This article deals with the concept of greed as pertaining to Business Ethics in today’s world, considered part of the system of the study Ethics as such, in the backdrop of the recent happenings in the financial world in the USA, whose repercussions have been felt all over. The analysis draws inspiration from the words in the Mahabharata, both with a view to improving the existing theories in place in the West today, as well as having a handle on greed management so needed to set liberalism on the right footing. The article brings into focus the secular spirituality imbedded in the epic relating to the concept harmony, without recourse to God parlance, a virtue around which the ethical considerations move, bringing a needed improvement on the Virtue Ethics of today, and harmonizing the three conflicting ethical theories of the day. Greed management is effective only when we look beyond science to the area of values putting the right emphasis on Virtue Ethics.