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921 found
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  1. Presentism and the Experience of Time.Mauro Dorato - 2015 - Topoi 34 (1):265-275.
    Presentists have typically argued that the Block View is incapable of explaining our experience of time. In this paper I argue that the phenomenology of our experience of time is, on the contrary, against presentism. My argument is based on a dilemma: presentists must either assume that the metaphysical present has no temporal extension, or that it is temporally extended. The former horn leads to phenomenological problems. The latter renders presentism metaphysically incoherent, unless one posits a discrete present that, however, (...)
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  2. Divide and Rule: The Autonomy of Western Mind.Victor Adelino Ausina Mota - manuscript
  3. O Eu entre o Poder, a Mentira e as Realidades.Marcos Wagner Da Cunha - manuscript
    Partindo de uma crítica à condenação kantiana de toda e qualquer mentira, faz-se uma análise da relação entre a decisão de revelar a verdade e as instâncias de poder em que o sujeito se insere. Dada a introjeção das estruturas de poder e seu papel nas deliberações do Eu Consciente, concluímos que mentir implica num reconhecimento do poder da figura a quem se mente. Do ato leviano de mentir decorre prejuízo irreparável ao teste de realidade de quem mente.
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  4. Moritz Geiger’s Notion of Dynamic Essence – a Challenge for the Contemporary ‘Platonic’ Conception of Essence?Robert Michels - manuscript
    In 1924, the Munich-school phenomenologist Moritz Geiger argued that there are dynamic essences. His two examples are the tragic, and being human, his main ideas are that what it takes to be tragic varies over time historically and that what makes an organism human varies across different stages of its ontogenetic development. He hence points to two ways in which essences may be dynamic, that is, subject to change. The current paper takes Geiger’s view seriously and assumes that it poses (...)
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  5. Artistic Mediation in Mathematized Phenomenology.Robert Prentner & Shanna Dobson - manuscript
    Mathematics has a long track record of refining the concepts by which we make sense of the world. For example, mathematics allows one to speak about different senses of "sameness", depending on the larger context. Phenomenology is the name of a philosophical discipline that tries to systematically investigate the first-personal perspective on reality and how it is constituted. Together, mathematics and phenomenology seem to be a good fit to derive statements about our experience that are, at the same time, well-defined, (...)
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  6. Investigations in Radical Temporality.Joshua Soffer - manuscript
    My central research focus over the past 30 years has been the articulation of what I call a radically temporal approach to philosophy. In the papers below, written between 2001 and 2022, I treat the varying ways in which radically temporal thinking manifests itself in the phenomenological perspectives of Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger and Eugene Gendlin. I also discuss Jacques Derrida's deconstructive project and George Kelly's personal construct theory as examples of radically temporal thinking. With the aim of clarifying and (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Il valore dell'educazione e del lavoro nella società dell'immagine.G. Avellino - forthcoming - Atti Del Convegno Nazionale Della Società Filosofica Italiana (Università Cattolica di Milano, Aprile 2024).
    The aim of this intervention is to briefly advance an interpretation of the post- COVID19 digitalisation processes as to be recognised within the philosophical framework of Vorstellung Metaphysik, “metaphysics of representation”. I would maintain that the formula, firstly indicated by Martin Heidegger, can provide us with a tool to interpret contemporary culture as founded on an “iteration” of individual and collective consciousness into non-existent digital realities. Moreover, I will argue that these concepts are philosophically relatable to those of alienation and (...)
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  8. The Finite subject and reflection in Jan Patočka.M. Barcaro - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought.
    How should we conceive of the relationship between finite subjectivity and reflection? And what implications does this have for the phenomenological method? This article addresses these questions by reconstructing the main pillars of Patočka’s theory of the subject. I present three of Patočka’s key arguments related to finitude, consciousness, and the world (the primacy of the sum, the reduction to immanence, and temporality); then, after every argument, I outline their implications for Patočka’s philosophy. In particular, I highlight how Patočka’s thought (...)
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  9. Meditations on Ortega y Gasset’s Opaque Dogs: Hunting with Dogs as Inter-Species Affective Scaffolding.Jean du Toit & Gregory Morgan Swer - forthcoming - Topoi:1-15.
