In _Scientific Ontology_, Chakravartty diagnoses a “dramatic conflict” between empiricism and metaphysics and aims to overcome that conflict by opting for a modern-day variant of Pyrrhonism, i.e. by appreciating the equal strength (_isostheneia_) of the arguments for and against the empiricist and metaphysical positions, and by achieving tranquility (_ataraxia_) by suspending judgment or remaining speechless in the face of that _isostheneia_. In this paper, I want to argue that instead of remaining speechless in the face of the _isostheneia_ of the arguments for and against the empiricist and metaphysical positions, we should adopt a position that remains underrated in Chakravartty’s analysis: a position that amounts to a modern-day variant of the Kantian combination of transcendental idealism and empirical realism, and that like the original Kantian combination, is capable of solving many instances of the dramatic conflict between empiricism and metaphysics and, in particular, a conflict that is the talk of the town in philosophy of science these days—the conflict between ontic-structural realism and Lewisian metaphysics.