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Andrew Koppelman [13]Andrew Martin Mayer Koppelman [1]
  1.  13
    The fluidity of political legitimacy: On Michelman’s C onstitutional E ssentials.Andrew Koppelman - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (7):1064-1075.
    What can constitutional law contribute to the justification of political power? Quite a lot, Frank Michelman argues in Constitutional Essentials. It can establish a publicly known framework for addressing the deep disagreements that are inevitable in any free society. Michelman’s analysis has powerful attractions, but he overclaims the clarity with which rights can be defended within the Rawlsian framework he contemplates. The interests that courts must defend will vary from one society to another, depending on what the locals happen to (...)
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    Conscience, volitional necessity, and religious exemptions.Andrew Koppelman - 2009 - Legal Theory 15 (3):215.
    Why do we grant religious exemptions? Many distinguished scholars and judges have been drawn to the idea that conscience is entitled to special protection, because a person in its grip cannot obey the law without betraying his deepest, most identity-defining commitments. The weakness of this justification is shown by philosopher Harry Frankfurt's account of what he calls “volitional necessity,” which clarifies the structure of the argument that invocations of conscience imply. Frankfurt shows that a person can be bound in this (...)
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  3.  32
    On the Moral Foundations of Legal Expressivism.Andrew Koppelman - unknown
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    (2 other versions)Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings.David Benatar, Cheshire Calhoun, Louise Collins, John Corvino, Yolanda Estes, John Finnis, Deirdre Golash, Alan Goldman, Greta Christina, Raja Halwani, Christopher Hamilton, Eva Feder Kittay, Howard Klepper, Andrew Koppelman, Stanley Kurtz, Thomas Mappes, Joan Mason-Grant, Janice Moulton, Thomas Nagel, Jerome Neu, Martha Nussbaum, Alan Soble, Sallie Tisdale, Alan Wertheimer, Robin West & Karol Wojtyla (eds.) - 1980 - Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book's thirty essays explore philosophically the nature and morality of sexual perversion, cybersex, masturbation, homosexuality, contraception, same-sex marriage, promiscuity, pedophilia, date rape, sexual objectification, teacher-student relationships, pornography, and prostitution. Authors include Martha Nussbaum, Thomas Nagel, Alan Goldman, John Finnis, Sallie Tisdale, Robin West, Alan Wertheimer, John Corvino, Cheshire Calhoun, Jerome Neu, and Alan Soble, among others. A valuable resource for sex researchers as well as undergraduate courses in the philosophy of sex.
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  5.  20
    Are the Boy Scouts Being as Bad as Racists.Andrew Koppelman - 2004 - Public Affairs Quarterly 18 (4):363-386.
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    Burning down the house: how libertarian philosophy was corrupted by delusion and greed.Andrew Koppelman - 2022 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    A lively history of American libertarianism and its decay into dangerous fantasy. In 2010 in South Fulton, Tennessee, each household paid the local fire department a yearly fee of $75.00. That year, Gene Cranick's house accidentally caught fire. But the fire department refused to come because Cranick had forgotten to pay his yearly fee, leaving his home in ashes. Observers across the political spectrum agreed-some with horror and some with enthusiasm-that this revealed the true face of libertarianism. But libertarianism did (...)
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  7.  26
    Darwall, Habermas, and the Fluidity of Respect.Andrew Koppelman - 2013 - Ratio Juris 26 (4):523-537.
    What moral commitments do we manifest when we make claims upon one another? The practice of claiming is inescapable, and so any normative presuppositions of that practice are similarly inescapable (at least on pain of self-contradiction). This inquiry thus promises an Archimedian point from which to address intractable moral disagreements in modern society. Whatever we happen to differ about, we can be shown to agree about these premises, and therefore to share commitment to whatever can be derived from these premises. (...)
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  8.  25
    Does Respect Require Antiperfectionism?Andrew Koppelman - 2015 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 22:53-67.
  9.  17
    In Praise of Evil Thoughts.Andrew Koppelman - 2020 - Social Philosophy and Policy 37 (2):52-71.
    Freedom of thought means freedom from social tyranny, the capacity to think for oneself, to encounter even shocking ideas without shrinking away from them. That aspiration is a core concern of the free speech tradition. It is not specifically concerned with law, but it explains some familiar aspects of the First Amendment law we actually have—aspects that the most prevalent theories of free speech fail to capture. It explains the prohibition of compelled speech, and can clarify the perennial puzzle of (...)
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  10.  44
    Is pornography “speech”?Andrew Koppelman - 2008 - Legal Theory 14 (1):71-89.
    Is pornography within the coverage of the First Amendment? A familiar argument claims that it is not. This argument reasons that the free speech principle protects the communication of ideas, which appeal to the reason ; pornography communicates no ideas and appeals to the passions rather than the reason ; therefore pornography is not protected by the free speech principle. This argument has been specified in different ways by different writers. The most prominent and careful of these are Frederick Schauer (...)
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  11.  36
    Expressive association and the ideal of the university in the Solomon amendment litigation.Tobias Barrington Wolff & Andrew Koppelman - 2008 - Social Philosophy and Policy 25 (2):92-122.
    In this article, Professors Wolff and Koppelman offer a critical analysis of the free speech claims that were asserted by the law schools and law faculty that sought to challenge the Solomon Amendment. Solomon is a federal statute that requires law schools to grant full and equal access to military recruiters during the student interview season. The military discriminates against gay men and lesbians under its t Ask, Don policy, and the law professors claimed a right to exclude the military (...)
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    Maitra, Ishani, and McGowan, Mary Kate, eds. Speech and Harm: Controversies over Free Speech.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Pp. 255. $99.00 ; $35.00. [REVIEW]Andrew Koppelman - 2013 - Ethics 123 (4):768-771.