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  1. (2 other versions)Problems of Religious Luck, chapter 2: The New Problem of Religious Luck.Guy Axtell - manuscript
    One main kind of etiological challenge to the well-foundedness of someone’s belief is the consideration that if you had a different education/upbringing, you would very likely accept different beliefs than you actually do. Although a person’s religious identity and attendant religious beliefs are usually the ones singled out as targets of such “contingency” or “epistemic location” arguments, it is clear that a person’s place and time has a conditioning effect in all domains of controversial views, and over all of what (...)
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  2. Hegel and Time: History and the Absolute Now.Jeffrey Reid - manuscript
    Through reference to Karl Löwith's reading of time in Hegel as fundamentally inspired by the temporality of Aristotle, the paper shows how the absolute "now" is thoroughly informed by historical time. Hegel's preferred tense is that of the Perfekt, the present perfect, where the present "now" is always also what it has been. Hegel thus reconciles Greek and Christian forms of temporality, the distinction that Löwith reads as unreconciled and tragic in Hegel's "young" followers: Feuerbach, Stirner, Bauer, Marx and Nietzsche. (...)
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  3. The Oxford Handbook of the Epistemology of Theology.William and Frederick Abraham and Aquino (ed.) - forthcoming
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  4. Faith and rational deference to authority.Lara Buchak - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 108 (3):637-656.
    Many accounts of faith hold that faith is deference to an authority about what to believe or what to do. I show that this kind of faith fits into a more general account of faith, the risky‐commitment account. I further argue that it can be rational to defer to an authority even when the authority's pronouncement goes against one's own reasoning. Indeed, such deference is rational in typical cases in which individuals treat others as authorities.
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  5. The Universal Theory of Existence: The Sashu, Pharaohs, and the al-Mahdī.Andrew Kamal - 2024 - Thesis Commons 1:1-80.
    The ramifications of existence provide the setup for a theory on civilization as a whole. This story is composed under the premise of looking at Rabbinic Judaism and the Old/New Testaments as contextual clues for an overview of civilization and existence in general. This includes a mathematical model for prior to the existence of time i.e. QSOPR Theorem: Quantum Similarity Origin Point References, MDQBT: Multi-Dimensional Quantum Breakpoint Theorem, and QSICT: Quantum Simulated Informational Consciousness Theory. As well as tracing back ancient (...)
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  6. Morality and Revelation in Islamic Thought and Beyond: A New Problem of Evil.Amir Saemi - 2024 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    If God commanded you to do something contrary to your moral conscience, how would you respond? Many believers of different faiths face a similar challenge today. While they take scripture to be the word of God, they find scriptural passages that seem incompatible with their modern moral sensibilities. In Morality and Revelation in Islamic Thought and Beyond, philosopher Amir Saemi identifies this as the problem of divinely prescribed evil. -/- Saemi unpacks two approaches to answering this problem. In the first (...)
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  7. John of St. Thomas (Poinsot) on the Science of Sacred Theology.Victor Salas - 2024 - Studia Poinsotiana.
    Contents I Introduction II Subalternation and Theology III Theology and Dogmatic Declarations IV The Mixed Principles of Theology V Virtual Revelation: The Unity of Theology VI Theology as a Natural Science VII Theology’s Certitude VIII Conclusion Notes Bibliography All the contents are fully attributable to the author, Doctor Victor Salas. Should you wish to get this text republished, get in touch with the author or the editorial committee of the Studia Poinsotiana. Insofar as possible, we will be happy to broker (...)
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  8. Biblical Narratives and Human Flourishing: Knowledge Through Narrative.Eleonore Stump & Judith Wolfe (eds.) - 2024 - Routledge.
    Biblical narratives include some of the most important and influential narratives in human history, shaping human understanding of the most basic questions of human life as lived individually or in social association with others. These narratives have lasted for so many centuries because they offer deep insights into the nature of the human condition and human flourishing. This volume includes chapters by accomplished philosophers and theologians who bring their expertise to bear on biblical narratives to show the way in which (...)
