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History/traditions: Romanticism

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  1. Return of the Gods: Mythology in Romantic Philosophy and Literature.Owen Ware - 2025 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Why was mythology of vital importance for the romantics? What role did mythology play in their philosophical and literary work? And what common sources of influence inspired these writers across Britain and Germany at the turn of the nineteenth century? In this wide-ranging study, Owen Ware argues that the romantics turned to mythology for its potential to transform how we see ourselves, others, and the world. Engaging with authors such as William Blake, Friedrich Schlegel, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Friedrich von Hardenberg (...)
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  2. Bliss Against the World: Schelling, Theodicy, and the Crisis of Modernity.Kirill Chepurin - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The concept of bliss, in its connotations of beatitude and salvation, may seem of little relevance to so-called secular modernity. Bliss Against the World argues otherwise by advancing a novel framework of the entanglement between modernity, Christianity, and bliss through the thought of German Idealist and Romantic philosopher Friedrich Schelling (1775–1854). In Schelling's concept of bliss (Seligkeit), the idea of salvation from the world mutates into a burning concern with the negativity of the modern world, and with the way modernity (...)
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  3. Images of India: Voltaire and Herder.Owen Ware - 2024 - In Indian Philosophy and Yoga in Germany. New York, NY, USA: Routledge. pp. 140-157.
    This chapter examines the place of India in eighteenth-century debates over the chronology of human history. It begins with Voltaire, who strategically praised ancient Brahmanic religion for upholding a pure form of monotheism and an equally pure form of morality. Voltaire’s aim was to upset the primacy assigned to the Mosaic tradition foundational to the Catholic church. The chapter then turns to Herder and his effort to improve upon the historical methods of Voltaire. While Herder is often considered to have (...)
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  4. Indian Philosophy and Yoga in Germany.Owen Ware - 2024 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    This book sheds new light on the fascinating -- at times dark and at times hopeful -- reception of classical Yoga philosophies in Germany during the nineteenth century. Written for non-specialists, Indian Philosophy and Yoga in Germany will be of interest to students and scholars working on 19th-century philosophy, Indian philosophy, comparative philosophy, Hindu studies, intellectual history, and religious history.
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  5. Reading Novalis and the Schlegels with Sylvia Wynter and Afrofuturism.Kirill Chepurin - 2023 - In Tilottama Rajan & Daniel Whistler (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Poststructuralism. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 59-81.
    In dialogue with the critiques of the modern world in Sylvia Wynter and Afrofuturism, this chapter offers a reading of Early German Romanticism as a project of universal construction, where "universal" refers at once to conceptual universality and to the post-Copernican universe. For Novalis, Friedrich Schlegel, and August Wilhelm Schlegel, the joint task of poetry and philosophy is to re-mediate post-Copernican reality across all of its scales. This project of cross-scalar poiesis is inherently ambivalent, entwined as it is with the (...)
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  6. Mme de Staël's Philosophy of Imagination.Arthur Krieger - 2023 - Cahiers Staëliens 73:77-100.
    In "De l’Allemagne", Mme de Staël develops a sophisticated philosophical psychology that centers not on reason, but imagination. She does this by bringing French Enlightenment philosophy, particularly Rousseau and Diderot, into dialogue with German thinkers, including Kant and Herder. For Mme de Staël, imagination transcends the epistemic limits of sensibility and reason by incorporating sentiment.
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  7. Theodicy across Scales: Hemsterhuis's Alexis and the Dawn of Romantic Cosmism.Kirill Chepurin - 2022 - Symphilosophie: International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism 4:263-293.
    This essay re-reads François Hemsterhuis's philosophical dialogue Alexis (1787) as a post-Copernican cosmic theodicy that prefigures a central nexus of concerns in Early German Romanticism. This theodicy is cross-scalar, in that it functions across three disparate scales: the history of global humanity, the geo-cosmic history of the Earth, and the broader processuality of the universe. From the perspective of this cross-scalar entanglement, I reconstruct Hemsterhuis's vision of the ages of the world and his theodical narrative of the golden age, the (...)
