The author examines a basic ontological dichotomy stated in Plato’s Timaeus. The goal is to harmonise it with the Big Bang Theory and the expansion of the Universe argumentation. Using Plato’s Vocabulary helps to combine the modern understanding of fundamental physical phenomena with Platonic philosophy. Moreover, the use of Platonic philosophy as an authoritative beginning and Platone philosophandi ratio triplex as the way to follow (méthodos) exhibits a new quality of the Big Bang theory. Specifically, the ability to combine physical (primary) and existential (secondary) meanings to define critical phenomena “come to be,” “cease to be,” and “to be.” The author considers the formulated questions “What is aletheia?”, “What is there in alethes?”, “What is the phúsis of the form as the dúnamis?” and “What is dianoia of the hominin form?” as the sources of the “turning round of the psukhe” to the main question: “What is meaningful phúsis?” The issue inquiry guarantees humanity the fundamental competitive advantage in the expanding kósmos and being among the forms that come to be (gígnomai) and always is purely (ón).