    This paper interprets Ortega y Gasset’s Meditations on Hunting (1972) through the concept of cognitive scaffolding in order to analyse the relationship between hunter and hunting dog as a form of inter-species distributed cognitive system. In recreational hunting, the hunter and the dog engage in a reciprocal process of mutual cognitive scaffolding that transforms both their capacities. It is further argued that this scaffolding also serves as a means of affective regulation, and that it is the affective rather than the (...)
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  10. Watsuji's phenomenology of aidagara: An interpretation and application to psychopathology.Joel Krueger - forthcoming - In Krueger Joel (ed.), Tetsugaku Companion to Phenomenology and Japanese Philosophy. Springer. pp. 165-181.
    I discuss Watsuji’s characterization of aidagara or “betweenness”. First, I develop a phenomenological reading of aidagara. I argue that the notion can help illuminate aspects of our embodied subjectivity and its interrelation with the world and others. Along the way, I also indicate how the notion can be fruitfully supplemented by different sources of empirical research. Second, I put aidagara to work in the context of psychopathology. I show how disruptions of aidagara in schizophrenia not only affirm the foundational role (...)
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  11. Back to the technologies themselves: phenomenological turn within postphenomenology.Dmytro Mykhailov & Nicola Liberati - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-20.
    This paper revives phenomenological elements to have a better framework for addressing the implications of technologies on society. For this reason, we introduce the motto “back to the technologies themselves” to show how some phenomenological elements, which have not been highlighted in the philosophy of technology so far, can be fruitfully integrated within the postphenomenological analysis. In particular, we introduce the notion of technological intentionality in relation to the passive synthesis in Husserl’s phenomenology. Although the notion of technological intentionality has (...)
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  12. What makes a consultancy "philosophical"? And what makes it "good"? ¿Qué hace que una consulta sea "filosófica"? ¿Y qué la hace "buena"?Donata Romizi - forthcoming - Haser. Revista Internacional de Filosofía Aplicada, Nº 16, 2025, 45-78, Universidad de Sevilla, 2025.
    In the realm of Philosophical Practice, there remains a lack of clarity surrounding the essential characteristics that define a practice as “philosophical”. This paper aims to establish seven minimal criteria that must be met by a philosophical consultancy in order to be considered genuinely “philosophical”. Additionally, it explores the question of how one can assess the quality of such a philosophical consultancy. I provide a (non-exhaustive) answer from an Aristotelian point of view, according to which goodness is a matter of (...)
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  13. Not thinking about the same thing. Enactivism, pragmatism and intentionality.Pierre Steiner - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-24.
    Enactivism does not have its primary philosophical roots in pragmatism: phenomenology (from Husserl to Jonas) is its first source of inspiration (with the exception of Hutto & Myin’s radical enactivism). That does not exclude the benefits of pragmatist readings of enactivism, and of enactivist readings of pragmatism. After having sketched those readings, this paper focuses on the philosophical concept of intentionality. I show that whereas enactivists endorse the idea that intentionality is a base-level property of cognition, pragmatism offer(ed) us some (...)
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  14. Feminist Heidegger: Sex, Gender, and the Politics of Birth.Jill Drouillard - 2025 - New York: SUNY Press.
  15. Interkulturelle Phänomenologie: Georg Stengers Werk im Gespräch.Murat Ates & Ľubomír Dunaj (eds.) - 2024 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    Es dürfte wohl kaum verwundern, dass die Texte in einem Band, welche das Werk von Georg Stenger würdigen, insbesondere zwei Bereichen entspringen: der Phänomenologie und der interkulturellen Philosophie. Wollte man die herausragenden Autor:innen dieses Bandes unter einem einzigen programmatischen Begriff vereinen, so wäre dies gewiss die einer »Interkulturellen Phänomenologie«. Darunter werden indes unterschiedliche Fragestellungen verhandelt, so etwa die interkulturellen Verflechtungen des Denkens, die Verortungen der Welt, der Anspruch des Anderen im Politischen sowie das Phänomen des Dazwischen, der Genese und Physis.
