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About this topic

When many people hear "philosophy of film" they think "philosophy through film." That is, they think of work on the philosophical contributions made by film.  This middle category is home to work that explores the philosophy found in movies and philosophy done in conjunction with a film. It contains both philosophy in film and philosophy through film. The most common approach is that addressing a single film. Less common, some address the philosophy of a filmmaker. And, even less common, some work on the philosophical insights to be had from particular genres of film, such screwball comedy and the western.

Key works The special issue of the Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism on the philosophy of film (Smith & Wartenberg 2006) features several essays exploring the philosophic potential of film.  The exchange between Livingston 1991 and Smuts 2009 provides a good introduction to question, Can film do philosophy? Grau 2005 is an excellent example of philosophy through film.
Introductions Livingston 2010 provides an introduction to the area.

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  1. Love, Death and Life's Summum Bonum: The Before Trilogy as Memento Mori.Anna Christina Ribeiro - manuscript
    I argue that Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, and Before Midnight are best seen as an example of memento mori art. Memento mori, the admonition to remember death, can take many forms, but the idea remains the same, namely that an awareness of our inevitable end should bear on how we live. I show how Richard Linklater’s warning works in each of the movies and argue that with the Before trilogy he makes a Frankfurt-style case that romantic love is life’s summum (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Zombie Philosophy.John Gibson - forthcoming - In E. Comentale & A. Jaffe (eds.), The Year's Work in Zombie Studies. Indiana University Press.
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  3. Anthropocide: An Essay in Green Cultural Criminology.Rafe McGregor - forthcoming - Abingdon: Routledge.
    Through an examination of Alfonso Cuarón’s Children of Men, this book demonstrates the ability of cinematic fictions, and other complex narrative fictions, to contribute to meeting the climate challenge by shaping the desires of audiences. -/- What if there was a single feature film that showed us everything we need to know about climate catastrophe culture? What if that same film also made the philosophies of Slavoj Žižek, Mark Fisher, Francis Fukuyama, and Fredric Jameson accessible? Identifying the climate challenge as (...)
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  4. Thought Without a Thinking Subject; or, Karl Popper as Film-Philosopher.A. Thomas - forthcoming - .
    The most interesting, and problematic, claim made by film-philosophy, for me, is the proposition that film thinks. This claim is interesting because it asserts that film has something philosophical to offer that philosophy itself lacks. It is problematic because we tend to think that where there is thinking, there must be a someone doing that thinking. And whatever film is, it is not a someone. This paper brings Karl Poppers model of objective knowledge what he calls knowledge in the absence (...)
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  5. A Study on Miasma, Purification and the Problem of Evil in Modern Cinema: The Case of the Movie La Jauria (2022) (15th edition).Atilla Akalın & Burcu Yüce Akalın - 2024 - International Journal of Eurasia Social Sciences (Ijoess) 15 (55):406-418.
    In the ancient Greek world, the concept of 'miasma,' which becomes permanent and has the potential to grow over time due to evil acts such as murder committed in the city, is a concept frequently referred to in many classical tragedies. To the extent that miasma has a bad connotation due to its nature and is a situation that occurs due to evil actions, it can be considered together with the philosophical problem of evil. In this study, we aim to (...)
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  6. On Christian Values and Bresson's Forms A Contribution to a Philosophical Legacy of Cinema.Maria Irene Aparicio - 2024 - In Sérgio Dias Branco (ed.), Exploring Film and Christianity. Routledge.
    This chapter focuses on the cinematic representation of Christian values such as faith and love in Robert Bresson's films, Journal d'un curé de campagne (1951) [Diary of a Country Priest] and Les Anges du péché (1943) [Angels of Sin], as connected with the pathos of film characters by a kind of productive montage (Sergei Eisenstein), but also by sublime narratives, i.e., “invisible” movements (Gilles Deleuze). To understand those values and their correlative (im)perceptible movements, the chapter analyzes and discusses film sequences (...)
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  7. An Epistemology of Criminological Cinema.David Grčki & Rafe McGregor - 2024 - Abingdon: Taylor & Francis. Edited by Rafe McGregor.
    Standing at the intersection of criminology and philosophy, this book demonstrates the ways in which mythic movies and television series can provide an understanding of actual crimes and social harms. Taking three social problems as its subjects – capitalist political economy, structural injustice, and racism – the book explores the ways in which David Fincher’s Fight Club (1999), HBO’s Game of Thrones (2011–2019), and Jordan Peele’s Us (2019) offer solutions by reconceiving justice in terms of personal and collective transformation, utopian (...)
