[New Delhi]: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers (
Description: This is a unique research work of distinctive quality based on original Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit sources. The book not only highlights the neglected features of Indian thought of the early pre-systematic period but also presents a careful, critical and constructive survey of well-developed concepts and doctrines of the full-fledged Indian philosophy. The book also exposes some of the established misconceptions about Indian philosophy that, It is essentially spiritualistic and the like, made current by some 'great' orientalists with ulterior motives and accepted uncritically by the historians of Indian philosophy. Thus, the book maintains, that like life and culture, the Indian thought is equally rich and variegated decrying the tendency to consider all other schools of thought as so many steps towards Vedanta. The book upholds that even for Materialism we need not seek inspiration elsewhere, as we not only have a system of materialism of our own in the Carvaka (Lokayata) system but it also plays a role of considerable importance in the other thought-system.