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Aleksandar Dobrijevic [14]Aleksandar T. Dobrijević [3]
  1.  48
    Towards an adequate ethical theory.Aleksandar T. Dobrijević - 2003 - Filozofija I Društvo 2003 (22):65-114.
    Autor preispituje Herovu tvrdnju o univerzalnom preskriptivizmu kao najadekvatnijoj etickoj teoriji u uzem smislu. Validnost tog stanovista odmerava se u odnosu na neke konkurentne koncepcije, i to preko uslova koji moraju da se ispune kako bi jedna eticka teorija mogla da se nazove adekvatnom.
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  2.  46
    From universal prescriptive to Kantian utilitarianism.Aleksandar Dobrijevic - 2004 - Filozofija I Društvo 2004 (25):113-173.
    The author re-examines Hare's multiple ways of connecting his metaethical with his normative doctrine, which is in formal sense determined as "Kantian utilitarianism", and in substantive sense as "preference-utilitarianism". Critical references to both dimensions of utilitarian doctrine aim at indication on scopes and limits of Hare's ambitious redefinition of the doctrine. Further on he discusses about so-called "necessary ingredient" of moral reasoning under the name of "sympathetic imagination", which Hare grasps in his developed theory not only as a normative demand (...)
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  3.  53
    Bildung: Concept, conception, ideal.Aleksandar Dobrijevic - 2007 - Filozofija I Društvo 18 (2):101-119.
    The author claims that we should differentiate the concept, the conception and the ideal of Bildung. Based on these differences, Bildung could be considered as a kind of attitude, project, or as specific - normative and optative - practice.. Autor smatra da treba praviti formalnu razliku izmedju pojma, koncepcije i ideala Bildung-a. Na osnovu tako utvrdjene razlike, Bildung bi se mogao poimati kao stav, projekt ili specificna, u isti mah i normativno i optativno intonirana, praksa..
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  4.  56
    Between education and self-education: From Bildung to virtue ethics.Aleksandar Dobrijevic - 2006 - Filozofija I Društvo 2006 (29):119-128.
    The article contains an explanation of the topic to be dealt with by the author within the work on the project "Regional and European Aspects of Integration Processes in Serbia: Civilization Preconditions, Reality and Prospects for the Future" of the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory. A concern for the problem of Bildung reoccurs in social sciences. The author claims that we should elicit a dominated normative meaning from many senses of the concept of Bildung, in order to explain his (...)
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  5.  32
    Contemporary moral philosophy in the context of the social transformation.Aleksandar T. Dobrijević - 2002 - Filozofija I Društvo 2002 (19):193-202.
    Clanak sadrzi obrazlozenje teme kojom ce se autor baviti u okviru rada na projektu 'Mogucnost primene modernih filozofsko-politickih paradigmi na transformaciju drustva u Srbiji/Jugoslaviji' Instituta za filozofiju i drustvenu teoriju. U prvom delu izlaze se osnovna zamisao rada, te teorijska i prakticna relevantnost predlozene teme. U drugom delu ukratko se izlaze 'teorija dva nivoa' moralnog misljenja, koju je razradio utilitaristicki filozof Ricard Mervin Her. U trecem delu skicira se plan i sadrzina predstojeceg rada. Na kraju, data je osnovna i selektivna (...)
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  6.  29
    Kritika intuitivnog uma.Aleksandar Dobrijević - 2005 - Filozofija I Društvo 2005 (26):179-227.
    The author displays and reexamines Hare?s "two-level theory" of normative moral thinking, including goals that are intended by its establishing. Given Hare?s holism, the met ethical level, considered as fundamental or the "third" level, has notable effect on process of normative reasoning, especially if it is taken as one of the determinant of the critical moral thin king. Central part of the analysis is examination of utilitarian character of the theory. Autor izlaze i preispituje Herovu teoriju o dva nivoa normativnog (...)
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  7. Contractualism vs. contractarianism.Aleksandar Dobrijevic - 2011 - Filozofija I Društvo 22 (3):27-44.
