Results for 'Ali Vahit Turhan'

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  1. Collected Papers (on Neutrosophic Theory and Applications), Volume VI.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This sixth volume of Collected Papers includes 74 papers comprising 974 pages on (theoretic and applied) neutrosophics, written between 2015-2021 by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 121 co-authors from 19 countries: Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Abdel Nasser H. Zaied, Abduallah Gamal, Amir Abdullah, Firoz Ahmad, Nadeem Ahmad, Ahmad Yusuf Adhami, Ahmed Aboelfetouh, Ahmed Mostafa Khalil, Shariful Alam, W. Alharbi, Ali Hassan, Mumtaz Ali, Amira S. Ashour, Asmaa Atef, Assia Bakali, Ayoub Bahnasse, A. A. Azzam, Willem K.M. Brauers, Bui (...)
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  2. A new solution to the gamer’s dilemma.Rami Ali - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (4):267-274.
    Luck (2009) argues that gamers face a dilemma when it comes to performing certain virtual acts. Most gamers regularly commit acts of virtual murder, and take these acts to be morally permissible. They are permissible because unlike real murder, no one is harmed in performing them; their only victims are computer-controlled characters, and such characters are not moral patients. What Luck points out is that this justification equally applies to virtual pedophelia, but gamers intuitively think that such acts are not (...)
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    Should refugees in the European Union have voting rights?Ali Emre Benli - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (5):680-701.
    Most refugees residing in the European Union (EU) do not retain their voting rights in states of origin or lack the means to exercise them effectively. Most member states of the EU do not extend voting rights to refugees. This leaves a large population of refugees residing within the borders of the EU in a unique state of disenfranchisement. In this article, I consider this problem from a democratic perspective. Should refugees in the EU have voting rights? My answer turns (...)
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    Greek Geometrical Analysis.Ali Behboud - 1994 - Centaurus 37 (1):52-86.
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    The mental representation of causal conditional reasoning: Mental models or causal models.Nilufa Ali, Nick Chater & Mike Oaksford - 2011 - Cognition 119 (3):403-418.
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    Umayyad Caliph Yazīd Ibn ʽAbd Al-Malik’s Two Concubines Involded in State Administration: Sallāma and Habābah.Ali Hatalmış - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (1):1-20.
    The Umayyads (41-132/661-750) were the first Muslim dynastic state established in Damascus after the Rasheedun Caliphs. The Umayyads' transformation of the caliphate into a sultanate, their tribalist and discriminatory approaches, as well as the exaggerated palace life and entertainment of some caliphs have been the subject of criticism. Among the Umayyad caliphs, Yazīd II (101-105/720-724) was remembered for his drinking parties and love affairs with his concubines, and his fondness for entertainment to the degree of debauchery was described. The night (...)
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    Remarks on Bolzano's Collections.Ali Behboud - 1997 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 53 (1):109-115.
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    “A Most Equitable Drug”: How the Clinical Studies of Convalescent Plasma as a Treatment for SARS-CoV-2 Might Usefully Inform Post-Pandemic Public Sector Approaches to Drug Development.Quinn Grundy, Chantal Campbell, Ridwaanah Ali, Matthew Herder & Kelly Holloway - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (1):80-97.
    Interventional clinical studies of convalescent plasma to treat COVID-19 were predominantly funded and led by public sector actors, including blood services operators. We aimed to analyze the processes of clinical studies of convalescent plasma to understand alternatives to pharmaceutical industry biopharmaceutical research and development, particularly where public sector actors play a dominant role. We conducted a qualitative, critical case study of purposively sampled prominent and impactful clinical studies of convalescent plasma during 2020-2021.
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  9. .Ebba Koch & Ali Anooshahr - unknown
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    The politics of repair.Ali Aslam - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (1):3-23.
    This article turns to the theoretical and practical aspects of recent abolitionist praxis to illuminate an expanded notion of politics that is attentive to lived experience and concerns for self-preservation, on the one hand, and to state- and citizen-oriented forms of political action, on the other. The incorporation of healing justice practices and self-care within movement spaces, the mutual-aid of homecoming rituals for those bailed out of jail, the development of transformative justice processes, link what Stefano Harney and Fred Moten (...)
