Results for ' Nietzsche-Werkgroep'

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  1.  39
    Basic writings of Nietzsche.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1968 - New York: Modern Library. Edited by Walter Arnold Kaufmann.
    One hundred years after his death, Friedrich Nietzsche remains the most influential philosopher of the modern era. Basic Writings of Nietzsche gathers the complete texts of five of Nietzsche's most important works, from his first book to his last: The Birth of Tragedy; Beyond Good and Evil; On the Genealogy of Morals; The Case of Wagner; and Ecce Homo. Edited and translated by the great Nietzsche scholar Walter Kaufmann, this volume provides a definitive guide to the (...)
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    A Nietzsche compendium.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 2008 - New York: Barnes & Noble. Edited by David Taffel.
    This convenient new compendium contains the five most philosophically significant of Nietzsche’s post- Thus Spoke Zarathustra writings. Nietzsche wrote of these works that he intended them as “fish hooks” for catching readers who shared his sense that a cataclysmic shift in human psychology had suddenly occurred with the advent of nihilism - the uncanny and pervasive feeling that life is devoid of all meaning, purpose, and value. Taken together these books offer the reader a definitive account of (...)’s mature philosophy as he intended it to be presented and a sweeping attack upon everything the modern Western world holds to be good about itself. (shrink)
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  3. Poems (nietzsche).Friedrich Nietzsche - unknown
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    Briefe von Friedrich Nietzsche Januar 1887 - Januar 1889.Friedrich Nietzsche - 1984 - De Gruyter.
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    The portable Nietzsche.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1954 - New York: Penguin Books.
    Selections from the books, notes, and letters of this 19th century philosopher.
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    Nietzsche und Wagner: Stationen einer epochalen Begegnung.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche & Richard Wagner (eds.) - 1994 - Frankfurt am Main: Insel.
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  7. Nietzsche: vie et vérité.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1971 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Nietzsche und sein Werk.Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche & Henri Lichtenberger - 1928 - C. Reissner.
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  9. From Nietzsche's notebooks.Friedrich Nietzsche - unknown
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    Nietzsche: an anthology of his works.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1964 - New York,: Washington Square Press. Edited by Otto Manthey-Zorn.
    "Nietzsche versus Wagner", sometimes translated "Nietzsche against Wagner", is a critical examination of the composer Richard Wagner, whom Nietzsche praised in his early years and later declared his enemy. Nietzsche was close to the entire Wagner family, even Wagner's wives, but later had a falling out and spent a significant amount of energy attacking him. In this work, Nietzsche distances himself from Wagner's music and ideology, criticizing the composer's embrace of German nationalism and his turn (...)
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    Nietzsches unsterbliche Gedanken.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Heinrich Mann & Wolfgang Klein - 1992 - Berlin: Aufbau. Edited by Heinrich Mann, Golo Mann & Wolfgang Klein.
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    What Nietzsche taught.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1915 - New York,: B.W. Huebsch. Edited by Willard Huntington Wright.
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  13. Volks-Nietzsche.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche & Theodor Kappstein - 1931 - Berlin,: Sieben-stäbe-verlag. Edited by Theodor Kappstein.
    l. bd. Der mann und sein werk. Die frühschriften.--2. bd. Morgenröte fröhlicher wissenschaft.--3. bd. Also sprach Zarathustra.--4. bd. Die umwertung und die neue rangordnung.
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  14. Nietzsche on Integrity.Friedrich Nietzsche & Carol Diethe - 2014 - Pli 25:1-12.
  15.  59
    Philosophy and Truth: Selections From Nietzsche's Notebooks of the Early 1870's.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1979 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanity Books. Edited by Daniel Breazeale.
    Philosophy and Truth offers the first English translation of six unpublished theoretical studies written just after the publication of The Birth of Tragedy and simultaneously with Untimely Meditations. In addition to the texts themselves, which probe epistemological problems on philosophy's relation to art and culture, this book contains a lengthy introduction that provides the biographical and philological information necessary for understanding these often fragmentary texts. The introduction also includes a helpful discussion of Nietzsche's early views concerning culture, knowledge, philosophy, (...)