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  8. Exploring the Concept of Evil in Japanese Anime: a Multifaceted Perspective.Valentina-Andrada Minea - 2024 - Eon 5 (3):170-183.
    Beyond its captivating narratives and stunning visuals, Japanese anime offers audiences worldwide a unique window into Japan’s rich history, culture, philosophy and values. Within this vast and diverse universe, there exists a recurring and multifaceted thematic exploration — theodicy and the philosophy of ‘evil’. This study aims to comprehensively deconstruct and examine the portrayal of ‘evil’ in Japanese anime emphasizing its substantial relevance within the broader discourse of Japan's soft power. Characters’ behaviors, actions, curses, lability, suffering, natural disasters, wars, natural (...)
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  9. A Critical Companion to David Lynch.Andrew M. Winters (ed.) - 2024 - Lexington Books.
    A Critical Companion to David Lynch builds on the vast debate of one of the most discussed and researched directors of the present era, with commercial and critical success across multiple mediums and genres. This edited volume provides a wide-ranging exploration of Lynch's films, practices, and collaborations, with nineteen original chapters examining themes including narrativity, aesthetics, artistry, sound, experimentation, metafiction, and patriarchy from the disciplinary perspectives of film studies, art studies, gender studies, literary studies, and philosophy. Lynch's entire thought-provoking oeuvre, (...)
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  10. Druk (2020) Movie as an Example of Authentic Way of Being: A Heideggerian Approach.Atilla Akalın - 2023 - Journal of Academic Inquiries 18 (1):207-215.
    Heidegger's philosophical project is generally seen as atheoretical and anti-logical because he remarked on the subjective conditions of knowledge and the everydayness of human behaviors. To him, Dasein's everyday reasoning is coercively and inevitably framed by the present-at-hand modes of understanding. Heidegger alerts us about the possible origins of present-at-hand modes of everyday experience. One of them is Das Man that, is associated with a categorical otherness for Heidegger. It can be regarded as an origin of the primordial scheme of (...)
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  11. L'umano tra tecnica capillare e spirito capitalistico. "Cyberpunk: Edgerunners" di Rafal Jaki.Gianmaria Avellino - 2023 - Fata Morgana Web.
  12. Macchine Empatiche? "Pluto" di Toshio Kawaguchi.Gianmaria Avellino - 2023 - Fata Morgana Web.
  13. Not One Power, But Two: Dark Grounds and Twilit Paradises in Malick.Jussi Backman - 2023 - In Steven Delay (ed.), Life Above the Clouds: Philosophy in the Films of Terrence Malick. State University of New York Press. pp. 127-146.
    "If the previous chapters by Cabrera, Reid and Craig, and Cerbone all accentuate the paradox of existence, that our being-in-the-world is simultaneously beautiful and ugly, good and evil, joyous and painful, Jussi Backman's "Not One Power, But Two: Dark Grounds and Twilit Paradises in Malick" investigates this fundamental ambivalence in terms of Schelling's doctrine of evil, a view that assigns evil (and hence melancholy) a fundamental place as a basic principle of reality. Backman's suggestion at once deepens and complexifies the (...)
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  14. The Sublime and the American Dream in Fargo.Hugo Clemot - 2023 - Television with Stanley Cavell in Mind.
    Chapter 9 of Television With Stanley Cavell In Mind, edited by David LaRocca and Sandra Laugier, University of Exeter Press, 2023, p. 173-190. Can season 1 of the Fargo series provoke philosophical astonishment? In other words, can it raise a suspicion that there may be more going on in the world than meets the eye? And are the things that are really going on behind the scenes likely to nourish a philosophical "meta-narrative" held out to us by the series, i.e. (...)
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  15. "The Godfather, the Son, and World Spirit" in The Godfather and Philosophy.Landon Frim (ed.) - 2023 - Peru, IL: Carus Books.
    The Godfather movies expertly showcase "dialectics" and "historical materialism.".
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  16. Seeing One Another Anew with Godfrey Reggio's Visitors.Eran Guter & Inbal Guter - 2023 - In Craig Fox & Britt Harrison (eds.), Philosophy of Film Without Theory. Palgrave Macmillan.
