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  1. Why Should Women Be Given The Same Education As Men? Plato's Account of Gender Equality in Education in The Laws.Irina Deretić - 2024 - In Lj Radenović, D. Dimitrijevic & I. Akkad (eds.), Paideia: The Language and Philosophy of Education. pp. 31-41.
    Abstract: The political views of Plato on women in the Laws have been a subject of debate among scholars. The reintroduction of families and private property in his late dialogue can potentially impact the role of women in the state. Furthermore, it remains a matter of contention whether Plato altered some of his political views on women while writing the Laws. In this debate, I will analyze the inconsistencies in Plato’s Laws, endeavoring to determine whether Plato provided women with equal (...)
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  2. Care as Invention. A Tribute to Bernard Stiegler.Anaïs Nony - 2024 - In Buseyne Bart (ed.), Memory for the Future. Thinking with Bernard Stiegler. Bloomsbury Press. pp. 53-62.
    To Stiegler’s notion of pansable (curable), one might also need to add that penser (to think) relates to the Latin penso, the frequentative of pendo, to hang, suspend. The pansable (that which can be healed) is as much the pensable (that which can be thought) and the suspensible (that which can be hung). Stiegler’s final act revealed that which was always already there: an unhealed pharmacological shadow that preceded him. While he entered philosophy with the argument of technics as the (...)
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  3. Memory for the Future. Thinking with Bernard Stiegler.Buseyne Bart (ed.) - 2024 - Bloomsbury Press.
    Honouring the memory of the late Bernard Stiegler, this edited collection presents a broad spectrum of contributions that provide a complex and coherently articulated image of Stiegler's thought which reached beyond the boundaries of academic, artistic and experimental techno-scientific enclaves where it had been originally received. -/- Stiegler's philosophical work encompassed theorization, social diagnosis, planning, practical and territorial experimentation, politics, and aesthetics. In its wake, the essays in this volume celebrate and explore the wealth of this multi-dimensional legacy. They examine (...)
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  4. Begründen und Erklären im antiken Denken.Sabine Föllinger (ed.) - 2024 - Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
  5. Platonova filozofska mitologija: studija o Platonovim mitovima.Irina Deretić - 2014 - Belgrade: Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd.
  6. Plato on the Power of Dialectic and the Necessity of Forms.Roberto Granieri - 2024 - Rhizomata 12 (1):51-78.
    In the Parmenides Plato claims that by relinquishing Forms one would entirely destroy tên tou dialegesthai dunamin. I argue that this peculiar phrase does not indicate, as often suggested, the power or possibility of all discourse or thought, but the power of dialectic, i. e. the highest science; and that its preservation is, for Plato, a decisive reason for the necessity of the Forms.
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  7. (1 other version)The Distinction between Philosophers and Sight-Lovers: Socrates’ First Line of Argument in Rep. V 476a1–d6.Thanassis Gkatzaras - 2024 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 45 (1):55-75.
    In this paper I examine Socrates’ argument that presupposes an audience familiar with Forms and explains why the sight-lovers are not philosophers. It is divided into three parts: the first part (476a1–6) shows why each Form is one in number; the second part (476a6–9) distinguishes Forms from their sensible appearances; and the third part (476a10–d6) draws an analogy between philosophers – people being awake and sight-lovers – people being asleep. Remarkably, the argument works only for opposites, which are mistakenly identified (...)
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  8. (1 other version)The Distinction between Philosophers and Sight-Lovers: Socrates’ First Line of Argument in Rep. V 476a1–d6.Thanassis Gkatzaras - 2024 - Elenchos 45 (1):55-75.
    In this paper I examine Socrates’ argument that presupposes an audience familiar with Forms and explainswhy the sight-lovers are not philosophers. It is divided into three parts: the first part (476a1–6) shows why each Form is one in number; the second part (476a6–9) distinguishes Forms from their sensible appearances; and the third part (476a10–d6) draws an analogy between philosophers – people being awake and sight-lovers – people being asleep. Remarkably, the argument works only for opposites, which are mistakenly identified by (...)