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  8. The Hermeneutic Situation of Thought as a Hermeneutic Principle.Carolyn Culbertson - 2022 - In Cynthia Nielsen & Greg Lynch (eds.), Truth and Method: A Polyphonic Commentary. Rowman and Littlefield International. pp. 143-164.
    There are two attitudes regarding the historical situation of understanding commonly held today. On the one hand, we believe that we only achieve a real, worthwhile understanding of a topic when our thinking manages to break free from the dogmas of the past. We believe that this transcendence of the historical situation of thought is both possible and desirable. We applaud those whose thought appears to us to proceed unhinged by traditional dogmas, whether those dogmas be old habits of scientific (...)
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  9. Humboldt, Darwin, and romantic resonance in science.Xuansong Liu - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 92 (C):196-208.
    There have been constant and multiple endeavours to argue for Darwin's both epistemic and practical debt to Romanticism. Almost all of these arguments emphasise Darwin's theoretical and aesthetic associations with Alexander von Humboldt, who, from a prevailing Darwin-centred perspective, is in turn usually oversimplified as an undisputed incarnation of Romanticism. The antagonistic view, however, develops nothing other than another stereotype of Humboldt as an anti-idealistic, pro-French, and even highly Anglophone empiricist naturalist, and accordingly rejects the claim of a romantic Darwin (...)
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  10. The Paradigm Shift in the 19th-century Polish Philosophy of Mathematics.Paweł Polak - 2022 - Studia Historiae Scientiarum 21:217-235.
    The Polish philosophy of mathematics in the 19th century had its origins in the Romantic period under the influence of the then-predominant idealist philosophies. The decline of Romantic philosophy precipitated changes in general philosophy, but what is less well known is how it triggered changes in the philosophy of mathematics. In this paper, we discuss how the Polish philosophy of mathematics evolved from the metaphysical approach that had been formed during the Romantic era to the more modern positivistic paradigm. These (...)
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  11. Joel Faflak (Editor). Marking Time: Romanticism and Evolution. x + 321 pp., index. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017. $57.75 (cloth); ISBN 9781442644304. [REVIEW]Andrew Burkett - 2021 - Isis 112 (1):190-192.
  12. Romantic Bliss—or, Romanticism Is Not an Optimism.Kirill Chepurin - 2021 - European Romantic Review 32 (5-6):519-534.
    This essay proposes to rethink Romanticism through the concept of bliss. I suggest not only that bliss is a core Romantic concept but also, more speculatively, that Romanticism as both a project and tendency is generated out of an antagonistic entanglement between bliss and the world of Western modernity. As the state of immediate fulfillment, free of alienation or negativity, bliss is what modernity at once promises and endlessly defers—and so bliss erupts in Romanticism against the modern world. In bliss, (...)
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  13. Knot of the World: German Idealism between Annihilation and Construction.Kirill Chepurin - 2021 - In Kirill Chepurin & Alex Dubilet (eds.), Nothing Absolute: German Idealism and the Question of Political Theology. New York City, New York, USA: Fordham University Press. pp. 35-53.
    Through an analysis of the ultimate telos of the world and of the subject’s striving in Schelling, the late Fichte, and Friedrich Schlegel—as well as via such concepts as the absolute, bliss, nothingness, God, chaos, and irony—this essay reconfigures German Idealism and Romanticism as spanning the conceptual space between two poles, world-annihilation and world-construction, and traces the ways in which these thinkers attempted to resolve what this essay calls the "transcendental knot," or to think the way the world is without (...)
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  14. Nothing Absolute: German Idealism and the Question of Political Theology.Kirill Chepurin & Alex Dubilet (eds.) - 2021 - New York City, New York, USA: Fordham University Press.
    Against traditional approaches that view German Idealism as a secularizing movement, this volume revisits it as the first fundamentally philosophical articulation of the political-theological problematic in the aftermath of the Enlightenment and the advent of secularity. Across the volume’s contributions, German thought from Kant to Marx emerges as crucial for the genealogy of political theology and for the ongoing reassessment of modernity and the secular. By investigating anew such concepts as immanence, utopia, sovereignty, theodicy, the Earth, and the world, as (...)
