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  1. Confucian Harmony, Civility and the Echo Chamber.Kyle van Oosterum - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    How should we interact with people in echo chambers? Recently, some have argued that echo-chambered individuals are not entitled to civility. Civility is the virtue whereby we communicate respect for persons to manage our profound disagreements with them. But for civil exchanges to work, people must trust one another and their testimony. Therefore, some argue, we can be moderately uncivil towards those in echo chambers who are unlikely to trust our attempts to be civil. I argue against this position. I (...)
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  2. Cultural Relativism (2nd edition).Diane Jeske - 2025 - In Russ Shafer-Landau (ed.), Living ethics: an introduction with readings. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press. pp. 35-43.
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  3. Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Disagreement.Maria Baghramian, J. Adam Carter & Rach Cosker-Rowland (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Disagreement is one of the deepest and most pervasive topics in philosophy, arguably its very bedrock, and is an ever-increasing feature of politics, ethics, public policy, science and many other areas. Despite the omnipresence of disagreement, the topic itself has received relatively little sustained examination. In this outstanding handbook a team of international contributors examines the philosophy of disagreement and how it extends to debates in public policy and science. Comprising forty-one chapters by an international team of contributors, the Handbook (...)
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  4. What's the point? Championing a view under conditions of philosophical disagreement.Sanford C. Goldberg - 2024 - In Maria Baghramian, J. Adam Carter & Rach Cosker-Rowland (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Disagreement. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  5. Varieties of disagreement.Steven D. Hales - 2024 - In Maria Baghramian, J. Adam Carter & Rach Cosker-Rowland (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Disagreement. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  6. Should morality be abolished? An empirical challenge to the argument from intolerance.Jennifer Cole Wright & Thomas Pölzler - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (3):350-385.
    Moral abolitionists claim that morality ought to be abolished. According to one of their most prominent arguments, this is because making moral judgments renders people significantly less tolerant toward anyone who holds divergent views. In this paper we investigate the hypothesis that morality’s tolerance-decreasing effect only occurs if people are realists about moral issues, i.e., they interpret these issues as objectively grounded. We found support for this hypothesis (Studies 1 and 2). Yet, it also turned out that the intolerance associated (...)
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  7. Toleranz - was müssen wir aushalten?Dominik Balg - 2021 - Heidelberg, Deutschland: Metzler.
    Toleranz – eine Haltung, die in westlichen Gesellschaften wie kaum eine andere mit Nachdruck gefordert und mit Vehemenz verteidigt wird. Insbesondere eine tolerante Haltung gegenüber fremden Ansichten, Standpunkten und Überzeugungen wird von vielen als unverzichtbare Bedingung für das Gelingen eines demokratischen Miteinanders angesehen. Gleichzeitig wird kontrovers diskutiert, wo eigentlich die Grenzen einer toleranten Pluralität verschiedener Meinungen gezogen werden sollen. Welche Ansichten sind noch tolerabel, und welche nicht? Mit Blick auf aktuelle gesellschaftliche Diskurse und vor dem Hintergrund umfassender Kenntnisse der philosophischen (...)
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  8. On compromise: art, politics, and the fate of an American ideal.Rachel Greenwald Smith - 2021 - Minneapolis, Minnesota: Graywolf Press.
    On Compromise is an argument against contemporary liberal society's tendency to view compromise as an unalloyed good--politically, ethically, and artistically. In a series of clear, convincing essays, Rachel Greenwald Smith discusses the dangers of thinking about compromise as an end, rather than as a means. To illustrate her points, she recounts her stint in a band as a bass player, fighting with her bandmates about 'what the song wants,' and then moves outward to Bikini Kill and the Riot Grrrl movement, (...)
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  9. Tolerance Among The Virtues. By John R.Bowlin. Pp. 265, Princeton/London, Princeton University Press, 2016, £29.95/$39.50. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (1):167-168.
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  10. Vice Dressed as Virtue.Paul Russell - 2020 - Aeon.
    Cruelty and morality seem like polar opposites – until they join forces. Beware those who persecute in the name of principle... -/- Following in the steps of Michel de Montaigne, the distinguished political philosopher Judith Shklar has argued that cruelty should be considered the supreme evil and that we should put it first among the vices. The essence of cruelty is to wilfully and needlessly inflict pain and suffering on another creature – be it an animal or a human being. (...)