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  9. The Quaker Moons of Lancashire.Brandon Reece Taylorian - 2024 - Quaker History 113 (2):72-93.
    In April 1658, a Lancastrian currier named John Moon claimed to receive a revelation from Jesus Christ that affirmed many tenets taught by the English Dissenter George Fox. Moon, along with his parents, brother and uncle, joined the Religious Society of Friends in 1653, a year after Fox’s vision on Pendle Hill, not far from the Moon’s homeland on the plains of the Fylde. This portion of the Moon family received instant reprisal for converting to the new movement. However, imprisonments, (...)
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  10. Book Review: Cosmodeism: A Worldview for the Space-Age: How an Evolutionary Cosmos is Creating God by Tsvi Bisk. [REVIEW]Brandon Reece Taylorian - 2024 - Journal of Astronist Studies 1 (1):203-215.
    A review of Tsvi Bisk's 2024 work Cosmodeism: A Worldview for the Space-Age: How an Evolutionary Cosmos is Creating God featured in the Journal of Astronist Studies and reviewed by Cometan.
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  11. Arquetipos Morales: ética prehistoria-pe (guarani - português).Roberto Thomas Arruda - 2024 - Independent - ISBN 978-65-01-27144-6.
    Pe tradición filosófica umi enfoque moral rehegua oñemopyenda predominantemente umi concepto ha teoría metafísica ha teológica-pe. Umi concepto tradicional ética rehegua apytépe, ojehecharamovéva ha’e Teoría de Comando Divino (TCD). TCD he’iháicha, Ñandejára ome’ẽ pyenda moral yvypórape ojejapo guive ha umi revelación rupive. Péicha, pe moralidad ha divinidad ndojeseparái va’erãmo’ã pe civilización mombyryvéva guive. Ko'ã concepto oime sumergido peteî estructura teológica ha oasepta principalmente mayoría umi omoirûva mbohapy tradición abrahámica: judaísmo, cristianismo ha islam, oimehápe parte considerable población humana. Oñongatúvo jerovia ha (...)
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  12. Coloquio Interinstitucional de Estudiantes de Patrología en Colombia.Estiven Valencia Marin - 2024 - Anuário de Historia de la Iglesia 33 (1):472-475.
    Convocado inicialmente por los miembros del Semillero de Investigación «Hermenéutica y Padres de la Iglesia» de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, el Coloquio Interinstitucional de Estudiantes de Patrología se erige en 2018 como un espacio académico de reflexión sobre el pensamiento de los autores de los primeros siglos de la era cristiana. Hasta el día de hoy, el Coloquio se ha convertido en una importante iniciativa en Colombia para la visibilización de los trabajos de estudiantes que se han destacado (...)
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  13. Astronism and the Astronic Religious Tradition.[author unknown] - 2023 - International Journal for the Study of New Religions 12 (1):3-31.
    A new religion was founded in 2013 that goes by the name of Astronism while its community of followers are known as Astronists. This article gives a rigorous account of the eschatology, soteriology and worldview of this new space religion while contextualizing its emergence as part of a broader Astronic religious tradition. This proposed tradition may itself possess prehistoric roots in the Upper Palaeolithic in the earliest human observations of the night sky. Human beings in turn came to establish a (...)
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  14. The Struggle of Traditionalist Catholics in 1970s Northern England.[author unknown] - 2023 - North West Catholic History 50 (1):45-65.
    In the 1960s, the Catholic Church made changes to its liturgy and ecumenical outlook during the Second Vatican Council. These changes sparked a small counter-revolution called the Traditionalists led by rebel Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre to keep the Latin Mass. My grandparents Derrick and Irene Taylor opened their home to the movement during the 1970s, offering their time, money and land for SSPX masses. They received backlash from modernist Catholics and Church leaders but held to their belief that the Traditionalists were (...)
