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  1. Deconstructing the Phantom: Duhem and the Scientific Realism Debate.Mateusz Kotowski & Krzysztof Szlachcic - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (4):1453-1475.
    For many decades, Duhem has been considered a paradigmatic instrumentalist, and while some commentators have argued against classifying him in this way, it still seems prevalent as an interpretation of his philosophy of science. Yet such a construal bears scant resemblance to the views presented in his own works—so little, indeed, that it might be said to constitute no more than a mere phantom with respect to his actual thought. In this article, we aim to deconstruct this phantom, tracing the (...)
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  2. Realtà e rappresentazione : alle origini della Théorie physique (scritti 1892-1896).Jean-François Stoffel, Pierre Duhem, Stefano Bordoni & Mirella Fortino - 2022 - Rome, Italie: Aracne.
    Fra il 1892 e il 1896, lo scienziato francese Pierre Duhem pubblicò, nella «Revue des questions scientifiques», sette articoli che, per la prima volta, fecero conoscere la sua concezione della scienza a un pubblico più vasto. L’accoglienza reticente, persino ostile, che è stata loro riservata lo indurrà, già in questo breve lasso di tempo, a fare evolvere la sua concezione. Otto anni dopo sarà pubblicata la sua famosa «Théorie physique : son objet, sa structure», in cui sono integrati molti di (...)
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  3. Introduction à la lecture des célèbres articles duhémiens de la Revue des questions scientifiques (1892-1896).Jean-François Stoffel & Fabio Rodrigo Leite - 2022 - Rome, Italie: Aracne.
    Si la plupart des sept articles que Pierre Duhem fit paraître dans la «Revue des questions scientifiques» entre 1892 et 1896 ont déjà fait l’objet d’excellents commentaires spécifiques, il demeure assez difficile de percevoir ce qui pourrait rendre compte tout à la fois de leur enchaînement, de la grande diversité des thématiques dont ils témoignent, et des évolutions conceptuelles qui s’y manifestent. Constatant que ces articles suscitèrent des critiques aussi vives qu’inattendues, l’auteur du présent volume, destiné à accompagner leur lecture, (...)
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  4. Duhem and Holism.Milena Ivanova - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    The holistic thesis developed by Pierre Duhem challenges the idea that our evidence can conclusively falsify a theory. Given that no scientific theory is tested in isolation, a negative experiment can always be attributed to components other than the theory we test – to the auxiliary hypotheses and background assumptions. How do scientists decide whether the experimental result undermines the theory or points at an error in the underlying assumptions? Duhem argues that we cannot offer a rule that directs when (...)
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  5. Pierre Duhem, Ensaios de filosofia da ciência / tradução, introdução et notas Fábio Rodrigo Leite. [REVIEW]Jean-François Stoffel - 2021 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 118:683.
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  6. Getting to Know the World Scientifically: An Objective View.Paul Needham - 2020 - Cham, Schweiz: Springer.
    This undergraduate textbook introduces some fundamental issues in philosophy of science for students of philosophy and science students. The book is divided into two parts. Part 1 deals with knowledge and values. Chap. 1 presents the classical conception of knowledge as initiated by the ancient Greeks and elaborated during the development of science, introducing the central concepts of truth, belief and justification. Aspects of the quest for objectivity are taken up in the following two chapters. Moral issues are broached in (...)
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  7. Duhem on Good Sense and Theory Pursuit: From Virtue to Social Epistemology.Jamie Shaw - 2020 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 33 (2):67-85.
    ABSTRACT The emerging consensus in the secondary literature on Duhem is that his notion of ‘good sense’ is a virtue of individual scientists that guides them choosie between empirically equal rival theories : 149–159; Ivanova 2010. “Pierre Duhem’s Good Sense as a Guide to Theory Choice.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 41 : 58–64; Fairweather 2011. “The Epistemic Value of Good Sense.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 : 139–146; Bhakthavatsalam. “Duhemian Good (...)