    Autor nastoji da pokaze da je uobicajena podela na?hobsovsku? i?kantovsku? liniju misljenja u sklopu savremene recepcije tradicije drustvenog ugovora potpuno opravdana. U tekstu se takodje naglasava kako se ideja drustvenog kao?moralnog? ugovora, nasuprot izvornijem?politickom? ugovoru, artikulise tek u poznoj?evolucionoj? fazi te ideje, narocito u dvadesetom veku. Najposle, odbacuje se pokusaj redefinisanja kontraktualizma kao neke vrste?konstruktivizma?, buduci da u kontraktualizmu nema nikakvih elemenata?proceduralnog? rasudjivanja koje je, prema opstem uverenju, karakteristicno za?konstruktivisticku? misao. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 43007.
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  8. Između obrazovanja i samoobrazovanja: od Bildunga do etike vrline.Aleksandar Dobrijević - 2006 - Filozofija I Društvo 2006 (29):119-131.
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  9.  52
    On different kinds of normativity.Aleksandar T. Dobrijević - 2004 - Theoria 47 (3-4):87-89.
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  10.  34
    The dualism of practical reason and the autonomy: Sidgwick’s pessimism and Kant’s optimism.Aleksandar Dobrijevic - 2016 - Filozofija I Društvo 27 (4):749-756.
    The question this paper is concerned with is: what if Immanuel Kant found a solution to the problem of the dualism of practical reason before Henry Sidgwick even came to formulate it? A comparison of Sidgwick?s and Kant?s approach to the problem of the dualism of practical reason is presented only in general terms, but the author concludes that this is sufficient for grasping the advantage of Kant?s solution to the problem.
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  11.  82
    The perils of moral enhancement.Aleksandar Dobrijevic - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (2):104-110.
    The idea of biotechnological enhancement of people for non-medical purposes is not unambiguous. A gap that may arise between the?cognitive? and so-called?moral? enhancement points precisely to this fact. This article shows that, contrary to the intentions of its supporters, the idea according to which moral enhancement has precedence over cognitive enhancement is essentially just a new form of undermining human freedom.
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  12.  30
    What is anthroponomy?Aleksandar Dobrijevic - 2009 - Filozofija I Društvo 20 (2):31-40.
    Iako 'antroponomijsko pitanje' spada u najstarija filozofska pitanja, pojam 'antroponomija' u filozofiji nikada nije zaziveo. Ipak, s?ma antroponomija, kao teorija o tome sta/kakav covek treba ili moze da bude, nikada nije bila zapostavljena.U ovom radu autor se ogranicava na analize Kantovog, Niceovog i Sloterdajkovog antroponomijskog nacrta.
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  13.  28
    Istorija i pravda u Hobzovoj perspektivi.Vladimir Milisavljevic & Aleksandar Dobrijevic - 2007 - Filozofija I Društvo 18 (3):69-86.
    Ovaj tekst nastoji da nijansira dihotomiju izmedju pojmova istorije i pravde koja je uobicajena u interpretaciji Hobzovog misljenja. Hobzov kriticki stav prema istoriji objasnjava se njegovom polemikom protiv nasledja klasicne antike, koja stoji u vezi s njegovim projektom stroge nauke o moralu i politici. Medjutim, Hobzovo shvatanje pravde ne moze se zasnovati bez izvesnih faktickih, empirijskih elemenata; ono se ne svodi na neku cisto racionalnu konstrukciju. Ovi elementi otvaraju Hobzovo misljenje prema problematici stvarne istorije; za Hobza, najvazniji predstavnici takve vrste (...)
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  14.  31
    Review of foreign reception of Jovan Babic’s works. [REVIEW]Aleksandar Dobrijevic - 2015 - Filozofija I Društvo 26 (3):753-761.
    In this paper, the author discusses foreign reception of Jovan Babic?s works, which turns out to be very much alive and diverse. More precisely, the author limits himself to a short and very partial review of reception of only two Babic?s texts that, so far, attracted the most attention.
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