Results for 'Antoni Kosinki'

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  1.  14
    Lectures in the History of Mathematics. Henk J. M. Bos.Antoni Kosinki - 1998 - Isis 89 (3):518-519.
  2.  50
    Isaac Barrow on the Mathematization of Nature: Theological Voluntarism and the Rise of Geometrical Optics.Antoni Malet - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (2):265-287.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Isaac Barrow on the Mathematization of Nature: Theological Voluntarism and the Rise of Geometrical OpticsAntoni MaletIntroductionIsaac Newton’s Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy embodies a strong program of mathematization that departs both from the mechanical philosophy of Cartesian inspiration and from Boyle’s experimental philosophy. The roots of Newton’s mathematization of nature, this paper aims to demonstrate, are to be found in Isaac Barrow’s (1630–77) philosophy of the mathematical sciences.Barrow’s attitude (...)
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    (1 other version)Playing at Being Gods.Antoni Abad I. Ninet - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (1):41-55.
    The present article commences analyzing the origins and influences of the religious discourse on the configuration of the modern constitutional discourse and the contributions of the jus-positivism in the consolidation of this sacred-civil language. The second issue is the definition of the U.S. Constitution as a mixed and not as a democratic constitution, with regard to the influences of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero and Polybius to the Drafters of the first modern constitutional text; stability and equilibrium took preference over democracy in (...)
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    Mersenne and Mixed Mathematics.Antoni Malet & Daniele Cozzoli - 2010 - Perspectives on Science 18 (1):1-8.
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    What is a thought experiment?Antoni Gomila - 1991 - Metaphilosophy 22 (1-2):84-92.
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    On the sense of unsaturated expressions.Antoni Diller - 1993 - Philosophical Papers 22 (1):71-79.
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    Ecological renaissance—the first milestone on the way to the United Europe.Antoni Kuklinski - 1990 - World Futures 29 (3):174-181.
    (1990). Ecological renaissance—the first milestone on the way to the United Europe. World Futures: Vol. 29, The Future of European Integration, pp. 174-181.
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    Trust matters: a cross-cultural comparison of Northern Ghana and Oaxaca groups.Cristina Acedo-Carmona & Antoni Gomila - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:126593.
    A cross-cultural analysis of trust and cooperation networks in Northern Ghana (NGHA) and Oaxaca (OAX) was carried out by means of ego networks and interviews. These regions were chosen because both are inhabited by several ethnic groups, thus providing a good opportunity to test the cultural group selection hypothesis. Against the predictions of this approach, we found that in both regions cooperation is grounded in personal trust groups, and that social cohesion depends on these emotional bonds. Moreover, in agreement with (...)
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    Why Does Empathy Matter for Morality?Carme Isern-Mas & Antoni Gomila - 2019 - Análisis Filosófico 39 (1):5-26.
    In this paper we discuss Prinz’s Kantian arguments in “Is Empathy Necessary for Morality?”. They purport to show that empathy is not necessary for morality because it is not part of the capacities required for moral competence and it can bias moral judgment. First, we show that even conceding Prinz his notions of empathy and moral competence, empathy still plays a role in moral competence. Second, we argue that moral competence is not limited to moral judgment. Third, we reject Prinz’s (...)
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  10. A Second-Personal Approach to the Evolution of Morality.Carme Isern-Mas & Antoni Gomila - 2022 - Biological Theory 17 (3):199-209.
    Building on the discussion between Stephen Darwall and Michael Tomassello, we propose an alternative evolutionary account of moral motivation in its two-pronged dimension. We argue that an evolutionary account of moral motivation must account for the two forms of moral motivation that we distinguish: motivation to be partial, which is triggered by the affective relationships we develop with others; and motivation to be impartial, which is triggered by those norms to which we give impartial validity. To that aim, we present (...)
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  11. On Critical and Pancritical Rationalism.Antoni Diller - 2013 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 43 (2):127-156.
