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  1. What Philosophers say about Philosophy.Ulrich De Balbian - manuscript
    Hundreds of short, one sentence descriptions of what famous philosophers say philosophy is or is about. Useful for children, pupils, interested in philosophy.
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  2. Chiasmic Reflection And Confirmation.Ron C. de Weijze - manuscript
    Epistemological monism and ontological dualism, closely parallel philological Postmodernism and philosophical Modernism. As Social Constructionism seems to be a product of Postmodernism from which roots one of its founders, John Shotter now "backs away", "the edge" brings it closer to Modernism. A model is suggested to describe and explain living chiasmic relations on the edge both in monistic and in dualistic terms.
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  3. Could Sensation be a Bodily Act?Steven M. Duncan - manuscript
    Hylomorphists claim that sensation is a bodily act. In this essay, I attempt to make sense of this notion but conclude that sensation is not a bodily act, but a mental one occurring in an intentional field of awareness.
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  4. (1 other version)Defense of Rawls: A Reply to Brock.Paul Fryfogle - manuscript
    Cosmopolitans like Gillian Brock, Charles Beitz, and Thomas Pogge argue that the principles of justice selected and arranged in lexical priority in Rawls’ first original position would—and should for the same reasons as in the first—also be selected in Rawls’ second original position. After all, the argument goes, what reasons other than morally arbitrary ones do we have for selecting a second set of principles? A different, though undoubtedly related, point of contention is the cosmopolitan charge that Rawls fails to (...)
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  5. Bridging the Philosophical Gap Between East and West.Jorge J. E. Gracia - manuscript
    This article claims that communication within the same culture in the present and with the past and communication across cultures pose serious methodological challenges for philosophers. These challenges are particularly obvious when we engage in comparative philosophy between East and West. However, if (1) we understand philosophy as a discipline involved in problem solving, and (2) we use the Framework Approach advocated in this article, such communication does not seem impossible. Of course, this approach may not help us with the (...)
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  6. Antropologia Filosófica.Victor Mota - manuscript
    Philosophical Anthropology treatie in portuguese language.
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  7. Reception of Medieval Arabic Literature of Imaginative Socrates’ Political Teachings.Mostafa Younesie - manuscript
    Usually thoughts are not in isolation but in varing degrees have interrelations with each other. With regard to this historical fact as a classist want to explore the reception of a few medieval Arabic texts and writers of Socrates available teachings about politics.
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  8. History and Philosophy of Materialism.John Symons & Charles Wolfe (eds.) - forthcoming - Routledge.
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  9. The Chicago Years (1936-1951).Adam Tamas Tuboly - forthcoming - In Christian Dambock & Georg Schiemer (eds.), Rudolf Carnap Handbuch. Metzler Verlag.
  10. (1 other version)The Warsaw School of Logic: Main Pillars, Ideas, Significance.Wybraniec-Skardowska Urszula - forthcoming - Studia:1-11.
    The Warsaw School of Logic (WSL) was the famous branch of the Lvov-Warsaw School (LWS) – the most important movement in the history of Polish philosophy. Logic made the most important field in the activities of the WSL. The aim of this work is to highlight the role and significance of the WSL in the history of logic in the 20th century.
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  11. What is 'Western Philosophy'? Lessons from the Case of 'Analytic Philosophy'.Peter West & Matyáš Moravec - forthcoming - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy.
    Recent discussions in the history of analytic philosophy have targeted questions about the concept of ‘Analytic Philosophy’ itself. Scholars, such as Glock (2008) and Preston (2004), have argued that ‘Analytic Philosophy’ cannot plausibly be characterised in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions and that other, more pragmatic, approaches must be taken instead. In this paper, we argue that similar questions that have recently emerged about the status of ‘Western Philosophy’ can be informed by these debates in the history of analytic (...)
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  12. 1909—1924年德语世界对中国哲学史的书写 [The Historiography of Chinese Philosophy in the German-speaking World from 1909–1924].David Bartosch & Bei Peng - 2024 - Jianghai Xuekan 江海学刊 Jianghai Academic Journal 350 (2):39–47.