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  9. Know Thy Knowing: On the Reflexive Form of Self-knowledge.Christian Coseru - 2024 - In Amber D. Carpenter & Pierre-Julien Harter (eds.), Crossing the Stream, Leaving the Cave: Buddhist-Platonist Philosophical Inquiries. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 167-196.
    Drawing on three Platonic dialogues (Charmides, Alcibiades I, and Theaetetus) and the epistemology of Dignāga and Dharmakīrti, this chapter argues that the self-knowledge project need not depend on a metaphysics of self if the awareness present in each knowledge episode is taken to exhibit a reflexive dimension. Whatever the ultimate ground for self-knowledge, it must be such as to provide unity and coherence to experience, even if the achieved unity or harmony is not something determinate or fixed (as suggested by (...)
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  10. (1 other version)Etymologization as a Case of Pedagogical Lying in Plato.Celso Vieira - 2020 - Méthexis 32 (1):63-85.
    In the Cratylus, Plato criticizes the traditional rendering of Hades’ name as the ‘in-visible’ while in the Phaedo he endorses it. Despite this conflict, in both cases, the etymologies are used to oppose the negative characterization of this god by the tradition, just as prescribed in the Republic. Furthermore, both dialogues convey a similar description of Hades as an intellectual realm. Thus, there is an underlying conceptual coherence and a use of conflicting etymologies serving the same practical prescription. This article (...)
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  11. Review of "Plato's Pragmatism: Rethinking the Relationship Between Ethics and Epistemology," written by Baima, N.R. and Paytas, T. [REVIEW]Ryan M. Brown - 2024 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 27:1-10.
  12. El logos y la filosofía. Una relectura del "Fedro".Jonathan Lavilla de Lera - 2014 - Dissertation, Universitat de Barcelona
    La presente tesis doctoral se suma al proyecto general del grupo de investigación “Eidos: Hermenèutica, Platonisme i Modernitat”, ofreciendo una nueva lectura e interpretación del diálogo platónico Fedro. La tesis se divide en tres apartados. El primero, que sirve de introducción, establece los objetivos principales de la tesis y el método de trabajo que hemos seguido; además, ofrece toda una serie de consideraciones generales sobre el texto, como su autenticidad, su fecha de composición, una caracterización general de sus personajes y (...)
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  13. La broma de Sócrates inspirado Fedro 238d y Crátilo 396d.Jonathan Lavilla - 2021 - Plato Journal 22:158-175.
    El presente artículo defiende que Platón bromea cuando su Sócrates afirma estar inspirado o bajo posesión divina en Fedro 238d y Crátilo 396d. Para ello, primero se sitúan en contexto ambos pasajes; a continuación, se muestra que a lo largo de todo el corpus Platón contrapone el conocimiento y el arte (τέχνη) al falso saber y a la inspiración (ἐνθουσιασμός); en tercer y cuarto lugar respectivamente, leemos los pasajes en cuestión en función de esta contraposición, para mostrar que hay que (...)
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  14. The Philosopher against the Rhapsodist. Socrates and Ion as Characters in Plato’s Ion.Javier Aguirre & Jonathan Lavilla - 2018 - Filozofia 73 (2):108-118.
    The critique of the poetry in Plato’s Ion unfolds in a clearly political context in which, in contrast to the old model of knowledge represented by poetry, Plato presents a new model, identified with philosophy, which questions the legitimacy of poets and rhapsodists as competent guides of the polis and citizens. In this critique, the characters and dramatic elements of dialogue are fundamental. Thus in Ion and Socrates the Athenian philosopher brings together all the characteristics that describe a real rhapsodist (...)
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  15. Antilogy, Dialectic and Dialectic’s Objects in Plato’s Phaedrus.Jonathan Lavilla - 2022 - Méthexis 34 (1):24–41.
    Plato’s Phaedrus is a dialogue in which rhetoric is not only discussed, but also displayed. The first half of the plot depicts a rhetorical contest in which Socrates himself offers two opposite speeches on love, a kind of dissoi logoi. The current paper tries to explain that the second half of the dialogue offers the necessary keys to understand that for Plato true rhetoric is nothing but dialectic and that beyond the apparent antilogic exercise carried out by Socrates there can (...)