    Bartley’s pancritical rationalism is seen by some as being a refinement of Popper’s critical rationalism. I contest this view and argue that pancritical rationalism is obtained from critical rationalism by removing some of its most important and useful features. The remainder consists of a restatement of some of Popper’s key ideas and an interpretation of others that I attempt to show is not entirely faithful to what Popper says.
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    Stradanie i ego rolʹ v kulʹture.I︠U︡. M. Antoni︠a︡n - 2013 - Moskva: Infra-M.
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    The “separation of gods and buddhas” at Omiwa Jinja in Meiji Japan.Klaus Antoni - 1995 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 22 (1-2):139-159.
  14. " Aproximació a la filosofia del llenguatge", de Manuel Pérez Otero.Antoni Gomila Benejam - 2001 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 20 (1):157-159.
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    Los laberintos de la filosofía de la mente: un mapa de la situación.Antoni Gomila Benejam - 2007 - In David P. Chico & Moisés Barroso Ramos (eds.), Pluralidad de la filosofía analítica. México: Plaza y Valdés Editores. pp. 189.
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  16. The language of thought: still a game in town?Antoni Gomila Benejam - 2011 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 30 (1):145-155.
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    Testing the cultural group selection hypothesis in Northern Ghana and Oaxaca.Cristina Acedo-Carmona & Antoni Gomila - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Early Printing of Astronomy: The Lunari of Bernat de Granollachs.Joséa Chabáas & Antoni Roca - 1998 - Centaurus 40 (2):124-134.
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    De la ética a la política: de la razón erótica a la razón inerte.Antoni Domènech & Jesús Mosterín - 1989
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  20. Comentarios críticos a los comentarios críticos.Antoni Domènech Figueras - 2005 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 25:167-180.
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  21.  33
    (1 other version)Les deux sexes ou l'imaginaire du Mâle Moyen Âge (Espagne).Antoni Furió - 1998 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:9-9.
    L’article passe en revue le développement de l’histoire des femmes au Moyen Âge en Espagne depuis ses origines, la fin des années 1970, et discute l’influence que les thèses de Georges Duby ont exercée sur elle. Il relève que les regards venus de l’étranger ont contribué à discréditer et faire abandonner les préoccupations nationalistes qui avaient longtemps obsédé l’historiographie autochtone jusque dans la façon d’envisager et représenter les femmes. Le long et fécond parcours de l’histoire des femmes dans les vingt (...)
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    Book Discussion.Antoni Kapcia - 2017 - CLR James Journal 23 (1-2):339-342.
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    Filozofia przyrody w ujęciu wspołczesnych autorow marksistowskich w Polsce.Antoni Lićwinko - 1967 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 15 (3):101-122.
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  24.  32
    Externalization is common to all value judgments, and norms are motivating because of their intersubjective grounding.Carme Isern-Mas & Antoni Gomila - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41:21-21.
    We show that externalization is a feature not only of moral judgment, but also of value judgment in general. It follows that the evolution of externalization was not specific to moral judgment. Second, we argue that value judgments cannot be decoupled from the level of motivations and preferences, which, in the moral case, rely on intersubjective bonds and claims.
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  25.  21
    Keplerian Illusions: Geometrical Pictures "vs" Optical Images in Kepler's Visual Theory.Antoni Malet - 1990 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 21 (1):1.
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    The power of images: mathematics and metaphysics in Hobbes's optics.Antoni Malet - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 32 (2):303-333.
    This paper deals with Hobbes's theory of optical images, developed in his optical magnum opus, ‘A Minute or First Draught of the Optiques’, and published in abridged version in De homine. The paper suggests that Hobbes's theory of vision and images serves him to ground his philosophy of man on his philosophy of body. Furthermore, since this part of Hobbes's work on optics is the most thoroughly geometrical, it reveals a good deal about the role of mathematics in Hobbes's philosophy. (...)
