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  1.  54
    Self-specific priming effect.Alessia Pannese & Joy Hirsch - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):962-968.
    Priority of the “self” is thought to be evolutionarily advantageous. However, evidence for this priority has been sparse. In this study, subjects performed a gender categorization task on self- and non-self target faces preceded by either congruent or incongruent periliminal or subliminal primes. We found that subliminal primes induced a priming effect only on self target faces. This discovery of a self-specific priming effect suggests that functional specificity for faces may include timing as well as spatial adaptations.
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    Metaphor and music emotion: Ancient views and future directions.Alessia Pannese, Marc-André Rappaz & Didier Grandjean - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 44 (C):61-71.
  3.  78
    A gray matter of taste: Sound perception, music cognition, and Baumgarten's aesthetics.Alessia Pannese - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (3):594-601.
    Music is an ancient and ubiquitous form of human expression. One important component for which music is sought after is its aesthetic value, whose appreciation has typically been associated with largely learned, culturally determined factors, such as education, exposure, and social pressure. However, neuroscientific evidence shows that the aesthetic response to music is often associated with automatic, physically- and biologically-grounded events, such as shivers, chills, increased heart rate, and motor synchronization, suggesting the existence of an underlying biological platform upon which (...)
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    “Anything that Is Strang”: Normality, Deviance, and the Tradescants’ Collecting Legacy.Alessia Pannese - 2015 - Perspectives on Science 23 (3):335-360.
    John Tradescant the Elder was probably born in England in the 1570s. The earliest known historical record of his life documents his marriage to Elizabeth Day, at Meopham on 18 June 1607.1 A long career working as gardener in the service of England’s nobility—among his employers were Robert and William Cecil, Edward Wotton, and George Villiers —provided numerous opportunities for travel abroad in pursuit of the exotic species for which his eminent employers clamored. As a result of his voyages, Tradescant (...)
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    Bodies Divide, Minds Unite: Mirror Neurons and Leibniz’s Philosophy of Mind.Alessia Pannese - 2010 - Biological Theory 5 (3):264-270.
    Among Leibniz’s contributions to the philosophy of mind, two topics bear relevance to contemporary discussions in cognitive sciences: the mind-body problem, and the universal language. Leibniz’s deterministic view rejects inter-substance causality between mental and bodily states, as well as between mental or bodily states of different individuals. In addition, Leibniz believed in the need to enhance communication through a universal language based on symbolic representations. Here I reconsider Leibniz’s ideas in the light of experimental evidence coming from mirror neurons. These (...)
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    Unconscious Neural Specificity for Self and the Brainstem.Alessia Pannese & Joy Hirsch - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (1-2):1-2.
    The self/non-self distinction is essential for survival, but its neural bases are poorly understood. Studies have sought neural specificity for 'self ' in cortical regions. However, behavioural evidence showing that humans are able to single out self-relevant information in the absence of awareness suggests that the cognitive self/non-self distinction might be rooted in subcortical structures involved in automatic, unconscious functions. Here we employ subliminal presentation of self and non-self faces and repetition suppression to show neural specificity for 'self ' in (...)
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