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  11. The tyranny of virtue: identity, the academy, and the hunt for political heresies.Robert Boyers - 2019 - New York: Scribner.
    Written from the perspective of a liberal intellectual who has spent a lifetime as a writer, editor, and college professor, The Tyranny of Virtue is a precise and nuanced insider's look at shifts in American culture--most especially in the American academy--that so many people find alarming. Part memoir and part polemic, an anatomy of important and dangerous ideas, and a cri de coeur lamenting the erosion of standard liberal values, Boyers's collection of essays is devoted to such subjects as tolerance, (...)
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  12. Hyŏmo rŭl nŏmŏ kwanyong ŭro: kwanyong, hyŏmojuŭi e taehang hanŭn yulli.Yong-Hwan Kim (ed.) - 2019 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Sŏgwangsa.
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  13. The limits of tolerance: enlightenment values and religious fanaticism.Denis Lacorne - 2019 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Tolerance according to John Locke -- Voltaire and modern tolerance -- Tolerance in America -- Tolerance in the Ottoman Empire -- Tolerance in Venice -- On blasphemy -- Multicultural tolerance -- Of veils and unveiling -- New restrictions, new forms of tolerance -- Should we tolerate the enemies of tolerance? -- Tolerance in the age of terrorism.
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  14. Second-Order Arguments, or Do We Still Need Tolerance in the Public Sphere?Aleksei Loginov - 2019 - Changing Societies and Personalities 3 (4):319-332.
    A number of widely discussed court decisions on cases of insults against religious feelings in Russia, such as the relatively recent “Pokemon Go” case of blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky or the lawsuit filed against an Orthodox priest by Nikolai Ryabchevsky in Yekaterinburg for comparing Lenin with Hitler, make pertinent the question of why toleration becomes so difficult in matters concerning religion. In this paper, I revise the classical liberal concept of toleration (David Heyd, Peter Nicholson, and John Horton), arguing that it (...)
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  15. Tolerance & cooperation.Sarah Smith - 2019 - Broomall, Pennsylvania: Mason Crest.
    Introduction -- How tolerance & cooperation can build character & leadership skills -- Politics, human rights & the world around you -- Using newspapers & other media to understand the world around you -- The importance of racial & religious tolerance -- Understanding other people's needs -- Learning to work with others -- Friends & relationships.
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  16. Toleration and Freedom From Harm: Liberalism Reconceived.Andrew Jason Cohen - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Toleration matters to us all. It contributes both to individuals leading good lives and to societies that are simultaneously efficient and just. There are personal and social matters that would be improved by taking toleration to be a fundamental value. This book develops and defends a full account of toleration—what it is, why and when it matters, and how it should be manifested in a just society. Cohen defends a normative principle of toleration grounded in a new conception of freedom (...)
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  17. How to be tolerant: a question and answer book about tolerance.Emily James - 2018 - North Mankato, Minnesota: Capstone Press.
    Everyone has the ability to be tolerant. But what does that mean? Readers will learn through examples in a fun question and answer format that having respect for others whose beliefs, ideas, and backgrounds are different than yours shows tolerance.
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  18. Tolerance, Respect and Earnestness: An Examination of Material Difference and Formal Identity.Björn Freter - 2017 - Ewanlen. A Journal of Philosophical Inquiry 1:10-16.
    In the so-called modern age, a transition can be observed in Western thought regarding this issue of tolerance. A perceptible shift can be seen in the understanding of tolerance as mere endurance to attempts to conceive of tolerance as a kind of well-grounded acceptance. It is regrettable, however, that this change in thinking has often remained hypothetical rather than heuristic. This certainly has to do with the fact that most of the time only large-scale theological, philosophical, or political projects were (...)
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  19. The Limits of Tolerance.Paul Russell - 2017 - AEON.
    A religious worldview cannot expect the same kinds of tolerance as racial, gender, or sexual identities. Here’s why... -/- ... How should the Left understand and practise religious tolerance in the face of the emphasis that various groups now place on the value of their religious identities? This is a question that has, of course, become tangled up with overlapping issues, such as racism, anti-immigrant sentiment, and various forms of nationalist xenophobia. But we should keep these issues separate and focus (...)
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  20. Tolerance in world history.Peter N. Stearns - 2017 - London: Routledge.
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  21. До питання про мовну толерантність (результати опитування, проведеного у Вінницькій області).Taras Tkachuk - 2017 - Language: Classic – Modern – Postmodern 3:68-76.
