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  1.  78
    Can ethical behaviour really exist in business.Andrew Bartlett & David Preston - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 23 (2):199 - 209.
    Our soft survey reveals that the assumption underlying much of the business ethics literature -- that the conduct of business can and ought to support the social good -- is not accepted within the workplace. This paper considers an apparent dichotomy, with companies investing in ethical programs whose worth their employees and managers question. We examine the relationship between work, bureaucracy and "the market" and conclude that employees often question the existence of business ethics because there is no good and (...)
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    Demarcating Fringe Science for Policy.Harry Collins, Andrew Bartlett & Luis Reyes-Galindo - 2017 - Perspectives on Science 25 (4):411-438.
    Fringe science has been an important topic since the start of the revolution in the social studies of science that occurred in the early 1970s. The revolution was what Collins and Evans refer to as the "second wave of science studies," while this paper is best thought of as an exercise in "third wave science studies." The first wave was that period which reached its apogee in the aftermath of the Second World War when science was seen as unquestionably the (...)
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    Hidden in the Middle: Culture, Value and Reward in Bioinformatics.Jamie Lewis, Andrew Bartlett & Paul Atkinson - 2016 - Minerva 54 (4):471-490.
    Bioinformatics – the so-called shotgun marriage between biology and computer science – is an interdiscipline. Despite interdisciplinarity being seen as a virtue, for having the capacity to solve complex problems and foster innovation, it has the potential to place projects and people in anomalous categories. For example, valorised ‘outputs’ in academia are often defined and rewarded by discipline. Bioinformatics, as an interdisciplinary bricolage, incorporates experts from various disciplinary cultures with their own distinct ways of working. Perceived problems of interdisciplinarity include (...)
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    Hypernormal Science and its Significance.Harry Collins, Jeff Shrager, Andrew Bartlett, Shannon Conley, Rachel Hale & Robert Evans - 2023 - Perspectives on Science 31 (2):262-292.
    Abstract“Hypernormal science” has minimal potential for contestation on matters of principle and practice so that information exchange can be unproblematic. Sciences comprise hypernormal domains and more contestable “normal” domains where knowledge diffusion, like acquiring linguistic fluency, depends on face-to-face interaction. Hypernormal domains belonging to molecular biology are contrasted with normal domains in gravitational wave detection physics. Sciences as a whole should not be confused with their typical domains. The analysis has immediate implications for proposed transitions out of the Covid-19 lockdown, (...)
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    Genome editing: the dynamics of continuity, convergence, and change in the engineering of life.Paul Martin, Michael Morrison, Ilke Turkmendag, Brigitte Nerlich, Aisling McMahon, Stevienna de Saille & Andrew Bartlett - 2020 - New Genetics and Society 39 (2):219-242.
    Genome editing enables very accurate alterations to DNA. It promises profound and potentially disruptive changes in healthcare, agriculture, industry, and the environment. This paper presents a multidisciplinary analysis of the contemporary development of genome editing and the tension between continuity and change. It draws on the idea that actors involved in innovation are guided by “sociotechnical regimes” composed of practices, institutions, norms, and cultural beliefs. The analysis focuses on how genome editing is emerging in different domains and whether this marks (...)
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    Not Nice, Not in Control: Management, Ethics and Self-Deception in the Modern Corporation.Andrew Bartlett & David Seth Preston - 2003 - Philosophy of Management 3 (1):37-46.
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  7.  23
    From First Hesitation to Scenic Imagination: Originary Thinking with Eric Gans.Andrew Bartlett - 2008 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 15:89-172.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:From First Hesitation to Scenic ImaginationOriginary Thinking with Eric GansAndrew Bartlett (bio)Taken together, the publication of Eric Gans’s The Scenic Imagination: Originary Thinking from Hobbes to the Present Day (2008), the recent release of Adam Katz’s anthology The Originary Hypothesis: A Minimal Proposal for Humanistic Inquiry (2007),1 and the organization of three international gatherings devoted to generative anthropology2 suggest a recent infusion of vital energy into the forward movement (...)
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    Mad scientist, impossible human: an essay in generative anthropology.Andrew Bartlett - 2014 - Aurora, Colorado: Davies Group, Publishers.
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    Señor Hirsch as Sacrificial Victim and the Modernism of Conrad's Nostromo.Andrew Bartlett - 1997 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 4 (1):47-66.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:SENOR HIRSCH AS SACRIFICIAL VICTIM AND THE MODERNISM OF CONRAD'S NOSTROMO Andrew Bartlett University ofBritish Columbia One of René Girard's more pithy definitions of mimetic desire reads: "The model designates the desirable while at the same time desiring it. Desire is always imitation ofanother desire, desire for the same object, and, therefore, an inexhaustible source of conflicts and rivalries" {Double Business Bound 39). The notation that desire is an (...)
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    The locus of legitimate interpretation in Big Data sciences: Lessons for computational social science from -omic biology and high-energy physics.Neil Stephens, Luis Reyes-Galindo, Jamie Lewis & Andrew Bartlett - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (1).
    This paper argues that analyses of the ways in which Big Data has been enacted in other academic disciplines can provide us with concepts that will help understand the application of Big Data to social questions. We use examples drawn from our Science and Technology Studies analyses of -omic biology and high energy physics to demonstrate the utility of three theoretical concepts: primary and secondary inscriptions, crafted and found data, and the locus of legitimate interpretation. These help us to show (...)
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    Shakespeare’s Big Men: Tragedy and the Problem of Resentment, by Richard van Oort. [REVIEW]Andrew Bartlett - 2017 - The Bulletin of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion 53:28-32.
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