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  15. Introduction: Immanence, Genealogy, Delegitimation.Kirill Chepurin & Alex Dubilet - 2021 - In Kirill Chepurin & Alex Dubilet (eds.), Nothing Absolute: German Idealism and the Question of Political Theology. New York City, New York, USA: Fordham University Press. pp. 1-34.
    This Introduction surveys "political theology" as an interdisciplinary site of inquiry, explicating its contemporary stakes and its connection to the movement of thought known as German Idealism.
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  16. El romanticismo alemán como antecedente del pensamiento de Ferdinand de Saussure.Kevin Román-Gamboa - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 60 (157):67-74.
    This paper deals with some plausible links between German Romanticism thinkers and Saussure’s thought. In particular, I examine texts of Schleiermacher, Novalis, and W. Humboldt. F. Saussure’s main text employed is the Cours de linguistique générale (1916). Likewise, Albertine Necker de Saussure (F. Saussure’s great aunt) is taken into account as a relevant thinker in the relation F. Saussure-Romanticism.
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  17. Prometeo y Pandora. Introducción, edición, traducción y notas de Facundo Bey.Facundo Bey & Hans-Georg Gadamer - 2020 - Boletín de Estética 16 (53):79-112. Translated by Facundo Bey.
    El presente artículo está dedicado al trabajo de Hans-Georg Gadamer titulado “Prometeo y Pandora”, publicado originalmente en español en 1949 en el volumen Goethe. 1749 - 28 de agosto – 1949, editado por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Cuyo, Argentina. En primer lugar, se ofrece una introducción en la que se presenta el contexto original histórico-intelectual de su edición, traducción y publicación, los antecedentes filosóficos del texto dentro de la obra de Gadamer (conferencias y artículos (...)
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  18. Review of On Psychological and Visionary Art: Notes from C G Jung’s Lecture Gérard de Nerval’s ‘Aurélia’. [REVIEW]Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2020 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 125 (7):50-53.
    Susan Neiman pointed out to this reviewer the danger that Carl Jung studies pose to contemporary scholars. It is keeping in mind Neiman's cautionary advice that this review establishes Jung's contributions to Romanticism. "[Craig] Stephenson’s analysis of Aurélia has now superseded Arthur Lovejoy’s (1873–1962) and Mario Praz’s (1896–1982) contributions to the definitions of Romanticism.".
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  19. Suspending the World: Romantic Irony and Idealist System.Kirill Chepurin - 2020 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 53 (2):111-133.
    This paper revisits the rhetorics of system and irony in Fichte and Friedrich Schlegel in order to theorize the utopic operation and standpoint that, I argue, system and irony share. Both system and irony transport the speculative speaker to the impossible zero point preceding and suspending the construction of any binary terms or the world itself—an immanent nonplace (of the in-itself, nothingness, or chaos) that cannot be inscribed into the world's regime of comprehensibility and possibility. It is because the philosopher (...)
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  20. To Break All Finite Spheres: Bliss, the Absolute I, and the End of the World in Schelling's 1795 Metaphysics.Kirill Chepurin - 2020 - Kabiri: The Official Journal of the North American Schelling Society 2:39-66.
    "The ultimate end goal of the finite I and the not-I, i.e., the end goal of the world," writes Schelling in Of the I as the Principle of Philosophy (1795), "is its annihilation as a world, i.e., as the exemplification of finitude." In this paper, I explicate this statement and its theoretical stakes through a comprehensive re-reading of Schelling's 1795 writings: Of the I and Philosophical Letters on Dogmatism and Criticism, written later in the same year, in relation to what (...)
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  21. Coleridge's Contemplative Philosophy.Peter Cheyne - 2020 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    ‘PHILOSOPHY, or the doctrine and discipline of ideas’, as S. T. Coleridge understood it, is the theme of this book. It considers the most vital and mature vein of Coleridge’s thought to be ‘the contemplation of ideas objectively, as existing powers’. A theory of ideas emerges in critical engagement with thinkers including Plato, Plotinus, Böhme, Kant, and Schelling. A commitment to the transcendence of reason, central to what he calls ‘the spiritual platonic old England’, distinguishes him from his German contemporaries. (...)