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  16. The Prayer to Pan of Plato’s Phaedrus (279b8–c3): An Exhortation to Exercise the Philosophical Virtue.Jonathan Lavilla - 2018 - Symbolae Osloenses 92 (1):65-106.
    The current article offers a new reading of Socrates’ prayer to Pan in Plato’s Phaedrus. By means of a comprehensive approach, the paper shows that the prayer not only gathers together the most relevant topics dealt with during the conversation but it also exhorts us to engage in the way of life depicted by Socrates’ character, namely that of philosophy, which can be clearly distinguished from that of traditional rhetoric. To this extent, eros and logos, two elements closely related to (...)
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  17. Plato, Sophist 259C7–D7: Contrary Predication and Genuine Refutation.John D. Proios - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (1):66-77.
    This paper defends an interpretation of Plato, Soph. 259c7–d7, which describes a distinction between genuine and pretender forms of ‘examination’ or ‘refutation’ (ἔλεγχος). The passage speaks to a need, throughout the dialogue, to differentiate the truly philosophical method from the merely eristic method. But its contribution has been obscured by the appearance of a textual problem at 259c7–8. As a result, scholars have largely not recognized that the Eleatic Stranger recommends accepting contrary predication as a condition of genuine refutation. After (...)
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  18. Método e discurso filosófico no diálogo 'O Sofista' de Platão.Alexandre Alves - 2021 - Princípios: Revista de Filosofia (Ufrn) 28 (57):131-142.
    Due to its discussion of the question of non-being and its intention of grounding the philosophical discourse, Plato ́s dialogue The Sophist occupies a central position in the history of philosophy. The purpose of this article is to relate the definition method used by Plato in the dialogue (the diaeresis) with his conception of philosophical discourse. The different definitions for the sophist proposed in the dialogue are not only part of Plato's polemic against sophistry, but underpin the very Platonic conception (...)
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  19. Revisiting the Aged-based Educational Ideas of Plato.Hamidur Rahman - 2023 - International Journal of Arts and Humanities Studies 3 (3):01-07.
    Education is crucial to the overall development of all communities. Since the early days of Greek philosophy, philosophers have made significant contributions to the advancement of education for both individuals and the states. Greek philosophers, notably Plato, emphasized the importance and relevance of education for his conceptual ideal state. His educational ideas were rooted in his philosophy, notably idealism, and it continues to have a great effect, particularly on education. Idealism focuses on ideas and believes that genuine knowledge can be (...)
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  20. Conocer, hablar y nombrar según Platón: una lectura cruzada del Fedro y del Crátilo.Jonathan Lavilla deLera & Daniel Salgueiro Martín - 2023 - Alpha (Osorno) 56:142-163.
    El presente artículo contiene una lectura cruzada del Fedro y el Crátilo en la que se aclaran algunos de sus ejes temáticos centrales con el fin de sacar a relucir las constantes del pensamiento platónico que ambos diálogos comparten. La descripción de la dialéctica presente en el Fedro encaja con una definición socrática del Crátilo que explicita que el nombre es un instrumento al servicio del dialéctico. Todo ello nos lleva a concluir que la técnica dialéctica, además de constituir el (...)
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  21. Apparences et dialectique: un commentaire du Sophiste de Platon.Nicolas Zaks - 2023 - Boston: Brill.
    In Plato's Sophist, a mysterious Eleatic Stranger, the main character of the dialogue, undertakes a systematic definition of the philosopher's fiercest rival, the sophist. His hunt for a definition of the sophist, however, is interrupted by an attempt to refute the ontology of Parmenides. The philosophical significance of this refutation and its exact relationship to the sought-after definition remains a matter of great scholarly dispute. This book, by means of a running commentary on the dialogue, argues that the oft-neglected distinction (...)