    20世纪初是德语世界正式出版关于中国哲学史著作的起点。1909—1924年之间德语世界出版了若干关于中国哲学史的论文和专著,通过调查作者们的教育背景和研究成果,以及其代表作的写作背景、内容框架及其影响 ,可以勾勒出这一时期德语学界中国哲学研究的概况。从分析当时德语学界对中国哲学的认识范围和中国哲学史框架构建的一般情况,可以看出欧洲对中国哲学和哲学史研究的一些核心问题所在。前现代中国哲学史在德语地区接 纳和传播的过程与方式,这一至今德国与中国学界尚未涉足的空白领域,值得研究并填补。[The beginning of the twentieth century was the starting point for the production of works on the history of Chinese philosophy in the German-speaking world. Between 1909 and 1924, a number of essays and monographs on the history of Chinese philosophy were published in the German-speaking contexts, and by investigating the educational backgrounds and research results of the authors, as well as the backgrounds of the authors, the frameworks for presenting the content, and the influence of these works, an overview (...)
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  13. The (Bitter) Nectar of the Knowledge of Reality: Madhyamakahṛdayakārikā 3.129cd-136 and Tarkajvālā on the Unconditioned Entities (asaṃskṛta).Krishna Del Toso - 2024 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 52 (4):279-327.
    This article provides an annotated English translation and edition of the Sanskrit and Tibetan texts of Bhāviveka’s (490/500-570) _Madhyamakahṛdayakārikā_ 3.129cd-136 and of the Tibetan text of the _Tarkajvālā_ thereon, which focus on the discussion of unconditioned entities (_asaṃskṛta_). The study is accompanied by an introduction that outlines the general themes of the third chapter, the specific topics within the examined section and various problematic aspects found in the _Tarkajvālā_ exposition of Buddhist (Vaibhāṣika, Yogācāra) and non-Buddhist (Vaiśeṣika, Jain) doctrines and philosophies. (...)
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  14. Remarks in Panel Discussion at Academia Sinica’s “Language and Practice in East Asian Thought” Conference.Harvey Lederman - 2024 - Newsletter of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 34 (1):117-120. Translated by Chi-Keung Cheung.
    Remarks on method in the history of Chinese philosophy for analytic philosophy. (Published in a Chinese Translation.).
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  15. Transcendental Pessimism.Ignacio L. Moya - 2024 - The Philosopher 112 (1):73-77.
    I provide an overview of the differences between psychological pessimism and philosophical pessimism. Based on a historic reading of the original 19th century German pessimist philosophers I provide a definition of what I call "transcendental pessimism" and sketch some of the reasons why it is different from other pessimist perspectives such as anti-natalism.
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  16. BAB 1: RENCANA YANG SEMPURNA.Quan-Hoang Vuong & Sari N. P. W. P. - 2024 - The Kingfisher Story Collection (Indonesian Translation). Translated by Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari.
    Pekakak adalah salah satu tokoh yang memiliki pengetahuan mendalam dan perencanaan yang cermat. Saat fajar menyingsing, ia terlihat bertengger di atas pohon. Dengan kemampuan sempurna untuk mengontrol kecepatan penerbangan miliknya, seperti kapan harus memperlambat atau mempercepat, dia dapat dengan mudah menghitung cara optimal untuk menangkap ikan.
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  17. BAB 3: WARISAN KELUARGA.Quan-Hoang Vuong & Sari Ni Putu Wulan Purnama - 2024 - The Kingfisher Story Collection (Indonesian Translation).
    Akhir-akhir ini, komunitas burung dilanda kegelisahan akibat kedatangan beberapa Pelikan yang aneh. Orang-orang ini di sini untuk mencari nafkah. Hanya tiga orang, tapi ini adalah kelompok pekerja keras, memangsa ikan dari pagi hingga tengah malam. Melihat ini, Tuan Pekakak merasa kesemutan dan memutuskan untuk mengadakan suatu pertemuan komunitas saat malam. Untuk menghormatinya, burung-burung, kecuali Nona Bangau, menghilangkan rasa kantuk mereka dan hadir. Pada pertemuan itu, Pekakak meminta semua orang untuk mencela Pelikan dan menyimpulkan bahwa mereka sulit diatur sehingga para penyusup (...)