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  16. Lineamenti di una teoresi critica dell'essere sociale. L'"ontologia sociale" di Essere e tempo e il "marxismo heideggeriano" del giovane Marcuse.Gianmaria Avellino - 2024 - Dissertation, Università Degli Studi di Napoli "Federico Ii"
    The thesis aims at covering two paths that can be found within the XX Century's continental philosophy. On one hand, the analysis will focus on what M. Theunissen called Heidegger's "Being and Time"'s 'social ontology'. On the other, the work will delve into young Herbert Marcuse's so-called 'heideggerian marxism' via questioning his works located between 1928 and 1933.
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  17. Semiogenesis: Naturalizing Semiosic Haecceity and Temporal Irreversibility.J. Augustus Bacigalupi - 2024 - In Explorations in Dynamic Semiosis. Springer. Translated by E.M. Tragel.
    Time irreversibility is a central attribute of many process-oriented projects of semiosis, from Peirce’s endless semiosis to Valsiner’s Inter-modal Pre-construction Method. Grounding time irreversibility via an incrementally more rigorous system theoretic model can contribute to the efficacy of these semiotic process philosophies. If, for example, it can be shown that each moment in a semiosic system is distinct, even if related, to all other moments, then time irreversibility will have been demonstrated. This distinctness, or thisness, of the semiosic being, is (...)
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  18. Dimensions not types: On the phenomenology of premonitory urges in Tourette Syndrome.Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt & Jack Reynolds - 2024 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 35 (1):25-42.
    The use of philosophical phenomenology for conceptual debates in psychiatric nosology and psychopathology is beginning to be recognized. In this paper, we extend this trajectory to include Tourette Syndrome, focusing on so-called premonitory urges (PU) preceding Tourettic tics. We clarify some inconsistencies around typology in both phenomenological description and medical classification (i.e., in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition, Text Revision, International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition [World Health Organization, 2004], and the scales that elicit PU). (...)
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  19. Yuko Ishihara and Steven A. Tainer, Intercultural Phenomenology: Playing with Reality. [REVIEW]Denise E. T. Ho - 2024 - Journal of East Asian Philosophy 3:1-5.
  20. The environmental uncanny: a phenomenology of the loss of the world.Brian A. Irwin - 2024 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The Environmental Uncanny argues that the increasing destitution of our world is the result of a certain forgetfulness: we have forgotten that the basis of our knowledge is not calculative reason, but our participation in the natural world. Offering a unique interdisciplinary perspective on the global environmental crisis - ranging from traditional phenomenology, including substantial discussion of both Merleau-Ponty and Heidegger, to philosophy of biology, to architectural and urban design theory, to landscape photography, this book makes illuminating connections to paint (...)
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  21. Healing as an Object: Curation, Sentience, and Slowness.Jan Gresil Kahambing - 2024 - Oxford Public Philosophy 4.
  22. The Self of Revelation in Hans-Georg Gadamer and Paul Ricœur.Otniel A. Kish - 2024 - In Christina M. Gschwandtner (ed.), Paul Ricœur, philosophical hermeneutics, and the question of revelation. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 167-188.
  23. Attending to the Online Other: A Phenomenology of Attention on Social Media Platforms.Lavinia Marin - 2024 - In Bas de Boer & Jochem Zwier (eds.), PHENOMENOLOGY AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF TECHNOLOGY. openbook publishers. pp. 215–240.
    Lavinia Marin draws from phenomenology to lay bare another aspect of the ubiquitous presence of social media. By taking the phenomenology of attention as a starting-point, she show that attention is – rather than only a scare resource as analysts departing from the perspective of the attention economy would have it – foundational for our moral relations to other beings. She argues that there is a distinctive form of other-oriented attention that enables us to perceive other beings as living beings (...)
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  24. So Present, Yet Unreachable: Phenomenological Aesthetics of Distant Touch.Erika Natalia Molina Garcia - 2024 - L'Atelier 15 (1): 9-22.
    As touch remains commonly defined by the closeness it physically implies and it rhetorically evokes, the mere notion of distant touch and of distal haptic perception seems peculiar. But Aristotle’s perspective, which I wish to take as a point of departure, is firm: we perceive the objects of touch, the hot and the cold, the hard and the soft, the curved and the sharp, through other things: δι' ἑτέρων. In this article, I would like to explore this ἕτερος by showing (...)