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  15. The Astronist System.[author unknown] - 2023 - Preston: Voice of Cosmos.
    Cometan began writing the Omnidoxy, the founding text of Astronism, at the age of seventeen in 2015 and this first great treatise of the Astronist religion was published in 2019. Since then, the world has been introduced to Astronism and its central doctrine of transcension and its worldview of cosmocentrism but the time has come to reflect on the Omnidoxy. The Astronist System explores the major themes of the Omnidoxy including cosmic organicism, astrogenism, returnism and transcension and provides rigorous detail (...)
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  16. How to be a Feminist Muslim.Fatema Amijee - 2023 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 9 (2):193-213.
    Can Muslim values be reconciled with a feminist outlook? The question is pressing on both an individual level—for Muslim feminists—and on a political level—for the project of making Islamic practice compatible with the ideals of a just and liberal society. A version of this question arises specifically for the central Muslim text, the Quran: can the message of the Quran be reconciled with a feminist outlook? There have, broadly speaking, been two approaches to this more specific question. I argue that (...)
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  17. Locke on the objective nature of miracles.Alexander-Henri Barrientos - 2023 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 61 (3):411-426.
    Locke's definition of miracles in “A Discourse of Miracles” is widely cited by scholars as evidence of his subjectivism on the matter. According to this interpretation, Locke held it to be sufficient that an event seems to be a violation of the laws of nature for it to count as a miracle. Nothing supernatural need actually occur. The principal aim of this article is to argue that Locke can and ought to be read as an objectivist about miracles. A subjectivist (...)
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  18. Resuscitating the Common Consent Argument for Theism.Matthew Braddock - 2023 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 93 (3):189-210.
    The common consent argument claims that widespread belief in God is good evidence for God’s existence. Though taken seriously throughout the history of philosophy, the argument died in the 1800s. Our philosophy of religion textbooks ignore it. In this paper, we hope to resuscitate it drawing upon the demographics of religious belief, the cognitive science of religion, and contemporary epistemology. We develop and defend two common consent arguments, which maintain that widespread belief in a High God is good evidence for (...)
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  19. God, the Good, and the Spiritual Turn in Epistemology.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2023 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Roberto Di Ceglie offers an historical, theological, and epistemological investigation exploring how commitments to God and/or the good generate the optimum condition to achieve knowledge. Di Ceglie criticizes the common belief that to attain knowledge, one must always be ready to replace one's convictions with beliefs that appear to be proven. He defends a more comprehensive view, historically exemplified by outstanding Christian thinkers, whereby believers are expected to commit themselves to God and to related beliefs no matter (...)
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  20. Phenomenology of the Icon: Mediating God through the Image.Stephanie Rumpza - 2023 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    How can something finite mediate an infinite God? Weaving patristics, theology, art history, aesthetics, and religious practice with the hermeneutic phenomenology of Hans-George Gadamer and Jean-Luc Marion, Stephanie Rumpza proposes a new answer to this paradox by offering a fresh and original approach to the Byzantine icon. She demonstrates the power and relevance of the phenomenological method to integrate hermeneutic aesthetics and divine transcendence, notably how the material and visual dimensions of the icon are illuminated by traditional practices of prayer. (...)
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  21. The Father of Faith Rationally Reconstructed.Levi Durham - 2022 - Faith and Philosophy 39 (2):272-290.
    There is a tension for those who want to simultaneously hold that Abraham’s disposition to sacrifice Isaac is epistemically justified and yet hold that a contemporary father would not be justified in believing that God is commanding him to sacrifice his son. This paper attempts to resolve that tension. While some commentators have correctly pointed out that one must take Abraham’s long relationship with God into account when considering Abraham’s readiness to sacrifice his son, they do not entertain the possibility (...)
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  22. Tempo da Decisão e Chamado à Decisão em Yeshua Hamashiach.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2022 - Chisinau, Moldávia: Novas Edições Acadêmicas/OmniScriptum Publishing Group.
