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  1. (1 other version)Kant’s criticism of swedenborg: Parapsychology and the origin of the copernican hypothesis.Stephen Palmquist - manuscript
    Parapsychology, Philosophy and the Mind: A Festschrift in Honour of John Beloff’s 80th Birthday, ed. Fiona Steinkamp (McFarland Press, 2002).
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  2. The Dark Spirit of the Trickster Archetype in Parapsychology.Lance Storm - 2023 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 37 (4).
    In this paper, the phenomenology of the Trickster (its ‘darker’ side) is explored. The archetypal Trickster is shown to manifest as psychosociological aberrations and bizarre physical effects often associated with unique individuals during certain emotionally charged states. Though the Trickster and its many variants have mythological roots, the modern-day equivalent (free, for example, from anthropomorphization) can be seen as an activated psychological proneness to err in thinking when a liminal phase is entered into—that borderland between doubt and certainty. Mainstream academia (...)
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  3. The Science of Spirit: Parapsychology, Enlightenment and Evolution by Luis Portela.Robert Ginsberg - 2022 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 35 (4).
    When one sees an opening chapter entitled “From Science to Love” it begs for further reading. After all, for most these are incongruent terms that represent two seemingly opposite sides in a debate, logic, and systematic evaluation vs. emotion. There have been many books written about the convergence of science and spirituality, and one cannot help but notice how some of today’s physicists are sounding more like spiritualists than scientists, but Dr. Portola uses this platform as wake up call for (...)
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  4. I orient myself through touching at distance: a case of a frequent out-of-body experiencer.Julia Sellers - 2022 - Psychotherapy Section Review 67 (Special issue):80-94.
    This paper presents a case of anomalous perception, mainly in the form of out-of-body experiences (OBEs), of a healthy individual. The individual has been experiencing massive out-of-body experiences, spontaneously or at will, on a daily basis, since birth, which is more than 45 years. The paper further presents some characteristics of phenomenology as well as semiology of OBEs of the above mentioned subject based on anecdotal as well as first hand evidence.
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  5. A New Case of Scientific Dishonesty in the Field of Parapsychology.Michael Nahm - 2021 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 35 (3).
    The present article informs about a case of prolonged scientific dishonesty in the field of parapsychology. It emerged that Alejandro Parra, an active member of the parapsychological community since about three decades, has published substantially plagiarized books and articles since at least 2007. Currently, I am aware of 20 publications that contain plagiarized sections or consist almost entirely of plagiarism. In the following, I present striking examples of such plagiarized texts and provide background information about the development of this case. (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Could artificial intelligence have consciousness? Some perspectives from neurology and parapsychology.Yew-Kwang Ng - 2021 - AI and Society:1-12.
    The possibility of AI consciousness depends much on the correct answer to the mind–body problem: how our materialistic brain generates subjective consciousness? If a materialistic answer is valid, machine consciousness must be possible, at least in principle, though the actual instantiation of consciousness may still take a very long time. If a non-materialistic one (either mentalist or dualist) is valid, machine consciousness is much less likely, perhaps impossible, as some mental element may also be required. Some recent advances in neurology (...)
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  7. The synthesis of consciousness and the latent life of the mind: Philosophy, psychopathology, and ‘cryptopsychism’ in fin-de-siècle France.Pietro Terzi - 2021 - History of the Human Sciences 34 (3-4):98-120.
    In fin-de-siècle France, we witness a strange circulation of concepts between philosophy, theoretical and experimental psychology, and the borderline realm of what we would now call meta- or parapsychology. This was a time characterized by a complex process of redefinition of the disciplinary frontiers between philosophy and psychology, which favoured the birth of hybrid conceptualities and stark oppositions as well. Furthermore, the great scientific advances in physics, physiology, and psychology fostered hope for a full rational explanation of reality, even of (...)
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  8. On the Phenomenon of Unification.Cosmin Visan - 2020 - Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research 11 (3):263-280.