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    İbn Kesîr’in el-Bid'ye ve’n-nih'ye’sinin Siyer Kısmında Başvurduğu Muhteva Tenkidi Kıstasları ve Gar'bet Tabirini Muhteva Tenkidi Bağlamında Kullanımı.Mehmet Ali Çalgan - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (49):27-52.
    İslâmî ilimlerin muhtelif dallarında birçok kıymetli eser vermiş olan İbn Kesir’in (ö. 774/1373) el-Bidâye ve’n-nihâye isimli eserinin siyer bölümü Hz. Peygamber’in (sav) hayatı, şemâili ve mucizelerini geniş bir şekilde ele almaktadır. İbn Kesir bu eserinde hadis ve siyer rivayetlerini titiz bir tenkid sürecinden geçirmiş ve muhtevayla ilgili dikkatini çeken sorunları dile getirmiştir. Bu kapsamda onun Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’e, sahih hadislere ve sünnete, icmâa, akla, dinin temel öğretilerine ve sağlam târihî bilgilere muhalefet, nübüvvet/sahâbe kelamına benzememe, kalabalık bir grubun şahit olduğu bir olayın (...)
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    Ghazali's philosophy of education: an exposition of Ghazali's ideas, concepts, theories and philosophy of education..Shafique Ali Khan - 1976 - Karachi: agents, Readers Associates.
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    Khāstgāh-i dīn.ʻAlī Riz̤ā Qāʼimīʹniyā - 2002 - Qum: Zulāl-i Kaws̲ar.
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    Stakeholder Salience for Stakeholder Firms: An Attempt to Reframe an Important Heuristic Device.Mohammad A. Ali - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (1):153-168.
    This work underscores the importance of answering the question: who are organizational stakeholders? It argues that stakeholder theory is a normative management theory, and there is a need to differentiate between stakeholder and non-stakeholder firms. It further argues that the overall organizational stakeholder orientation indicates how narrowly or broadly organizations define their stakeholders. Therefore, this work attempts to provide a stakeholder salience scheme for stakeholder organizations, i.e., organizations with accommodative and proactive stakeholder orientations. In the process, this work reviews key (...)
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    Enhanced Rough Sets Rule Reduction Algorithm for Classification Digital Mammography.Aboul Ella Hassanien & Jafar M. H. Ali - 2004 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 13 (2):151-171.
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    Whitehead, le devenir des propositions.Ali Benmakhlouf - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie 86 (4):61-75.
    Résumé Le projet de Whitehead est de radicaliser l’empirisme. La métaphysique qu’il promeut est une cosmologie organique dont le but est de rendre compte des éléments les plus concrets de la vie quotidienne. C’est dans ce cadre que Whitehead révise le concept de proposition : 1) en le faisant passer du champ linguistique au champ ontologique ; 2) en l’inscrivant dans le devenir pour que la proposition soit en adéquation avec la réalité comme processus. Ces deux aspects lui font rejoindre (...)
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    Tesettür Gi̇Yi̇Mi̇ Etki̇Leyen Tüketi̇M Kültürü Faktörleri̇ Üzeri̇Ne Uygulamali Bi̇R Araştirma.Ali Arslan & Melek Çaylak - 2018 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 13 (1):41-70.
    Tesettür kavramı temel mahiyeti ve amacı açısından İslam dini kapsamında değerlendirilecek dini bir pratiktir. İslam’da kadının giyim konusundaki sınırlarının belirlenmesi, bedenin gizlenmesi açısından tesettür kavramı önem taşımaktadır. Fakat modernleşme ekseniyle değişme ve gelişmeler gösteren tesettür anlayışının, tüketim kültürü ve moda ile birleşen, bu modern çağın gereklerine ayak uyduran yeni bir tesettür anlayışı ve imajıyla karşı karşıya kaldığı görülmektedir. Özellikle gençlerin giyim tercihlerinde tesettürün modernleşme dinamiklerinden etkilenmesi söz konudur. Bu çalışmada tesettürlü gençlerin giyim tercihlerinde tesettür algısının, tüketim kültürü ve moda ile (...)
