Results for 'Anna Danielsson'

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  1.  19
    A Critique of the Stem Pipeline: Young People’s Identities in Sweden and Science Education Policy.Heather Mendick, Maria Berge & Anna Danielsson - 2017 - British Journal of Educational Studies 65 (4):481-497.
    In this article, we develop critiques of the pipeline model which dominates Western science education policy, using discourse analysis of interviews with two Swedish young women focused on ‘identity work’. We argue that it is important to unpack the ways that the pipeline model fails to engage with intersections of gender, ethnicity, social class and nationality, and their impact on science and with debates about science as elitist and implicated in neoliberalism.
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    Exotic Spaces in German Modernism.Jennifer Anna Gosetti-Ferencei - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    Jennifer Anna Gosetti-Ferencei demonstrates that the exotic, as reflected in major works of German literature and in the philosophy and art that inspires it,..
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  3. The overlap between state law systems and sports law systems : the case of doping.Anna Di Giandomenico - 2023 - In Miroslav Imbrišević (ed.), Sport, Law and Philosophy: The Jurisprudence of Sport. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  4. 60 philosophical papers dedicated to professor Wlodek Rabinowicz.Various Authors - manuscript
    Contributing Authors: Lilli Alanen & Frans Svensson, David Alm, Gustaf Arrhenius, Gunnar Björnsson, Luc Bovens, Richard Bradley, Geoffrey Brennan & Nicholas Southwood, John Broome, Linus Broström & Mats Johansson, Johan Brännmark, Krister Bykvist, John Cantwell, Erik Carlson, David Copp, Roger Crisp, Sven Danielsson, Dan Egonsson, Fred Feldman, Roger Fjellström, Marc Fleurbaey, Margaret Gilbert, Olav Gjelsvik, Kathrin Glüer & Peter Pagin, Ebba Gullberg & Sten Lindström, Peter Gärdenfors, Sven Ove Hansson, Jana Holsanova, Nils Holtug, Victoria Höög, Magnus Jiborn, Karsten Klint (...)
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    Metaphor Is Between Metonymy and Homonymy: Evidence From Event-Related Potentials.Anna Yurchenko, Anastasiya Lopukhina & Olga Dragoy - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:487745.
    The goal of the present study was to investigate the interaction between different senses of polysemous nouns (metonymies and metaphors) and different meanings of homonyms using the method of event-related potentials (ERPs) and a priming paradigm. Participants read two-word phrases containing ambiguous words and made a sensicality judgment. Phrases with polysemes highlighted their literal sense and were preceded by primes with either the same or different – metonymic or metaphorical – sense. Similarly, phrases with homonyms were primed by phrases with (...)
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    Liberal Loyalty: Freedom, Obligation, and the State.Anna Stilz - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    Many political theorists today deny that citizenship can be defended on liberal grounds alone. Cosmopolitans claim that loyalty to a particular state is incompatible with universal liberal principles, which hold that we have equal duties of justice to persons everywhere, while nationalist theorists justify civic obligations only by reaching beyond liberal principles and invoking the importance of national culture. In Liberal Loyalty, Anna Stilz challenges both views by defending a distinctively liberal understanding of citizenship. Drawing on Kant, Rousseau, and (...)
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    Moral Principles and Ethics Committees: A Case against Bioethical Theories.Anna C. Zielinska - 2015 - Ethics and Social Welfare 9 (3):269-279.
    This paper argues that the function of moral education in the biomedical context should be exactly the same as in a general, philosophical framework: it should not provide ready-to-use kits of moral principles; rather, it must show the history, epistemology and conceptual structure of moral theories that would enable those who have to make decisions to be as informed and as responsible as possible. If this complexity cannot be attained, an incomplete product—i.e. bioethics or bioethical principles—should not be seen as (...)
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  8. Relation between Logic and Linguistics according to the Lvov-Warsaw School.Anna Broçzek - 2021 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk & Mieszko Tałasiewicz (eds.), The Lvov-Warsaw School and Contemporary Philosophy of Language. Boston: BRILL.
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  9. Dis-)continuities of the cinematic imaginary: (non-)representation, discourse and theory. Imagi[ni]ng the universe: cosmos, otherness and cinema.Eddie George & Anna Piva - 2012 - In Saër Maty Bâ & Will Higbee (eds.), De-westernizing film studies. New York: Routledge.