    Visitors is a hybrid art film fusing photography and music into a complex abstract texture for the attention of the viewer. It is also a requiem for our ‘New Order for the Ages’ in which humanity grows more and more technologically interconnected and communality means being alone together. We argue that Visitors can be experienced as a seeing aid designed to situate the viewer bewilderingly as needing to reacquire the capacity to see human beings as human beings. This is achieved (...)
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  17. Literary Theory and Criminology.Rafe McGregor - 2023 - Abingdon: Routledge.
    Literary Theory and Criminology demonstrates the significance of contemporary literary theory to the discipline of criminology, particularly to those criminologists who are primarily concerned with questions of power, inequality, and harm. Drawing on innovations in philosophical, narrative, cultural, and pulp criminology, it sets out a deconstructive framework as part of a critical criminological critique-praxis. -/- This book comprises eight essays – on globalisation, criminological fiction, poststructuralism, patriarchal political economy, racial capitalism, anthropocidal ecocide, critical theory, and critical praxis – that argue (...)
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  18. Violence Is a Cleansing Force: Frantz Fanon, the Criminological Imagination, and Blade Runner 2049.Rafe McGregor - 2023 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 57 (3):69-86.
    Abstract:Frantz Fanon is best known as the author of two monographs: Black Skin, White Masks (1952), a literary and psychological account of Black experience and anti-Black racism, and The Wretched of the Earth (1961), a political manifesto arguing for the need to respond to colonial oppression with revolutionary violence. His critics contend that the disciplinary division evinces a failure to successfully integrate the psychological with the political, which detracts from his intellectual legacy. In this article, I employ criminologist Jon Frauley’s (...)
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  19. Wanna binge-watch an 18-hour film? Twin Peaks and the psychology of the watching experience.Kristina Šekrst - 2023 - In A. Cichoń & Szymon Wróbel (eds.), Images between Series and Stream. Universitas. pp. 117-131.
    Did you ever wonder why you are sometimes too tired to watch a film, and would rather watch some TV show? And then, you might end up watching five or six hours and binge watch an entire season, and yet feel too tired to commit yourself to a single 2-hour film piece. The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, I will try to investigate whether there are any ontological differences in the form of a film or a television show. (...)
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  20. Entertaining Unhappiness.Sebastian Sunday - 2023 - In Craig Fox & Britt Harrison (eds.), Philosophy of Film Without Theory. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 253–269.
    This essay sets out reflections on happiness that, it is argued, can be drawn from the 2013 film Blue Jasmine. In doing so, it seeks to demonstrate a certain epistemic potential of sound film, specifically, in the present case, a philosophical and psychological potential. It is argued that this kind of potential resides in a filmmaker’s ability to realistically represent aspects of the world that can otherwise rarely, if ever, be experienced so reflectively.
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  21. Amor Fati.Dana Trusso - 2023 - The Agonist : A Nietzsche Circle Journal 17 (1):1-2.
    A deeply personal reckoning with family, mental illness, and suicide, Dana Trusso captures the meaning of Nietzsche's armor fati--to love one's fate--through her surreal imagery and longing to heal intergenerational wounds. Lines are drawn from Lars von Trier's Melancholia, Sonic Youth's Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star, and lines she read from her aunt's journals as a child. -/- The photo is a sculpture of an earth goddess by Jean-Philippe Richard located in the botanical gardens of Èze, France. Nearby (...)
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  22. Love can thaw a frozen heart : the philosophy of love in Disney's Frozen films.Erin Archer - 2022 - In William H. U. Anderson (ed.), Film, philosophy and religion. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
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  23. Sherlock, enquête philosophique?Hugo Clémot - 2022 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 301 (3):69-87.
    Appréciée tant du grand public que de la communauté des « holmésiens », la série télévisée Sherlock de Mark Gatiss et Steven Moffat (BBC, 2010-) est une fidèle adaptation, dans le monde contemporain, des histoires du personnage littéraire humain le plus souvent porté à l’écran. On explique généralement la popularité de l’ami du docteur Watson par le fait qu’il incarnerait le triomphe rassurant de la raison scientifique sur le désordre social engendré par la criminalité. Au-delà d’autres qualités du show, ce (...)
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  24. "The Prequel vs Free Will" in Better Call Saul and Philosophy.Landon Frim (ed.) - 2022
    "Better Call Saul" is used to debunk 3 powerful myths about "Free Will" and "Determinism.".