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  16. The Nietzsche reader.Friedrich Nietzsche - 1977 - Oxford: Blackwell. Edited by Keith Ansell-Pearson & Duncan Large.
    The Nietzsche Reader brings together in one volume substantial selections from the entire body of Nietzsche’s writings, together with illuminating commentary on Nietzsche’s life and importance, and introductions to his major works and philosophical ideas. • Includes selections from all the major texts, including The Birth of Tragedy, The Gay Science, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil, The Anti-Christ, and Ecce Homo • Offers new translations of key pieces from Nietzsche’s unpublished “Lenzer Heide” notebook • (...)
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  17.  23
    The Nietzsche-Wagner correspondence.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Richard Wagner, Caroline V. Kerr & Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche - 1921 - New York: Liveright. Edited by Richard Wagner, Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche & Caroline V. Kerr.
    THE NIETZSCHE-WAGNER CORRESPONDENCE CHAPTER I. FIRST MEETING. MY brother writes in "Ecce Homo": "From the moment a piano edition of 'Tristan and Isolde* appeared (my compliments, ...
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  18.  5
    The living thoughts of Nietzsche.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1939 - Toronto,: Longmans, Green and co.. Edited by Heinrich Mann, June Barrows Mussey & Oscar Levy.
  19. Friedrich Nietzsche: 23 Briefe an Gustav Krug.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche & Roswitha Wollkopf (eds.) - 1992 - Weimar: Kulturstiftung der Länder in Verbindung mit der Stiftung Weimarer Klassik.
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  20.  31
    (2 other versions)The Antichrist.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1911 - Mineola, New York: Prometheus Books. Edited by Anthony Mario Ludovici.
    A work of Nietzsche's later years, The Antichrist was written after Thus Spoke Zarathustra and shortly before the mental collapse that incapacitated him for the rest of his life. The work is both an unrestrained attack on Christianity and a further exposition of Nietzsche's will-to-power philosophy so dramatically presented in Zarathustra. Christianity, says Nietzsche, represents "everything weak, low, and botched; it has made an ideal out of antagonism towards all the self-preservative instincts of strong life." By contrast, (...)
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  21. The portable Nietzsche.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1971 - London,: Chatto & Windus.
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    The works of Friedrich Nietzsche... (Vol. VIII, X, XI).Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1896 - London,: The Macmillan company. Edited by Alexander Tille, William A. Hausemann, John Gray & Thomas Common.
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  23.  17
    On the Genealogy of Morals: A Polemic.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1887 - Oxford ;: Oxford University Press. Edited by Douglas Translator: Smith.
    Nietzsche referred to his critique of Judeo-Christian moral values as philosophizing with the hammer. On the Genealogy of Morals (originally subtitled A Polemic) is divided into three essays. The first is an investigation into the origins of our moral values, or as Nietzsche calls them moral prejudices. The second essay addresses the concept of guilt and its role in the development of civilization and religion. The third essay considers suffering and its role in human existence. What might be (...)
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  24.  1
    La Vie de Fréderic Nietzsche d'après sa correspondance, textes choisis et traduits par Georges Walz avec une préface biographique.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche & Georges Walz - 1932 - Paris,: Rieder. Edited by Georges Walz.
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  25. Nietzsche.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1966 - Stockholm,: [Seelig]. Edited by Carl-Henning Wijkmark.
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    (2 other versions)Selected letters of Friedrich Nietzsche.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1921 - and Toronto,: Doubleday, Page & company. Edited by Oscar Levy & Anthony M. Ludovici.
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    Friedrich Nietzsche, Paul Rée, Lou von Salomé, die Dokumente ihrer Begegnung: Briefwechsel. Auf der Grundlage der einstigen Zusammenarbeit mit Karl Schlechta und Erhart Thierbach herausgegeben von Ernst Pfeiffer.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Paul Rée, Lou Andreas-salomé, Karl Schlechta & Erhart Thierbach - 1971 - Insel Verlag.
