Science seems to develop by inducing new knowledge from observation.
However, it is hard to find a rational justification for induction. Popper
offers one attempt to resolve this problem. Nursing theorists have
tended to ignore or reject Popper, often on the false belief that he is a
logical positivist (and hence hostile to qualitative research). Logical
positivism claims that meaningful sentences containing any empirical
content should ultimately be reducible to simple, observation statements.
Popper refutes positivism by showing that there are no such
simple statements. He is not a positivist. For Popper, the scientist begins
with problems and puts forward trial solutions. These are subjected to
rigorous testing aimed at falsifying them. A new theoretical position is
then reached in which the scientist knows either that the trial solutions
are false or that they have not yet been falsified. Science is characterized
by the fact that it tests its ideas through attempted falsification. Nonscience
tests its ideas through attempted refutation. Nursing theory is a
mixture of science and non-science. Popper’s method requires rigorous
testing of theory in both realms. As such, some nursing theory should
be discarded. Popper’s view faces at least two important criticisms. One
is that a scientist can always reject an apparent falsification by instead
altering some auxiliary hypothesis (e.g. denying the accuracy of the
falsifying observation). Popper can deal with this argument by saying
that defence of a theory in this way will eventually break down if the
theory is false. The second criticism is that Popper’s method does ultimately
draw upon induction. This criticism is true, but his method can
be usefully adapted. An adapted from of Popper’s philosophy of science
provides a good basis for nursing theory.