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  25. Handbook for Logotherapists - Theory and Praxis.Anne Niiles-Mäki - 2024 - Finland, Petäjävesi: Institute for Purpose-centered Philosophy Finland.
    What is logotherapy based on? How does logotherapy differ from psychotherapies or other traditional forms of therapy? What disorders does logotherapy help with? These are the questions to which the 'Handbook for logotherapists' gives a clear and consistent answer. The Handbook starts from two logotherapeutic premisses, according to which there is a Noological dimension in human consciousness, which differs from the psychic dimension of consciousness and human has a will to purpose. These premisses are basic assumptions set by Viktor Frankl (...)
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  26. Delusion and double bookkeeping.José Eduardo Porcher - 2024 - In Ema Sullivan-Bissett (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Delusion. Routledge. pp. 202-214.
    This chapter connects the phenomenon of double bookkeeping to two critical debates in the philosophy of delusion: one from the analytic tradition and one from the phenomenological tradition. First, I will show how the failure of action guidance on the part of some delusions suggests an argument to the standard view that delusions are beliefs (doxasticism about delusion) and how its proponents have countered it by ascribing behavioral inertia to avolition, emotional disturbances, or a failure of the surrounding environment in (...)
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  27. Revisiting the Frankfurt School's Engagements with Phenomenology. [REVIEW]Iaan Reynolds - 2024 - PUNCTA: Journal of Critical Phenomenology 7 (3).
  28. Framing the Predictive Mind: Why We Should Think Again About Dreyfus.Jack Reynolds - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.
    In this paper I return to Hubert Dreyfus’ old but influential critique of artificial intelligence, redirecting it towards contemporary predictive processing models of the mind (PP). I focus on Dreyfus’ arguments about the “frame problem” for artificial cognitive systems, and his contrasting account of embodied human skills and expertise. The frame problem presents as a prima facie problem for practical work in AI and robotics, but also for computational views of the mind in general, including for PP. Indeed, some of (...)
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  29. Un paio di scarpe (Nike). Recensione de "I piedi del mondo. Come le scarpe Nike hanno rivoluzionato l'immaginario globale" di Tommaso Ariemma. [REVIEW]Simone Santamato - 2024 - Mimesis Scenari.
    In this paper, I review Ariemma's latest work "I piedi del mondo. Come le Nike hanno rivoluzionato l'immaginario globale", ed. Luiss University Press, 2024. In my review, I try using the book's content as an occasion for deepening further in the methodology of pop-philosophy: what do we mean when we assert we are doing pop-philosophy, and from which theoretical structure do we argue? Finally, i develop some ideas for a phenomenological contextualization of the pop-philosophy: if this discipline works with the (...)
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  30. Legami, empatia e co-ontologia. Kingdom Hearts di Tetsuya Nomura.Simone Santamato - 2024 - Fata Morgana Web.
    In this paper, I present the Kingdom Hearts series as a video game declination of the ontological concept of relation and the phenomenological view on the empathy. My aim is to explicit the philosophical background of the video games, concluding that they offer a solidly grounded analysis of what is about to be a self, and what are bounds for the subjectivity.
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  31. Persona e tempo. Per una fenomenologia temporale della persona.Simone A. Santamato - 2024 - Mimesis Scenari.
    In the present paper, I analyze the Husserlian theory of time from a phenomenology of person perspective. I suggest that the phenomenological concept of time – especially considering the notions of ritentional modifications and sinking – is strictly related with the personal individuation. Hence, my argument is that personhood is developed with latent and subliminal inclinations too, opening a new discussion regarding the reliability of the eidetic-reductive method in characterology.
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  32. Phenomenological turn. Introduzione alla Fenomenologia della Persona.Simone Aldo Santamato - 2024 - Mimesis Scenari.
    In this paper, I draw the fundamental structures of the phenomenology of the person, on the basis of a precise theoretical assumption: to introduce to phenomenology of the person is to introduce to the eidetic phenomenology. So, my paper explores the fundamental questions of the Husserlian phenomenology, and traces a path towards the contemporary questions of the phenomenology of the person: what is a person in the era of social networks and liquid society?