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  22. Amanda Jo Goldstein. Sweet Science: Romantic Materialism and the New Logics of Life. viii + 330 pp., figs., notes, bibl., index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2017. $35 (paper). ISBN 9780226484709. [REVIEW]Maurizio Esposito - 2020 - Isis 111 (2):377-378.
  23. Narrative Variation and the Mood of Freedom in Fear and Trembling.Alexander Jech - 2020 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 25 (1):27-56.
    One of the most distinctive features of Fear and Trembling is Kierkegaard’s use of narrative variations in order to isolate, develop, and highlight the relevant features of his principal theme, the story of Abraham and Isaac, especially Abraham’s final test of faith. The book begins with a preface and ends with an epilogue; immediately within these, Kierkegaard has his pseudonym, Johannes de Silentio, provide such variations in the “Attunement” or Stemning, just following the Preface, and in Problema III, just before (...)
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  24. Mary Shelley (Gothic Authors: Critical Revisions). By AngelaWright. Pp. xv, 167, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2018, £24.99. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (3):564-565.
  25. William Wordsworth: A Life (Second Edition). By StephenGill. Pp. xviii, 657, Oxford University Press, 2020, £25.00. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (3):559-560.
    In this second edition of William Wordsworth: A Life, Stephen Gill draws on knowledge of the poet's creative practices and his reputation and influence in his life-time and beyond. Refusing to treat the poet's later years as of little interest, this biography presents a narrative of the whole of Wordsworth's long life--1770 to 1850--tracing the development from the adventurous youth who alone of the great Romantic poets saw life in revolutionary France to the old man who became Queen Victoria's Poet (...)
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  26. Religion and Early German Romanticism.Jacqueline Mariña - 2020 - In Elizabeth Millan (ed.), Palgrave Handbook of German Romantic Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan.
    This paper explores the reception of Kant's understanding of consciousness by both Romantics and Idealists from 1785 to 1799, and traces its impact on the theory of religion. I first look at Kant's understanding of consciousness as developed in the first Critique, and then looks at how figures such as Fichte, Jacobi, Hölderlin, Novalis, and Schleiermacher received this theory of consciousness and its implications for their understanding of religion.
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  27. Ron Broglio. Beasts of Burden: Biopolitics, Labor, and Animal Life in British Romanticism. (Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century.) xiii + 163 pp., illus., notes, bibl., index. Albany: SUNY Press, 2017. $20.95 (paper); ISBN 9781438465685. Cloth and e-book available. [REVIEW]Margaret Ronda - 2020 - Isis 111 (4):888-889.
  28. Einzigartigkeit. Die Logik des Genuinen und ihre Genealogie aus der Logik.Stefan Färber - 2019 - In Unarten. Kleist und das Gesetz der Gattung. Bielefeld, Deutschland: pp. 71-92.
  29. Romantic Religion: Dissolution and Transcendence in the Poetics of Hölderlin.Alexander J. B. Hampton - 2019 - Symphilosophie 1 (1):61-74.
    A central element of Hölderlin’s poetic project was to find a new language for transcendence in an age of immanence. To do so, he turned not to philosophy or theology, but to poetics. Its rhythmic nature, he argued, was capable of re-presenting the transcendent. This examination will begin with a brief historical consideration of the relation of transcendence and immanence, with particular attention to the influential philosophies of Spinoza and Fichte. It then proceeds to Hölderlin’s consideration of the loss of (...)
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  30. The Passions and Disinterest: From Kantian Free Play to Creative Determination by Power, via Schiller and Nietzsche.Eli I. Lichtenstein - 2019 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 6:249-279.