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  18. BAB 2: RINGAN DAN BEBAS.Quan-Hoang Vuong & Sari Ni Putu Wulan Purnama - 2024 - The Kingfisher Story Collection (Indonesian Translation).
    Akhir-akhir ini, memperhatikan bahwa Pekakak sangat pendiam dan sering tersesat dalam pikirannya, Cuckoo memutuskan untuk mengunjunginya. Cuckoo berkata: – Cuacanya bagus hari ini, Tuan, sebaiknya ikut saya ke ladang. Musim panen sudah dekat; ladang ramai dengan kegembiraan dan kawanan burung. Pak, jika Anda pergi, Anda mungkin melihat sesuatu yang menarik.
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  19. The Making of Shia Ayatollahs.Sayed Hassan Akhlaq - 2023 - Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
    The Making of Shia Ayatollahs offers both insider and outsider views of how a scholar becomes an Ayatollah in Shia Islam, how ayatollahs suggest diverse perspectives on faith, and how the grand ayatollahs are recognized by a balance of many factors including piety, scholarship, popularity and networking. This book consists of two parts. The first begins with the core value of knowledge in Islam and the Ulama’s interpretation of jurisprudence and the subjects, values, and methodology they have developed and are (...)
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  20. The Canvas of Science Education.Abhijeet Bardapurkar - 2023 - Contemporary Education Dialogue 20 (2):321–330.
    The canvas of science education needs to be viewed in its totality to prevent the confounding of some basic issues and to enable us to evaluate the fads and fashions in educational practice. Policies and processes in education are tacitly shaped by theories in the humanities and social sciences. Inadequate understanding of these theories, or the lack of attention to uncalled-for implications of their practical import, takes education in undesirable directions. To be a good science teacher has never been easy. (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Cumhuriyetimizin 100. Yılında 100 Felsefecimiz.Nihat Durmaz (ed.) - 2023 - Ankara: Nobel.
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  22. (1 other version)Cumhuriyetimizin 100. Yılında 100 Felsefecimiz Cilt 2.Nihat Durmaz (ed.) - 2023 - Ankara: Nobel.
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  23. The American Founding Documents and Democratic Social Change: A Constructivist Grounded Theory.A. I. Forde & Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Dissertation, Walden University
    Existing social disparities in the United States are inconsistent with the promise of democracy; therefore, there was a need for critical conceptualization of the first principles that undergird American democracy and the genesis of democratic social change in America. This constructivist grounded theory study aimed to construct a grounded theory that provides an understanding of the process of American democratic social change as it emerged from the nation’s founding documents. A post hoc polytheoretical framework including Foucault’s, Bourdieu’s, and Marx and (...)
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  24. Was Günter Grass's Rat Right? Should Terrestrial Life Welcome the End of Humans?Arran Gare - 2023 - Borderless Philosophy 6 (1):32-76.
    The development of AI appears to be not only rendering humans obsolete, but in being empowered could decide that humans should be eliminated for the benefit of life and the conditions for its own future. Given the behaviour of humans, this could be seen as a relief to the rest of terrestrial life, as Günter Grass suggested in his novel, The Rat. While there are many reasons to support this contention, in this paper I argue that humans do have the (...)
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  25. The Merchants of Heavenly Grace: On Academic Publication and Cultural Difference.John T. Giordano - 2023 - Meθexis Journal of Research in Values and Spirituality 3 (2):84-101.
    The increasing standardization, specialisation and monetarization of academic publishing is designed to foster quality in research and expression. But these tendencies also pose serious challenges to the expression of cultural difference, particularly with regard to philosophy and religious studies. Scholars from various cultural backgrounds outside of mainstream universities often find themselves marginalised when the quality of their work is judged through the metrics of mainstream academic publishing. Smaller journals which give a forum to local research are gradually disappearing or becoming (...)
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  26. The human-made aspect of disasters. A philosophical perspective from Japan.Romaric Jannel, Laÿna Droz & Takahiro Fuke - 2023 - Filosofia Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto 39 (2022):147-172.
    What is a disaster? This paper explores the different hermeneutic levels that need to be taken into consideration when approaching this question through the case of Japan. Instead of a view of disasters as spatiotemporal events, we approach disasters from the perspective of the milieu. First, based on the Japanese «dictionaries of disasters», the Japanese vocabulary of disaster is described. Second, this paper reviews briefly the Japanese interdisciplinary disaster-management tradition. To highlight the human-made aspect of disasters, the idea of fūdo (...)
