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  1. Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics on virtue competition.Bradford Jean-Hyuk Kim - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (1):1-21.
    For many, striving to attain first place in an athletic competition is explicable. Less explicable is striving to attain first place in a virtue (aretē) competition. Yet this latter dynamic appears in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. There is 4.3’s magnanimity, the crown of the virtues, which seemingly manifests itself in outdoing one’s peers in virtue. Such one-upmanship also seems operant with 9.8’s praiseworthy self-lover, who seeks to get as much of the fine (to kalon) as possible for herself. Contrary to many (...)
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  2. Nietzsche in Hollywood: Images of the Übermensch in Early American Cinema.Matthew Rukgaber - 2022 - Albany, NY, USA: State University of New York Press.
    ISBN 978-1-4384-9027-4 Argues that Nietzsche’s idea of the Übermensch was a central concern of filmmakers in the 1920s and 1930s. -/- Nietzsche in Hollywood offers a compelling and startling history of Hollywood film in which the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and his idea of the Übermensch looms large. Though Nietzsche’s philosophy was attacked as egoistic and a sociopathic version of Darwinism in films from the 1910s, it undergoes a series of cinematic and philosophical transformations in the 1920s and 1930s under (...)
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  3. The problem of morality based on metaphysics after Nietzsche’s ‘Death of God’.Hugo Correia - 2021 - Dissertation, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David
    The critique of Metaphysics and Morality occupies a central place in post-modern philosophy. The decline and decadence of absolute truths about the true nature of reality, was presented by radical changes in scientific progress. Nietzsche’s proclamation of the Death of God will be set as the starting point for the critique and personal reflection. Nietzsche’s new conception of man, breaks off from traditional understanding, inherited from the pre-Socratics. Nietzsche is not a post-modern philosopher who is against morality, but rather opposed (...)
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  4. ¿Un transhumanismo nietzscheano? Sobre la parcialidad del alegato.Marina García-Granero - 2020 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 53:33-54.
    El artículo analiza desde una perspectiva crítica las tentativas de interpretar a Nietzsche como un precursor del transhumanismo. Tras una breve contextualización del fecundo debate en torno a Nietzsche y el transhumanismo, se evalúa el carácter fraccional o parcial del alegato de Stefan Sorgner en favor de un “transhumanismo nietzscheano”. Después, se investiga la tensión entre humanidad, la superación del ser humano y su cría en los escritos de Nietzsche. Una vez ejecutado este análisis, y sin ánimo de caer en (...)
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  5. The Incarnation of the Free Spirits in Nietzsche: A Continuum of the Triple Dialectic.Alexis Deodato S. Itao - 2018 - Kritike 12 (1):250-276.
    Most studies on Nietzsche seldom associate him with the dialectic method. We readily think of Socrates, Hegel, and Marx when we hear of dialectic, but very rarely, if at all, of Nietzsche. To date, very few studies on Nietzsche have claimed that one of the German philosopher's underpinning philosophical methodologies in his literary oeuvre is the dialectic. This paper thus intends to show that Nietzsche has been employing the dialectic throughout his writings, especially in his treatment of the "free spirits"-a (...)
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  6. Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Conflict and the Logic of Organisational Struggle.James S. Pearson - 2018 - Dissertation,
  7. Applying Nietzsche’s Ubermensch and Kant’s Deontology in Improving the Attitude of Karate Tournament Spectators.Cesar J. Unson Jr & John Paul T. Lama - 2018 - Suri 7 (1):94-105.
    Tournaments have been a good way to promote and market the martial art of Karate. However, there seems to be a growing phenomenon in these tournaments as some spectators have begun to neglect the proper attitude and values in watching and accepting the results in competitions. Many spectators seem to be concerned only with their favorites and the success that these competitors achieve. Unfavorable results towards the players they support have often led to undue criticisms and protests against tournament officials (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Nietzsche on Human Greatness.Patrick Hassan - 2016 - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-18.
    In this paper, I take it to be uncontroversial that increasingly into his philosophical career, Nietzsche believed human greatness to be an appropriately valuable goal, at least for certain types of people. But while Nietzsche's repeated paradigms of greatness include figures as seemingly diverse as Beethoven, Goethe, Shakespeare, Cesare Borgia, Julius Caesar, it is unclear precisely what great-making property (or properties) Nietzsche considers these figures to share. I consider two possible approaches which have shaped the terrain of the secondary literature (...)