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  33. Ontologia qualitativa, fenomenologia della persona. Intervista a Francesca De Vecchi.Simone Santamato & Francesca De Vecchi - 2024 - Mimesis Scenari.
    In this paper, I interview Francesca De Vecchi (Full Professor of Theoretical Philosophy in Vita-Salute San Raffaele University) about her qualitative ontology and its social and normative implications. If at the foundation of our lifeworld there are significantly qualitative experiences, phenomenology can investigate the most important contemporary issues, such as gender disparity, socio-virtuality depersonalizations and political urgencies.
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  34. Art Education and the World of Life: Michel Henry on the Cultural Value of Art.Max Schaefer - 2024 - Horizon: Studies in Phenomenology 13 (2):314-331.
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  35. An embodied narrative perspective on transforming trauma and illness experience.Lilian Wilde & Sarah Pini - 2024 - In Anders Juhl Rasmussen & Morten Sodemann (eds.), Narrative Medicine: Trauma and Ethics. Vernon Press. pp. 15-26.
    Trauma is notoriously difficult to communicate, as it often defies understanding. It unfolds over time and cannot be told through linear narratives. Nevertheless, we show that narratives can become a medium through which experiences of trauma may be shared, alleviating the sense of alienation common to post-traumatic experience. Drawing from one of the authors’ lived experiences of cancer and her illness narrative, we focus on the question of whether traumatic events can be narrated, known, and shared. In conversation with one (...)
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  36. Korrelation: Phänomenologie als Korrelationsforschung.Emmanuel Alloa - 2023 - In Emmanuel Alloa, Thiemo Breyer & Emanuele Caminada (eds.), Handbuch Phänomenologie. Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck. pp. 148-153.
    Die Phänomenologie stellt eine der Hauptströmungen der Gegenwartsphilosophie dar und findet in zahlreichen Wissenschaften sowie in Praxis und Therapeutik starke Resonanz. Nach 120 Jahren Wirkungsgeschichte füllt die Bibliothek phänomenologischer Werke zahllose Bücherregale und selbst für Expert:innen ist die Forschungsliteratur mittlerweile unüberschaubar geworden. An allgemeinen Einführungen sowie spezialisierter Fachliteratur mangelt es dabei keineswegs, wohl aber an einem Handbuch, in dem sowohl der Vielfalt der historischen Entwicklungen als auch dem berechtigten Wunsch nach innerer systematischer Kohärenz Rechnung getragen wird. Das Handbuch Phänomenologie schließt (...)
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  37. Wirkfelder der Phänomenologie: I. Logik und Sprachphilosophie.Emmanuel Alloa & Andris Breitling - 2023 - In Emmanuel Alloa, Thiemo Breyer & Emanuele Caminada (eds.), Handbuch Phänomenologie. Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck. pp. 254-274.
    Die Phänomenologie stellt eine der Hauptströmungen der Gegenwartsphilosophie dar und findet in zahlreichen Wissenschaften sowie in Praxis und Therapeutik starke Resonanz. Nach 120 Jahren Wirkungsgeschichte füllt die Bibliothek phänomenologischer Werke zahllose Bücherregale und selbst für Expert:innen ist die Forschungsliteratur mittlerweile unüberschaubar geworden. An allgemeinen Einführungen sowie spezialisierter Fachliteratur mangelt es dabei keineswegs, wohl aber an einem Handbuch, in dem sowohl der Vielfalt der historischen Entwicklungen als auch dem berechtigten Wunsch nach innerer systematischer Kohärenz Rechnung getragen wird. Das Handbuch Phänomenologie schließt (...)
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  38. Phänomenologie als lebendige Bewegung.Emmanuel Alloa, Thiemo Breyer & Emanuele Caminada - 2023 - In Emmanuel Alloa, Thiemo Breyer & Emanuele Caminada (eds.), Handbuch Phänomenologie. Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck. pp. 38–49.
