Results for ' Syntax'

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  1. The Mythico-Ritual Syntax of Omnipotence By Lawrence, David Philosophy East & West V. 48: 4 (1998.10).Diverging Mythico-Ritual Syntaxes - 1998 - Philosophy East and West 48 (4):592-622.
  2. Pieter am Seuren.Autonomous Versus Semantic Syntax - 1972 - Foundations of Language 8:237.
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  3. 292 Semiotics of Non-Verbal and Complex Systems.Syntaxe Narrative & De Surface - 2003 - Semiotics 3:291.
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    Ameling, Walter, et al., eds. Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae. Vol. 2: Caesarea and the Middle Coast 1121–2160. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2011. xxiv+ 923 pp. Numerous black-and-white figs., 5 maps. Cloth, $195. Ando, Clifford. Law, Language, and Empire in the Roman Tradition. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011. xi+ 168 pp. Cloth, $49.95. [REVIEW]Syntax Vol & Typology Grammaticalization - 2012 - American Journal of Philology 133:339-342.
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    Shorter notes.Griechische Denker & Vorlesungen über Syntax - 2004 - Classical Quarterly 54:274-331.
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  6. Functional syntax: anaphora, discourse, and empathy.Susumu Kuno - 1987 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    I CATEGORIES AND PRINCIPLES ii Introductory Remarks The value of linguistics as a cognitive science lies largely in its potential for providing insights ...
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    Syntax: a linguistic introduction to sentence structure.E. K. Brown - 1991 - London: Harper-Collins Academic. Edited by J. E. Miller.
    The study of syntax is fundamental to linguistics and language study, but it is often taught solely within the framework of transformational grammar. This book is unique in several respects: it introduces the basic concepts used in the description of syntax, independently of any single model of grammar. Most grammatical models fail to deal adequately with one aspect of syntax or another, and the authors argue that an understanding of the concepts used in any full description of (...)
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    Syntax in a dynamic brain.James W. Garson - 1997 - Synthese 110 (3):343-55.
    Proponents of the language of thought (LOT) thesis are realists when it comes to syntactically structured representations, and must defend their view against instrumentalists, who would claim that syntactic structures may be useful in describing cognition, but have no more causal powers in governing cognition than do the equations of physics in guiding the planets. This paper explores what it will take to provide an argument for LOT that can defend its conclusion from instrumentalism. I illustrate a difficulty in this (...)
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    Syntax meets semantics during brain logical computations.Arturo Tozzi, James F. Peters, Andrew And Alexander Fingelkurts & Leonid Perlovsky - 2018 - Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 140:133-141.
    The discrepancy between syntax and semantics is a painstaking issue that hinders a better comprehension of the underlying neuronal processes in the human brain. In order to tackle the issue, we at first describe a striking correlation between Wittgenstein's Tractatus, that assesses the syntactic relationships between language and world, and Perlovsky's joint language-cognitive computational model, that assesses the semantic relationships between emotions and “knowledge instinct”. Once established a correlation between a purely logical approach to the language and computable psychological (...)
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  10. Syntax as an Emergent Characteristic of the Evolution of Semantic Complexity.P. Thomas Schoenemann - 1999 - Minds and Machines 9 (3):309-346.
    It is commonly argued that the rules of language, as distinct from its semantic features, are the characteristics which most clearly distinguish language from the communication systems of other species. A number of linguists (e.g., Chomsky 1972, 1980; Pinker 1994) have suggested that the universal features of grammar (UG) are unique human adaptations showing no evolutionary continuities with any other species. However, recent summaries of the substantive features of UG are quite remarkable in the very general nature of the features (...)
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    Semantic syntax.Pieter A. M. Seuren - 1996 - Cambridge: Blackwell.
    This book presents and exemplifies the theory of grammar called Semantic Syntax. The grammar, which offers a syntactic theory closely connected with semantic analyses, is a direct continuation of Generative Semantics; it will re-ignite interest in that framework which flourished and promised so much in the 1960s and 1970s.