    I argue that Nietzsche’s criticism of the Kantian theory of disinterested pleasure in beauty reflects his own commitment to claims that closely resemble certain Kantian aesthetic principles, specifically as reinterpreted by Schiller. I show that Schiller takes the experience of beauty to be disinterested both (1) insofar as it involves impassioned ‘play’ rather than desire-driven ‘work’, and (2) insofar as it involves rational-sensuous (‘aesthetic’) play rather than mere physical play. In figures like Nietzsche, Schiller’s generic notion of play—which is itself (...)
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  31. La primacía entre arte, religión y filosofía. Un debate abierto desde el Romanticismo.Raquel Cascales - 2017 - Naturaleza y Libertad 9:185-226.
    El Romanticismo miró la Ilustración como una época que, al apostar por la racionalidad de manera casi exclusiva, rompió la unidad entre distintos ámbitos del saber. La conciencia de esa falta de unidad impulsa la reflexión de muchos intelectuales sobre cómo volver a alcanzarla, tarea que al principio los románticos hacen recaer en el arte. En concreto, el grupo de los Nazarenos, muy ligado al Athenäum, apostó por recuperar esta unidad, que pronto adquirió tintes políticos, mediante la “religión del arte”. (...)
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  32. The epistemology of Schelling's philosophy of nature.Naomi Fisher - 2017 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 34 (3):271-290.
    The philosophy of nature operates as one complete and systematic aspect of Schelling’s philosophy in the years 1797-1801 and as complement to Schelling’s transcendental philosophy at this time. The philosophy of nature comes with its own, naturalistic epistemology, according to which human natural productivity provides the basis for human access to nature’s own productive laws. On the basis of one’s natural productivity, one can consciously formulate principles which match nature’s own lawful principles. One refines these principles through a process of (...)
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  33. Tyrannized Childhood of the Liberator-Philosopher: J. S. Mill and Poetry as Second Childhood.Joshua M. Hall - 2016 - In Brock Bahler & David Kennedy (eds.), Philosophy of Childhood Today: Exploring the Boundaries. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 117-132.
    In this chapter, I will explore the intersection of philosophy and childhood through the intriguing case study of J. S. Mill, who was almost completely denied a childhood—in the nineteenth-century sense of a qualitatively distinct period inclusive of greater play, imaginative freedom, flexibility, and education. For his part, Mill’s lack of such a childhood was the direct result of his father, James Mill (economic theorist and early proponent of Utilitarianism), who in a letter to Jeremy Bentham explicitly formulates a plan (...)
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  34. Ben Hewitt, Byron, Shelley, and Goethe’s Faust. An Epic Connection (London: Legenda, 2015), and Wayne Deakin, Hegel and the English Romantic Tradition (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015). [REVIEW]Jennifer Mensch - 2016 - Keats-Shelly Journal 65:168-171.
    In Byron, Shelley, and Goethe’s Faust, author Ben Hewitt has provided us with a carefully done and convincing study. Given this, it would have been interesting to see Hewitt’s effort to integrate Mary Shelley’s work into his narrative. Apart from any similarities between Faust and Frankenstein, it bears remembering that Goethe himself remained unconvinced by efforts to clearly demarcate works as “tragic” or “epic”; a fact that becomes especially clear in the number of works he’d devoted to rewriting the story (...)
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  35. Romantic Anarchism: Asceticism, Aestheticism, and Education.Jun Nathan - 2016 - Literature Compass 13 (1):551-567.
    Many anarchists of the late 19th and early 20th expressed a deeply anti-romantic – one might even say chauvinistic – attitude marked by hostility toward artists, intellectuals, bohemians, and other “sentimentalists”; an unwavering commitment to austerity and personal self-denial; and contempt for non-political feelings and relationships, including family relationships. To this extent, many anarchists were simultaneously “romantic” (in the sense of being idealistic) as well as “anti-romantic” (in the sense of being austere, pragmatic, and opposed to sentimentality). In this essay, (...)
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  36. Just Do It: Schopenhauer and Peirce on the Immediacy of Agency.Marc Champagne - 2014 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 18 (2):209-232.