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  22. Review of J. Moss, Plato’s Epistemology: Being and Seeming. [REVIEW]Roberto Granieri - 2021 - Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
  23. Plato's Use of Mogis (Scarcely, With Toil) and the Accessibility of the Divine.Ryan M. Brown - 2023 - Apeiron 56 (3):519-554.
    At key moments in the Phaedrus and the Republic, Socrates qualifies our capacity to “see” the highest realities (the “place of being,” the “Good beyond being”) with the adverb “mogis” (mogis kathorosa, Phdr. 248a; mogis horisthai, Rep. 517b). Mogis can be used to indicate either the toilsome difficulty of some undertaking or the subject’s proximity to failing to accomplish the undertaking. Socrates uses mogis to qualify the nature of the human soul’s capacity to make the intellectual ascent and see the (...)
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  24. Perception and Perceptual Judgment in Plato’s Theaetetus and Timaeus.Lea Aurelia Schroeder - 2022 - Dissertation, Yale University
  25. Learning from Models: 277c7–283a9.David Bronstein - 2021 - In Panos Dimas, Melissa Lane & Susan Sauvé Meyer (eds.), Plato’s Statesman: a Philosophical Discussion. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 94–114.
    This chapter examines Plato’s account of the method of learning by paradeigma (‘model’) in the Statesman. I first explain what the method is. I then consider the two parties who are described as using it: children who are learning to read and write and the dialogue’s two interlocutors. I highlight some parallels between each party’s use of the method. These parallels illuminate important features of dialectical inquiry in general and the Visitor and Young Socrates’ inquiry in particular, including the nature (...)
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  26. Plato on the Varieties of Knowledge.Justin Vlasits - 2022 - In Jens Kristian Larsen, Vivil Valvik Haraldsen & Justin Vlasits (eds.), New Persepctives on Platonic Dialectic. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 264-283.
    Plato’s Philebus has often been said to lack unity as a dialogue. In particular, what is the relation between the methodological and metaphysical reflections early in the dialogue and the investigations of pleasure and knowledge that constitutes its main subject matter? This chapter argues that Plato’s Philebus provides a division of knowledge (epistēmē), which satisfies the methodological norms explained earlier in the dialogue. In order to make this claim, Socrates is shown to provide an example of a cross-cutting division not (...)
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  27. Ignorance in Plato’s Protagoras.Wenjin Liu - 2022 - Phronesis 67 (3):309-337.
    Ignorance is commonly assumed to be a lack of knowledge in Plato’s Socratic dialogues. I challenge that assumption. In the Protagoras, ignorance is conceived to be a substantive, structural psychic flaw—the soul’s domination by inferior elements that are by nature fit to be ruled. Ignorant people are characterized by both false beliefs about evaluative matters in specific situations and an enduring deception about their own psychic conditions. On my interpretation, akrasia, moral vices, and epistemic vices are products or forms of (...)
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  28. Evil, Demiurgy, and the Taming of Necessity in Plato’s Timaeus.Elizabeth Jelinek & Casey Hall - 2022 - International Philosophical Quarterly 62 (1):5-21.
    Plato’s Timaeus reveals a cosmos governed by Necessity and Intellect; commentators have debated the relationship between them. Non-literalists hold that the demiurge, having carte blanche in taming Necessity, is omnipotent. But this omnipotence, alongside the attributes of benevolence and omniscience, creates problems when non-literalists address the problem of evil. We take the demiurge rather as limited by Necessity. This position is supported by episodes within the text, and by its larger consonance with Plato’s philosophy of evil and responsibility. By recognizing (...)
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  29. Plato's The Allegory of the Cave.Irfan Ajvazi - manuscript
    The main idea of this allegory is the difference between people who simply experience their sensory experiences, and call that knowledge, and those who understand real knowledge by seeing the truth. The allegory actually digs into some deep philosophy, which is not surprising since it comes from Plato. Its main idea is the discussion of how humans perceive reality and if human existence has a higher truth. It explores the theme of belief versus knowledge. The Perception Plato theorizes that the (...)
