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Alasdair MacIntyre [195]Alasdair C. MacIntyre [37]Alasdair Chalmers MacIntyre [2]
  1. Whose Justice? Which Rationality?Alasdair C. MacIntyre - 1988 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    [This book] develops an account of rationality and justice that is tradition specific.-http://undpress.nd.edu.
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  2. (2 other versions)Aft er Virtue: A Study in Moral Th eory.Alasdair Macintyre - 1982 - Philosophy 57 (222):551-553.
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    Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative.Alasdair C. MacIntyre - 2016 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Alasdair MacIntyre explores some central philosophical, political and moral claims of modernity and argues that a proper understanding of human goods requires a rejection of these claims. In a wide-ranging discussion, he considers how normative and evaluative judgments are to be understood, how desire and practical reasoning are to be characterized, what it is to have adequate self-knowledge, and what part narrative plays in our understanding of human lives. He asks, further, what it would be to understand the modern condition (...)
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  4. The Savage Mind.Alasdair MacIntyre & Claude Levi-Strauss - 1967 - Philosophical Quarterly 17 (69):372.
    "Every word, like a sacred object, has its place. No _précis_ is possible. This extraordinary book must be read."—Edmund Carpenter, _New York Times Book Review _ "No outline is possible; I can only say that reading this book is a most exciting intellectual exercise in which dialectic, wit, and imagination combine to stimulate and provoke at every page."—Edmund Leach, _Man _ "Lévi-Strauss's books are tough: very scholarly, very dense, very rapid in argument. But once you have mastered him, human history (...)
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  5. A Short History of Ethics: A History of Moral Philosophy From the Homeric Age to the 20th Century.Alasdair C. MacIntyre - 1966 - Notre Dame, Ind.: Routledge.
    A Short History of Ethics has over the past thirty years become a key philosophical contribution to studies on morality and ethics. Alasdair MacIntyre writes a new preface for this second edition which looks at the book 'thirty years on' and considers its impact. A Short History of Ethics guides the reader through the history of moral philosophy from the Greeks to contemporary times. MacIntyre emphasises the importance of a historical context to moral concepts and ideas showing the relevance of (...)
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  6. (3 other versions)Dependent Rational Animals. Why Human Beings need the Virtues.Alasdair Macintyre - 1999 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 191 (3):389-390.
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  7. (5 other versions)Whose Justice? Which Rationality?Alasdair Macintyre - 1988 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 18 (4):388-404.
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  8. Social structures and their threats to moral agency.Alasdair MacIntyre - 1999 - Philosophy 74 (3):311-329.
    Imagine first the case of J (who might be anybody, jemand). J used to inhabit a social order, or rather an area within a social order, where socially approved roles were unusually well-defined. Responsibilities were allocated to each such role and each sphere of role-structured activity was clearly demarcated. These allocations and demarcations were embodied in and partly constituted by the expectations that others had learned to have of those who occupied each such role. For those who occupied those roles (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry.Alasdair MacIntyre - 1990 - Duckworth.
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    God, Philosophy, Universities: A Selective History of the Catholic Philosophical Tradition.Alasdair C. MacIntyre - 2009 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Alasdair MacIntyre has written a selective history of the Catholic philosophical tradition, designed to show how belief in God informed and informs philosophical enquiry in different historical and social settings.
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  11. Is patriotism a virtue?Alasdair MacIntyre - 2002 - In Derek Matravers & Jonathan E. Pike (eds.), Debates in Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology. New York: Routledge.
    This is the text of The Lindley Lecture for 1984, given by Alasdair Maclntyre, a Scottish philosopher.
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    Dependent Rational Animals: Why Human Beings Need the Virtues.Alasdair C. MacIntyre - 1999 - Open Court.
    According to the author of "After Virtue, " to flourish, humans need to develop virtues of independent thought and acknowledged social dependence. This book presents the moral philosopher's comparison of humans to other animals and his exploration of the impact of these virtues.
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  13. Alasdair Macintyre on education: In dialogue with Joseph Dunne.Alasdair Macintyre & Joseph Dunne - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 36 (1):1–19.
    This discussion begins from the dilemma, posed in some earlier writing by Alasdair MacIntyre, that education is essential but also, in current economic and cultural conditions, impossible. The potential for resolving this dilemma through appeal to ‘practice’, ‘narrative unity’, and ‘tradition’(three core concepts in After Virtue and later writings) is then examined. The discussion also explores the relationship of education to the modern state and the power of a liberal education to create an ‘educated public’ very different in character from (...)
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  14. (1 other version)A Short History of Ethics.Alasdair Macintyre - 1967 - Philosophy 43 (163):67-68.
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  15. (2 other versions)Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry.Alasdair Macintyre - 1991 - Mind 100 (3):400-403.