    One of the aspects of consciousness is the fact that it is formed from unifications of qualia. In this paper, unification will be shown to be a phenomenon that works based on the unformal nature of self-reference. Self-reference being an unformal entity, it is no-thing and every-thing both at the same time. These unformal properties will be shown to play an essential role in the existence and manifestation of unification. The best exemplification of the unformal workings of unification will be (...)
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  9. Telepathy: A Real-World Experiment.Cosmin Visan - 2020 - Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research 11 (7):709-720.
    This paper explores what an experiment of consciousness might necessitate. So far, the experimental part of science is considered to be best studied under laboratory conditions in which variables are isolated and controlled in order to study certain aspects of a phenomenon. This paper will argue that certain aspects of consciousness can only be revealed under real-world conditions, for reasons having to do with fundamental ways in which meaning is generated in consciousness. Meaning will be argued to necessitate genuine preconditions (...)
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  10. Feyerabend, Pluralism, and Parapsychology.Ian James Kidd - 2018 - Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association 5 (1):5-9.
    Feyerabend is well-known as a pluralist, and notorious for his defences of, and sympathetic references to, heterodox subjects, such as parapsychology. Focusing on the latter, I ask how we should understand the relationship between the pluralism and the defences, drawing on Marcello Truzzi's and Martin Gardner's remarks on Feyerabend along the way.
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  11. Novelty versus Replicability: Virtues and Vices in the Reward System of Science.Felipe Romero - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (5):1031-1043.
    The reward system of science is the priority rule. The first scientist making a new discovery is rewarded with prestige, while second runners get little or nothing. Michael Strevens, following Philip Kitcher, defends this reward system, arguing that it incentivizes an efficient division of cognitive labor. I argue that this assessment depends on strong implicit assumptions about the replicability of findings. I question these assumptions on the basis of metascientific evidence and argue that the priority rule systematically discourages replication. My (...)
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  12. Evidence or Prejudice? A Reply to Matlock. [REVIEW]Keith Augustine - 2016 - Journal of Parapsychology 80:203-231.
    Before I respond to James G. Matlock’s comments on my coedited volume, The Myth of an Afterlife: The Case against Life After Death (MoA), I would like to thank him for taking the time to review such a large volume—and review it conscientiously—even if we ultimately disagree about its import. I would also like to extend my thanks to Journal of Parapsychology editor John Palmer for inviting this response, as it gives me an opportunity to clarify why many secondary issues (...)
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  13. Precognition: The Only Form of Psi?S. B. Marwaha & E. C. May - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (3-4):76-100.
    Based on empirical evidence we discuss the nature of precognition, and address the questions whether retrocausation/ precognition violates causality, whether precognition implies determinism, the questions of actual or probable futures, from where does the information arise, and other observed properties of precognition. This is followed by a discussion on the primacy of precognition by examining the various categories of psi. In our analysis, precognition is most likely the only form of psi, subsuming within it clairvoyance, telepathy, micro-PK, and the survival (...)
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  14. Are Different Standards Warranted to Evaluate Psi?George Williams - 2016 - Journal of Parapsychology 79 (2):186-202.
    Throughout the debate on psi, skeptics have almost universally insisted on different standards for evaluating the evidence, claiming that psi represents a radical departure from our current scientific understanding. Thus, there is considerable ambiguity about what standard of evaluation psi must meet. Little attention has been paid to the possible harm to the integrity of scientific investigation from this resulting inconsistency in testing standards. Some have proposed using a Bayesian framework as an improvement on this dilemma in order to more (...)
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  15. A Refutation of the Dualist Perspective in Psi Research.S. B. Marwaha & E. C. May - 2015 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 22 (5-6):70-95.
    There is a perception that the substantial data from psi research is indicative of support for a dualistic worldview. In this paper, we present an overview of this perspective as discussed in the works of John Beloff, Charles Tart, David Rousseau, Ed Kelly, and Larry Dossey. Following this, we discuss the refutation of the dualist view from the point of the definition of non-material, and provide a possible definition of non-material, and the role of consciousness in quantum mechanics. We conclude (...)
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  16. Was Sir William Crookes epistemically virtuous?Ian James Kidd - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 48:67-74.