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    The syntax and semantics of split constructions: a comparative study.Alastair Butler - 2004 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Eric Mathieu.
    Split constructions are widespread in natural languages. The separation of the semantic restriction of a quantifier from that quantifier is a typical example of such a construction. This study addresses the problem that such discontinuous strings exhibit--namely, a number of locality constraints, including intervention effects. These are shown to follow from the interaction of a minimalist syntax with a semantics that directly assigns a model-theoretic interpretation to syntactic logical forms. The approach is shown to have wide empirical coverage and (...)
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    Theory of Language Syntax: Categorial Approach.Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska - 1991 - Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This book presents a formal and philosophical analysis of language syntax. It refers to some ideas of E.Husserl and G. Frege, to S. Leśniewski's theory of syntactic categories and K. Ajdukiewicz's conception of formal grammar, also to Ch.S. Pierces's distinction between tokens (concrete linguistic entities) and types (ideal linguistic entities) and to A.A. Markov's theory of algorithms. The central aim of the book is - in the spirit of these ideas - to provide both strict yet comprehensive lectures on (...)
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    The Syntax of the verb initial languages.Andrew Carnie & Eithne Guilfoyle (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume contains twelve chapters on the derivation of and the correlates to verb initial word order. The studies in this volume cover such widely divergent languages as Irish, Welsh, Scots Gaelic, Old Irish, Biblical Hebrew, Jakaltek, Mam, Lummi (Straits Salish), Niuean, Malagasy, Palauan, K'echi', and Zapotec, from a wide variety of theoretical perspectives, including Minimalism, information structure, and sentence processing. The first book to take a crosslinguistic comparative approach to verb initial syntax, this volume provides new data to (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Logische Syntax der Sprache.Rudolf Carnap & M. Black - 1935 - Mind 44 (176):499-511.
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    Linear Syntax.Andreas Kathol - 2000 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Linear Syntax makes a case for a critical reassessment of the wide-spread view that syntax can be reduced to tree structures. It argues that a crucial part of the description of German clausal syntax should instead be based on concepts that are defined in terms of linear order. By connecting the descriptive tools of modern phrase-structure grammar with traditional descriptive scholarship, Andreas Kathol offers a new perspective on many long-standing problems in syntactic theory.
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  17. Syntax, semantics, and levels of explanation.José Bermúdez - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (180):361-367.
  18. Does Syntax Reveal Semantics? A Case Study of Complex Demonstratives.Kent Johnson & Ernie Lepore - 2002 - Noûs 36 (s16):17 - 41.
    Following Aristotle (who himself was following Parmenides), philosophers have appealed to the distributional reflexes of expressions in determining their semantic status, and ultimately, the nature of the extra-linguistic world. This methodology has been practiced throughout the history of philosophy; it was clarified and made popular by the likes of Zeno Vendler and J.L. Austin, and is realized today in the toolbox of linguistically minded philosophers. Studying the syntax of natural language was fueled by the belief that there is a (...)
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    Embeddability, syntax, and semantics in accounts of scientific theories.Peter Turney - 1990 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 19 (4):429 - 451.
    Recently several philosophers of science have proposed what has come to be known as the semantic account of scientific theories. It is presented as an improvement on the positivist account, which is now called the syntactic account of scientific theories. Bas van Fraassen claims that the syntactic account does not give a satisfactory definition of "empirical adequacy" and "empirical equivalence". He contends that his own semantic account does define these notations acceptably, through the concept of "embeddability", a concept which he (...)
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    (1 other version)Syntax and Corpora.Michèle Oliviéri - 2010 - Corpus 9:7-20.
    1. A long-standing controversy The notion of corpus represents a long-standing and controversial matter in syntax. Before Chomsky, structuralists exploited corpora however these were considered as representative and homogeneous samples of a particular syntactic phenomenon or of a given language. This type of corpus was thus used within a behaviourist approach exclusively with empiricist and taxonomic aims. Then, as soon as Chomsky started to develop generative grammar in the 1950s, it is prec..