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  25. A Grammar in Two Dimensions: The Temporal Mechanics of Arrival and the Semantics/Pragmatics Divide.A. G. Holdier - 2022 - Journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy 5.
    Within the philosophy of language, contextualists typically hold (and semantic minimalists deny) that pragmatic elements of an utterance can affect its semantic content. This paper concretizes this debate by analogizing both positions to different kinds of time-travel stories: contextualism is akin to Ludovician narratives that deny the possibility of temporal editing (or “the changing of past events”) while semantic minimalism is aligned with stories that allow the past to be literally altered. By focusing particularly on Denis Villeneuve’s 2016 film Arrival, (...)
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  26. Appealing, Appalling: Morality and Revenge in I Spit on Your Grave (2010).Steve Jones - 2022 - Quarterly Review of Film and Video:1-25.
    Despite being a prevalent theme in popular cinema, revenge has received little dedicated attention within film studies. The majority of research concerning the concept of revenge is located within moral philosophy, but that body of literature has been overlooked by film studies scholars. Philosophers routinely draw on filmic examples to illustrate their discussions of revenge, but those interpretations are commonly hindered by their authors’ inexperience with film studies’ analytical methods. This article seeks to bridge those gaps. The 2010 remake of (...)
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  27. The Bending World, a Bent World: Supernatural Power and Its Political Implications.Yao Lin - 2022 - In Helen De Cruz & Johan De Smedt (eds.), Avatar: The Last Airbender and Philosophy: Wisdom From Aang to Zuko. Wiley-Blackwell.
    In the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA) and The Legend of Korra (LOK) —let’s call it the Bending World—some people (“benders”) are endowed with telekinetic superpowers to maneuver surrounding objects without physical interaction, by mentally steering (“bending”) one of the four classical “elements of nature” composing the objects: air, fire, water, and earth. Perhaps, in a world where the fundamental laws of nature are radically different from those of our world, the fundamental conditions and manifestations of politics should (...)
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  28. Introduction to the Special Issue on Caste and Cinema.Arijeet Mandal - 2022 - All About Ambedkar: A Journal on Theory and Praxis 3 (1):1-39.
    The following Introduction briefly traces, albeit in jarring cuts, the evolution of caste question and its relationship with Indian cinema. It also tries to point out some aspects of Indian film theory, its lacunae and hopes that some of the questions raised here may give rise to future works by other (better) theorists. Pre-Independence cinema in India rarely addressed caste question, and if it did, then it was through an abstract global humanist lens. This tendency to address caste through a (...)
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  29. Fight Club as Philosophy: I am Jack’s Existential Struggle.Alberto Oya - 2022 - In David Kyle Johnson (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 1217-1234.
    The aim of this chapter is to analyze the movie Fight Club, directed by David Fincher, written by Jim Uhls, and first released in the fall of 1999. The movie is based on the homonym novel by Chuck Palahniuk, published in 1996. I will argue that Fight Club is to be understood in primarily existentialist, nonethical, and nonevidential terms, showing the struggle felt by each and every one of us to find a convincing answer to the question of what (if (...)
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  30. Rebecca A. Sheehan (2020) American Avant-Garde Cinema's Philosophy of the In-Between.Giulia Rho - 2022 - Film-Philosophy 26 (1):98-101.
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  31. Nietzsche in Hollywood: Images of the Übermensch in Early American Cinema.Matthew Rukgaber - 2022 - Albany, NY, USA: State University of New York Press.
    ISBN 978-1-4384-9027-4 Argues that Nietzsche’s idea of the Übermensch was a central concern of filmmakers in the 1920s and 1930s. -/- Nietzsche in Hollywood offers a compelling and startling history of Hollywood film in which the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and his idea of the Übermensch looms large. Though Nietzsche’s philosophy was attacked as egoistic and a sociopathic version of Darwinism in films from the 1910s, it undergoes a series of cinematic and philosophical transformations in the 1920s and 1930s under (...)
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  32. Scorsese and Plato : a philosophical method for cinematic analysis and discovering divine revelation.Matthew Small - 2022 - In William H. U. Anderson (ed.), Film, philosophy and religion. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
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  33. Noël Carroll, "Philosophy and the Moving Image.". [REVIEW]Clotilde Torregrossa - 2022 - Philosophy in Review 42 (4):4-7.