    The aim of this paper is to use Sir William Crookes‘ researches into psychical phenomena as a sustained case study of the role of epistemic virtues within scientific enquiry. Despite growing interest in virtues in science, there are few integrated historical and philosophical studies, and even fewer studies focusing on controversial or ‗fringe‘ sciences where, one might suppose, certain epistemic virtues (like open-mindedness and tolerance) may be subjected to sterner tests. Using the virtue of epistemic courage as my focus, it (...)
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  17. Psychical research and parapsychology interpreted.Ingrid Kloosterman - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (2):2-22.
    One of the reasons the history of parapsychology and its ancestor psychical research is intriguing is because it addresses a central issue: the boundaries of science. This article provides an overview of the historiography of parapsychology and presents an approach to investigate the Dutch history of parapsychology contributing to the understanding of this central theme. In the first section the historical accounts provided by psychical researchers and parapsychologists themselves are discussed; next those studies of sociologists and historians understanding parapsychology as (...)
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  18. Metapsychics in Spain.Annette Mülberger & Mónica Balltondre - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (2):108-130.
    The present article deals with a kind of parapsychology called metapsychics ( metapsíquica) as conceived and practised in Spain between 1923 and 1925. First we focus on the reception of a treatise by Richet that evoked both support (Ferrán) and criticism (Mira). Then we examine some experiments on clairvoyance performed at the Marquis of Santa Cara’s home, dealing chiefly with the rise and fall of a case of prodigious vision. The analysis gives special attention to the question of how metapsychics (...)
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  19. (1 other version)The Fukurai affair.Miki Takasuna - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (2):149-164.
    The history of psychology in Japan from the late 19th century until the first half of the 20th century did not follow a smooth course. After the first psychological laboratory was established at Tokyo Imperial University in 1903, psychology in Japan developed as individual specialties until the Japanese Psychological Association was established in 1927. During that time, Tomokichi Fukurai, an associate professor at Tokyo Imperial University, became involved with psychical research until he was forced out in 1913. The Fukurai affair, (...)
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  20. (1 other version)The Fukurai affair: parapsychology and the history of psychology in Japan.Miki Takasuna - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (2):149-164.
    The history of psychology in Japan from the late 19th century until the first half of the 20th century did not follow a smooth course. After the first psychological laboratory was established at Tokyo Imperial University in 1903, psychology in Japan developed as individual specialties until the Japanese Psychological Association was established in 1927. During that time, Tomokichi Fukurai, an associate professor at Tokyo Imperial University, became involved with psychical research until he was forced out in 1913. The Fukurai affair, (...)
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  21. Spooks and spoofs.Elizabeth R. Valentine - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (2):67-90.
    This article describes the relations between academic psychology and psychical research in Britain during the inter-war period, in the context of the fluid boundaries between mainstream psychology and both psychical research and popular psychology. Specifically, the involvement with Harry Price of six senior academic psychologists: William McDougall, William Brown, J. C. Flugel, Cyril Burt, C. Alec Mace and Francis Aveling, is described. Personal, metaphysical and socio-historical factors in their collaboration are discussed. It is suggested that the main reason for their (...)
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  22. (1 other version)The Stepchildren of Science: Psychical Research and Parapsychology in Germany, c. 1870–1939. [REVIEW]Sofie Lachapelle - 2011 - Isis 102:378-378.
  23. Cognitive anomalies, consciousness, and Yoga.K. Ramakrishna Rao - 2011 - New Delhi: Published by Centre for Studies in Civilizations for the Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture and Matrix Publishers.
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  24. Near-Death Experiences and the Mind-Body Relationship: a Systems-Theoretical Perspective.David Rousseau - 2011 - Journal of Near-Death Studies 29 (3):399-435.
    In this paper I support the view that NDEs provide empirical support for mind-body substance dualism, and argue that a systems-theoretical analysis of the evidence is required to obtain valid insights into the nature of the mind as a substantive existent aside from the body. Without such an approach, systems phenomena such as property emergence and property masking could lead to mischaracterisation of both the nature of the mind as it is in itself, and the ways in which the mind (...)