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    Boaventura de Sousa Santos: une proposition du dialogue interculturel à l'époque de la mondialisation.Antoni Jesús Aguiló Bonet - 2011 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 16 (54):51-65.
    A partir de la definición de la globalización neoliberal como un localismo occidental globalizado, expresión de un nuevo tipo de imperialismo cultural, el objetivo principal de este artículo es el de llevar a cabo una exposición analítica de la propuesta de traducción intercultural e interpolítica d..
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    Hacia una nueva filosofía de la historia. Una revisión crítica de la idea de progreso a la luz de la epistemología del sur.Antoni Jesús Aguiló Bonet - 2010 - Aposta 47:1.
    Tomando como marco de referencia las aportaciones teóricas de la epistemología del Sur de Boaventura de Sousa Santos, el objetivo principal de este artículo es el de revisar críticamente algunas de las modernas concepciones lineales y homogeneizantes del tiempo y la historia, concretamente la filosofía ilustrada del progreso, la teleología eurocéntrica de Hegel y el finalismo histórico neoconservador del primer Fukuyama. Con este propósito, el artículo plantea un nuevo enfoque de la relación entre pasado, presente y futuro desde la perspectiva (...)
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  29. Notas críticas sobre la ética religiosa del trabajo en el Opus Dei.Antoni Jesús Aguiló Bonet - 2009 - Aposta 42:1.
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    Reseña "Descolonizar el saber, reinventar el poder" de Boaventura de Sousa Santos.Antoni Jesús Aguiló Bonet - 2011 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 16 (54):145-147.
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  31. Ramon Llull: relació, acció, combinatòria i lògica moderna.Antoni Bonner - 1994 - Studia Lulliana 34 (1):51-74.
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  32. ¿de Qué Sujeto Trata La Filosofía Del Segundo Wittgenstein?Antoni Defez - 2009 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 47:83-92.
    En este artículo se analiza cuál pudo haber sido la antropología filosófica del segundo Wittgenstein. La conclusión es que, para el Wittgenstein maduro, los seres humanos son animales expresivos, simbólicos, intencionales, creativos, rituales y ubicados que, a partir de su naturaleza común pero a través socializaciones divergentes, crean significaciones,instituciones, reglas, es decir, realidades intensionales, mundos.
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    Filosofía y silencio en Wittgenstein.Antoni Defez - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 34 (1):77-90.
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  34.  12
    Designing Androids.Antoni Diller - 2003 - Philosophy Now 42:28-31.
  35.  22
    Social Cognition and the Second Person in Human Interaction.Diana I. Pérez & Antoni Gomila - 2021 - London and New York: Routledge.
    This book is a unique exploration of the idea of the "second person" in human interaction, the idea that face-to-face interactions involve a distinctive form of reciprocal mental state attributions that mediates their dynamical unfolding. Challenging the view of mental attribution as a sort of "theory of mind", Pérez and Gomila argue that the second person perspective of mental understanding is the conceptually, ontogenetically, and phylogenetically basic way of understanding mentality. Second person interaction provides the opportunity for the acquisition of (...)
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    Kepler and the Telescope.Antoni Malet - 2003 - Annals of Science 60 (2):107-136.
    There is an uncanny unanimity about the founding role of Kepler's Dioptrice in the theory of optical instruments and for classical geometric optics generally. It has been argued, however, that for more than fifty years optical theory in general, and Dioptrice in particular, was irrelevant for the purposes of telescope making. This article explores the nature of Kepler's achievement in his Dioptrice . It aims to understand the Keplerian 'theory' of the telescope in its own terms, and particularly its links (...)
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  37. La teoría de las ideas de Descartes.Antoni Gomila Benejam - 1996 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):47-69.
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  38.  43
    Naturalizing Darwall's Second Person Standpoint.Carme Isern-Mas & Antoni Gomila - 2020 - Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Scienc 54:785–804.