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  34. Time in Cinema and Modern Art: Reflections Inspired by Farshad Zahedi and Francisco Jiménez Alcarria’s The Petrified Object And The Poetics Of Time In Cinema.Susana Viegas - 2022 - Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts 2 (14):125-129.
    Inspired by Farshad Zahedi’s audiovisual essay The Petrified Object and the Poetics of Time in Cinema, this article briefly presents three philosophical approaches to cinema’s ways of expressing time – as articulated by Bergson, Tarkovsky, and Deleuze – and questions how absolute time and chronological time are brought to a state of crisis by this modern form of art.
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  35. Cinema e o Sonho Implicado: Uma leitura Deleuziana.Susana Viegas - 2022 - Rebeca, Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Cinema E Audiovisual 11 (21):203-219.
    The Deleuzian studies on cinema highlight the importance of two semiotic regimes (movement-image and time-image) for the understanding of our aesthetical and epistemological relationship with moving images. On the contrary, this article highlights the moments of crisis between the two regimes, pointing out the generic character of uncertainty and ambiguity in the nature of mental images: once the sensorimotor scheme that dominates the cinematographic montage has been weakened, the characters, unable to act, can imagine, desire, dream, hallucinate, and remember. New (...)
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  36. Rupert Read (2019) A Film-Philosophy of Ecology and Enlightenment.Rong Wan - 2022 - Film-Philosophy 26 (1):86-89.
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  37. Kierkegaard’s Three Spheres and Cinematic Fairy Tale Pedagogy in 'Frozen,' 'Moana,' and 'Tangled'.A. G. Holdier - 2021 - Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 33 (2):105–119.
    Although Disney films are sometimes denigrated as popular or “low” art forms, this article argues that they often engage deeply with, and thereby communicate, significant moral truths. The capitalistic enterprise of contemporary modern cinema demands that cinematic moral pedagogy be sublimated into non-partisan forms, often by substituting secular proxies for otherwise divine or spiritual components. By adapting Søren Kierkegaard’s tripartite existential anthropology of the self, I analyze the subjective experiences of the protagonists in three recent animated fairy tales—Disney’s Frozen, Moana, (...)
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  38. “Teach Me To Do What’s Right”: Faith, Hope, and Love as Post-Religious Virtues.A. G. Holdier - 2021 - Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 20 (3).
    According to Thomas Aquinas, what distinguishes the theological from the cardinal virtues is the nature of their object: the latter aim at the natural excellence of humans, while the former direct us beyond ourselves to focus on the Divine. This paper considers the cinematic work of Drew Goddard — in particular, his 2018 film _Bad Times at the El Royale_ — as a post-religious response to Aquinas, insofar as it retains and re-presents Faith, Hope, and Love as valuable elements of (...)
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  39. Is Alex Redeemable? "A Clockwork Orange" as a Philosophical-Literary Platonic Fable.Jones Irwin - 2021 - Journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy 4:1-10.
    This essay explores the philosophical significance of Anthony Burgess’s 1960s novel "A Clockwork Orange." Specific themes in this novel are developed through character and situation, in a way which takes cognisance of important problems in the history of philosophy. The essay looks at two particular themes in this context. The first relates to the epistemological question of the distinction between truth and illusion. The novel thematizes the demarcation between truth and illusion, or truth and appearance, and raises the issue of (...)
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  40. If Nancy Doesn’t Wake Up Screaming: The Elm Street Series as Recurring Nightmare.Steve Jones - 2021 - In Mark McKenna & William Proctor (eds.), Horror Franchise Cinema. Routledge. pp. 81-93.
    Long-running horror series are reputed to yield diminishing returns (both in terms of profit and quality). At first glance, the A Nightmare on Elm Street series appears to fit that established pattern. For instance, lead antagonist Freddy supposedly ‘deteriorates’ from sinister, backlit child molester to comic-book ‘Las Vegas lounge’ stand-up act by the end of the 1980s (Schoell and Spencer 1992, 116). However, interviews from the period indicate that comedy was a central component from the outset of the series; it (...)
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  41. Philosophy Through Film, 4th edition.Amy Karofsky & Mary M. Litch - 2021 - Routledge.