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  27. The end of the Western Civilization? The Intellectual Journey of Humanity to Adulthood.Hippokratis Kiaris - 2023 - Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press.
    Civilizations can be perceived as living human beings that are born, mature, age, and ultimately die and disappear, passing their legacy to the future generations. These transitions may be projected to the different stages of cognitive development of children. The Western Civilization, which embodies our current state of cultural advancement from the Classic Greek to the modern period, can be paralleled by the gradual transitions of human beings toward adulthood. From this perspective, the ancient Greek era resembles the toddler years (...)
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  28. Educación, fraternidad y sociedad. La evocación de Simón Rodríguez en la narrativa y ensayística de Arturo Uslar Pietri.Lino Latella-Calderón - 2023 - Clio 3 (6):127-139.
    Al penetrar en el tiempo histórico y en la figura de Simón Rodríguez, Arturo Uslar Pietri esboza una explicación del problema originario de la identidad de América; su conflicto consigo misma, las trampas de la libertad, las dificultades dramáticas con las que tropieza el proyecto civilizatorio de la América republicana. Esta visión conflictiva de lo americano aparece prefigurada magistralmente en la propia vida del hombre Simón Rodríguez, por la desmesura de su figura, tanto intelectual como humana, por encarnar de la (...)
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  29. Naming Names: A Deep Dive into Saul Kripke’s Philosophy.Nathan Salmón & Charles Carlini - 2023 - Simply Charly.
    Charles Carlini interviews Nathan Salmón about the philosophical work of his mentor and friend, the late Saul Kripke, one of the foremost philosophers of the 20th Century.
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  30. Review of Christine J. Winter: Subjects of Intergenerational Justice: Indigenous Philosophy, the Environment and Relationships[REVIEW]Jorge Sanchez-Perez - 2023 - Ethics 134 (2):326-331.
  31. Five Classical Elements of Creation - Religious Perspectives.Devinder Pal Singh - 2023 - The Sikh Review, Kolkata, WB, India 71 (1):34-38.
    The five classical elements of creation are also known as Panch Tattva or the basic elements of life. Within these, and through these, life has prevailed and evolved. Although various religious philosophies differ in many details, they emphasize the fundamental unity of the universe through recognizing these elements as the basis of creation. Thus, Panch Tattva's knowledge helps us transcend the notion of an isolated individual self and identify ourselves with the ultimate reality.
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  32. Honor Ethics: The Challenge of Globalizing Value Alignment in AI.Stephen Tze-Inn Wu, Dan Demetriou & Rudwan Ali Husain - 2023 - 2023 Acm Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (Facct '23), June 12-15, 2023.
    Some researchers have recognized that privileged communities dominate the discourse on AI Ethics, and other voices need to be heard. As such, we identify the current ethics milieu as arising from WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic) contexts, and aim to expand the discussion to non-WEIRD global communities, who are also stakeholders in global sociotechnical systems. We argue that accounting for honor, along with its values and related concepts, would better approximate a global ethical perspective. This complex concept already underlies (...)
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  33. Ömer Naci Soykan.Alper Yavuz - 2023 - In Nihat Durmaz (ed.), Cumhuriyetimizin 100. Yılında 100 Felsefecimiz Cilt 2. Ankara: Nobel. pp. 169-181.
    Bu yazıda Ömer Naci Soykan'ın felsefesi üç farklı çalışması üzerinden değerlendirilmektedir.
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  34. Multitude of Response to the Problem of Evil.Ishmam Mohammad Adnan - 2022 - Journal of Islamic Studies 2 (1):1-3.
    This paper attempts to deconstruct and undercut the so-called problem of evil from a multitude of perspective. It patches works of scholars from both Christian and Muslim traditions to give the response anyone needs. It also highlights the vagueness of atheism.
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  35. Escape from the Cold War Mindset to Set Up a Post-Cold War History of Philosophy.Ferry Hidayat - 2022 - Proceeding of 10Th International Conference on Nusantara Philosophy (Icnp).