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  8. Natural classification and Pierre Duhem's historical work: Which relationships?Sonia Maria Dion - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 69:34-39.
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  9. Risque et expertise.Alexandre Guay (ed.) - 2018 - Besançon, France: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté.
    Le risque comme l’expertise sont des sujets d’une rare richesse, comme le confirme la vaste littérature sur ces questions. Lorsqu’ils sont croisés, les difficultés que chacun d’entre eux soulève s’en trouvent renforcées. Le présent ouvrage est le produit des sixièmes conférences Pierre Duhem qui avaient pour thème : risque et expertise. Il rassemble les textes originaux de l’économiste Marc Fleurbaey et du philosophe Sven Ove Hansson, ainsi que les échanges qu’ils ont eu avec les commentateurs Mikaël Cozic, Minh Ha-Duong et (...)
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  10. Duhemian good sense and agent reliabilism.Sindhuja Bhakthavatsalam - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 64:22-29.
    Stump argued for a virtue epistemological reading of Duhem's good sense: according to him Duhem advanced good sense as a source of justified beliefs about theory choice and as a mark of the cognitive character of the physicist. Ivanova argues that Duhem proposed good sense as a post hoc explanation of theory choice rather than as a justification of it. I contend that Ivanova’s reading of Duhem is inaccurate and that good sense can indeed be accommodated within virtue epistemology. However (...)
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  11. The rationale behind Pierre Duhem's natural classification.Sindhuja Bhakthavatsalam - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 51:11-21.
  12. Conventionalism about what? Where Duhem and Poincaré part ways.Milena Ivanova - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 54:80-89.
    This paper examines whether, and in what contexts, Duhem’s and Poincaré’s views can be regarded as conventionalist or structural realist. After analysing the three different contexts in which conventionalism is attributed to them – in the context of the aim of science, the underdetermination problem and the epistemological status of certain principles – I show that neither Duhem’s nor Poincaré’s arguments can be regarded as conventionalist. I argue that Duhem and Poincaré offer different solutions to the problem of theory choice, (...)
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  13. Unification as a Measure of Natural Classification.Victor Gijsbers - 2014 - Theoria 29 (1):71-82.
    Recent interest in the idea that there can be scientific understanding without explanation lends new relevance to Duhem's notion of natural classification. According to Duhem, a classification that is natural teaches us something about nature without being explanatory. However, Duhem's conception of naturalness leaves much to be desired. In this paper, I argue that we can measure the naturalness of classification by using an amended version of the notion of unification as defined by Schurz and Lambert. If this thesis is (...)
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  14. Pierre Duhem and the inconsistency between instrumentalism and natural classification.Sonia Maria Dion - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (1):12-19.
    To consider Pierre Duhem’s conception of natural classification as the aim of physical theory, along with his instrumentalist view on its nature, sets up an inconsistency in his philosophy of science which has not yet been solved. This paper argues that to solve it we have to take Duhem on his own terms and that a solution can only be found by interpreting his philosophy as an articulated system which necessarily involves the following connections: 1. The association of natural classification (...)
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  15. Theory Choice, Good Sense and Social Consensus.Milena Ivanova & Cedric Paternotte - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (5):1109-1132.
    There has been a significant interest in the recent literature in developing a solution to the problem of theory choice which is both normative and descriptive, but agent-based rather than rule-based, originating from Pierre Duhem’s notion of ‘good sense’. In this paper we present the properties Duhem attributes to good sense in different contexts, before examining its current reconstructions advanced in the literature and their limitations. We propose an alternative account of good sense, seen as promoting social consensus in science, (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Sobre as relações históricas entre a física e a metafísica na obra de Pierre Duhem.Fábio Rodrigo Leite - 2013 - Scientiae Studia 11 (2):305-331.
  17. The epistemic value of good sense.Abrol Fairweather - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (1):139-146.