    Detendo-se na pregação ético-escatológica de Jesus, que anuncia o reino de Deus e o tempo da decisão e o chamado à decisão, o Prof. Luiz Carlos Mariano Da Rosa assinala que, escapando à condição de um dever que pressupõe a formação do caráter e o princípio de determinação da comunhão humana, é a exigência do amor que se impõe à pregação escatológica de Jesus e a sua pregação ética e ao conhecimento da vontade de Deus, que implica o dever-ser e (...)
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  23. le dialogue des différences selon John Cobb.Joël Francis Ohandza - 2022
    Le Christ est la Voie qui n'exclut pas pour autant les autres voies. C'est tout le sens de la proposition Cobbienne.
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  24. The Two Books of God.Oskari Juurikkala - 2021 - Augustinianum 61 (2):479-498.
    Augustine is considered one of the originators of the metaphor of the book of nature, but what did he say about it? This article examines all the metaphors with which Augustine seems to refer to the visible world as a divine book. It is found that four of the often-cited passages have a different meaning, but two of them refer to sensible nature as a book. The article further explores how the idea of God’s two books – nature and Scripture (...)
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  25. Testimony, Faith and Humility.Finlay Malcolm - 2021 - Religious Studies 57 (3):466-483.
    It is sometimes claimed that faith is a virtue. To what extent faith is a virtue depends on what faith is. One construal of faith, which has been popular in both recent and historical work on faith, is that faith is a matter of taking oneself to have been spoken to by God and of trusting this purported divine testimony. In this paper, I argue that when faith is understood in this way, for faith to be virtuous then it must (...)
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  26. Information, Language and the Human Self in the Play of Biblical Revelation.Gábor Ambrus - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (6):979-988.
  27. La Oración Entre Yahvé Y Abba En El Monoteísmo Judío-Cristiano: Desde las prácticas mágico-religiosas del politeísmo hasta la relación pacífica del Dios de Abraham, Isaac y Jacob.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2020 - Saarbrücken, Alemanha: Ediciones Nuestro Conocimiento.
    Subrayando que la evocación de los acontecimientos ocurridos ab origine converge, según la perspectiva mítico-religiosa, para la manifestación de las fuerzas sagradas, el Prof. Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa, basándose en el método histórico-comparativo de Mircea Eliade, atribuye a la oración la condición de suscitar el poder sagrado en un proceso capaz de ejercer una influencia sobrenatural y de llegar a los recovecos de la conciencia, como afirma Marcel Mauss. De este modo, superponiendo las prácticas mágico-religiosas y los procesos litúrgico-rituales (...)
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  28. TEMPO DA DECISÃO E CHAMADO À DECISÃO NA PREGAÇÃO ÉTICO-ESCATOLÓGICA DE JESUS CRISTO: DA PROCLAMAÇÃO DO REINO DE DEUS NA TEOLOGIA ESCATOLÓGICO-EXISTENCIAL DE BULTMANN.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2020 - Revista Último Andar, Cadernos de Pesquisa Em Ciência da Religião, PUC/SP - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo [São Paulo, Brasil] 23 (36): 160 - 189.
    Se a pregação de Jesus consiste no pressuposto da teologia neotestamentária, segundo o pensamento de Bultmann, a análise do seu conteúdo emerge como fundamental para a compreensão do querigma cristão e da construção literário-teológica da comunidade primitiva. Dessa forma, o artigo se detém na pregação ético-escatológica de Jesus, que anuncia o reino de Deus e o tempo da decisão e o chamado à decisão, que converge para a radicalidade e exige a obediência escatológica enquanto realização da vontade de Deus. Assim, (...)
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  29. Old Topics, New Formulations: Khaṇḍadeva and Navyanyāya.Bogdan Diaconescu - 2020 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 49 (2):291-321.