    In response to the claim that our sense of will is illusory, some philosophers have called for a better understanding of the phenomenology of agency. Although I am broadly sympathetic with the tenor of this response, I question whether the positive-theoretic blueprint it promotes truly heralds a tenable undertaking. Marshaling a Schopenhauerian insight, I examine the possibility that agency might not be amenable to phenomenological description. Framing this thesis in terms of Charles S. Peirce’s semiotic framework, I suggest a way (...)
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  37. The Poem as Plant: Archetype and Metamorphosis in Goethe and Schlegel.Jennifer Mensch - 2014 - International Yearbook for Hermeneutics 13:85-106.
    This essay focuses on the attention paid to Prometheus by Goethe and Schlegel. Prometheus serves as an archetypal figure for Goethe, in particular, and as such the Titan can be viewed as a figure whose various appearances represent genuine metamorphoses or transformations of the archetype in much the same manner that Goethe takes the archetypes of leaf or vertebrae to function in the plant and animal kingdoms. Schlegel’s treatment of Prometheus takes the organic analogy even further. In his fragmentary work (...)
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  38. Romantic Empiricism after the ‘End of Nature’: Contributions to Environmental Philosophy.Dalia Nassar - 2014 - In The Relevance of Romanticism: Essays on German Romantic Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Over the last two decades, environmental theorists have repeatedly pronounced the “end” of nature, arguing that the idea of nature is neither plausible nor desirable. This chapter offers an environmental reappraisal of romanticism, in light of these critiques. Its goals are historical and systematic. First, the chapter assesses the validity of the environmentalist critique of the romantic conception of nature by distinguishing different strands within romanticism, and locating an empiricist strand in the natural-scientific work of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Second, (...)
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  39. The Relevance of Romanticism: Essays on German Romantic Philosophy.Dalia Nassar (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Since the early 1990s, there has been a resurgence of interest in philosophy between “Kant and Hegel,” and in early German romanticism in particular. Philosophers have come to recognize that, in spite of significant differences between the contemporary and romantic contexts, romanticism continues to “persist,” and the questions which the Romantics raised remain relevant today. The Relevance of Romanticism: Essays on Early German Romantic Philosophy is the first collection of essays that offers an in-depth analysis of the reasons why philosophers (...)
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  40. Mathematics, Computation, Language and Poetry: The Novalis Paradox.Paul Redding - 2014 - In Dalia Nassar (ed.), The Relevance of Romanticism: Essays on German Romantic Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 221-238.
    Recent scholarship has helped to demythologise the life and work of Georg Philipp Friedrich von Hardenberg who, as the poet “Novalis”, had come to instantiate the nineteenth-century’s stereotype of the romantic poet. Among Hardenberg’s interests that seem to sit uneasily with this literary persona were his interests in science and mathematics, and especially in the idea, traceable back to Leibniz, of a mathematically based computational approach to language. Hardenberg’s approach to language, and his attempts to bring mathematics to bear on (...)
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  41. Prevailing Winds: Marx as Romantic Poet.Joshua M. Hall - 2013 - Philosophy and Literature 37 (2):343-359.
    Inspired by Charles Taylor’s locating of Herder and Rousseau’s “expressivism” in Marx’s understanding of the human as artist, I begin this essay by examining expressivism in Taylor, followed by its counterpart in M. H. Abrams’s work, namely the wind as metaphor in British Romantic poetry. I then further explore this expressivism/wind connection in Percy Bysshe Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind” and Marx’s The German Ideology. Ultimately I conclude that these expressive winds lead to poetic gesture per se, and thereby, (...)
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  42. The Romantic Absolute: Being and Knowing in Early German Romantic Philosophy, 1795-1804.Dalia Nassar - 2013 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    The absolute was one of the most significant philosophical concepts in the early nineteenth century, particularly for the German romantics. Its exact meaning and its role within philosophical romanticism remain, however, a highly contested topic among contemporary scholars. In The Romantic Absolute, I offer a new assessment of the romantics and their understanding of the absolute, filling an important gap in the history of philosophy, especially with respect to the crucial period between Kant and Hegel.
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  43. The Morality of Irony.Juliane Rebentisch - 2013 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 17 (1):100-130.