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    Emotional Stress During Pregnancy – Associations With Maternal Anxiety Disorders, Infant Cortisol Reactivity, and Mother–Child Interaction at Pre-school Age.Anna-Lena Zietlow, Nora Nonnenmacher, Corinna Reck, Beate Ditzen & Mitho Müller - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Women and health research: ethical and legal issues of including women in clinical studies.Anna C. Mastroianni, Ruth R. Faden & Daniel D. Federman (eds.) - 1994 - Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.
    Executive Summary There is a general perception that biomedical research has not given the same attention to the health problems of women that it has given ...
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    Shake, rattle, 'n' roll: the representation of motion in language and cognition.Anna Papafragou - 2002 - Cognition 84 (2):189-219.
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    Evidentiality in language and cognition.Anna Papafragou - 2007 - Cognition 103 (2):253-299.
  14. Kunst, Gesellschaft und Erfahrung : die ästhetische Form als Kritik.Anna Danilina - 2014 - In Marcus Quent & Eckardt Lindner (eds.), Das Versprechen der Kunst: aktuelle Zugänge zu Adornos ästhetischer Theorie. Wien: vERLAG Turia + Kant.
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    Pitagora e il pitagorismo.Nuccio D'Anna - 2022 - Roma: Edizioni Arkeios.
  16.  13
    L'origine e la meta: studi in memoria di Emanuele Samek Lodovici con un suo inedito.Gabriele De Anna & Emanuele Samek Lodovici (eds.) - 2015 - Milano: Edizioni Ares.
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  17. Realism, human action and politics. On the political dimension of individual choices.Gabriele De Anna - 2015 - In Gabriele De Anna & Riccardo Martinelli (eds.), Moral Realism and Political Decisions. Practical Rationality in Contemporary Public Contexts. Bamberg: Bamberg University Press.
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  18. Electoral quotas and John Rawls's idea of justice and equality.Anna Kalisz & Magdalena Półtorak - 2012 - In Miodrag A. Jovanović & Bojan Spaić (eds.), Jurisprudence and political philosophy in the 21st century: reassessing legacies. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
  19. 12 MeletēMata ProsōKratikēs Philosophias.Anna Kelesidou - 1992 - Athēna: A. Kelesidou.
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    Neokantyzm epistemologiczny i ontologiczny: Ernst Cassirer, Martin Heidegger = Epistemological and ontological neo-Kantianism: Ernst Cassirer, Martin Heidegger.Anna Zofia Musioł - 2020 - Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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  21. Deceiving ourselves and wronging others.Anna Wehofsits - manuscript
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  22. When we think about thinking: The acquisition of belief verbs.Anna Papafragou - 2007 - Cognition 105 (1):125.
    Mental-content verbs such as think, believe, imagine and hope seem to pose special problems for the young language learner. One possible explanation for these diYculties is that the concepts that these verbs express are hard to grasp and therefore their acquisition must await relevant conceptual development. According to a diVerent, perhaps complementary, proposal, a major contributor to the diYculty of these items lies with the informational requirements for identifying them from the contexts in which they appear. The experiments reported here (...)
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  23. Source-Goal Asymmetries in Motion Representation: Implications for Language Production and Comprehension.Anna Papafragou - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (6):1064-1092.
    Recent research has demonstrated an asymmetry between the origins and endpoints of motion events, with preferential attention given to endpoints rather than beginnings of motion in both language and memory. Two experiments explore this asymmetry further and test its implications for language production and comprehension. Experiment 1 shows that both adults and 4-year-old children detect fewer within-category changes in source than goal objects when tested for memory of motion events; furthermore, these groups produce fewer references to source than goal objects (...)
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  24.  28
    The role of guidelines in ethical competence-building: perceptions among research nurses and physicians.Anna T. HÖGlund, Stefan Eriksson & Gert Helgesson - 2010 - Clinical Ethics 5 (2):95-102.
    The aim of the present study was to describe and explore the perception of ethical guidelines and their role in ethical competence-building among Swedish physicians and research nurses. Twelve informants were interviewed in depth. The results demonstrated that the informants had a critical attitude towards ethical guidelines and claimed to make little use of them in practical moral judgements. Ethical competence was seen primarily as character-building, related to virtues such as being empathic, honest and loyal to patients. Ethical competence was (...)
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    Saidaiji Monks and Esoteric Kami Worship at Ise and Miwa.Anna Andreeva - 2006 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 33 (2):349-377.
