Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press (
_Experiencing Philosophy_ begins with the assumption that philosophy is not merely something you know but also something you experience and participate in. The book presents philosophical theories and ideas with reference to their practical relevance to the lives of student readers. To this end, a number of engaging features and inserts are provided: • _Original Sources_: Numerous primary readings are included, introducing students directly to the philosophical work of diverse thinkers ranging from Plato to Martin Luther King Jr. Each reading is thoughtfully excerpted and followed by reflective questions. • _Philosopher Profiles_: Abstract ideas are connected to the lives of real historical figures through fascinating biographical profiles. • _Take It Personally_: To illustrate how philosophy can be useful and relevant, each chapter begins by placing the material in a personal context. • _Know Thyself Diagnostics_: This book takes seriously—as did Socrates—the Delphic Oracle’s dictum to “know thyself.” Students are given self-diagnostics to explore their own philosophical values, ideals, and beliefs. • _Philosophers in Action_: Philosophy is something you do, not just something you know. Prompts are provided throughout the text inviting students to conduct thought experiments, analyze concepts, and discuss and debate controversial points. • _Thinking about Your Thinking_: These metacognitive prompts require students to engage in higher-order thinking, not only about the presented readings and ideas but also with respect to their own values, assumptions, and beliefs. • _Plus_: Built-in study guides, diagrams, famous philosophical quotations, comics, feature boxes, and more!