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  9. Kantian and Nietzschean Aesthetics of Human Nature: A Comparison between the Beautiful/Sublime and Apollonian/Dionysian Dualities.Erman Kaplama - 2016 - Cosmos and History 12 (1):166-217.
    Both for Kant and for Nietzsche, aesthetics must not be considered as a systematic science based merely on logical premises but rather as a set of intuitively attained artistic ideas that constitute or reconstitute the sensible perceptions and supersensible representations into a new whole. Kantian and Nietzschean aesthetics are both aiming to see beyond the forms of objects to provide explanations for the nobility and sublimity of human art and life. We can safely say that Kant and Nietzsche used the (...)
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  10. Life, Death, and Eternal Recurrence in Nietzsche's Zarathustra.Gabriel Zamosc - 2015 - The Agonist : A Nietzsche Circle Journal 8 (1&2).
    -/- This paper offers a preliminary interpretation of Nietzsche’s doctrine of Eternal Recurrence, according to which the doctrine constitutes a parable that, speaking of what is permanent in life, praises and justifies all that is impermanent. What is permanent, what always recurs, is the will to power or to self-overcoming that is the fundamental engine of all life. The operating mechanism of such a will consists in prompting the living to undergo transformations or transitory deaths, after which this fundamental engine (...)
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  11. What Zarathustra Whispers.Gabriel Zamosc - 2015 - Nietzsche Studien 44 (1):231-266.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzsche-Studien Jahrgang: 44 Heft: 1 Seiten: 231-266. -/- Abstract: In this essay I defend my interpretation of the unheard words that Zarathustra whispers into Life’s ear in “The Other Dance Song” and that have long kept commentators puzzled. I argue that what Zarathustra whispers is that he knows that Life is pregnant with his child. Zarathustra’s ability to make Life pregnant depends on his overcoming of Eternal Recurrence which threatens to strangle him with disgust of human beings (...)
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  12. Introduction to Cosmological Aesthetics: the Kantian Sublime and Nietzschean Dionysian.Erman Kaplama - 2010 - International Journal of the Humanities 8 (2):69-84.
    This paper is founded on a close reading of Kant’s Opus Postumum in order both to explore the essential motivation that drove Kant to write a last comprehensive magnum opus and, by doing so, to show the essential link between his aesthetics and the idea of Übergang, the title of this last work. For this work contains not only his dynamical theory of matter defining motion as preliminary to the notions of space and time, and the advanced version of his (...)
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  13. The Eternal Return of the Overhuman: The Weightiest Knowledge and the Abyss of Light.Keith Ansell-Pearson - 2005 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 30 (1):1-21.
  14. Le Nihilisme est-il un humanisme? Étude sur Nietzsche et Sartre.Christine Daigle - 2005 - Presses de l'Université Laval.
    Dans son essai, Christine Daigle établit en quoi les philosophies de Nietzsche et Sartre convergent ou divergent en ce qui a trait à la problématique du nihilisme, à la quête de sens et à l'éthique.
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  15. Viroid Life: Perspectives on Nietzsche and the Transhuman Condition.Keith Ansell-Pearson - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Nietzsche's vision of the 'overman' continues to haunt the postmodern imagination. His call that 'man is something that must be overcome' can no longer be seen as simple rhetoric. Our experiences of the hybrid realities of artificial life have made the 'transhuman' a figure that looks over us all. Inspired by this vision, Keith Ansell Pearson sets out to examine if evolution is 'out of control' and machines are taking over. In a series of six fascinating perspectives, he links Nietzsche's (...)
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  16. The Idea of Order at Key West.Raymond Aaron Younis - 1992 - Explicator 50 (2).
  17. (1 other version)A DIET OF WORMS. Aposiopetic Rhetoric in Beyond Good and Evil.David B. Allison - 1990 - Nietzsche Studien 19 (1):43-58.
  18. The "Essential Thought" of Martin Heidegger as a Continuation of Nietzsche's Philosophy of Time. Żelazna - 1984 - Studia Filozoficzne 218 (1):69-84.
    This article is a summation of work devoted to the main themes of Heidegger's and Nietzsche's philosophies. Heidegger's interpretation of Nietzscheanism and his evaluation of it prompt one make a more precise analysis of the relationship which hypothetically should exist between the "essential thought" of the two philosophers. A comparative analysis of the "essential" themes of the two philosophers shows, however, that questions which were undoubtedly most essential for Nietzsche are compeltely outside the area definied in Heidegger's philosophy as "essential (...)
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