  18. ‘Good Sense’ in context: A response to Kidd.Milena Ivanova - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (4):610-612.
    In his response to my, Ian Kidd claims that my argument against Stump’s interpretation of Duhem’s concept of ‘good sense’ is unsound because it ignores an important distinction within virtue epistemology. In light of the distinction between reliabilist and responsibilist virtue epistemology, Kidd argues that Duhem can be seen as supporting the latter, which he further illustrates with a discussion of Duhem’s argument against ‘perfect theory’. I argue that no substantive argument is offered to show that the distinction is relevant (...)
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  19. Pierre Duhem’s Good Sense as a guide to Theory Choice.Milena Ivanova - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 41 (1):58-64.
    This paper examines Duhem’s concept of good sense as an attempt to support a non rule-governed account of rationality in theory choice. Faced with the underdetermination of theory by evidence thesis and the continuity thesis, Duhem tried to account for the ability of scientists to choose theories that continuously grow to a natural classification. I will examine the concept of good sense and the problems that stem from it. I will also present a recent attempt by David Stump to link (...)
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  20. (1 other version)An Interpretation of Pierre Duhem's Philosophy of Science.Robert Lyczek - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (1):69.
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  21. (1 other version)O Pierre'a Duhema realistycznej interpretacji nauki.Robert Łyczek - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (1).
    This paper is an extension of the analysis of the interpretation of Pierre Duhem's philosophy of science presented by Karen Merikangas Darling in the work 'Motivational Realism: The Natural Classification for Pierre Duhem'. There is some textual support for both realist and antirealist reading of Duhem's work. In this study I consider both realistic and antirealistic interpretations and propose some hints for understanding of Pierre Duhem's philosophy of science.
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  22. Pierre Duhem.Roger Ariew - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  23. Comte et Duhem ou la construction d'une optique positive.Michel Blay - 2007 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 197 (4):493-504.
    Après avoir présenté les débats sur la nature de la lumière et corrélativement les critiques de Comte, on s'attache à dégager les principaux éléments dessinant le cadre épistémologique d'une science positive de la lumière. On présente ensuite les enjeux du travail développé par Duhem dans ses Fragments d'un cours d' optique. After having presented the debates on the nature of light and, correlatively Comte's criticisms, the author stresses the main elements delineating the epistemological framework of a positive science of light. (...)
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  24. (1 other version)Essay Review on Pierre Duhem: Mixture and Chemical Combination and Related Essays. [REVIEW]Anastasios Brenner & Robert J. Deltete - 2004 - Foundations of Chemistry 6 (3):203-232.
    The following is an essay review of Paul Needham's translation of Pierre Duhem's Lemixte et la combinaison chimique and a numberof other essays. In this review we describe theintent and general features of Le mixte and try to place it in the larger context of Duhem'sprogram for energetics. The long essay (Essay3) opposing Marcellin Berthelot'sthermochemistry is singled out for detailedcommentary, since it gives Duhem's reasons forendorsing Josiah Willard Gibbs's chemicalstatics. We argue that a chemical mechanics ofa Gibbsian sort, defended in (...)
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  25. (1 other version)De l'importance du phénoménalisme de Pierre Duhem.R. Maiocchi - 2004 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 102 (3):505-512.
  26. Motivational realism: The natural classification for Pierre Duhem.Karen Merikangas Darling - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):1125-1136.
    This paper addresses a central interpretive problem in understanding Pierre Duhem's philosophy of science. The problem arises because there is textual support for both realist and antirealist readings of his work. I argue that his realist and antirealist claims are different. For Duhem, scientific reasoning leads straight to antirealism. But intuition (reasons of the heart) motivates, without justifying, a kind of realism. I develop this idea to suggest a motivational realist interpretation of Duhem's philosophy.
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  27. El convencionalismo en Pierre Duhem y Henri Poincaré.R. Hernández - 2002 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 40 (100):53-62.
