . Although we find the study interesting, we disagree with the conclusion that CR is superior to PAS because of two methodological issues. First, the conclusion is not based on a formal test. We performed this test and found no evidence (...)
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  30. Relational properties: Definition, reduction, and states of affairs.Bo R. Meinertsen - 2024 - Ratio 37 (2-3):178-190.
    This paper defines relational properties and argues for their reducibility in a, broadly speaking, Armstrongian framework of state of affairs ontology and truthmaking. While Armstrong’s own characterisation and reduction of them arguably is the best one available in the literature of this framework, it suffers from two main problems. As will be shown, it neither defines relational properties very clearly (if at all), nor provides an adequate conception of their reduction. This paper attempts to remedy this situation in four steps. (...)
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  31. Bird on dispositions and antidotes.Lars Bo Gundersen - 2000 - Philosophical Quarterly 50 (199):227-229.
    In The Philosophical Quarterly, 48 , Alexander Bird raises an objection against the conditional analysis of dispositions: where an ‘antidote’ is present all the supposed conditions for manifestation of a disposition are fulfilled but the manifestation does not occur. But Bird’s argument suffers from equivocation. If we spell out properly whether the disposition's conditions are to include the presence of the antidote or not, the apparent counter‐examples disappear. So his examples do not undermine the conditional analysis of dispositions; they show (...)
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    Does second‐generation involvement promote family firm environmental investment? The China experience.Ying Fu, Lei Jiang, Qiushi Bo & Ning Kang - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (4):668-684.
    Family firms not only play an important role in economic growth but should also be held partly responsible for environmental degradation. Employing normative stakeholder theory and analyzing unique Chinese survey data via stepwise regression models, our findings indicate that second-generation successors did not significantly impact family firms' environmental investment. However, among second-generation successors, we find that successors with international experience positively impacted environmental investment. The propensity score matching (PSM) and two-stage least squares estimation (2SLS) approaches confirm our results. As an (...)
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    Gender Differences in How Family Income and Parental Education Relate to Reading Achievement in China: The Mediating Role of Parental Expectation and Parental Involvement.Xiaolin Guo, Bo Lv, Huan Zhou, Chunhui Liu, Juan Liu, Kexin Jiang & Liang Luo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Measuring consciousness: Task accuracy and awareness as sigmoid functions of stimulus duration.Kristian Sandberg, Bo Martin Bibby, Bert Timmermans, Axel Cleeremans & Morten Overgaard - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1659-1675.
    When consciousness is examined using subjective ratings, the extent to which processing is conscious or unconscious is often estimated by calculating task performance at the subjective threshold or by calculating the correlation between accuracy and awareness. However, both these methods have certain limitations. In the present article, we propose describing task accuracy and awareness as functions of stimulus intensity as suggested by Koch and Preuschoff . The estimated lag between the curves describes how much stimulus intensity must increase for awareness (...)
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    Listen to your heart: When false somatic feedback shapes moral behavior.Jun Gu, Chen-Bo Zhong & Elizabeth Page-Gould - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (2):307.
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    Technostress Among University Teachers in Higher Education: A Study Using Multidimensional Person-Environment Misfit Theory.Xinghua Wang & Bo Li - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  37. Akribeia: certainty and ontology of mathematics in Alessandro Piccolomini's De certitudine mathematicarum.Campillo Bo & Álvaro José - 2025 - Boston: Brill.
    This book provides a comprehensive study of the origins of seminal early modern debates on the certainty and ontology of mathematics. It analyzes Alessandro Piccolomini's De certitudine mathematicarum (1547), a work that ignited widespread controversy by challenging the scientific status of mathematics. The study delves into Piccolomini's logical doctrines, his philosophy of mathematics, and his perspectives on the relationship between mechanics and natural philosophy. Special attention is given to Piccolomini's ancient and medieval sources, the 16th-century rediscovery of Proclus' In Euclidem, (...)
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    A double-reference account: Gongsun long's "white-horse-not-horse" thesis.M. O. U. BO - 2007 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 34 (4):493–513.
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    Neue Funktionen von Wissenschaft und Technik in den 80er Jahren: Beiträge zur Technik- und Wissenschaftsdiskussion.Gernot Böhme & Franz Moser (eds.) - 1981 - Wien: Verlag des Verbandes der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Östeerreichs.
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  40. Wo das Unsagbare hörbar wird : Musik und Transzendenz.Jörg-Andreas Bötticher - 2018 - In Heiner Schwenke (ed.), Jenseits des Vertrauten: Facetten transzendenter Erfahrungen. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Han'guk sasang ŭi ssin sŭt'illŏ.Il-bŏm Ch'oe - 2016 - Sŏul: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Munsach'ŏl.
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    Application of rules in new situations: a hermeneutical study.Bo Hanson - 1977 - Lund: LiberLäromedel/Gleerup.
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  43. Authors’ Response: Explanatory Pluralism and Precise Conceptual Development.M. I. Harvey, R. Gahrn-Andersen & S. V. Steffensen - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):254-264.
    Upshot: We agree with commenters that enactivism incorporates a broad variety of methodologies, metaphysical stances, concepts, and investigative approaches, and that this is a good thing. However, we remain concerned that autonomy and sense-making are problematic concepts for post-Varelian enactivism, and that they form the foundations of a conceptual framework that may hamper the development of effective explanations for cognitive activity, as well as the paradigmatic aspirations of this particular enactivist approach.
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  44. Indledning & Efterskrift.Mogens Chrom Jacobsen & Asger Sørensen - 2005 - In . Det Lille Forlag.
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    Chinese philosophy: critical concepts in philosophy.Bo Mou (ed.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This new 4 volume collection will be organized into four distinct but complementary volumes which as a whole give a synoptic view of the major issues, conceptions, approaches, and current engaging exploration in studies of Chinese philosophy. With an introduction, newly written by the editor, which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context, Chinese Philosophy provides everything a scholar needs to break into the field, and is an invaluable reference work for the expert.
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  46. Quine's Naturalized Epistemology and Zhuangzi's Daoist Naturalism: How Their Constructive Engagement is Possible.Bo Mou - 2015 - In Brian Bruya (ed.), The Philosophical Challenge from China. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
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  47. Mindeord for Peter Kemp.Jacob Dahl Rendtorff & Asger Sørensen - 2019 - Filosofi 2019 (1):26--31.
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  48. Bidrag til kritikken af det nye kvalitetssikringssystem for videnskabelig viden: om økonomi, ledelse og deres skadelige indflydelse.Asger Sørensen - 2008 - Slagmark 52:91--108.
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  49. (1 other version)Deontology.Asger Sørensen - 2008 - 哲学分析 1 (2):8--25.
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  50. Frigørelsesfilosofi.Enrique Dussel & Asger Sørensen (eds.) - 2008 - København: Politisk Revy.
    Et uventet og uformodet bidrag og introduktion til en filosofisk forståelse af den nye globaliserede verdensorden, der kommer fra et nyt sted i denne vores globaliserede verden: Mexiko. Ny og ukendt i hvert fald i en dansk sammenhæng – hverken vores stats- eller udenrigsminister har garanteret hørt om Enrique Dussel før. -/- Forfatteren forholder sig eksplicit til en europæisk filosofisk tradition, men udbygger en egensindig forståelse af både filosofi og dens anvendelse i enmoderne verdensorden – netop på baggrund af en (...)
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