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Alexis Emanuel Gros [8]Alexis Gros [6]
  1.  30
    The Reification of the Other as a Social Pathology: Traces of a Phenomenological Critical Theory in Alfred Schutz.Alexis Gros - 2020 - Schutzian Research 12:13-44.
    The present paper constitutes an attempt to articulate, systematize, and further develop the implicit traces of a phenomenological critical theory that, according to Michael Barber’s reading, are to be found in Schutz’s thought. It is my contention that a good way to achieve this aim is by reading Schutz against the background of novel, phenomenologically and hermeneutically informed accounts of Critical Theory in the tradition of the Frankfurt School, such as Hartmut Rosa’s. In order to achieve the stated objective, I (...)
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  2.  95
    Alfred Schutz on Phenomenological Psychology and Transcendental Phenomenology.Alexis Emanuel Gros - 2017 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 48 (2):214-239.
    Alfred Schutz is, without a doubt, one of the phenomenologists that contributed the most to the reflection on how to apply insights from phenomenological philosophy to the, empirical and theoretical, human and social sciences. However, his work tends to be neglected by many of the current advocates of phenomenology within these disciplines. In the present paper, I intend to remedy this situation. In order to do so, I will systematically revisit his mundane and social-scientifically oriented account of phenomenology, which, as (...)
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  3.  33
    The Phenomenology of Social Institutions in the Schutzian Tradition.Carlos Belvedere & Alexis Gros - 2019 - Schutzian Research 11:43-74.
    There is a broad consensus that the study of social institutions is one of the fundamental concerns of the social sciences. The idea that phenomenology has ignored this topic is also widely accepted. As against this view, the present paper aims at demonstrating that especially Schutzian phenomenology—that is, the social-phenomenological tradition started by Alfred Schutz and continued by Thomas Luckmann and Peter Berger, among others—provides rich insights on the nature and workings of social institutions that could contribute to enriching the (...)
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  4.  33
    Meaning-Adequacy and Social Critique: Toward a Phenomenological Critical Theory.Alexis Gros - forthcoming - Human Studies:1-30.
    In the present paper, I analyze the complex relationship of tension between Critical Theory and phenomenology from a sociological-theoretical perspective. I start from two theses. The first one is that one of the primary reasons for the antagonism between these two paradigms lies in their ideal-typically opposed assessments of the role of ‘meaning-adequacy’ in social research. The second one is that in recent years, there has been a strong rapprochement of Critical Theory with (social) phenomenology. This shift, fundamentally embodied in (...)
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  5.  46
    The Typicality and Habituality of Everyday Cognitive Experience in Alfred Schutz’s Phenomenology of the Lifeworld.Alexis Emanuel Gros - 2017 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 9 (1):60-85.
    The aim of this paper is to systematically analyze Schutz’s phenomenological account of the typicality and habituality of everyday cognitive experience, and to identify the Husserlian leitmotifs that inform it. In order to do so, I will proceed in three steps. First, I will briefly present the main lines of Schutz’s theoretical project; second, I will scrutinize his Husserlian account of typification as a passive sort of interpretation; and finally, I will examine his –also Husserl-inspired– analysis of the structure and (...)
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  6.  4
    An Unexplored Relationship: Alfred Schutz as a Reader of Marx and Marxism.Alexis Gros - 2024 - Schutzian Research 16:119-151.
    Drawing partly on unpublished materials from the Sozialwissenschaftliche Archiv Konstanz (Alfred‑Schütz‑Gedächtnis‑Archiv), in this paper I attempt to reconstruct Schutz’s barely explored reception of Marx and Marxism. To this aim, I proceed in four steps. First (1), I trace the very few references to Marxian thought in Schutz’s published work. Second (2), I review Schutz’s mentions of the topic in his correspondences with his friends and colleagues Aron Gurwitsch and Eric Voegelin. Third (3), I give an overview of the books by (...)
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  7.  26
    Methodological Individualism in Alfred Schutz’s Work - Scope and Limits.Alexis Gros - 2023 - Schutzian Research 14:27-50.
    In this paper, I intend to clarify Alfred Schutz’s complex relationship to methodological individualism (MI), showing that he defends a “hermeneutic,” “weak” and “partial” variant of this approach. I will do so by focusing mainly on his reception of Max Weber, given the latter’s centrality in the MI paradigm.. In order to achieve my objective, I will proceed in three steps. First (1), to avoid misunderstandings, I will provide an updated definition of MI, distinguishing it from ontological and normative individualism (...)