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  30. Platon’da Bilgi, Öğrenme ve Ruhun Ölümsüzlüğü.Soner Soysal - 2022 - İzmir, Turkey: Serüven Yayınevi.
  31. The Epistemic Competence of the Philosopher-Rulers in Plato's Republic.Stephen O. Peprah - 2021 - Eirene: Studia Graeca Et Latina 57 (I-II):119-147.
    It is widely accepted that ruling is the sole prerogative of Plato’s philosopher-rulers because they alone possess knowledge (ἐπιστήμη). This knowledge is knowledge of the Good, taken to be the only knowledge there is in Kallipolis. Let us call this the sufficiency condition thesis (the SCT). In this paper, I challenge this consensus. I cast doubt on the adequacy of the SCT, arguing that part of the training and education of the philosopher-rulers involves their gaining practical wisdom (φρόνησις) and experience (...)
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  32. (3 other versions)PLATON’DA TANRI VE EVRENİN OLUŞUMU.Gamze Kaynak - 2018 - Dissertation, Süleyman Demi̇rel Üni̇versi̇tesi̇
    Main purpose of this work is to state the ideas of Plato about God, the universe, and the creation of universe. While explaining about his ideas on this subject, not only his time, but also ideas of the philosophers preceding him are taken into consideration. It also includes usual views and belief systems about the God, the universe and the creation of universe during his time. Thus, we had a chance to examine Plato’s ideas about our subject in detail. Our (...)
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  33. A Long Lost Relative in the Parmenides? Plato’s Family of Hypothetical Methods.Evan Rodriguez - 2022 - Apeiron 55 (1):141-166.
    The Parmenides has been unduly overlooked in discussions of hypothesis in Plato. It contains a unique method for testing first principles, a method I call ‘exploring both sides’. The dialogue recommends exploring the consequences of both a hypothesis and its contradictory and thematizes this structure throughout. I challenge the view of Plato’s so-called ‘method of hypothesis’ as an isolated stage in Plato’s development; instead, the evidence of the Parmenides suggests a family of distinct hypothetical methods, each with its own peculiar (...)
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  34. Plato and Aristotle on The Unhypothetical.Dominic Bailey - 2006 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 30:101-126.
    In the Republic Plato contrasts dialectic with mathematics on the grounds that the former but not the latter gives justifications of some kind for its hypotheses, pursuing this process until it reaches ‘an unhypothetical principle’. But which principles are unhypothetical, and why, is rather dark. One reason for this is the scarcity of forms of that precious word, ‘unhypothetical’ (aνυπoθετος), used only twice by Plato (Rep. 510 b 7, 511 b 6) and just once by Aristotle (Metaph. 1005B14). But that (...)
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  35. Plato’s Theory of Perception.Abduljaleel Kadhim Alwali - 1987 - Aafaq Arabia 12 (12):94-101.
    Plato’s Theory of Perception This research deals with Plato's perceptual theory, as the perceptual theory in Plato's philosophy represents one of the steps of the Plato’s epistemology. Plato divided knowledge into four categories: Sensory knowledge, presumptive knowledge, mathematical knowledge, and rational knowledge. The theory of sensory perception is in the first place, so this research focuses on the statements, the meaning of perception, the senses, the difference between sensation and mind, the topics of sensory perception, and the nature of the (...)
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  36. Owning Virtue: The Meno on Virtue, Knowledge, and True Opinion.Allison Piñeros Glasscock - 2021 - Phronesis 66 (3):249-273.
    At the end of the Meno, Socrates suggests that genuine virtue is knowledge. This is surprising because he has recently concluded that virtue is true opinion. I show that Socrates’ new position is motivated by two commitments. First, that being virtuous requires being responsible for the correctness of one’s actions. Second, that only a knower has this kind of ownership of action. An implication of my argument is that, despite his emphasis on virtuous action in the Meno, Socrates endorses an (...)
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  37. Knowledge and Ignorance of Self in Platonic Philosophy, edited by James M. Ambury and Andy German.D. Muñoz-Hutchinson - 2021 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 15 (1):99-102.