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    Syntax with oscillators and energy levels.Sam Tilsen - 2019 - Berlin: Language science press.
    This book presents a new approach to studying the syntax of human language, one which emphasizes how we think about time. Tilsen argues that many current theories are unsatisfactory because those theories conceptualize syntactic patterns with spatially arranged structures of objects. These object-structures are atemporal and do not lend well to reasoning about time. The book develops an alternative conceptual model in which oscillatory systems of various types interact with each other through coupling forces, and in which the relative (...)
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    The syntax of crossing coreference sentences.Pauline I. Jacobson - 1980 - New York: Garland.
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    Minimalist Syntax.Randall Hendrick (ed.) - 2003 - Blackwell.
    Minimalist Syntax is a collection of essays that analyze major syntactic processes in a variety of languages, all unified by their perspective from within the Minimalist Program. Introduces important concepts in the Minimalist approach to syntactic theory. Emphasizes empirical consequences of the Minimalist approach through innovative analyses. Highlights the importance of Minimalist syntax in explaining features of natural languages. Includes contributions from leading syntacticians.
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    The syntax of anaphora.Ken Safir - 2004 - Oxford University Press.
    One of the most important discoveries of the last thirty years is the extent to which the pattern of anaphoric interpretations is determined by the geometry of syntactic structure. As our understanding of these phenomena has steadily grown, the theory of syntax has often been driven by discoveries in this domain, and it is no accident that Chomsky's Binding Theory was a centerpiece of the principles and parameters approach of the 1980s. However, what remained accidental in Chomsky's theory, and (...)
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    The Syntax of Numericlature.David L. Hull - 1968 - Systematic Zoology 17 (4):472-474.
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    Formal Syntax and Deep History.Andrea Ceolin, Cristina Guardiano, Monica Alexandrina Irimia & Giuseppe Longobardi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:488871.
    We show that, contrary to long-standing assumptions, syntactic traits, modeled here within the generative biolinguistic framework, provide insights into deep-time language history. To support this claim, we have encoded the diversity of nominal structures using 94 universally definable binary parameters, set in 69 languages spanning across up to 13 traditionally irreducible Eurasian families. We found a phylogenetic signal that distinguishes all such families and matches the family-internal tree topologies that are safely established through classical etymological methods and datasets. We have (...)
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    Logical Syntax of Language.Rudolf Carnap - 1937 - London,: Routledge. Edited by Amethe Smeaton.
    First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  28. Syntax, More or Less.John Collins - 2007 - Mind 116 (464):805-850.
    Much of the best contemporary work in the philosophy of language and content makes appeal to the theories developed in generative syntax. In particular, there is a presumption that—at some level and in some way—the structures provided by syntactic theory mesh with or support our conception of content/linguistic meaning as grounded in our first-person understanding of our communicative speech acts. This paper will suggest that there is no such tight fit. Its claim will be that, if recent generative theories (...)
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    Constructions of Intersubjectivity: Discourse, Syntax, and Cognition.Arie Verhagen - 2005 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Constructions of Intersubjectivity shows that the meaning of grammatical constructions often has more to do with the human cognitive capacity for taking other peoples' points of view than with describing the world. Treating pragmatics, semantics, and syntax in parallel and integrating insights from linguistics, psychology, and animal communication, Arie Verhagen develops a new understanding of linguistic communication. In doing so he shows the continuity between language and animal communication and reveals the nature of human linguistic specialization. Professor Verhagen uses (...)
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    La syntaxe des mondes.Raphaël Bessis - 2006 - Multitudes 1 (1):53-61.
