My philosophical views

The answers shown here are not necessarily the same provided as part of the 2009 PhilPapers Survey. These answers can be updated at any time.

See also:

A priori knowledge: yes or no?The question is too unclear to answerThe cognizer has a living organization that is developed in continuous interaction with the environment and through a long evodevo history... there is simply no a priori. Wrong question
Abstract objects: Platonism or nominalism?OtherInteractive generalization? Come on! Piaget even visited USA... give it a try!
Aesthetic value: objective or subjective?Accept both
Analytic-synthetic distinction: yes or no?Lean toward: yes
Epistemic justification: internalism or externalism?Accept both
External world: idealism, skepticism, or non-skeptical realism?The question is too unclear to answerExternal World? I am IN the world, it can be external to my experience... forgot Heidegger was a philosopher?
Free will: compatibilism, libertarianism, or no free will?Lean toward: compatibilism
God: theism or atheism?Accept: atheismIs this a serious question?
Knowledge: empiricism or rationalism?Accept boththe dichotomy is rather false, empirically sustained modeling coherentism would be an appropriate answer
Knowledge claims: contextualism, relativism, or invariantism?Lean toward: contextualism
Laws of nature: Humean or non-Humean?Lean toward: non-Humean
Logic: classical or non-classical?Accept: non-classical
Mental content: internalism or externalism?OtherInteractivism, please a bit of consideration for the non-orthodox
Meta-ethics: moral realism or moral anti-realism?Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Metaphilosophy: naturalism or non-naturalism?Accept: naturalism
Mind: physicalism or non-physicalism?The question is too unclear to answerAgain! but what is physics, biologicalism? perhaps
Moral judgment: cognitivism or non-cognitivism?Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Moral motivation: internalism or externalism?Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Newcomb's problem: one box or two boxes?Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Normative ethics: deontology, consequentialism, or virtue ethics?Accept another alternativeProceduralism. Did you know there are also philosophers in Europe? Check out Habermas to give you a taste
Perceptual experience: disjunctivism, qualia theory, representationalism, or sense-datum theory?Reject allsensorimotor, enactive and embodied
Personal identity: biological view, psychological view, or further-fact view?Lean toward: psychological viewBut the whole question is ... what is psychology? On this matter I don't think that I have the same conception of psychology as the standard view within the analytic crew
Politics: communitarianism, egalitarianism, or libertarianism?Accept another alternativelibertarian communitarism towards egalitarianism, local self-management and collective autonomy
Proper names: Fregean or Millian?Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Science: scientific realism or scientific anti-realism?Lean toward: scientific realism
Teletransporter (new matter): survival or death?Accept: survival
Time: A-theory or B-theory?Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Trolley problem (five straight ahead, one on side track, turn requires switching, what ought one do?): switch or don't switch?Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Truth: correspondence, deflationary, or epistemic?There is no fact of the matter
Zombies: inconceivable, conceivable but not metaphysically possible, or metaphysically possible?The question is too unclear to answerCamon' still with the zombie stuff? we don't even know what consciousness is!!!