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  28. Nietzsche contra Wagner.Friedrich Nietzsche - unknown
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    Friedrich Nietzsches Briefwechsel mit Franz Overbeck.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1916 - Leipzig,: Insel-verlag. Edited by Franz Overbeck, Richard Oehler & Carl Albrecht Bernoulli.
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  30. Friedrich Nietzsche on rhetoric and language.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Sander L. Gilman, Carole Blair & David J. Parent.
    Presenting the entire German text of Nietzsche's lectures on rhetoric and language and his notes for them, as well as facing page English translations, this book fills an important gap in the philosopher's corpus. Until now unavailable or existing only in fragmentary form, the lectures represent a major portion of Nietzsche's achievement. Included are an extensive editors' introduction on the background of Nietzsche's understanding of rhetoric, and critical notes identifying his sources and independent contributions.
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    Nietzsche: a Self-portrait from His Letters.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1971 - Cambridge: Mass. : Harvard University Press.
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    Commentary on Nietzsche.Friedrich Nietzsche - 2005 - In Kim Atkins (ed.), Self and Subjectivity. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 71–84.
    This chapter contains section titled: “The Genealogy of Morals”.
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  33. Federico Nietzsche.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1944 - [Milano]: Garzanti. Edited by Paci, Enzo & [From Old Catalog].
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    Nietzsche Brevier.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1950 - Wien,: G. Prachner. Edited by Wolfgang Kraus.
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    Il meglio di Nietzsche.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche & Ferruccio Masini - 1988 - Milano: A. Mondadori. Edited by Ferruccio Masini.
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  36.  36
    (1 other version)The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche: the first complete and authorised English translation.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1909 - New York: Gordon Press. Edited by Oscar Levy & Robert Guppy.
    v. 1. The birth of tragedy; or, Hellenism and pessimism.--v. 2. Early Greek philosophy & other essays.--v. 3. On the future of our educational institutions. Homer and classical philology.--v. 4-5. Thoughts out of season.--v. 6-7. Human, all-too-human.--v. 8. The case of Wagner. Nietzsche contra Wagner. Selected aphorisms.--v. 9. The dawn of day.--v. 10. The joyful wisdom.--v. 11. Thus spake Zarathustra.--v. 12. Beyond good and evil.--v. 13. The genealogy of morals. Peoples and countries.--v. 14.-15. The will to power.--v. 16.--The twilight (...)
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  37.  9
    Friedrich Nietzsches briefwechsel mit Erwin Rohde.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1923 - Leipzig,: Insel-verlag. Edited by Erwin Rohde, Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche & Fritz Schöll.
    Excerpt from Friedrich Nietzsches Briefwechsel mit Erwin Rohde Qinberiabre unb ben (c)tiirmen feiner 3ngenb %rieben nnb (c)iüci gefnnben batte, bir in iebem 8nge bem 8ilb entfpracb, baß er einft mehr als brei 3abre, bevor er fie fanb in einem feiner $briefe an 9tießfd;e aß fein 3beai ge3eicbnet batte. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology (...)
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  38.  3
    Friedrich Nietzsches Gesammelte Briefe.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche & Peter Gast - 1902 - Berlin und Leipzig,: Schuster & Loeffler.
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  39. Politique de Nietzsche.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1969 - Paris,: A. Colin. Edited by René Jean Dupuy.
  40. (1 other version)The philosophy of Nietzsche.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1965 - [New York]: New American Library. Edited by Geoffrey Clive.
    Introduction, by Willard Huntington Wright.--Thus spake Zarathustra, translated by Thomas Common.--Beyond good and evil, translated by Helen Zimmern.--The genealogy of morals, translated by Horace B. Samuel.--Peoples and countries, translated by J. M. Kennedy.--Ecce homo, translated by Clifton P. Fadiman.--The birth of tragedy from the spirit of music, translated by Clifton P. Fadiman.
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  41.  7
    Nietzsche as critic, philosopher, poet and prophet.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1901 - London,: G. Richards. Edited by Thomas Common.