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  16. Does Applied Ethics Rest on a Mistake?Alasdair MacIntyre - 1984 - The Monist 67 (4):498-513.
    ‘Applied ethics’, as that expression is now used, is a single rubric for a large range of different theoretical and practical activities. Such rubrics function partly as a protective device both within the academic community and outside it; a name of this kind suggests not just a discipline, but a particular type of discipline. In the case of ‘applied ethics’ the suggestive power of the name derives from a particular conception of the relationship of ethics to what goes on under (...)
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  17. Plain Persons and Moral Philosophy.Alasdair MacIntyre - 1992 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 66 (1):3-19.
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  18. The essential contestability of some social concepts.Alasdair MacIntyre - 1973 - Ethics 84 (1):1-9.
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    The MacIntyre reader.Alasdair C. MacIntyre - 1998 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Kelvin Knight.
    Alasdair MacIntyre is one of the most controversial philosophers and social theorists of our time. He opposes liberalism and postmodernism with the teleological arguments of an updated Thomistic Aristotelianism. It is this tradition, he claims, which presents the best theory so far about the nature of rationality, morality, and politics. This is the first reader of MacIntyre's groundbreaking work. It includes extracts from and his own synopses of two famous books from the 1980s, After Virtue and Whose Justice? Which Rationality? (...)
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  20. Relativism, Power and Philosophy.Alasdair MacIntyre - 1985 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 59 (1):5 - 22.
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    Kierkegaard After MacIntyre: Essays on Freedom, Narrative, and Virtue.John J. Davenport, Anthony Rudd, Alasdair C. Macintyre & Philip L. Quinn - 2001 - Open Court Publishing.
    The 1990s saw a revival of interest in Kierkegaard's thought, affecting the fields of theology, social theory, and literary and cultural criticism. The resulting discussions have done much to discredit the earlier misreadings of Kierkegaard's works.
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  22. (1 other version)How Aristotelianism Can Become Revolutionary: Ethics, Resistance, and Utopia.Alasdair MacIntyre - 2008 - Philosophy of Management 7 (1):3-7.
  23. The very idea of a university: Aristotle, Newman, and us.Alasdair MacIntyre - 2009 - British Journal of Educational Studies 57 (4):347-362.
  24. (2 other versions)Toward a Theory of Medical Fallibility.Samuel Gorovitz & Alasdair MacIntyre - 1975 - Hastings Center Report 5 (6):13.
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    The Idea of a Social Science.Alasdair MacIntyre & D. R. Bell - 1967 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 41 (1):95-132.
  26. Five Lectures: Psychoanalysis, Politics, and Utopia.Herbert Marcuse, Alasdair Macintyre & Robert W. Marks - 1971 - Ethics 81 (4):350-356.
  27.  27
    Marxism and Christianity.Alasdair C. MacIntyre - 1968 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Contending that Marxism achieved its unique position in part by adopting the content and functions of Christianity, MacIntyre details the religious attitudes and modes of belief that appear in Marxist doctrine as it developed historically from the philosophies of Hegel and Feuerbach, and as it has been carried on by latter-day interpreters from Rosa Luxemburg and Trotsky to Kautsky and Lukacs. The result is a lucid exposition of Marxism and an incisive account of its persistence and continuing importance.
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    First principles, final ends, and contemporary philosophical issues.Alasdair C. MacIntyre - 1990 - Milwaukee: Marquette University Press.
    Presents MacIntyre's most explicit defense of his approach to Thomistic metaphysics. This lecture follows MacIntyre's argument in After Virtue that modern philosophy has very literally lost its way, and the problems it faces are insoluble. The difficulties are twofold, and stem from the Cartesian turn to the self in the XVith century.
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    What More Needs to Be Said? A Beginning, Although Only a Beginning, at Saying It.Alasdair MacIntyre - 2008 - Analyse & Kritik 30 (1):261-281.
    The responses to my critics are as various as their criticisms, focusing successively on the distinctive character of modern moral disagreements, on the nature of common goods and their relationship to the virtues, on how the inequalities generated by advanced capitalist economies and by the contemporary state prevent the achievement of common goods, on issues concerning the nature of the self, on what it is that Marx’s theory enables us to understand and on how some Marxists have failed to understand, (...)
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  30. Intractable moral disagreements.Alasdair MacIntyre - 2009 - In Lawrence Cunningham (ed.), Intractable Disputes About the Natural Law: Alasdair Macintyre and Critics. University of Notre Dame Press.