    This essay reconsiders the role of irony in the Hegelian project of developing a theory of modern ethical life. It recognizes in Socratic irony the traces of an alternative concept of morality that leads both to an acknowledgement of Hegel’s convincing critique of the Kantian moral principle and to a rejection of Hegel’s misconception of Socratic and Romantic irony. Arguing against Hegel that irony cannot be reduced to a form of alienation from the normative dimension of ethical life as a (...)
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  44. El sentido epicúreo de la amistad en Goethe.Miguel Salmerón Infante - 2013 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 2 (3):73--85.
    [ES] La amistad en Epicuro es procurada por la sabiduría. Además la amistad propicia la felicidad. La «sabiduría», un bien inmortal, conduce al hombre a buscar la «amistad», uno mortal. La sabiduría es un bien inmortal, y por tanto de dioses. Mas, si los dioses no intervienen en el curso del mundo, ¿qué sentido tienen para los epicúreos? La emulación. La divinidad es un modelo a imitar. Por la meditación se puede vivir como un dios entre humanos no sufriendo turbación (...)
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  45. Theresa M. Kelley. Clandestine Marriage: Botany and Romantic Culture. xi + 342 pp., illus., bibl., index. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012. $55. [REVIEW]Ann Shteir - 2013 - Isis 104 (4):857-857.
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  46. (1 other version)From Jena to Freiburg, via Asia Minor. [REVIEW]Hakhamanesh Zangeneh - 2013 - Gatherings 3:88-98.
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  47. Hyperion as Daoist Masterpiece: Keats and the Daodejing.Joshua M. Hall - 2012 - Asian Philosophy 22 (3):225-237.
    It should come as little surprise to anyone familiar with his concept of ‘negative capability’ and even a cursory understanding of Daoism that John Keats’ thought resonates strongly with that tradition. Given the pervasive, reductive understanding of Keats as a mere Romantic, however, this source of insight has been used to little advantage. His poem Hyperion, for example, has been roundly criticized as an untidy Romantic fragment. Here, by contrast, I will argue for a strategic understanding of Hyperion as a (...)
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  48. Passive Resistance: Giorgio Agamben and the Bequest of Early German Romanticism and Hegel.Theodore D. George - 2011 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 16 (1):37-48.
    The purpose of this essay is to examine Giorgio Agamben’s important but underappreciated debts to the early German Romantics and to Hegel. While maintaining critical distance from these figures, Agamben develops crucial aspects of his approach to radical passivity with reference to them. The focus of this essay is on Agamben’s consideration of the early German Romantics’ notions of criticism and irony, Hegel’s notion of language, and the implications of this view of language for his notion of community.
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  49. Idealism is Nothing but Genuine Empiricism: Novalis, Goethe and the Ideal of Romantic Science.Dalia Nassar - 2011 - Goethe Yearbook 18 (1).
    This article appeared in a special issue of the Goethe Yearbook, on Goethe and German Idealism. In it, I consider Novalis' unparalleled admiration for Goethe's scientific writings in contrast to his rather lukewarm reception of Goethe's poetry. I argue that Novalis' ideal of a “romantic encyclopedia” in which all the arts and sciences are understood in their relations to one another (as opposed to in isolation, like Diderot and D'Alemberts' project) is inspired by Goethe's practice as a scientist. I develop (...)
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  50. Schelling und die Frühromantik: Das Unendliche und das Endliche im Kunstwerk.Dalia Nassar - 2011 - In Mildred Galland-Szymkowiak (ed.), Das Problem der Endlichkeit in der Philosophie Schellings. Le problème de la finitude dans la philosophie de Schelling. Lit.
    The article argues that a close examination of the development of Schelling’s thought reveals that, already in the 1800 System of Transcendental Idealism, Schelling had abandoned his earlier understanding of the relationship between the infinite and finite—as elaborated in his philosophy of nature—and began to articulate a more Platonic understanding of the absolute. It thus challenges the widespread interpretation of Schelling’s development, and contests the commonly accepted views of Schelling’s relationship to romanticism.
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