    Стаття продовжує цикл опитувань, метою яких було з’ясування факторів впливу на вибір мови в білінгвальному середовищі. В аналізованому опитуванні, проведеному у Вінниці та Вінницькій області, охоплено 560 старшокласників віком 14–17 років. Результати анкетування дали змогу зробити висновки про психологічні чинники, що впливають на респондента, який перебуває в двомовному середовищі.
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  22. Tolerance among the virtues.John R. Bowlin - 2016 - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
    In a pluralistic society such as ours, tolerance is a virtue -- but it doesn't always seem so. Some suspect that it entangles us in unacceptable moral compromises and inequalities of power, while others dismiss it as mere political correctness or doubt that it can safeguard the moral and political relationships we value. Tolerance among the Virtues provides a vigorous defense of tolerance against its many critics and shows why the virtue of tolerance involves exercising judgment across a variety of (...)
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  23. Tolerance and Modern Liberalism: From Paradox to Aretaic Moral Ideal.René González de la Vega - 2016 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In this book, René González de la Vega argues that tolerance under the structure of modern deontological liberalism becomes a "suicidal ideal" or an irrational attitude, mainly because its claims are contradictory to the core normative elements of this account of the liberal thought.
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  24. Les frontières de la tolérance.Denis Lacorne - 2016 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
    Avant l'âge des Lumières, on tolérait mal la religion des autres, ou alors avec réticence, comme une anomalie qu'il fallait souffrir sans l'accepter. La "tolérance des Modernes", élaborée par de grands penseurs comme Locke et Voltaire, renversait la perspective : elle mettait en place un système harmonieux de coexistence paisible entre les groupes les plus divers, tout en prônant de nouveaux droits la liberté de conscience et la liberté d'exercer sa religion dans l'espace public. Cette nouvelle conception n'allait pas de (...)
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  25. Über die Intoleranz in den Begriffen.María G. Navarro - 2016 - In C. Asmuth C. Roldán & A. Wagner (eds.), Harmonie, Toleranz, kulturelle Vielfalt: aufklärerische Impulse von Leibniz bis zur Gegenwart. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 225-239.
    Der Begriff der Toleranz in der Moderne wurde erdacht mit dem Ziel, Gesellschaften zu organisieren, die sich im Umbruch befanden auf Grund des plötzlichen Eindringens von Glaubensunterschieden in die politische Raumordnung. Die Definition der Toleranz als Tugend, die auf der Nachgiebigkeit gegenüber dem Andersartigen basiert, ist ein Pseudobegriff. Die hermeneutische Veranlagung, die mit der Philosophie einhergeht, zeigt, dass die Toleranz keine schlichte moralische Tugend sein kann, sondern vielmehr eine der Beschaffenheiten der Möglichkeit rationaler Handlungen (die Arten des Seins und des (...)
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  26. The Limits of Liberal Tolerance.Thomas Mulligan - 2015 - Public Affairs Quarterly 29 (3):277-295.
    Political philosophy has seen vibrant debate over the connection, if any, between liberalism and pluralism. Some philosophers, following Isaiah Berlin, reckon a close connection between the two concepts. Others--most notably John Gray--believe that liberalism and pluralism are incompatible. In this essay, I argue that the puzzle can be solved by distinguishing the responsibilities of liberal states to their peoples from the responsibilities of liberal states to other states. There is an entailment from pluralism to liberalism, and it in turn implies (...)
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  27. Toleration.Andrew Jason Cohen - 2014 - Cambridge: Polity.
    In this engaging and comprehensive introduction to the topic of toleration, Andrew Jason Cohen seeks to answer fundamental questions, such as: What is toleration? What should be tolerated? Why is toleration important? Beginning with some key insights into what we mean by toleration, Cohen goes on to investigate what should be tolerated and why. We should not be free to do everythingÑmurder, rape, and theft, for clear examples, should not be tolerated. But should we be free to take drugs, hire (...)
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  28. 非对称伦理学与世界公民主义宽容悖论.Eric S. Nelson - 2014 - 吉林大学社会科学学报 54 (3):101-107.
  29. Saf Hoşgörünün Bir Elestirisi.Soner Soysal, Robert Paul Wolff, J. R. Barrington Moore & Herbert Marcuse - 2014 - Ankara, Turkey: Heretik Yayıncılık.