  28. Duhem’s theory of mixture in the light of the Stoic challenge to the Aristotelian conception.Paul Needham - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 33 (4):685-708.
    The bulk of Duhem's writing which bears on the understanding of mixtures suggests he adopted an Aristotelian position which he opposed only to the atomic view. A third view from antiquity-that of the Stoics-seems not to be taken into account. But his lines of thought are not always as explicit as could be wished. The Stoic view is considered here from a perspective which Duhem might well have adopted. This provides a background against which his somewhat unorthodox Aristotelianism might be (...)
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  29. Farewell to certitude: Einstein's novelty on induction and deduction, fallibilism.Avshalom M. Adam - 2000 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 31 (1):19-37.
    In the late 19th century great changes in theories of light and electricity were in direct conflict with certitude, the view that scientific knowledge is infallible. What is, then, the epistemic status of scientific theory? To resolve this issue Duhem and Poincaré proposed images of fallible knowledge, Instrumentalism and Conventionalism, respectively. Only in 1919–1922, after Einstein's relativity was published, he offered arguments to support Fallibilism, the view that certainty cannot be achieved in science. Though Einstein did not consider Duhem's Instrumentalism, (...)
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  30. True Science: Apropos a Recent Collection of Duhem's Essays. [REVIEW]Paul Needham - 2000 - Theoria 66 (1):86-96.
    Duhem is perhaps the last active scientist to have produced a philosophi- cal text, and TheAim and Structure of Physical Theory retains its status as one that every textbook writer in the philosophy of science has to take into consideration. Several of Duhem’s other books have since appeared in English translation, but the Essays in the History and Philosophy of Science is the first collection of Duhem’s papers to appear in English. Commentators have oRen pointed out that the roots of (...)
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  31. Pierre Duhem et ses doctorands: Bibliographie de la litterature primaire et secondaire by Jean-Francois Stoffel. [REVIEW]Andre Goddu - 1999 - Isis 90:162-163.
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  32. Duhem's physicalism.Paul Needham - 1998 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 29 (1):33-62.
    Duhem is often described as an anti-realist or instrumentalist. A contrary view has recently been expressed by Martin (1991) (Pierre Duhem: Philosophy and History in the Work of a Believing Physicist (La Salle, IL: Open Court)), who suggests that this interpretation makes it difficult to understand the vantage point from which Duhem argues in La science allemande (1915) that deduction, however impeccable, cannot establish truths unless it begins with truths. In the same spirit, the present paper seeks to establish that (...)
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  33. L'aube Du Savoir: Epitome Du Systeme Du Monde By Pierre Duhem; Anastasios Brenner. [REVIEW]Paul Needham - 1998 - Isis 89:322-323.
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  34. Review of Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem: Essays in the History and Philosophy of Science[REVIEW]Ernan McMullin - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (4):606-609.
  35. (1 other version)Observational Concomitance.Paul Needham - 1997 - In R. Sliwinski and J. Österberg S. Lindström (ed.), Odds and Ends: Philosophical Essays Dedicated to Wlodek Rabinowicz on the occasion of his 50th birthday. pp. 285-298.
  36. (1 other version)Observational Concomitance.Paul Needham - 1997 - In R. Sliwinski and J. Österberg S. Lindström (ed.), Odds and Ends: Philosophical Essays Dedicated to Wlodek Rabinowicz on the occasion of his 50th birthday. pp. 285-298.
  37. Essays in the History and Philosophy of Science by Pierre Duhem; Roger Ariew; Peter Barker. [REVIEW]Warren Schmaus - 1997 - Isis 88:524-525.
  38. Realismus in duhems naturgemässer klassifikationRealism in duhem's natural classification.Alex Burri - 1996 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 27 (2):203-213.