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    What is to be Done?Anna Arutunyan - 2006 - Philosophy Now 54:25-25.
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    Recognizing Settler Ignorance in the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission.Anna Cook - 2018 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4 (4).
    The Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission has been mandated to collect testimonies from survivors of the Indian Residential Schools system. The TRC demands survivors of the residential school system to share their personal narratives under the assumption that the sharing of narratives will inform the Canadian public of the residential school legacy and will motivate a transformation of settler identity. I contend, however, that the TRC provides a concrete example of how a politics of recognition fails to transform relationships between (...)
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    Well-being—more than health?Anna Hirsch - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (1):71-88.
    Definition of the problemThe medical-ethical principle of beneficence is directed towards the well-being of patients. In clinical practice, the focus is often on the relief of pain, the elimination of symptoms and the restoration of bodily functioning. However, the significance of these health-related aspects for the overall well-being of patients also depends on individual values, desires, and life plans.ArgumentationAn overemphasis on the subjective perspective of patients on their well-being would admittedly lead to a strong substantial convergence of the two medical-ethical (...)
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  29.  33
    Ajdukiewicz and Kotarbinski on Names : a Pretext for Ontological Games.Anna C. Zielinska - 2007 - In Joray Pierre (ed.), Proceedings of the conference Contemporary Perspectives of Logicism.
    Lesniewski’s ontology was one of the most inspiring aspects of Polish philosophy in the 20th century. I would like to reveal two original ways of thinking about names present in Polish pre-war philosophy and inspired by Lesniewski’s ideas, i.e. Kotarbinski’s reism and Ajdukiewicz’s criticism of the latter. It seems obvious, at least in texts of the philosophers quoted above, that the question of names was hiding much deeper quarrels. Although Kotarbinski’s and Ajdukiewicz’s positions were not in radical opposition, several disagreements (...)
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  30. Byt określa świadomość albo egzystencjalny realizm.Anna Żuk - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 288 (11).
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  31. Kulturowe i filozoficzne uwarunkowania sensu pojęcia utopii.Anna Żuk - 1986 - Colloquia Communia 25 (2-3):37-52.
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  32. Na amplitudzie istnienia. Błażej Pascal o rozpaczy i nadziei człowieka.Anna Teresa Łukowska - 2004 - Colloquia Communia 76 (1):54-63.
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  33. Tradycja judeochrześcijańska a problem utopii.Anna Żuk - 1986 - Colloquia Communia 25 (2-3):139-146.
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  34. Nietzsche e la letteratura francese.Anna Teresa Vaglia - 1967 - Brescia,:
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    V. d'Alessandro, "La sfida dell'istruzione".Anna Laura Zanatta - 1997 - Polis 11 (2):310-311.
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    International experience of science internationalization: challenges and opportunities of their application in Russia.Anna Zapotoczna & Olga Nikonova - 2019 - Sotsium I Vlast 6:7-18.
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    (1 other version)Leontius of Byzantium and the Concept of Enhypostaton.Anna Zhyrkova - 2017 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 22 (2):193-218.
    The concept of “enhypostaton” was introduced into theological discourse during the sixth-century Christological debates with the aim of justifying the unitary subjectivity of Christ by reclassifying Christ’s human nature as ontically non-independent. The coinage of the term is commonly ascribed to Leontius of Byzantium. Its conceptual content has been recognized by contemporary scholarship as relevant to the core issues of Christology, as well as possessing significance for such philosophical questions as individuation and the nature of individual entityhood. Even so, despite (...)
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    (1 other version)Matyáš Havrda: The So-Called Eighth Stromateus by Clement of Alexandria.Anna Zhyrkova - 2017 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 22 (1):103-104.
    The concept of enhypostaton was introduced into theological discourse during the sixth-century Christological debates, and aimed to elucidate the orthodox doctrine of the unity of two natures in the singular hypostasis of Christ. In spite of the fact that the conceptual content of the term is recognized by contemporary scholarship as pertaining to the core of Christology, the notion of enhypostaton is often described as obscure and not clearly defined. The coining of the term is often ascribed to Leontius of (...)
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    (1 other version)Marcus Plested: Orthodox Readings of Aquinas.Anna Zhyrkova - 2012 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 17 (2):273-278.
    The article reviews the book Orthodox Readings of Aquinas, by Marcus Plested.
