Roman Darowski was born on August 12, 1935, in Szczepanowice, near Tarnow. He entered the Jesuit Order on July 31, 1951, and underwent a two year novitiate in Stara Wieś, near Krosno. He was ordained priest on July 31, 1961, in Warsaw. He studied philosophy at the Jesuit College in Cracow. He obtained a Master's Degree after presenting his thesis, Basic Foundations of Marxist Ethics [Podstawowe założenia etyki marksistowkiej], written under the direction of Tadeusz Ślipko, S. J. He studied theology at the Jesuit College in Warsaw. After presenting his thesis Church History of Szczepanowice [Dzieje kościelne Szczepanowic], directed by Włodzimierz Kamńhski, S. J., he obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Theology. In the following year, he completed the so-called „third probation" in Paray-le-Monial, France,.