    This article is first in a series dedicated to issues in the intellectual history of Mīmāṃsā in early modern India and part of a larger effort to broaden the basis for understanding the new formulations of central topics of the Mīmāṃsā textual-ritual complex in this period. It examines how the Varanasi scholar Khaṇḍadevamiśra makes use of Navyanyāya tools of analysis by putting under the microscope the example of his investigation and new formulation of the signification of agent and agency by (...)
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  30. Eastern Orthodox Agreement and Disagreement with Kenneth Collins and Jerry Walls.Gary Hartenburg - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (5):39-54.
    In their book, Roman but Not Catholic, Kenneth Collins and Jerry Walls make the case that certain beliefs central to the Roman Catholic faith are unreasonable. This article evaluates, from the point of view of Eastern Orthodoxy, some of the arguments Collins and Walls make. In particular, it argues first that Collins and Walls are correct to criticize John Henry Newman’s theory of the development of doctrine as a reason to accept otherwise insufficiently supported Catholic doctrines. Secondly, it offers some (...)
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  31. Evolution and Conversion: Dialogues on the Origins of Culture. By RenéGirard, with PierpaoloAntonello and João CezarDe Castro Rocha. Pp. xii, 202, London/NY, Bloomsbury, 2017, £14.99. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (1):206-207.
  32. Givenness & Revelation. By Jean‐LucMarion. Translated by Stephen E. Lewis. Pp. xviii, 137, Oxford University Press, 2016, £12.99. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (5):884-885.
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  33. Exorcism.Andrej Poleev - 2020 - Enzymes.
    εἰ δὲ ἐν δακτύλῳ Θεοῦ ἐγὼ ἐκβάλλω τὰ δαιμόνια, ἄρα ἔφθασεν ἐφ’ ὑμᾶς ἡ βασιλεία τοῦ Θεοῦ. Если же Я перстом Божиим изгоняю бесов, то, конечно, достигло до вас Царствие Божие. But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
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  34. Hegel And Schelling on the Path of Aristotelian Ascent.Chandler D. Rogers - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (5):763-774.
    This essay argues that Schelling's late transition from Negative to Positive Philosophy constitutes a pointed inversion of the path of systematic ascent mapped by Hegel for the first time in the Phenomenology's Preface, which itself establishes Hegel's development out of and beyond Schelling's early philosophy; that a key notion to inspire the Hegelian vision articulated in the Preface returns to cap off the critique implicit in Schelling's late inversion, where this notion emerges from their divergent readings of Aristotle's Metaphysics; and (...)
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  35. Aesthetic Revelation: Reading Ancient and Medieval Texts after Hans Urs von Balthasar. By Oleg V.Bychkov. Pp. xviii, 349, Washington, D. C.The Catholic University of America Press, 2010, $79.95. [REVIEW]Norman Russell - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (5):881-882.
  36. Radical Revelation: A Philosophical Approach. By Balázs M.Mezei. Pp. xxvi, 362, London, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2017, £110.00/$148.00. [REVIEW]Peter Andras Varga - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (4):710-713.
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  37. Tanakh Epistemology: Knowledge and Power, Religious and Secular.Douglas Yoder - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this volume, Douglas Yoder uses the tools of modern and postmodern philosophy and biblical criticism to elucidate the epistemology of the Tanakh, the collection of writings that comprise the Hebrew Bible. Despite the conceptual sophistication of the Tanakh, its epistemology has been overlooked in both religious and secular hermeneutics. The concept of revelation, the genre of apocalypse, and critiques of ideology and theory are all found within or derive from epistemic texts of the Tanakh. Yoder examines how philosophers such (...)
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  38. The New Problem of Religious Luck.Guy Axtell - 2019 - In Ian M. Church & Robert J. Hartman (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Psychology of Luck. New York: Routledge. pp. 436-450.