    Résumé Philippe Descola dans Par delà nature et culture (2005) tâche d’élaborer, au travers d’une classification des formes d’écologie symbolique, les pièces élémentaires d’une sorte de syntaxe de la composition du monde. Quatre schèmes fondamentaux ou matrices ontologiques (l’animisme, le naturalisme, le totémisme et l’analogisme) seront ainsi exhumés de l’immense champ des monographies ethnologiques, permettant à leur auteur d’établir une critique de la raison naturaliste. C’est cette révolution épistémologique que nous nous efforcerons le plus fidèlement de restituer.
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    Is Syntax Semantically Constrained? Evidence From a Grammaticality Judgment Study of Indonesian.I. Nyoman Aryawibawa & Ben Ambridge - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):3135-3148.
    A central debate in the cognitive sciences surrounds the nature of adult speakers' linguistic representations: Are they purely syntactic (a traditional and widely held view; e.g., Branigan & Pickering, ), or are they semantically structured? A recent study (Ambridge, Bidgood, Pine, Rowland, & Freudenthal, ) found support for the latter view, showing that adults' acceptability judgments of passive sentences were significantly predicted by independent semantic “affectedness” ratings designed to capture the putative semantics of the construction (e.g., Bob was pushed by (...)
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  32. Syntax, semantics, physics.John Haugeland - 2002 - In John Mark Bishop & John Preston (eds.), Views Into the Chinese Room: New Essays on Searle and Artificial Intelligence. London: Oxford University Press.
  33. Syntax and semantics of questions.Lauri Karttunen - 1977 - Linguistics and Philosophy 1 (1):3--44.
    W. Labov's & T. Labov's findings concerning their child grammar acquisition ("Learning the Syntax of Questions" in Recent Advances in the Psychology of Language, Campbell, R. & Smith, P. Eds, New York: Plenum Press, 1978) are interpreted in terms of different semantics of why & other wh-questions. Z. Dubiel.
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    Syntax and Etymology: The Impersonals of Emotion.Edwin W. Fay - 1917 - Classical Quarterly 11 (02):88-.
    The present essay, reposing on phenomena of derivation and semantics, will attempt to establish a more objective basis for the syntax of the impersonals. As a matter of syntax, the subject is of vital interest for the living Germanic tongues, and with these the essay begins. It will continue with a discussion of the phenomena of the Latin impersonals, and seek, by the help of living English usage, to establish upon a correct psychological basis the definition and derivation (...)
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  35. Syntax or semantics? Response to Lidz et al.Michael Tomasello - 2004 - Cognition 93 (2):139-140.
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    Syntax and Etymology.Edwin W. Fay - 1913 - Classical Quarterly 7 (03):202-.
    In the school study of syntax the results of etymology, however highly they may be valued in theory, are in effect neglected. I called attention to this, and specifically to the construction of credo with the dative, in an article in the Classical Quarterly, v. 193.
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    Syntax, action, comparative cognitive science, and Darwinian thinking.Cedric A. Boeckx & Koji Fujita - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:93136.
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    Bare syntax.Cedric Boeckx - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Cedric Boeckx focuses on two core components of grammar: phrase structure and locality.
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    Is syntax a representation in itself?Maritza Rivera-Gaxiola & Juan Felipe Silva-Pereyra - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (3):352-353.
    We address the issue of the nature of representations during development regarding language acquisition. The controversy of syntax as a process or operation for representation formation and syntax as a representation in itself is discussed. Eliminating the cognitive unconscious does not warrant a simplified, more parsimonious approach to human cognition in general.
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  40. Syntax, Semantics, and Computer Programs.William J. Rapaport - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 33 (2):309-321.
    Turner argues that computer programs must have purposes, that implementation is not a kind of semantics, and that computers might need to understand what they do. I respectfully disagree: Computer programs need not have purposes, implementation is a kind of semantic interpretation, and neither human computers nor computing machines need to understand what they do.
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    Syntax-Semantics Interaction in Mathematics.Michael Heller - 2018 - Studia Semiotyczne 32 (2):87-105.