    The Anthology Which First Introduced Nietzsche to the English-speaking World Originally published in 1901, the result of several years of translation work by the very first generation of Nietzscheans in Britain and America, Nietzsche as Critic, Philosopher, Poet and Prophet is a comprehensive selection of Nietzsche's writings, from The Birth of Tragedy through to the final works of 1888. Arranged topically with reference to the original sources, the book still stands as one of the finest anthologies of (...)
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  42.  15
    The vision of Nietzsche.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1996 - Shaftesbury, Dorset: Element. Edited by Philip Novak.
    p. 1. General introduction -- pt. 2. Selections from Nietzsche's writings.
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  43.  57
    (1 other version)Jenseits von Gut Und Böse . Die Geburt der Tragödie.Friedrich Nietzsche - 2007 - Felix Meiner Verlag.
    In der Schrift "Jenseits von Gut und Böse" erreicht Nietzsches philosophische Entlarvung des Nihilismus der überkommenen Werte ihre höchste und reifste Gestalt; als ›Vorspiel der Philosophie der Zukunft‹ konzipiert, inspiriert sie Nietzsche zu einer Neubewertung seiner frühen Schrift über "Die Geburt der Tragödie aus den Geiste der Musik", nun mit dem Vorwort: ›Versuch einer Selbstkritik‹._1885 faßte Friedrich Nietzsche den Entschluß, eine Neue Ausgabe seiner Schriften erscheinen zu lassen, die »das Eigene und Unvergleichliche in diesen Werken« herausstellen sollte. Diesem (...)
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  44.  34
    Emerson-Exemplar: Friedrich Nietzsche's Emerson Marginalia.Friedrich Nietzsche & Mason Golden - 2013 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 44 (3):409-431.
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    The birth of tragedy out of the spirit of music.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1993 - New York: Penguin Books. Edited by Michael Tanner.
    Classic, influential study of Greek tragedy.
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  46.  20
    Nietzsche and the death of God: selected writings.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1996 - Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin. Edited by Peter Fritzsche.
    Nietzsche's importance -- Nietzsche's ideas -- Nietzsche's legacy -- Aphorisms, 1875-1889 -- On truths and lies in an extramoral sense, 1873 -- On the uses and disadvantages of history for life, 1874 -- Human, all too human, 1878 -- The gay science, 1882 -- Thus spoke Zarathustra, 1883-1884 -- Beyond good and evil, 1886 -- On the genealogy of morals, 1887.
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    Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks.Friedrich Nietzsche - 1962 - Regnery.
    Unpublished during Nietzsche's lifetime, presents the philosopher's exploration of the culture of the Greeks.
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  48.  3
    Der einsame Nietzsche.Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche - 1914 - Leipzig,: A. Kröner.
    Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, Schwester und Nachlassverwalterin Friedrich Nietzsches, präsentiert im zweiten Band der Biographie ihres Bruders eine Beschreibung der zweiten Lebenshälfte Friedrich Nietzsches, die sie als Phase der Vereinsamung bezeichnet. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wurden ihre Fälschungen an Nietzsches Schriften und Briefen bekannt, was die Lektüre des vorliegenden Bandes auch heute noch so interessant macht. Sorgfältig nachbearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1914.
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  49. Das vermächtnis Friedrich Nietzsches.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1940 - Salzburg-Leipzig,: A. Pustet. Edited by Würzbach, Friedrich & [From Old Catalog].
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  50.  19
    (6 other versions)Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1907 - Moscow, Idaho: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Helen Zimmern & Brian Brown.
    Nietzsche's mature masterpiece, Beyond Good and Evil considers the origins and nature of Judeo-Christian morality; the end of philosophical dogmatism and beginning of perspectivism; the questionable virtues of science and scholarship; liberal democracy, nationalism, and women's emancipation. A superb and new translation by Marion Faber, this highly annotated edition is complemented by a lucid introduction by one of the most eminent of Nietzsche scholars, Robert C. Holub.
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