    In this paper, we take Darwall’s analytical project of the second-person standpoint as the starting point for a naturalistic project about our moral psychology. In his project, Darwall contends that our moral notions constitutively imply the perspective of second-personal interaction, i.e. the interaction of two mutually recognized agents who make and acknowledge claims on one another. This allows him to explain the distinctive purported authority of morality. Yet a naturalized interpretation of it has potential as an account of our moral (...)
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  39. Enfermedad y la crisis consecuente.Anna La Fuerza & Antoni María Aluja Farré - forthcoming - Krisis.
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  40. From indivisibles to infinitesimals.Antoni Malet & C. W. Kilmister - 1998 - Annals of Science 55 (3):325.
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    Bounded BCK‐algebras and their generated variety.Joan Gispert & Antoni Torrens - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (2):206-213.
    In this paper we prove that the equational class generated by bounded BCK-algebras is the variety generated by the class of finite simple bounded BCK-algebras. To obtain these results we prove that every simple algebra in the equational class generated by bounded BCK-algebras is also a relatively simple bounded BCK-algebra. Moreover, we show that every simple bounded BCK-algebra can be embedded into a simple integral commutative bounded residuated lattice. We extend our main results to some richer subreducts of the class (...)
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  42.  54
    José María Albareda (1902–1966) and the formation of the Spanish Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.Antoni Malet - 2009 - Annals of Science 66 (3):307-332.
    Summary José María Albareda (1902–1966) was an applied chemist and a prominent member of the Roman Catholic organization, Opus Dei, who played a crucial role in organizing the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), the new scientific institution created by the Franco regime in 1939. The paper analyses first the formative years in Albareda's scientific biography and the political and social context in which he became an Opus Dei fellow. Then it discusses the CSIC's innovative features compared with the Junta (...)
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  43. Language and Metaphysical Realism in Locke.Antoni Defez Martin - 2009 - Pensamiento 65 (244):279-295.
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    (1 other version)Glivenko like theorems in natural expansions of BCK‐logic.Roberto Cignoli & Antoni Torrens Torrell - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (2):111-125.
    The classical Glivenko theorem asserts that a propositional formula admits a classical proof if and only if its double negation admits an intuitionistic proof. By a natural expansion of the BCK-logic with negation we understand an algebraizable logic whose language is an expansion of the language of BCK-logic with negation by a family of connectives implicitly defined by equations and compatible with BCK-congruences. Many of the logics in the current literature are natural expansions of BCK-logic with negation. The validity of (...)
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  45.  18
    Analysis and Synthesis in Mathematics: History and Philosophy. Michael Otte, Marco Panza.Antoni Malet - 2000 - Isis 91 (1):135-136.
  46.  13
    Itinerari del volontarismo: Teologia e politica al tempo di Luis de Leon. Domenico Ferraro.Antoni Malet - 1996 - Isis 87 (2):352-353.
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    Luis García Ballester, 14 February 1936–10 October 2000.Antoni Malet - 2003 - Isis 94 (4):669-671.
  48.  23
    Mathematics and mathematization in the seventeenth century.Antoni Malet - 1991 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 22 (4):673-678.
    This paper is an essay-review of J. Yoder's "Unrolling Time: Christian Huygens and the Mathematization of Nature" (Cambridge, 1989). Highlighting the scholarly thoroughness and mathematical competence of Yoder's reconstruction of Huygens's heuristic path to his ground-breaking results on centrifugal force, cycloidal motion and evolutes, the essay also deals with Yoder's attempts to characterize Huygens's way of using mathematics in physical problems. In opposition to Yoder's thesis, this paper argues that evidence internal to Huygens's work as well as the contemporary reaction (...)
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    Philosophy of Mathematics and Mathematical Practice in the Seventeenth Century. Paolo Mancosu.Antoni Malet - 1997 - Isis 88 (1):140-141.
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    Reasoning with the Infinite: From the Closed World to the Mathematical Universe. Michel Blay, M. B. DeBevoise.Antoni Malet - 2000 - Isis 91 (4):778-779.
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