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  25. Irreducible Mind? On E. Kelly et al., Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century. [REVIEW]Mitchell G. Ash, Horst Gundlach & Thomas Sturm - 2010 - American Journal of Psychology 123:246-250.
    This is a review of a book that tries to re-establish mind-body dualism by using (a) empirical research on near-death experiences, placebo effects, creativity, claiming even that parapsychology should become a respected part of science, and (b) Frederic W. H. Myers' (1843-1901) metaphor of the brain as a kind of receiving device that records what the irreducible mind sends as messages. Among other things, we criticize the lack of philosophical clarity about mind-body relation, and question the book's tendency to refer (...)
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  26. Yoga and Parapsychology: Empirical Research and Theoretical Essays.K. Ramakrishna Rao (ed.) - 2010 - Motilal Banarsidass Publishers.
    Contributed articles presented in a conference and a workshop, organized by the Institute for Human Science and Service, at Andhra University, during January 3-23, 2006.
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  27. Dukhovnostʹ: aksiologicheskai︠a︡ napravlennostʹ i sot︠s︡iokulʹturnai︠a︡ priroda fenomena, monografii︠a︡.S. P. Shtumpf - 2010 - Krasnoi︠a︡rsk: KGPU.
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  28. A New Quantum Theoretical Framework for Parapsychology.Chris Clarke - 2008 - European Journal of Parapsychology 23 (1):3-30.
    An account is given of a recent proposal to complete modern quantum theory by adding a characterisation of consciousness. The resulting theory is applied to give mechanisms for typical parapsychological phenomena, and ways of testing it are discussed.
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  29. Before logic by Richard Mason. Albany NY: State university of new York press. 2000. Pp. 153. $23.50, $22.95.Nicholas Unwin - 2005 - Philosophy 80 (312):289 - 291.
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  30. Give the null hypothesis a chance: Reasons to remain doubtful about the existence of psi.James Alcock - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (6-7):6-7.
    Is there a world beyond the senses? Can we perceive future events before they occur? Is it possible to communicate with others without need of our complex sensory-perceptual apparatus that has evolved over hundreds of millions of years? Can our minds/souls/personalities leave our bodies and operate with all the knowledge and information-processing ability that is normally dependent upon the physical brain? Do our personalities survive physical death?
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  31. Parapsychology without the 'para' (or the psychology).Peter J. King - 2003 - Think 1 (3):43-54.
    possible, your investigation is unlikely ever to get off the ground), there’s no such excuse for philosophers. The philosopher should be unrestricted by fashions in thought, including the unquestioning acceptance of whatever scientific theories are currently dominant. The fact is, however, that in this field and in the philosophy of mind, many.
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  32. What might parapsychology contribute to our view of the world?Timothy Sprigge - 2003 - Think 1 (3):55-64.
    Suppose that paranormal phenomena really exist. Telepathy, precognition, psychokinesis, clairvoyance, and communication with the dead actually take place. In this article, Timothy Sprigge asks to what extent this would impact on our world view. In particular, how would it affect science, philosophy and religion?
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  33. (1 other version)Kant’s Criticism of Swedenborg: Parapsychology and the Origin of the Copernican Hypothesis.Stephen R. Palmquist - 2002 - In Fiona Steinkamp (ed.), Parapsychology, Philosophy and the Mind: Essays Honoring John Beloff. McFarland. pp. 146-178.
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  34. Psi, perception without awareness and false recognition.Stuart Wilson - 2002 - Journal of Parapsychology 66 (3):271-289.
  35. Review of The Last Laugh: A New Philosophy Of Near-Death Experiences, Apparitions, And The Paranormal by Raymond A. Moody Jr.Howard Kainz - 2001 - Journal of Parapsychology 65 (2).
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  36. Parapsychology: The Science of Unusual Experience.Ron Roberts & David Groome (eds.) - 2001 - Arnold.
    This intriguing new book presents an exploration of the unconventional side of psychology: parapsychology.
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  37. The PK zone: A phenomenological study.Pamela R. Heath - 2000 - Journal of Parapsychology 64:53-72.