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    (1 other version)Les avocats chinois, promoteurs d'un réseau juridique virtuel : Société civile et internet en chine et asie orientale.Anna Zyw - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 55 (3):65.
    De nos jours, les avocats et les juristes chinois sont très friands d'Internet. Pourtant, leur utilisation de la Toile n'a pas encore été l'objet de recherches. Cet article veut apporter un regard nouveau sur le lien entre avocats, internautes et société civile chinoise. Les juristes ont trouvé en Internet, en particulier sur les blogs, un lieu d'information et d'échange où ils peuvent se dédier aux sujets qui les intéressent . Les multiples démarches qu'ils ont initiées au sein du Réseau ont (...)
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    Implicit offensiveness from linguistic and computational perspectives: A study of irony and sarcasm.Anna Bączkowska - 2023 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 19 (2):353-383.
    The aim of this paper is to shed some light on the linguistic concept of implicit offensiveness. On the one hand, implicitness will be juxtaposed with indirectness as the two concepts are not conceived of here as synonymous. On the other hand, a typology of offensiveness (vs offensive language and vs offendedness) will be proposed, as well as the overarching term ‘covert meaning’ that will span figurative implicitness and non-figurative implicitness. The gradability of various forms of covert meaning and its (...)
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  42.  20
    Being Human: Ethics, Environment, and Our Place in the World.Anna Lisa Peterson - 2001 - University of California Press.
    _Being Human _examines the complex connections among conceptions of human nature, attitudes toward non-human nature, and ethics. Anna Peterson proposes an "ethical anthropology" that examines how ideas of nature and humanity are bound together in ways that shape the very foundations of cultures. Peterson discusses mainstream Western understandings of what it means to be human, as well as alternatives to these perspectives, and suggests that the construction of a compelling, coherent environmental ethics will revise our ideas not only about (...)
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    Aesthetic Luck.Anna Christina Ribeiro - 2018 - The Monist 101 (1):99-113.
    I argue that we are subject to ‘aesthetic luck’ in four senses: constitutive, upbringing, sociogeographic, and circumstantial. I review evidence from our practices, philosophy, and science. I then consider what challenges aesthetic luck raises to the communicability of aesthetic judgments, the formation of one’s aesthetic character, and the goal of a life well lived, as well as possible answers to those challenges.
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    Neither ‘Crisis Light’ nor ‘Business as Usual’: Considering the Distinctive Ethical Issues Raised by the Contingency and Reset Phases of a Pandemic.Anna Chiumento, Caroline Redhead, Paul Baines, Sara Fovargue, Heather Draper & Lucy Frith - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (8):34-37.
    We have been researching the distinctive ethical issues raised by what we have called “the reset period,” when non-Covid services resumed alongside the continuing pandemic in the UK. In this commen...
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    The way you say it, the way I feel it: emotional word processing in accented speech.Anna Hatzidaki, Cristina Baus & Albert Costa - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Cartesian Bodies and Movement Phenomenology.Anna Hogen - 2009 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 3 (1):66-74.
    This essay critically considers scientific and metaphorical understandings of the body and embodiment. It employs interrogates and employs the concepts of embodiment, ego, bodily intentionality, and anorexia from a phenomenological perspective. It considers the battery of concepts regarding embodiment: soma (the shape of the body), sarx (the flesh of the body) and pexis (the body and soul in unity). While Soma and sarx are the objective body, they are explained by the natural sciences. Pexis is the 'unobjective' body; it is (...)
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    Historia w sztuce.Maria Anna Potocka (ed.) - 2011 - Kraków: Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej w Krakowie.
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    Etika a ekonomika.Anna Remišová - 2011 - Bratislava: Kalligram.
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  49. Accidental outcomes guide punishment in a “trembling hand” game.Anna Dreber - unknown
    How do people respond to others' accidental behaviors? Reward and punishment for accidents might be depend on the actor's intentions, or instead on the unintended outcomes she brings about. Yet, existing paradigms in experimental economics do not include the possibility of accidental monetary allocations. We explore the balance of outcomes and intentions in a two-player economic game where monetary allocations are made with a "trembling hand": that is, intentions and outcomes are sometimes mismatched. Player 1 allocates $10 between herself and (...)
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  50. Laws.Nancy Cartwright, Anna Alexandrova, Andrew Hamilton Sophia Efstathiou & Ioan Muntean - 2005 - In Frank Jackson & Michael Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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