    In the pre-Independence era, our republic founders held the Cold War mindset strongly. Consequently, the Indonesian republic proclaimed in 1945 was based on a Cold War mindset; our state philosophy (Pancasila) and the Constitution (UUD '45) were understood and construed on the Cold War discourse basis; and binary oppositions of capitalism-socialism and liberalism-communism since then have been created. Up to the 2020s, the Cold War mindset has still been held by public intellectuals and the binary oppositions have still been rampant (...)
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  36. La logica che è pensieroIl pensiero che è logicaE la vita che è altro.Alessandro Pizzo - 2022 - Filosofiaenuovisentieri 1.
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  37. Cuerpos-territorios de las mujeres mapuce. Testimonios de opresión y de resistencia.Cintia Rodríguez Garat - 2022 - Universidad Nacional de Quilmes: Unidad de Publicaciones en Ciencias Sociales.
    Todas las prácticas ancestrales relacionadas con el parto y la maternidad tienen para las comunidades mapuce un profundo anclaje cultural. ¿Qué sucede cuando la mujer mapuce va a parir a un hospital público del sistema de salud hegemónico? ¿Se respeta su cosmovisión? ¿Se valoran sus saberes? ¿Se la escucha? En este libro, Cintia Rodríguez Garat aborda la atención sanitaria de parto de las mujeres mapuce en la localidad de Las Coloradas, provincia del Neuquén, y se pregunta si en esta práctica (...)
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  38. Altruism or the Other as the Essence of Existence: A Philosophical Passage to Being Altruistic.Iraklis Ioannidis - 2021 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    Ioannidis relies on existential and feminist psychoanalysis to provide a radical and intertextual philosophical analysis of altruism. Following Nietzsche, he traces altruism to the phenomenon of giving one’s word.
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  39. Political Theology Without Religion.Zachary Isrow - 2021 - Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies 3 (1):24-31.
    There is a constant tension that exists within each individual. This is the struggle between the hidden ideologies and fixed ideas which enslave the individual and the need to rid themselves of them. It is through these that implicit religion forms. We require, in order to counteract this, a new theology, a secular theology – one which emphasizes the individual. In order to bring about a new theology, it is necessary to reconsider the philosophies of Adam Weishaupt, Louis Althusser, and (...)
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  40. Residência Institucional no Instituto de Estudos Filosóficos da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra.Robert Junqueira - 2021 - Dissertation, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
    Num primeiro momento, por forma a dar palco ao espetáculo dos números e ocasionar a realidade de um módico exemplo daquilo que pode ser um exercício de compilação de dados, ensaiamos uma análise de benchmarking. Num segundo momento, aquilo que se pretendeu foi fixar a memória do Instituto que nos recebeu (doravante referido como IEF) e resgatar episódios relativos à sua constituição; isto, devemo-lo sobretudo a António Manuel Martins. Como resultado, veio a lume uma lacónica narração que permitirá uma leitura (...)
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  41. Topology of Balasaguni's Kutadgu Bilig. Thinking the Between.Onur Karamercan - 2021 - In Takeshi Morisato & Roman Pașca (eds.), Vanishing Subjectivity: Flower, Shame, and Direct Cultivation in Asian PhilosophiesAsian Philosophical Texts, no. 3. pp. 69-97.
    In “Topology of Balasaguni’s Kutadgu Bilig: Thinking the Between,” Onur Karamercan focuses on the philosophical dimension of Kutadgu Bilig, a poetic work of Yūsuf Balasaguni, an 11th century Central Asian thinker, poet, and statesman. Karamercan pays special attention to the meaning of betweenness and, in the first step of his argument, discusses the hermeneutic and topological implications of the between, distingushing the dynamic sense of betweenness from a static sense of in-betweenness. He then moves on to analyze Balasaguni’s notion of (...)
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  42. The politics of knowledge in inclusive development and innovation.David Ludwig, Birgit Boogaard, Phil Macnaghten & Cees Leeuwis (eds.) - 2021 - Routledge.
    This book develops an integrated perspective on the practices and politics of making knowledge work in inclusive development and innovation. While debates about development and innovation commonly appeal to the authority of academic researchers, many current approaches emphasize the plurality of actors with relevant expertise for addressing livelihood challenges. Adopting an action-oriented and reflexive approach, this volume explores the variety of ways in which knowledge works, paying particular attention to dilemmas and controversies. The six parts of the book address the (...)