    Realism in Duhem's Natural Classification. Pierre Duhem is an outstanding exponent of empiricism. According to the empiricist view scientific laws and theories merely describe formal relations between observable phenomena. Duhems' important notion of natural classification is intended to explain the predictive success of science. I shall argue that it can only be interpreted realistically. Besides the success of science, two further arguments are put forward in favor of realism: the fact that laws of nature are necessary, and the extension of (...)
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  39. Essays in the History and Philosophy of Science.Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem - 1996 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    "This volume assembles twelve texts published between 1892 and 1915.... The editors allow one to see the genesis of the ideas of Duhem, philosopher and historian, of the variety of his styles, and sometimes also the limits of his work.... A useful index, probably unique in the field of Duhemian studies, completes the book.... The English-language public may be assured an exemplary translation and a reliable critical apparatus." --Jean Gayon, _Revue d'Histoire des Sciences_.
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  40. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | Vol 73, No 3.Ernan McMullin - 1996
  41. Macroscopic objects: An exercise in Duhemian ontology.Paul Needham - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (2):205-224.
    Aristotelian ideas are presented in a favorable light in Duhem's historical works surveying the history of the notion of chemical combination (1902) and the development of mechanics (1903). The importance Duhem was later to ascribe to Aristotelian ideas as reflected in the weight he attached to medieval science is well known. But the Aristotelian influence on his own mature philosophical perspective, and more particularly on his concern for logical coherence and the development of his ontological views, is not generally acknowledged. (...)
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  42. Substitution: Duhem’s Explication of a Chemical Paradigm.Paul Needham - 1996 - Perspectives on Science 4 (4):408-433.
    An exposition of Pierre Duhem’s formulation of the structure of chemical substances as expressed by their formulas is given, presenting it as a development of his essentially Aristotelian view of mixtures. Duhem’s masterly development of the subject displays an eye for logical clarity familiar from his work in thermodynamics but applied here to the extraction of what he regarded as true from the history of chemistry. Though no longer defensible, the account has a conceptual interest in its own right and (...)
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  43. Naturgemässe Klassifikation und Kontinuität Wissenschaft und Geschichte (Natural classification and continuity, science and history. Some reflections on Pierre Duhem).Klaus Petrus - 1996 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 27 (2):307-323.
    Duhem is commonly held to have founded his view of history of science as continuous on the ‘metaphsical assertion’ of natural classification. With the help of a strict distinction between formal and material characterization of natural classification I try to show that this imputation is problematic, if not simply incorrect. My analysis opens alternative perspectives on Duhem's talk of continuity, the ideal form of theories, and the rôle of ‘bon sens’; moreover it emphasizes some aspects of Duhem's realism that play (...)
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  44. Duhems quineska realism.Paul Needham - 1995 - Filosofisk Tidskrift 16:26-40.
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  45. Book Review:German Science Pierre Duhem, John Lyon; Pierre Duhem: Philosophy and History in the Work of a Believing Physicist R. N. Martin. [REVIEW]Hazim Murad - 1994 - Philosophy of Science 61 (2):313-315.
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  46. German Science: Some Reflections on German Science: German Science and German Virtues by Pierre Duhem; John Lyon; Pierre Duhem: Philosophy and History in the Work of a Believing Physicist by R. N. D. Martin. [REVIEW]David Stamp - 1993 - Isis 84:405-406.
  47. The Origins of Statics: The Sources of Physical Theory. Pierre Duhem, Grant F. Leneaux, Victor N. Vagliente, Guy H. Wagener. [REVIEW]Roger Ariew - 1992 - Isis 83 (3):482-482.
  48. Duhem and Continuity in the History of Science.Roger Ariew & Peter Barker - 1992 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 46 (182):323-343.
  49. (1 other version)Is this the physics of a believer-Duhem, Pierre and the autonomy of science.A. Boyer - 1992 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 46 (182):311-322.
  50. To save the phenomena: Duhem on Galileo.Maurice A. Finocchiaro - 1992 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 46 (182):291-310.
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