    Die Phänomenologie stellt eine der Hauptströmungen der Gegenwartsphilosophie dar und findet in zahlreichen Wissenschaften sowie in Praxis und Therapeutik starke Resonanz. Nach 120 Jahren Wirkungsgeschichte füllt die Bibliothek phänomenologischer Werke zahllose Bücherregale und selbst für Expert:innen ist die Forschungsliteratur mittlerweile unüberschaubar geworden. An allgemeinen Einführungen sowie spezialisierter Fachliteratur mangelt es dabei keineswegs, wohl aber an einem Handbuch, in dem sowohl der Vielfalt der historischen Entwicklungen als auch dem berechtigten Wunsch nach innerer systematischer Kohärenz Rechnung getragen wird. Das Handbuch Phänomenologie schließt (...)
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  39. Phänomenologie im Nationalsozialismus.Emmanuel Alloa & Emanuele Caminada - 2023 - In Emmanuel Alloa, Thiemo Breyer & Emanuele Caminada (eds.), Handbuch Phänomenologie. Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck. pp. 38-49.
    Die Phänomenologie stellt eine der Hauptströmungen der Gegenwartsphilosophie dar und findet in zahlreichen Wissenschaften sowie in Praxis und Therapeutik starke Resonanz. Nach 120 Jahren Wirkungsgeschichte füllt die Bibliothek phänomenologischer Werke zahllose Bücherregale und selbst für Expert:innen ist die Forschungsliteratur mittlerweile unüberschaubar geworden. An allgemeinen Einführungen sowie spezialisierter Fachliteratur mangelt es dabei keineswegs, wohl aber an einem Handbuch, in dem sowohl der Vielfalt der historischen Entwicklungen als auch dem berechtigten Wunsch nach innerer systematischer Kohärenz Rechnung getragen wird. Das Handbuch Phänomenologie schließt (...)
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  40. Wirkfelder der Phänomenologie: XI. Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften.Emmanuel Alloa & Eva Schürmann - 2023 - In Emmanuel Alloa, Thiemo Breyer & Emanuele Caminada (eds.), Handbuch Phänomenologie. Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck. pp. 414-432.
    Die Phänomenologie stellt eine der Hauptströmungen der Gegenwartsphilosophie dar und findet in zahlreichen Wissenschaften sowie in Praxis und Therapeutik starke Resonanz. Nach 120 Jahren Wirkungsgeschichte füllt die Bibliothek phänomenologischer Werke zahllose Bücherregale und selbst für Expert:innen ist die Forschungsliteratur mittlerweile unüberschaubar geworden. An allgemeinen Einführungen sowie spezialisierter Fachliteratur mangelt es dabei keineswegs, wohl aber an einem Handbuch, in dem sowohl der Vielfalt der historischen Entwicklungen als auch dem berechtigten Wunsch nach innerer systematischer Kohärenz Rechnung getragen wird. Das Handbuch Phänomenologie schließt (...)
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  41. Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy of Perception.Peter Antich - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book draws on Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology to develop new and promising solutions to contemporary debates about perception. In providing an extension and defense of Merleau-Ponty’s account of perceptual content and of the relation between perception and the world, it demonstrates the enduring value of Merleau-Ponty’s insights for philosophy of perception today. -/- The author focuses on two main topics: the contents and the nature of perception. In the first half of this book, the author tackles debates about the content of (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Contributions to the Phenomenology of the Smile: Disruption During a Pandemic.Andrew Barrette - 2023 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 54 (3):221-233.
    This paper investigates the meaning of the smile and how various kinds of disruptions motivate its thematization. In so doing, it broaches experiences in the recent pandemic, as the masked face disrupts the givenness of the smile. Indeed, the paper claims that such a situation affords the possibility of becoming even more attentive to the conditions of meaningfulness at a global scale. It evidences such a claim by first tracing some essential points of the meaning of meaning via the analysis (...)
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  43. The Origin of the Phenomenology of Instincts.Thomas Byrne - 2023 - Husserl Studies 39 (1):69-83.
    This essay accomplishes two goals. First, I explore Husserl’s study of “tension” from his 1893 manuscript, “Notes Towards a Theory of Attention and Interest,” to reveal that it comprises his de facto first analysis of instinct. Husserl there describes tension as the innate pull to execute ever new objectifications. He clarifies this pull of objectification by contrasting it to affective and volitional experiences. This analysis surprisingly prefigures a theory of drive-feelings and anticipates the idea that consciousness is both teleological and (...)