    Mathematical tools of category theory are employed to study the syntax-semantics problem in the philosophy of mathematics. Every category has its internal logic, and if this logic is sufficiently rich, a given category provides semantics for a certain formal theory and, vice versa, for each formal theory one can construct a category, providing a semantics for it. There exists a pair of adjoint functors, Lang and Syn, between a category and a category of theories. These functors describe, in a (...)
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    Syntax of Hittite imma.Andrei Sideltsev - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (2):361.
    Building upon Melchert 1985, I assess the syntax of Hittite imma with special attention to its second-position requirement.
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    Dynamic Syntax.Christine Howes & Hannah Gibson - 2021 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (2):263-276.
    Dynamic Syntax (DS: Kempson et al. 2001; Cann et al. 2005) is an action-based grammar formalism which models the process of natural language understanding as monotonic tree growth. This paper presents an introduction to the notions of incrementality and underspecification and update, drawing on the assumptions made by DS. It lays out the tools of the theoretical framework that are necessary to understand the accounts developed in the other contributions to the Special Issue. It also represents an up-to-date account (...)
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  44. Searle, Syntax, and Observer Relativity.Ronald P. Endicott - 1996 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):101-22.
    I critically examine some provocative arguments that John Searle presents in his book The Rediscovery of Mind to support the claim that the syntactic states of a classical computational system are "observer relative" or "mind dependent" or otherwise less than fully and objectively real. I begin by explaining how this claim differs from Searle's earlier and more well-known claim that the physical states of a machine, including the syntactic states, are insufficient to determine its semantics. In contrast, his more recent (...)
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    The syntax of distributivity and pair-list readings.Filippo Beghelli - 1997 - In Anna Szabolcsi (ed.), Ways of Scope Taking. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 349--408.
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    Neuroscience and Syntax.Emiliano Zaccarella & Patrick C. Trettenbrein - 2021 - In Nicholas Allott, Terje Lohndal & Georges Rey (eds.), A Companion to Chomsky. Wiley. pp. 325–347.
    The neuroscience of language studies the relationship between linguistic phenomena and the structure and functioning of the human brain. In this chapter, the authors focus on the neural basis supporting the remarkable human capacity to effortlessly assemble single words into more complex hierarchical structures, thus enabling the production and comprehension of unbounded arrays of different linguistic expressions. They begin with a brief discussion of language as a biological system that includes a historical sketch of the understanding of language in the (...)
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    Contrastive syntax: search for a model.S. M. R. Husain - 1991 - New Delhi: Bahri Publications.
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  48. Logical Syntax in Wittgenstein's Tractatus.Cora Diamond - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (218):78 - 89.
    P.M.S. Hacker has argued that there are numerous misconceptions in James Conant's account of Wittgenstein's views and of those of Carnap. I discuss only Hacker's treatment of Conant on logical syntax in the _Tractatus. I try to show that passages in the _Tractatus which Hacker takes to count strongly against Conant's view do no such thing, and that he himself has not explained how he can account for a significant passage which certainly appears to support Conant's reading.
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  49. Axiomatic truth, syntax and metatheoretic reasoning.Graham E. Leigh & Carlo Nicolai - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (4):613-636.
    Following recent developments in the literature on axiomatic theories of truth, we investigate an alternative to the widespread habit of formalizing the syntax of the object-language into the object-language itself. We first argue for the proposed revision, elaborating philosophical evidences in favor of it. Secondly, we present a general framework for axiomatic theories of truth with theories of syntax. Different choices of the object theory O will be considered. Moreover, some strengthenings of these theories will be introduced: we (...)
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    Syntax, Truth, and the Fate of Sentences.John Collins - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (1):125-144.
    Truth appears to be a predicate of sentence-like structures. This raises the question of what a sentence is (or what it is to be sentence-like) such that it is truth-apt. A natural move is to treat sentences and truth-aptness as somehow conceptually or metaphysical coeval—made for each other. This resolution conflicts, however, with now standard approaches in syntactic theory that treat sentences as mere epiphenomena. Siding with the developments in syntax, the paper argues that truth-aptness properly belongs, not to (...)
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