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  1.  72
    Theorizing the multitude before Machiavelli. Marsilius of Padua between Aristotle and Ibn Rushd.Alessandro Mulieri - 2023 - European Journal of Political Theory 22 (4):542-564.
    Even if political theorists rarely read him, Italian political thinker, Marsilius of Padua, presents one of the most radical theories of the multitude prior to Machiavelli and Spinoza. This article reconstructs Marsilius of Padua's political theory of the multitude in his Defender of Peace and pays special attention to two main sources from which Marsilius frames his theory: Aristotle and Ibn Rushd. Compared to Aristotle, Marsilius advances a more epistemic view of the multitude as a lawmaker. Marsilius’ ideas on the (...)
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  2.  36
    Representation as a political-theological concept: A critique of Carl Schmitt.Alessandro Mulieri - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (5):507-527.
    In his 1923 work, Roman Catholicism and Political Form, Carl Schmitt claims that representation is a complexio oppositorum and incarnates a hierarchical form of political authority, which is alternative to liberalism. This article shows that Carl Schmitt’s interpretation of the political theology of representation is based on a misreading. Schmitt selectively overlooks some meanings of the theology of repraesentatio to build his decisionistic political agenda. An investigation of the original conceptual meanings of representation in Tertullian, the first Christian author who (...)
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  3.  28
    Machiavelli’s ironic discourse to defend a radical republic.Alessandro Mulieri - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (6):665-681.
    ABSTRACT The Discourse on Florentine Affairs contains a proposal for constitutional reform in which Machiavelli directly addresses Pope Giovanni de’ Medici. With the aim of contributing to the recent radical republican readings of Machiavelli, this paper argues that the best way to understand the Discourse is to read it as an example of Machiavelli’s use of irony. Machiavelli disguises his radical republican ideas in the Discourse with paradoxes, omissions and implausible reforms that, though clearly leaning towards a popular republic, are (...)
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  4. Debating representative democracy.Carlo Invernizzi Accetti, Alessandro Mulieri, Hubertus Buchstein, Dario Castiglione, Lisa Disch, Jason Frank, Yves Sintomer & Nadia Urbinati - 2016 - Contemporary Political Theory 15 (2):205-242.
  5.  12
    Machiavelli, il problema aristotelico della tirannide in Egidio Romano e Marsilio da Padova.Alessandro Mulieri - 2024 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 36 (70):101-118.
    Questo articolo indaga il rapporto di Machiavelli con il problema della tirannide nell'aristotelismo scolastico. In particolare, analizza i passaggi mancanti nell’analisi della tirannide di Machiavelli sullo sfondo dei testi volgarizzati di due pensatori aristotelici presenti nel contesto di Machiavelli: Egidio Romano e Marsilio da Padova. Si sostiene che alcuni temi politici pragmatici del pensiero politico di Machiavelli hanno interessanti antecedenti già in precedenti pensatori aristotelici medievali.
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  6.  41
    Imagining Leviathan: Hobbes’s Aristotelian Notion of Fiction and the Problem of Representation.Alessandro Mulieri - 2022 - The European Legacy 27 (5):456-473.
    Hobbes is often portrayed as a thinker who anticipated modern constructivist ideas of fiction and representation according to which reality is simply a social construction. This article questions t...
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  7.  3
    Il pensiero di Pandora: donne e politica dall'antichità al Settecento.Alessandro Mulieri - 2023 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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  8.  51
    Liberalism against Democracy: A Comparative Analysis of the Concepts of Totalitarian Democracy and Positive Liberty in Jacob Leib Talmon and Isaiah Berlin.Alessandro Mulieri - 2013 - History of European Ideas 39 (3):449-466.
    Summary This article presents a comparative analysis of the concepts of totalitarian democracy and positive liberty in the work of Jacob Leib Talmon and Isaiah Berlin. Its main purpose is to show that a combined analysis of Talmon and Berlin's biographical relationship and their individual texts demonstrates that Talmon's idea of totalitarian democracy may have had a greater influence on Berlin's notion of positive liberty than Berlin seems to have ever acknowledged. The article first summarises the intellectual and biographical relationships (...)
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  9.  31
    Machiavelli, Aristotle and the Scholastics. The origins of human society and the status of prudence.Alessandro Mulieri - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (4):495-517.
    This paper assesses the complex debt of Machiavelli’s moral and political thought to Aristotle and the Aristotelian tradition, especially in its Scholastic variant. My claim is that Machiavelli’s attitude vis-à-vis Aristotle is twofold because it reflects two different aspects of Aristotle’s moral and political theory that are closely intertwined and that were selectively developed by subsequent Aristotelian Scholastic commentators: a teleological and a realist aspect. On one hand, Machiavelli provides a model that dramatically breaks with Aristotle on, for example, the (...)
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  10.  46
    Marsilius of Padua and Peter of Abano: the scientific foundations of law-making in Defensor Pacis.Alessandro Mulieri - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (2):276-296.
    This article shows that a forgotten source of Marsilius’ scientia of law-making in the Defensor Pacis is the Lucidator, the main astrological work of Peter of Abano. A compared analysis of these two works demonstrates that the theories of experientia and scientia that Marsilius considers necessary to make laws in the first dictio of the Defensor Pacis entirely draw on Peter of Abano’s views on the epistemological status of ‘the science of the stars’. It is shown that the purpose of (...)
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  11.  26
    Political Representation: A Historical and Conceptual Investigation into its Polysemy.Alessandro Mulieri - 2014 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    Political Representation: A Historical and Conceptual investigation into Its Polysemy The aim of this study is to value the complexity of theoretical formulations that different traditions and authors have provided on the problem of political representation. This is achieved by relying on a text that has pioneered this kind of investigation: Hasso Hofmann s Repräsentation: Studien zur Wort- und Begriffsgeschichte von der Antike bis ins 19. Jahrhundert. Hofmann s book, originally published in German in 1974, has not received due attention (...)
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  12.  17
    Review of R. Geuss,'Politics and The Imagination', Princeton University Press. [REVIEW]Alessandro Mulieri - 2012 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 73 (4):806.