    Cambridge’deki büyük akademik cemaatin sakinleri olan bizler bir araya geldik ve hoşgörü ve onun egemen politik iklim içerisindeki yeri hakkında dostça ama ateşli bir tartışma yürüttük. Okuyucu, bizim nerelerde aynı düşüncede olmadığımızı bulmakta hiçbir zorluk çekmeyecektir. Diğer taraftan, farklı başlangıç noktalarından ve farklı yollardan hareketle yaklaşık olarak aynı yere ulaştık. Her birimiz için, egemen hoşgörü kuramı ve pratiğinin, incelendiği takdirde, korkunç politik gerçekleri gizlemeye yarayan bir maske olduğu ortaya çıktı. Kızgınlığın tonu makaleden makaleye keskin bir şekilde artmakta; belki de boş (...)
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  30. A Multirelational Account of Toleration.Maria Paola Ferretti & Sune Lægaard - 2013 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 30 (3):224-238.
    Toleration classically denotes a relation between two agents that is characterised by three components: objection, power, and acceptance overriding the objection. Against recent claims that classical toleration is not applicable in liberal democracies and that toleration must therefore either be understood purely attitudinally or purely politically, we argue that the components of classical toleration are crucial elements of contemporary cases of minority accommodation. The concept of toleration is applicable to, and is an important element of descriptions of such cases, provided (...)
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  31. Toleranz im Weltkontext: Geschichten--Erscheinungsformen--Neue Entwicklungen.Ḥamīd Riz̤ā Yūsufī (ed.) - 2013 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    ​Vielleicht nie zuvor war Toleranz so wichtig wie in der heutigen Welt, in der Menschen verschiedenster Kulturregionen und Religionsgemeinschaften zusammenkommen. Der Toleranzbegriff wird nach wie vor fast ausschließlich aus der Perspektive der europäisch-westlichen Traditionen dargestellt. Mit dem vorliegenden Band wird zum ersten Mal versucht, umfassend in die Weltgeschichte der Toleranz einzuführen. Über 30 Autoren aus verschiedenen Fachgebieten und Nationen haben ihre Forschungen zu Methoden und Themen der Toleranzfrage zusammengetragen. So ist sowohl ein einführendes und weitere Forschungen anregendes Kompendium als auch (...)
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  32. On the Virtue of Minding Our Own Business.Linda Radzik - 2012 - Journal of Value Inquiry 46 (2):173-182.
    Sometimes we should mind our own business. But at other times it would be wrong to mind one's own business. This paper explores the tension between these two claims by presenting a tendency to mind one's own business as an Aristotelian-style virtue. It is furthered argued that this is a different virtue than tolerance.
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  33. Qiyam al-tasāmuḥ fī al-manāhij al-madrasīyah al-ʻArabīyah.Ṣalāḥ Ṣawbānī (ed.) - 2012 - Rām Allāh: Markaz Rām Allāh li-Dirāsāt Ḥuqūq al-Insān.
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  34. Secular and Religious: An American Quest for Coexistence.Edmund Byrne - 2011 - Bloomington: AuthorHouse.
    Drawing on group rights theory, author argues that a group organized around a religious motif should neither be summarily excluded from nor unduly favored in secular deliberations as to public policy and practice. To arrive at this conclusion he examines the implications of each of the following claims: (1) individuals need to operate in and through groups to influence government; (2) a political system faces moral difficulties if it is open to group-generated input; (3) worthy causes can be better advanced (...)
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  35. The Puzzle of Intolerant Tolerance.M. A. Casey - 2011 - Solidarity: The Journal of Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics 1 (1):Article 1.
    Tolerance is part of the self-definition of democratic societies, one of the major foundations underlying secular democracy’s sometimes unstated and always ambivalent claim to represent a higher form of civilisation. The transformation of tolerance from a type of indulgence to a type of virtue is explained in part by what it does. It helps to preserve peace in societies with a high level of ethnic and religious diversity, and it has also played an important part in eliminating the injustices that (...)
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  36. Teorii︠a︡ kompromissa.Vi︠a︡cheslav Kuznet︠s︡ov - 2010 - Moskva: Kniga i biznes.
    В книге представлены итоги исследований формирования важного направления в российской и мировой социологии, актуального для всех общественных наук - социологической теории компромисса.
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  37. La part des choses: compromis et intransigeance.Paul Valadier - 2010 - Paris: Lethielleux, Groupe DDB.