    The study of problems of religious luck, I hope to convince the reader, is a needed focus today, in that this study promotes useful dialogue among theologians, philosophers, and researchers in the cognitive science of religions. There is a strong tendency among faith traditions to invoke asymmetric explanations of the religious value or salvific status of the home religion vis-à-vis all others. Philosophy of luck will be presented in this chapter as aiding our understanding of what is going on when (...)
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  39. (1 other version)Uomo, natura, cultura. La profezia di Romano Guardini sull’opera in divenire.Elisa Grimi - 2019 - Nuovo Giornale di Filosofia Della Religione 11 (settembre-dicembre).
    Questo studio costituisce una breve riflessione a partire dall'analisi proposta da Guardini in La fine dell'epoca moderna circa la triade natura – soggetto/personalità – cultura. Guardini ripercorre la crisi della modernità rintracciando i punti critici di un'antropologia che sembra talvolta scricchiolare. Parla così di uomo-non- umano, di natura-non-naturale e di cultura-non-culturale (seppur su quest'ultima categoria affermi che la ricerca è ancora in corso). Oggi si può bene osservare ciò che Guardini aveva già sessant'anni fa previsto, e cioè il declino e (...)
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  40. Philosophie als absolute Vermittlung.Julian Kiefer - 2019 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 61 (4):429-452.
    Zusammenfassung Für eine Verhältnisbestimmung von Religion und Philosophie unterzieht der protestantische Theologe Martin Wendte Hegels philosophisches System einer theologischen sowie einer philosophisch-immanenten Kritik. Das Beweisziel dieser Arbeit besteht im Nachweis, dass auch Wendtes philosophische Kritik nur haltbar unter offenbarungstheologischen Voraussetzungen, also gar keine immanente Hegel-Kritik ist. Der Grund dafür liegt in der Unwiderlegbarkeit Hegels, der bloß den notwendig absoluten Anspruch der Disziplin Philosophie ausdrückt; ein absoluter Anspruch, dem der der Theologie in nichts nachsteht.
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  41. In Spirit and Truth: Toward a Theology Without Walls.Richard Oxenberg - 2019 - In Jerry L. Martin (ed.), Theology without walls: The transreligious imperative. Taylor and Francis. pp. 14-24.
    Theology Without Walls is a project that seeks to understand the nature of divine reality through an exploration of all the world's religious traditions, without confining itself to any one in particular. In this essay, I discuss why theology has traditionally been done within the boundaries of specific traditions and suggest that, in our time, we are called to a new, more comprehensive, approach to theology.
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  42. The Unknown Mover.Myron Bradley Penner - 2019 - Philosophia Christi 21 (1):199-206.
    Andrew Shephardson contends in Who’s Afraid of the Unmoved Mover that the combined postmodern objections of Carl A. Raschke, James K. A. Smith, and me, to natural theology, fail. Here I focus only on the issue of idolatry and natural theology, as one way of demonstrating a fundamental inadequacy characteristic of Shephardson’s rebuttal of postmodern challenges to evangelical appropriations of natural theology. I argue that contrary to Shephardson’s contention, Acts 17 does not support evangelical appropriations of natural theology, but operates (...)
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  43. Presupposing, Believing, Having Faith.Carlos Miguel Gómez Rincón - 2019 - Sophia 60 (1):103-121.
    This paper traces the borders between presupposing, believing, and having faith. These three attitudes are often equated and confused in the contemporary image of the historically and culturally situated character of rationality. This confusion is problematic because, on the one hand, it prevents us from fully appreciating the way in which this image of rationality points towards a dissolving of the opposition between faith and reason; on the other hand, it leads to forms of fideism. After bringing this differentiation into (...)
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  44. What is the Value of Faith For Salvation? A Thomistic Response to Kvanvig.James Dominic Rooney - 2019 - Faith and Philosophy 36 (4):463-490.