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  8.  42
    Thomas Luckmann on the Relation Between Phenomenology and Sociology: A Constructive Critical Assessment.Alexis Gros - 2021 - Human Studies 44 (2):201-231.
    In the present paper, I intend to systematically revisit Thomas Luckmann’s account of the relation between phenomenology and sociology and to assess its strengths and weaknesses in terms of constructive criticism. In order to achieve this aim, I will proceed in three steps. First, I will reconstruct the Luckmannian approach by means of an exhaustive analysis of his programmatic texts. Second, I will identify its strengths and merits. And finally, I will discuss its shortcomings and try to correct them in (...)
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  9.  17
    Alfred Schutz, un fenomenólogo inusual: una reconstrucción sistemática de la recepción schutziana de Husserl.Alexis Emanuel Gros - 2016 - Discusiones Filosóficas 17 (29):149-173.
    El presente artículo se propone reconstruir sistemáticamente la —conocida pero poco estudiada a fondo— recepción schutziana de la fenomenología de Husserl. Con este objetivo, se procede en cuatro pasos. En primer lugar (1), se bosquejan los lineamientos fundamentales del acercamiento inusual de Schutz al pensamiento husserliano; en segundo término (2), se examina la lectura schutziana del proyecto fenomenológico-trascendental; luego (3), se expone la distinción husserliana entre psicología fenomenológica y fenomenología trascendental; y, finalmente (4), se explicitan las razones que impulsan a (...)
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  10.  90
    El debate de Alfred Schütz con Max Scheler en torno a la empatía.Alexis Emanuel Gros - 2012 - Tópicos 24 (24):00-00.
    La empatía ha sido foco de discusión en los círculos antipositivistas de la academia alemana de comienzos del siglo pasado, especialmente dentro del movimiento fenomenológico. El presente trabajo se concentra en el debate en torno a esta problemática que Alfred Schütz sostiene con Max Scheler en Der sinnhafte Aufbau der sozialen Welt. En el primer apartado se bosquejan los lineamientos principales de la teoría scheleriana de la Fremdwahrnehmung (percepción del otro), y en el segundo, se exponen las críticas que Schütz (...)
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  11.  27
    (1 other version)Intersubjectivity as a fact of the lifeworld a systematic reconstruction of Alfred schütz's critique of Husserl's “fifth cartesian meditation”.Alexis Emanuel Gros - 2018 - Ideas Y Valores 67 (168):289-317.
    RESUMEN La reconstrucción realizada en el presente artículo parte de la hipótesis de que pueden diferenciarse dos tipos de objeciones schützianas al texto canónico de Husserl, a saber: inmanentes y fundamentales. Las primeras remarcan las dificultades subyacentes en los pasos tomados por Husserl para resolver el problema de la intersubjetividad trascendental, mientras que las segundas cuestionan la pertinencia filosófica del problema mismo. ABSTRACT The hypothesis underlying the reconstruction set forth in the article is that Schütz's objections to Husserl's canonical text (...)
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  12.  50
    Towards a Moderate Direct Perception Theory: Alfred Schutz’s Phenomenological Theory of Interpersonal Understanding in the Light of the Contemporary Debate on Social Cognition.Alexis Emanuel Gros - 2014 - Schutzian Research 6:75-91.
    In this paper, I intend to show the relevance of Schutz’s account of interpersonal understanding within the context of the contemporary social cognition debate. Currently, the research on the nature of everyday interpersonal understanding is taking place almost exclusively within the field of interdisciplinary cognitive science. Generally speaking, since the mid-nineties the so-called social cognition debate is dominated by two opposed theoretical outlooks which diverge concerning the ultimate mechanisms responsible for our understanding of Others, namely the theory-theory of mind and (...)
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  13.  29
    The Ego is not Master in its Own House: A Systematic Revisitation of Sigmund Freud’s Theory of Subjectivity.Alexis Emanuel Gros - 2017 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 26:74-104.
    Resumen En este artículo me propongo revisitar de manera sucinta y sistemática los li-neamientos centrales de la teoría de la subjetividad de Sigmund Freud, persiguiendo el objetivo de mostrar la vigencia filosófica y teórico-social de la misma. Para ello, procedo en tres pasos: en primer lugar expongo el modo en que el autor construye su concepción del "sujeto del Inconsciente" a través de un enfrentamiento con la noción de "sujeto cartesiano". Luego, examino la tensión entre natura y nurtura que puede (...)
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