    Some of the world’s best-loved films can be used as springboards for examining enduring philosophical questions. Philosophy Through Film provides guidance on how to watch films with an eye for their philosophical content, helping students become familiar with key topics in all of the major areas in Western philosophy, and helping them to master the techniques of philosophical argumentation. -/- The perfect size and scope for a first course in philosophy, Philosophy Through Film assumes no prior knowledge of philosophy. It (...)
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  42. Becoming a Victim.Marguerite La Caze - 2021 - Philosophy Today 65 (4):899-916.
    Euzhan Palcy’s film A Dry White Season, set in apartheid South Africa, portrays a resistance not intended to lead to victimhood, yet leads to the death of the Afrikaans protagonist, Benjamin Du Toit. The narrative follows Ben as they are educated about Black South Africans’ suffering under apartheid, their growing activism and simultaneous increasing victimization beside that of their Black friends. I first examine how early political critics of the film thought it stressed the victimization of the white character at (...)
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  43. Philosophers on Film: Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight.Hans Maes & Katrien Schaubroeck (eds.) - 2021 - Routledge.
    Richard Linklater’s celebrated Before trilogy chronicles the love of Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Céline (Julie Delpy) who first meet up in Before Sunrise, later reconnect in Before Sunset and finally experience a fall-out in Before Midnight. Not only do these films present storylines and dilemmas that invite philosophical discussion, but philosophical discussion itself is at the very heart of the trilogy. This book, containing specially commissioned chapters by a roster of international contributors, explores the many philosophical themes that feature so (...)
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  44. Transformational Ethics of Film: Thinking the Cinemakeover in the Film-Philosophy Debate.Martin P. Rossouw - 2021 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    Charting new routes for film ethics, _Transformational Ethics of Film_ develops a critical account of the ethics of personal transformation at work within the ‘film as philosophy’ debate.
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  45. Christina Rawls, Diana Neiva, and Steven S. Gouveia (eds.) (2019) Philosophy and Film: Bridging Divides.Eddy Troy - 2021 - Film-Philosophy 25 (3):390-392.
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  46. Introduction: The Leftovers, Philosophy and Popular Culture.Susana Viegas - 2021 - Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 13 (13):7-20.
  47. Aguirre, Caché, and Creating Anti-Colonialist Puzzles: A Normative Perspective.Yusuf Yuksekdag - 2021 - In Handbook of Research on Contemporary Approaches to Orientalism in Media and Beyond. Hershey, PA, USA: pp. 165-180.
    This chapter explores the anti-colonial narrative potential of certain works of cinema taking Aguirre, the Wrath of God and Caché as a case in point. To do so, this chapter first and mainly draws upon the theoretical and normative lens put forward by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak on the representation of the colonized other and her resulting political and intellectual call for self-reflection on one's privileged Western intellectual positioning. This lens has many normative implications for the ways in which the colonized (...)
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  48. When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth: The Horror of Being Prey and Forgetting Nature, Yet Again, in Jurassic Park and Jurassic World.Eric Godoy - 2020 - In Jonathan Beever (ed.), Philosophy, Film, and the Dark Side of Interdependence. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 141-155.
    We constantly forget our interdependence with nature as we lose track of what “natural” means. Consider especially the American nostalgia for an imagined past believed to be lost; a past in which our relationship with nature was more authentic, more natural. Yet, as I argue below, such a past never really existed. The scary thing is, so long as that nostalgia guides our desire for a return to a “proper” relationship with nature, we’re bound to be misguided and forget again (...)
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  49. Chile 1988: Trauma and Resistance in Pablo Larrain's No (2012).Marguerite La Caze - 2020 - In Amy L. Hubbell, Natsuko Akagawa, Sol Rojas-Lizana & Annie Pohlman (eds.), Places of Traumatic Memory: A Global Context. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 285-307.
    No presents the television campaign for the 1988 plebiscite on whether the Pinochet regime should stay as the government for eight more years (‘Yes’) or hold democratic elections (‘No’). The ‘No’ campaign uses the Aristotelian idea that happiness is an intrinsic value and thus the best concept to galvanise a traumatised nation in favour of change. My paper examines the film’s presentation of how a response to the trauma of the regime becomes transformed into resistance through the idea of a (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Realism as resistance.Marguerite La Caze - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (5):156-170.
    This paper explores the potential of realist cinema to portray resistance to oppression and restrictions on people’s lives. Wadjda presents a special case in world cinema in being made in Sa...
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