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  44. Existentialism on Social Media: The ‘Look’ of the ‘Crowd’.Marc Cheong - 2023 - Journal of Human-Technology Relations 1.
    Social media has become a basis for helping us maintain human contact, especially as our alienation from our phenomenological experiences of ‘being human’ is becoming apparent due to the pandemic. I argue for how existentialist philosophy is crucial, more than ever, to interrogate our social media usage, which is a ‘necessary evil’ in our daily lives. Firstly, Kierkegaard’s critiques of the crowd and of the press are equally applicable to social media, which plays both roles: enabling an anonymous mass of (...)
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  45. The World of Appreciation as Lebenswelt: The Value of Pre-scientific Experience in the Philosophy of Josiah Royce and Edmund Husserl.Massimo Cisternino - 2023 - The Pluralist 18 (2):66-79.
    The paper investigates the role played by pre-scientific experience in the philosophy of Josiah Royce and Edmund Husserl. Such a notion, generally associated with Husserl’s conception of the life-world (Lebenswelt) in the Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology (1936), finds an equivalent and historical antecedent in Royce’s distinction between a world of description and a world of appreciation. The final goal is to show how, despite their different philosophical frameworks, Royce and Husserl agree on the idea that, through the (...)
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  46. Testimonial Justice Beyond Belief.Carolyn Culbertson - 2023 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (2):317-330.
    This article examines the meaningful intervention that Gert-Jan Van der Heiden’s recent book, The Voice of Misery: A Continental Philosophy of Testimony, makes in the developing field of the philosophy of testimony. I argue that this intervention is accomplished through a phenomenological investigation into the nature of the testimonial object and of the demand that it makes upon one who bears witness. In taking such an approach, I argue, Van der Heiden initiates an ontological turn in the field of testimonial (...)
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  47. En el mundo de la vida con los otros en comunidad.Nathalie de la Cadena - 2023 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 28:e023019.
    Resumen: Husserl propone una teoría sobre la intersubjetividad que parte de la conciencia trascendental como inserta en el mundo de la vida donde están los otros y donde la comunidad se construye bajo una estructura de esencias que garantiza la comunalidad. El mundo de la vida es dado y compartido por todas las conciencias intencionales y trascendentales, es condición para intuiciones empíricas y eidéticas, la epoché y las reducciones eidética y trascendental. Cada momento del método fenomenológico se basa en la (...)
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  48. The Psychological Epoché and the Promise of Humanistic Psychology.Eugene Mario DeRobertis - 2023 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 54 (1):102-132.
    In this paper, I contend that the narrative presented in Husserl’s recently translated Text 7 is a strikingly clear affirmation and vindication of the psychological adaptation of phenomenology developed by Amedeo Giorgi. I argue that Giorgi’s methodological advocacy of the epoché makes good sense when considered in the context of the history of humanistic psychology. A review of Carl Rogers’s and Abraham Maslow’s attempts to revision psychology shows that they each, in their own way, argued for a turn away from (...)
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  49. A New Skin for the Wounds of History: Fanon’s Affective Sociogeny and Ricœur’s Carnal Hermeneutics.J. Reese Faust - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (9):1128-1154.
    This article argues that, despite their distance across the colonial divide, a creolizing reading of Frantz Fanon and Paul Ricœur can yield valuable insights into decoloniality. Tracing their shared philosophical concerns with embodied phenomenology, social ontology and recognition, I argue that their respective accounts of sociogeny and hermeneutics can be productively read together as describing a shared end of mutual recognition untainted by racism or coloniality – a ‘new skin’ for humanity, as Fanon describes it. More specifically, Fanon contributes to (...)
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  50. Emotions in the 19th and 20th Century Phenomenological Tradition.Ingrid Vendrell Ferran - 2023 - In Andrea Scarantino (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Emotion Theory. Routledge.
    This chapter provides an introductory survey of phenomenological theories of the emotions from 1874 until 1950. In accordance with the different phases of the developments of phenomenological movement until the middle of the last century, this chapter will distinguish between four main approaches to the emotions: 1) The origins of the movement, starting with Brentano’s descriptive psychology, which subsequently influenced Husserl’s foundation of phenomenology as an analysis of the intentional structure of consciousness and its objects; 2) The realist phenomenology, mainly (...)
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