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  18.  36
    Restitution and the politics of repair: Tropes, imaginaries, theories.Ali Aslam - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (3):126-129.
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    Research Ethics Capacity Development in Africa: Exploring a Model for Individual Success.Joseph Ali, Adnan A. Hyder & Nancy E. Kass - 2012 - Developing World Bioethics 12 (2):55-62.
    The Johns Hopkins‐Fogarty African Bioethics Training Program (FABTP) has offered a fully‐funded, one‐year, non‐degree training opportunity in research ethics to health professionals, ethics committee members, scholars, journalists and scientists from countries across sub‐Saharan Africa. In the first 9 years of operation, 28 trainees from 13 African countries have trained with FABTP. Any capacity building investment requires periodic critical evaluation of the impact that training dollars produce. In this paper we describe and evaluate FABTP and the efforts of its trainees.Our data (...)
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    The Khojkī Script: A Legacy of Ismaili Islam in the Indo-Pakistan SubcontinentThe Khojki Script: A Legacy of Ismaili Islam in the Indo-Pakistan Subcontinent.Ali S. Asani - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (3):439.
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  21. Earthborn democracy: a political theory of entangled life.Ali Aslam - 2024 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by David Wallace McIvor & Joel Alden Schlosser.
    The relationship between ecology and democracy has a complex history and an uncertain future. Ecological crises threaten all forms of life on earth, and democracy too is endangered, as popular discontent, elite malfeasance, and unresponsive institutions herald crisis if not collapse. It is clear that our present political concepts and institutions are inadequate for meeting the challenges of living in right relation with the more-than-human world and, moreover, that these inadequacies are themselves symptoms of a failing political-cultural story and a (...)
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    Ordinary democracy: sovereignty and citizenship beyond the neoliberal impasse.Ali Aslam - 2017 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    While various democratic theorists have looked at particular instances of recent social movements (Occupy or the Arab Spring, for example), none have yet attempted a more general theoretical take on what it is that relates all of these movements and what that running thread can tell us about democratic theory. Ordinary Democracy argues that there is a commonality to these movements as well as a striking lesson about the nature of democracy, sovereignty, agency and solidarity today: in that these movements (...)
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    Khirad va khiradvarzī: arjʹnāmah-i Duktur Ghulāmḥusayn Ibrāhīmī Dīnānī.ʻAlī Awjabī, Ibrāhīmī Dīnānī & Ghulām Ḥusayn (eds.) - 2009 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Khānah-i Kitāb.
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    Fīlīyā, aw, al-Falsafah kafan lil-khrūj.ʻAbd Allāh BaʻAlī - 2014 - [Rabat?]: Kalimāt lil-Nashr wa-al-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  25. Brain Dominance, Learning Styles and Reading Comprehension of Saudi EFL Learners: A Survey Study.Ali Hussein Salim Babekir - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1979-1988.
    Development of global skills to pave the way in the Sustainable Development Goals (SGs) requires institutions around the world to put quality education as one of the pillars for a sustainable economy. The present study employed a descriptive survey research design to capture the brain dominance, learning styles, and reading comprehension of Saudi EFL learners. The study involved a randomly sampled 154 students enrolled in language and reading courses at Qassim University, Saudi Arabia. The results of the study showed that (...)
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    The Relations among Job Satisfaction, Job Stress, Burnout and Turnover Intentions of Employees of Religious Affairs : A Multi-case Study.Ali Baltaci - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (3):1509-1536.
    This research was conducted in order to determine job stress, job satisfaction, burnout, and turnover intention of employees of religious affairs.In addition, within the scope of the research, the interrelationships between related concepts, demographic variables that these employees belong to, and their level of relationship within the concepts are also examined. The research was conducted on 1125 employees of religious affairs from Turkey's seven geographical regions, especially from the metropolitan centers (Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Mersin, Gaziantep, Samsun and Erzurum). In order (...)
