Current managerial discourse and practices are dominated by the pioneering ideology of neo-liberalism, which translates to individual self-interest. This mode of functioning results in socially and environmentally dysfunctional organizations. The root cause of this phenomenon is the organization’s narrow focus on profitability and short-term pursuits. Strategy is short-term and narrowly focused and excludes aspects of business that benefit from longer term thinking such as competitiveness and sustainability. Integrating a spiritual perspective and cultivating spiritual qualities and vision in the individuals making up an organization leads to broader, long-term focus and fosters business competitiveness and sustainability. One approach to implementing spirituality is Practical Compassion, an approach drawn from seers, sages and ancient wisdom. This article discusses a down to earth and practical approach to implementing spirituality in the corporate environment. We will explore implementation (and measurement) of this approach by use of some of the popular performance measurement frameworks and models. The aim is to conceptualize, develop, and foster the use of a ‘spirituality scorecard’ as a tool to implement spirituality. We explore the methods and implications of integrating this approach in some of the world’s leading corporations by demonstrating use of the spirituality scorecard.