  38. Autoengaño, ambición y arrogancia en el Alcibíades de Platón.Daniel Vázquez - 2016 - In J. M. Roqueñi (ed.), Afectividad y confianza en el conocimiento personal. pp. 13-30.
  39. “H. Benson, Clitophon's Challenge: Dialectic in Plato's Meno, Phaedo, and Republic.”. [REVIEW]Edith Gwendolyn Nally - 2016 - Religious Studies Review 42:205-6.
  40. Theory of Forms: The Construction of Plato and Aristotle’s Criticism.Abduljaleel Alwali - 2002 - Amman, Jordan: Dar Al-Warraq.
    The book "Theory of Forms: The Construction of Plato and Aristotle’s Criticism" focuses on two main aspects, construction and criticism. The constriction of Forms theory is the basis on which Plato built all of his philosophy and which influenced all forms of ideas philosophy that emerged after Plato. The research topic was completed by adding Aristotle's critique of the theory of Forms in order to put a clear picture in front of the reader, which was presented by Plato himself and (...)
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  41. The Principle of Non-Contradiction in Plato’s Republic: an Argument for Form. By Lawrence Bloom.Will Barnes - 2021 - Ancient Philosophy 41 (1):216-220.
  42. Platonism and Naturalism: The Possibility of Philosophy. By Lloyd P. Gerson.Paul Livingston - 2021 - Ancient Philosophy 41 (1):221-231.
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  43. El concepto de Sophrosyne en los diálogos platónicos y su ejemplificación en la figura de Sócrates.Sofía Carreño - 2019 - Synthesis (la Plata) 26 (2):1-10.
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  44. Plato‘s Quincunxes.Alexandre Losev - 2020 - Philosophia: E-Journal for Philosophy and Culture 26:200-209.
    The Five Greatest Kinds discussed in Plato‘s Sophist are taken to be just one instance of a fivefold structure found in various related texts. Contemporary linguistic theories are a source for ideas about its functioning.
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  45. Submitting a Case for Plato's Rejection of Mimetic Poetry as a Rejection of the Mimetic Vocabulary.Marius Hirstad - manuscript
    In book X, Plato's rejection of mimetic poetry can be read as a parallel to rejecting the conventions of the poetic style contemporary to his time. This rejection can, owing to the premises derived and the analyses made in this paper, further be read as to suggest that Plato presses for a reformation of the poetic vocabulary. That is, as to suggest that Plato proposes that the non-rational imagistic tradition, embodied in mimetic poetry, get replaced by a rational and noetic-aspiring (...)
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  46. The Interpretation of Plato, Timaeus 49 D-E.Norman Gulley - 1960 - American Journal of Philology 81 (1):53.
  47. Up and down in Plato's Logic.Richard Robinson - 1963 - American Journal of Philology 84 (3):300.
  48. Plato on the One: The Hypotheses in the Parmenides.Harry Neumann & Robert S. Brumbaugh - 1965 - American Journal of Philology 86 (3):296.
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  49. Plato, epistemology and ethics - (m.) bonazzi, (f.) forcignanò, (A.) ulacco (edd.) Thinking, knowing, acting: Epistemology and ethics in Plato and ancient Platonism. (Brill's Plato studies 3.) pp. VIII + 332. Leiden and boston: Brill, 2019. Cased, €154, us$185. Isbn: 978-90-04-39898-6. [REVIEW]Manuel Knoll - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (2):342-344.
  50. Suggestions On How To Combine The Platonic Forms To Overcome The Interpretative Difficulties Of The Parmenides Dialogue.Gerardo Óscar Matía Cubillo - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 60 (156):157-171.
    This paper provides an original approach to research on the logical processes that determine how certain forms participate in others. By introducing the concept of relational participation, the problems of self-referentiality of the Platonic forms can be dealt with more effectively. Applying this to the forms of likeness and unlikeness in Parmenides 132d-133a reveals a possible way to resolve different versions of the Third Man Argument. The method of generating numbers from oddness and evenness may also be of interest; relational (...)
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