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  27. Qaḍāyā al-al-ṭibb al-muʻāṣir: manẓūr akhlāqī.Rashā ʻAlī Bārūdī - 2004 - al-Kharṭūm: Hayʼat al-Aʻmāl al-Fikrīyah.
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    Gündelik hayatın direnişi: Bediüzzaman teolojisinde gündelik hayat.Ali Bedir - 2014 - İstanbul: Etkileşim Yayınları.
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    C'est de l'art: tissage, design, cinéma, littérature.Ali Benmakhlouf - 2011 - Casablanca: DK Editions.
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    Comment rendre sensible le temps?Ali Benmakhlouf - 2013 - Nouvelle Revue D’Esthétique 12 (2):187.
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    La force des raisons: logique et médecine.Ali Benmakhlouf - 2018 - Paris: Fayard.
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    Vous reprendrez bien un peu de philosophie: politiques.Ali Benmakhlouf - 2011 - Casablanca: DK Editions.
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    Concepts of God in Islam.Zain Ali - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (12):892-904.
    This article explores the various ways in which Muslims, in the past and the present, think about God. The article canvasses a range of views on questions and puzzles pertaining to the essence and attributes of God, the basis of God's Justice, the transcendence of God, and our ability to know and understand God. We encounter a diverse, and at times radically divergent range of views on how best to understand divinity within the tradition of Islam. Given the various conceptions (...)
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    The Kuwaiti Manager: Work Values and Orientations.Abbas J. Ali & Ali Al-Kazemi - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 60 (1):63-73.
    Work values and the loyalty (commitment to hard work, profession, and principles) of 762 managers in Kuwait were investigated. The results indicated that managers scored high on work values and loyalty. Furthermore, there was a high positive correlation between the two measures. Demographic and organizational variables had significant influence on managerial orientations. Specifically, expatriates and female managers showed a high commitment to work values and loyalty.
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  35. Understanding of guest behavioral intentions in peer-to-peer accommodation sector.Ye Ye, Laiba Ali, Foong Yee Wong, Siew Imm Ng & Xin-Jean Lim - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the antecedents of guests’ behavioral intentions in Malaysia’s peer-to-peer accommodation industry. This study focused on the effects of physical and social environment on guest emotions, satisfaction, and subsequently on guest’s behavioral intentions towards P2P accommodation. The proposed research framework was developed based on Stimulus-Organism-Response model. Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling was used to examine the proposed hypotheses. Data were collected from 476 foreign visitors who stayed at P2P accommodations in Malaysia using (...)
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  36. al-Madhāhib al-siyāsīyah al-muʻāṣirah.ʻAlī Adʹham - 1943
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  37. Critical Survey of Bernard Blanshard’s Religious Epistemology.Sayyed Ali Alamolhoda & Jalal Paykani - 2013 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 11 (2):123-144.
    Brand Blanshard is one of the contemporary famous philosophers, especially because of his Ideas on religious epistemology. He defends rationalism and evidentialism in religious epistemology and therefore criticizes fideism. He holds that rationality is the main character of all kinds of beliefs, including religious belief. But, in his Idealism, Blansahrd finds a place for the source of being and universe, which stands in sharp contradiction with traditional concept of God. In this paper we show that some times, his evidentialism is (...)
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    Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) and the Functions of Consciousness.Dylan Ludwig & Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (5):e13453.
    Abstract“Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response” (ASMR) refers to a sensory‐emotional experience that was first explicitly identified and named within the past two decades in online discussion boards. Since then, there has been mounting psychological and neural evidence of a clustering of properties common to the phenomenon of ASMR, including convergence on the set of stimuli that trigger the experience, the properties of the experience itself, and its downstream effects. Moreover, psychological instruments have begun to be developed and employed in an attempt (...)