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  43. The analytic-continental divide in philosophical practice: An empirical study.Moti Mizrahi & Mike Dickinson - 2021 - Metaphilosophy 52 (5):668-680.
    Philosophy is often divided into two traditions: analytic and continental philosophy. Characterizing the analytic-continental divide, however, is no easy task. Some philosophers explain the divide in terms of the place of argument in these traditions. This raises the following questions: Is analytic philosophy rife with arguments while continental philosophy is devoid of arguments? Or can different types of arguments be found in analytic and continental philosophy? This paper presents the results of an empirical study of a large corpus of philosophical (...)
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  44. Analytic Philosophy of Religion.Graham Oppy - 2021 - Saudi Journal of Philosophical Studies 2:163-79.
    This paper provides an overview of 'analytic' philosophy of religion. It begins with a historical sketch. It then examines some of the kinds of questions that are investigated by 'analytic' philosophers of religion. It concludes with brief discussion of possible futures for 'analytic' philosophy of religion. There is also a very short appendix on the treatment of Islam and Arabic philosophy within 'analytic' philosophy of religion.
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  45. A Framework for Analyzing Broadly Engaged Philosophy of Science.Kathryn S. Plaisance & Kevin C. Elliott - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (4):594-615.
    Philosophers of science are increasingly interested in engaging with scientific communities, policy makers, and members of the public; however, the nature of this engagement has not been systematically examined. Instead of delineating a specific kind of engaged philosophy of science, as previous accounts have done, this article draws on literature from outside the discipline to develop a framework for analyzing different forms of broadly engaged philosophy of science according to two key dimensions: social interaction and epistemic integration. Clarifying the many (...)
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  46. Pathways of influence: understanding the impact of philosophy of science in scientific domains.Kathryn S. Plaisance, Jay Michaud & John McLevey - 2021 - Synthese (TBD):1-32.
    Philosophy of science has the potential to enhance scientific practice, science policy, and science education; moreover, recent research indicates that many philosophers of science think we ought to increase the broader impacts of our work. Yet, there is little to no empirical data on how we are supposed to have an impact. To address this problem, our research team interviewed 35 philosophers of science regarding the impact of their work in science-related domains. We found that face-to-face engagement with scientists and (...)
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  47. Vice and Virtue in Sikh Ethics.Keshav Singh - 2021 - The Monist 104 (3):319-336.
    In recent years, there has been increasing interest in analytic philosophy that engages with non-Western philosophical traditions, including South Asian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. However, thus far, there has been no engagement with Sikhism, despite its status as a major world religion with a rich philosophical tradition. This paper is an attempt to get a start at analytic philosophical engagement with Sikh philosophy. My focus is on Sikh ethics, and in particular on the theory of vice and (...)
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  48. Introduction to AI, Ethics & Society.Jared Bielby, Rachel Fischer & Geoffrey Rockwell - 2020 - International Review of Information Ethics 28.
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  49. What is philosophy as a way of life? Why philosophy as a way of life?Stephen R. Grimm & Caleb Cohoe - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 29 (1):236-251.
    Despite a recent surge of interest in philosophy as a way of life, it is not clear what it might mean for philosophy to guide one's life, or how a “philosophical” way of life might differ from a life guided by religion, tradition, or some other source. We argue against John Cooper that spiritual exercises figure crucially in the idea of philosophy as a way of life—not just in the ancient world but also today, at least if the idea is (...)
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  50. Eastern Orthodox Agreement and Disagreement with Kenneth Collins and Jerry Walls.Gary Hartenburg - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (5):39-54.
    In their book, Roman but Not Catholic, Kenneth Collins and Jerry Walls make the case that certain beliefs central to the Roman Catholic faith are unreasonable. This article evaluates, from the point of view of Eastern Orthodoxy, some of the arguments Collins and Walls make. In particular, it argues first that Collins and Walls are correct to criticize John Henry Newman’s theory of the development of doctrine as a reason to accept otherwise insufficiently supported Catholic doctrines. Secondly, it offers some (...)
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