    L'intransigeance en morale, en politique ou en religion a une longue histoire mais, de nos jours, elle trouve des accents nouveaux. En dépit de tous les clichés sur l'actuel relativisme, elle ne manque pas d'imprimer sa marque, notamment dans l'Eglise catholique. Pourquoi en est-il ainsi? Comment expliquer la mauvaise réputation de l'idée de compromis alors que toute vie humaine est une négociation permanente avec principes, normes et valeurs? Telles sont les questions agitées dans ce livre, qui touchent tout à la (...)
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  38. Tolerance.Kimberley Jane Pryor - 2009 - Tarrytown, NY: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark.
    Values -- Tolerance -- Tolerant people -- Being tolerant of family -- Being tolerant of friends -- Being tolerant of neighbours -- Ways to be tolerant -- Being aware of others -- Respecting different kinds of families -- Accepting other cultures -- Including others -- Learning from others -- Being patient -- Personal set of values.
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  39. Sot︠s︡iologii︠a︡ kompromissa.Vi︠a︡cheslav Kuznet︠s︡ov - 2007 - Moskva: Kniga i biznes.
    В книге представлены итоги исследований формирования важного направления в российской и мировой социологии, актуального для всех общественных наук - социологической теории компромисса.
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  40. Tolerance.Cynthia Roberts - 2007 - Chanhassen, Minn.: Child's World.
    Explains what tolerance is, describes different ways it can be expressed, and discusses why it should be practiced.
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  41. On Compromise.Anatoly Shcharansky - 2007 - St. Martin's Press.
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  42. Tolerance.Connie Colwell Miller - 2006 - Mankato, Minn.: Capstone Press.
    Introduces tolerance through examples of everyday situations where this character trait can be used"--Provided by publisher.
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  43. Religion und Toleranz: Moralphilosophische und skeptizistische Argumente gegen den politischen Rekurs auf religiösen Glauben.Julius Schälike - 2006 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 60 (2):213-240.
    Obgleich von vielen Moralphilosophen für obsolet erklärt, wird der moralische und politische Rekurs auf religiöse Traditionen von vielen Gläubigen keinesfalls als obsolet betrachtet. Ich untersuche, auf welchen Gründen diese Praxis basiert, und mit welchen Argumenten sie kritisiert werden kann. Es geht mir dabei ausschließlich um interne Kritik, um die Frage also, ob es aus der Perspektive der Gläubigen selbst gute Gründe gibt, darauf zu verzichten, partikulare religiöse Interessen zum Fundament allgemein verbindlicher intersubjektiver Forderungen zu machen. Hierbei sollen nicht pragmatische Gründe (...)
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  44. Tjeskoba tolerancije.Vladimir Premec - 2005 - Sarajevo: HKD Napredak Sarajevo.
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  45. Trust and Toleration.Richard H. Dees - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    Toleration would seem to be the most rational response to deep conflicts. However, by examining the conditions under which trust can develop between warring parties, it becomes clear that a fundamental shift in values - a conversion - is required before toleration makes sense. This book argues that maintaining trust is the key to stable practices of toleration.
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  46. Zhiznennai︠a︡ strategii︠a︡ tolerantnosti: problema stanovlenii︠a︡ v Rossii i na Zapade.A. V. Pert︠s︡ev - 2002 - Ekaterinburg: Uralʹskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  47. Comment vivre ensemble?: actes du XXXVIIe Colloque des intellectuels juifs de langue française, [Paris, du 5 au 7 décembre 1998].Jean Halpérin & Nelly Hansson (eds.) - 2001 - Paris: A. Michel.
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  48. Să ne auzim și să ne înțelegem reciproc: cugetări despre toleranță.S. Lazarev (ed.) - 2001 - Chișinău: UNESCO.
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  49. Liberal Democracy.David T. Risser - 2001 - In Derek Jones (ed.), Censorship: A World Encyclopedia. London: Fitzroy Dearborn (1412-1414).
  50. The Virtue of Civility.Cheshire Calhoun - 2000 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 29 (3):251-275.
    I suggest that civility is the display of respect, tolerance, or considerateness. Social norms enable us to successfully display these basic moral attitudes, and social consensus sets the bounds of civility, i.e., what views and behaviors are not owed a civil response. Because tied to social norms, there is no guarantee that standards of civility will exempt us from civilly responding to what, from a socially critical moral point of view, is tolerable. I raise and addresses the question: How could (...)
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