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    The Concept of “Free Agency” in Monotheistic Religions: Implications for Global Business.Abbas J. Ali, Robert C. Camp & Manton Gibbs - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 60 (1):103-112.
    The current debate on “free agency” seems to highlight the romantic aspects of free agent and considers it a genuine response to changing economic conditions (e.g., high-unemployment rate, importance of knowledge in the labor market, the eclipse of organizational loyalty, and self pride). Little attention, if any, has been given to the religious root of the free agency concept and its persistent existence across history. In this paper, the current discourse on free agency and the conditions that have led to (...)
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    Emotions and two senses of simulation.Ali Yousefi Heris - 2021 - Philosophical Psychology 34 (6):856–875.
    Some simulationists have argued that the information obtained during the perceptual process of facial expression (the geometric features) is sufficient for recognition of the emotion intended by that expression. Drawing on evidence from cross-cultural studies, with particular attention to conceptual act theories, I show that both emotion expression and recognition are top-down modulated by expressivity norms, observer-specific internal representations, and expectations. I thus conclude that direct simulation, or a purely bottom-up approach, is not sufficient for emotion recognition. Next, I will (...)
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    Islamic Art and Spirituality.Ali S. Asani & Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1):169.
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    The Islamic Syncretistic Tradition in Bengal.Ali Asani & Asim Roy - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (2):363.
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  43. Knowledge and ethical perception regarding organ donation among medical students.Nisreen Feroz Ali, Amal Qureshi, Basmah Naser Jilani & Nosheen Zehra - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (1):38.
    To determine the knowledge and ethical perception regarding organ donation amongst medical students in Karachi- Pakistan.
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  44. Too Much of a Good Thing: Random Practice Scheduling and Self-Control of Feedback Lead to Unique but Not Additive Learning Benefits.Asif Ali, Bradley Fawver, Jingu Kim, Jeffrey Fairbrother & Christopher M. Janelle - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Twilight in Delhi.E. B. & Ahmed Ali - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):373.
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    La cultura religiosa en el reinado de 'Abd Al-Rahm'n III.Mahmûd 'Ali Makki - 1995 - Endoxa 1 (6):79.
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  47. Rāʼid al-Falsafah al-siyāsīyah al-shīʻīyah Mahdī al-Ḥāʼirī Yazdī.ʻAlī Muʼayyad - 2022 - [Baghdad]: Nakhat al-Kitāb.
    Yazīdī, Mahdī al-Ḥāʼirī, biographies; philosophy; Shiites.
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  48. al-Ishkālīyah al-siyāsīyah lil-ḥadāthah min falsafat al-dhāt ilá falsafat al-tawāṣul: Hābirmās unmūdhajan.ʻAlī ʻAbbūd Muḥammadāwī - 2011 - al-Rabāṭ: Dār al-Aman̄n.
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  49. Scenes of Men in the Seal Impressions of Tell Abu Sha'af from the Iraqi Museum.Brooj Faleh Mahdi Yaqut & Dr Fayhaa Mawlood Ali - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1637-1655.
    The research presents and describes the scenes of men on the seal impressions of Tell Abu Sha'af from the Iraqi Museum, which came from the excavations of the Iraqi mission at the Tell Abu Sha'af site in 1978, which lasted for five months, and revealed 800 clay blocks (Bulla) of different shapes, sizes and colors, and the number of impressions found in a building known as the fortified palace. Some of the impressions are damaged, some are broken, and others are (...)
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  50. The effect of sin on scientific knowledge : a case study of Stephen Moroney’s approach from a Critical Rationalist point of view.Homa Yazdani, Ali Paya & Lotfollah Nabavi - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 10 (20):235-254.
    In this study, we shall assess the claim concerning the negative effect of sin and positive effect of grace on proper function of reason and cognitive faculties through the lens of the Calvinist tradition and the Reformed Epistemology. Although the noetic effect of sin has already been discussed probably by tracing the role of the non-epistemic factors in acquiring knowledge in general, approaching the issue by focusing on ‘scientific knowledge’ is novel and, to the best of my knowledge, has not (...)
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