  38. Philosophie und Parapsychologie: zur Rezeptionsgeschichte parapsychologischer Phänomene am Beispiel Kants, Schopenhauers und C.G. Jungs.Andrea Kropf - 2000 - Münster: LIT Verlag Münster.
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  39. Science, pseudoscience, and anomaly.James E. Alcock - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):303-303.
    My criticisms of parapsychology are neither based on its subject matter per se, nor simply on a charge of sloppy research, but rather on the whole pattern of theory and research in this domain. The lack of a positive definition of psi, the use of ad hoc principles such as psi-missing and the experimenter psi effect to account for failures to confirm hypotheses, and the failure to produce a single phenomenon that can be replicated by neutral investigators are among the (...)
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  40. David Ray Griffin, parapsychology, philosophy and spirituality: A postmodern exploration. [REVIEW]Frank B. Dilley - 1998 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 44 (1):63-66.
  41. Sovremennye problemy parapsikhologii: parapsikhologicheskie issledovanii︠a︡ na rubezhe 2000 goda: kratkiĭ ocherk.A. P. Dubrov - 1998 - Moskva: Izd-vo Fonda parapsikhologii im. L.L. Vasilʹeva. Edited by A. G. Li.
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  42. (1 other version)David Ray Griffin, parapsychology, philosophy, and spirituality: A postmodern exploration. (Albany, NY: State university of new York press, 1997.) Pp. XIV+339, US $59.50 hb., $19.95 pk. [REVIEW]Evan Fales - 1998 - Religious Studies 34 (1):103-114.
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  43. Encounters with the Paranormal: Science, Knowledge, and Belief.Kendrick Frazier - 1998 - Prometheus.
  44. The anomaly of the anomalous.Joseph Glicksohn - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):301-302.
    What R&P term the implies that the psi-conducive state is related to the induction of an altered state of consciousness (ASC). Yet there is a problem in embedding psi in the ASC, because one anomaly is replacing another. This seems to be a general strategy in the literature of the anomalous.
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  45. Parapsychology, anomaly, and altered states of consciousness.John Palmer - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):302-303.
    Pseudoscience is not an appropriate label for parapsychology. Although the noise reduction model of extrasensory perception (ESP) is explanatory only in a limited sense, research does exist addressing the correlation between ESP and altered states of consciousness (ASCs). The term anomaly is not appropriately applied to experiences such as out of body experiences (OBEs) per se, but only to the question of their source. Research on both topics should be encouraged.
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  46. Parapsychology, Philosophy and Spirituality. [REVIEW]Marcus Ford - 1997 - Process Studies 26 (1):163-167.
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  47. The Nature of Mind: Parapsychology and the Role of Consciousness in the Physical World.Douglas M. Stokes - 1997 - McFarland & Co.
    Western science teaches that our beings are governed by the laws of physics and our minds play no part. There are, however, flaws in this thinking, most prominently unexplained paranormal phenomena that defy explanation by modern theories of physics. Collected by a handful of renegade scientists who call themselves parapsychologists, these data include extrasensory perception (ESP), poltergeist occurrences, and psychokinesis. Much of the current data in parapsychology and their implications for understanding the true nature of the self are examined here. (...)
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  48. Kto ili chto upravli︠a︡et nami.Gennadiĭ Semenovich Chuprov - 1995 - Krasnodar: "Sovetskai︠a︡ Kubanʹ". Edited by Alekseĭ Gennadʹevich Chuprov.
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  49. A panpsychic theory of mind and matter.C. B. Nash - 1995 - Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 60:171-73.
  50. Philosophical interactions with parapsychology: the major writings of H.H. Price on parapsychology and survival.Henry Habberley Price - 1995 - New York: St. Martin's Press. Edited by Frank B. Dilley.
    This is a collection of the most important writings of Oxford philosopher H.H. Price on the topics of psychical research and survival of death, collected from a wide variety of sources unavailable to most interested readers. Included are discussions of telepathy, clairvoyance, telekinesis, precognition, hauntings and apparitions, the impact of psychical research on western philosophy and science, and what afterlife is probably like. Few twentieth century English-speaking philosophers have written much on these topics. Of those who did so and whose (...)
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