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    Hegel: a collection of critical essays.Alasdair C. MacIntyre - 1976 - Notre Dame [Ind.]: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Findlay, J. N. The contemporary relevance of Hegel.--Kaufmann, W. The Hegel myth and its method.--Kaufmann, W. The young Hegel and religion.--Hartmann, K. Hegel: a non-metaphysical view.--Solomon, R. C. Hegel's concept of "geist."--Taylor, C. The opening arguments of the Phenomenology.--Kelly, G. A. Notes on Hegel's "Lordship and bondage."--MacIntyre, A. Hegel on faces and skulls.--Kosok, M. The formalization of Hegel's dialectical logic.--Schacht, R. L. Hegel on freedom.--Avineri, S. Hegel revisted.
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  32. (2 other versions)The Nature of the Virtues.Alasdair Macintyre - 1981 - Hastings Center Report 11 (2):27-34.
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  33. Egoism and altruism.Alasdair MacIntyre - 1967 - In Paul Edwards (ed.), The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan. pp. 2--462.
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  34. The intelligibility of action.Alasdair MacIntyre - 1986 - In Joseph Margolis, Michael Krausz & Richard M. Burian (eds.), Rationality, relativism, and the human sciences. Boston: M. Nijhoff. pp. 63--80.
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  35. What Morality Is Not.Alasdair Macintyre - 1957 - Philosophy 32 (123):325 - 335.
    The central task to which contemporary moral philosophers have addressed themselves is that of listing the distinctive characteristics of moral utterances. In this paper I am concerned to propound an entirely negative thesis about these characteristics. It is widely held that it is of the essence of moral valuations that they are universalisable and prescriptive. This is the contention which I wish to deny. I shall proceed by first examining the thesis that moral judgments are necessarily and essentially universalisable and (...)
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  36. Where we were, where we are, where we need to be.Alasdair MacIntyre - 2011 - In Paul Blackledge & Kelvin Knight (eds.), Virtue and politics: Alasdair MacIntyre's revolutionary Aristotelianism. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
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    (1 other version)The Religious Significance of Atheism.D. Z. Phillips, Alasdair MacIntyre & Paul Ricoeur - 1971 - Philosophical Quarterly 21 (82):93.
  38. Danish ethical demands and French common goods: Two moral philosophies.Alasdair MacIntyre - 2010 - European Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):1-16.
    Abstract: Is Knud Eiler Løgstrup's conception of the ethical demand as deeply incompatible with the central theses of 20th century French Thomistic moral philosophy as it seems to be? Discussion of this question requires attention to both the Lutheran and the phenomenological background of Løgstrup's thought; a consideration of the Danish and French social contexts in which the claims of the two moral philosophies were developed; and an enquiry into how far aspects of each are complementary to rather than in (...)
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    3 Regulation: A Substitute for Morality.Alasdair Macintyre - 1980 - Hastings Center Report 10 (1):31-33.
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  40. Spinoza.Alasdair MacIntyre - 1967 - In Paul Edwards (ed.), The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan.
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    (1 other version)After virtue: a study in moral theory.Alasdair MacIntyre - 1981 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
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    How to Seem Virtuous Without Actually Being So.Alasdair C. MacIntyre - 1991
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    (1 other version)The Unconscious: A Conceptual Analysis.Alasdair C. MacIntyre - 1976 - New York: Routledge.
    This edition includes a substantial new preface by the author, in which he discusses repression, determinism, transference, and practical rationality, and offers a comparison of Aristotle and Lacan on the concept of desire. MacIntyre takes the opportunity to reflect both on the reviews and criticisms of the first edition and also on his own philosophical stance.
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    Marcuse.Alasdair C. MacIntyre - 1970 - London,: Fontana.
  45. Ideology, Social Science, and Revolution.Alasdair MacIntyre - 1973 - Comparative Politics 5 (3):321-42.
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    Why Is the Search for the Foundations of Ethics So Frustrating?Alasdair Macintyre - 1979 - Hastings Center Report 9 (4):16-22.
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    Practical Rationalities As Forms of Social Structure.Alasdair Macintyre - 1987 - Irish Philosophical Journal 4 (1-2):3-19.
  48. Which God Ought We to Obey and Why?Alasdair MacIntyre - 1986 - Faith and Philosophy 3 (4):359-371.
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    How can we Learn what Veritatis Splendor has to Teach?Alasdair MacIntyre - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (2):171-195.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:HOW CAN WE LEARN WHAT VER/TATIS SPLENDOR HAS TO TEACH? ALASDAIR MAclNTYRE University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana V-ERITATIS SPLENDOR can be read in two very different ways. It can be read, and of course it should be ad, as a papal encyclical, a piece of authoritative Christian teaching. As such, it is addressed to the Catholic bishops and its subject-matter is not only Christian moral teaching in (...)
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  50. The illusion of self-sufficiency.Alasdair MacIntyre - 2009 - In Alex Voorhoeve (ed.), Conversations on ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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