    Jonathan Kvanvig has proposed a non-cognitive theory of faith. He argues that the model of faith as essentially involving assent to propositions is of no value. In response, I propose a Thomistic cognitive theory of faith that both avoids Kvanvig’s criticism and presents a richer and more inclusive account of how faith is intrinsically valuable. I show these accounts of faith diverge in what they take as the goal of the Christian life: personal relationship with God or an external state (...)
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  45. (2 other versions)Problems of Religious Luck: Assessing the Limits of Reasonable Religious Disagreement.Guy Axtell - 2018 - Lanham, MD, USA & London, UK: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield.
    To speak of being religious lucky certainly sounds odd. But then, so does “My faith holds value in God’s plan, while yours does not.” This book argues that these two concerns — with the concept of religious luck and with asymmetric or sharply differential ascriptions of religious value — are inextricably connected. It argues that religious luck attributions can profitably be studied from a number of directions, not just theological, but also social scientific and philosophical. There is a strong tendency (...)
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  46. Problems of Religious Luck, Chapter 3: "Enemy in the Mirror: The Need for Comparative Fundamentalism".Guy Axtell - 2018 - In Problems of Religious Luck: Assessing the Limits of Reasonable Religious Disagreement. Lanham, MD, USA & London, UK: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield.
    Measures of inductive risk and of safety-principle violation help us to operationalize concerns about theological assertions or a sort which, as we saw in Part I, aggravate or intensify problems of religious luck. Our overall focus in Part II will remain on a) responses to religious multiplicity, and b) sharply asymmetrical religious trait-ascriptions to religious insiders and outsiders. But in Part II formal markers of inductive norm violation will supply an empirically-based manner of distinguishing strong from moderate fideism. As we (...)
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  47. Problems of Religious Luck, Ch. 4: "We Are All of the Common Herd: Montaigne and the Psychology of our 'Importunate Presumptions'".Guy Axtell - 2018 - In Problems of Religious Luck: Assessing the Limits of Reasonable Religious Disagreement. Lanham, MD, USA & London, UK: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield.
    As we have seen in the transition form Part I to Part II of this book, the inductive riskiness of doxastic methods applied in testimonial uptake or prescribed as exemplary of religious faith, helpfully operationalizes the broader social scientific, philosophical, moral, and theological interest that people may have with problems of religious luck. Accordingly, we will now speak less about luck, but more about the manner in which highly risky cognitive strategies are correlated with psychological studies of bias studies and (...)
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  48. Problems of Religious Luck, Ch. 5: "Scaling the ‘Brick Wall’: Measuring and Censuring Strongly Fideistic Religious Orientation".Guy Axtell - 2018 - In Problems of Religious Luck: Assessing the Limits of Reasonable Religious Disagreement. Lanham, MD, USA & London, UK: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield.
    This chapter sharpens the book’s criticism of exclusivist responsible to religious multiplicity, firstly through close critical attention to arguments which religious exclusivists provide, and secondly through the introduction of several new, formal arguments / dilemmas. Self-described ‘post-liberals’ like Paul Griffiths bid philosophers to accept exclusivist attitudes and beliefs as just one among other aspects of religious identity. They bid us to normalize the discourse Griffiths refers to as “polemical apologetics,” and to view its acceptance as the only viable form of (...)
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  49. Spoken and Unspeakable: Discursivennes of Asmatic Ontology in the Aporetics of St. Maximus the Confessor (in Serbian).Aleksandar Djakovac - 2018 - Belgrade: Faculty of Orthodox Theology.
  50. Disagreement from the Religious Margins.Katherine Dormandy - 2018 - Res Philosophica 95 (3):371-395.
    Religious communities often discourage disagreement with religious authorities, on the grounds that allowing it would be epistemically detrimental. I argue that this attitude is mistaken, because any social position in a community—including religious authority—comes with epistemic advantages as well as epistemic limitations. I argue that religious communities stand to benefit epistemically by engaging in disagreement with people occupying other social positions. I focus on those at the community’s margins and argue that religious marginalization is apt to yield religiously important insights; (...)
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