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  1. Kant's Pre-Critical Proof for God's Existence.Steven M. Duncan - manuscript
    In his Beweisgrund (1762), Kant presents a sketch of "the only possible basis" for a proof of God's existence. In this essay, I attempt to present that proof as a valid and sound argument for the existence of God.
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  2. God, Powers, and Possibility in Kant’s Beweisgrund.Michael Oberst - manuscript
    This paper proposes a novel reading of Kant’s account of the dependence of possibility on God in the pre-Critical Beweisgrund. I argue that Kant has a theistic-potentialist conception of the way God grounds possibility, according to which God grounds possibility by his understanding and will. The reason is that Kant accepts what I call the Principle of Possible Existence: If something is possible, then it is possible that it exists. Furthermore, I explore the connection between causal powers and possibility, the (...)
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  3. Kant, i filosofi, i visionari.Costantini Marco - 2024 - Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier.
    Prendendo in esame il decennio 1756-1766 del pensiero di Kant, il volume ritaglia un percorso che attraversa le tematiche filosofiche della cosmologia, della metodologia e dell’epistemologia. Un’analisi attenta dei testi mostra che tali tematiche non si susseguono semplicemente nell’orizzonte del pensiero di Kant, ma si intrecciano e si modificano, talvolta imponendo limiti le une alle altre. Dopo lo scritto accademico sulle monadi fisiche, Kant affronta la questione del metodo avviando una riforma della filosofia volta a liberare quest’ultima dai mondi-di-pensiero dei (...)
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  4. Kant's Panentheism: The Possibility Proof of 1763 and Its Fate in the Critical Period.Andrew Chignell - 2023 - In Ina Goy (ed.), Kant on Proofs for God's Existence. Boston: De Gruyter.
    This chapter discusses Kant's 1763 "possibility proof" for the existence of God. I first provide a reconstruction of the proof in its two stages, and then revisit my earlier argument according to which the being the proof delivers threatens to be a Spinozistic-panentheistic God—a being whose properties include the entire spatio-temporal universe—rather than the traditional, ontologically distinct God of biblical monotheism. I go on to evaluate some recent alternative readings that have sought to avoid this result by arguing that the (...)
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  5. Kant’s Semiotics and Hermeneutics in the 1760s.Marco Costantini - 2023 - Kant Yearbook 15 (1):25-51.
    In this contribution, we first discuss the aspects of the analytic method conceived by Kant in the Deutlichkeit that differentiate it from the Wolffian method and relate it to the Newtonian method. Compared to the philosophical tradition, the task of analysing concepts appears profoundly changed. Since Kant aims philosophy towards the world, he considers concepts as something given and intends to discern their characteristic marks by observing their usual applications. Although Kant abandons any attempt to define concepts nominally, he still (...)
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  6. Le condizioni materiali del pensiero. Corpo, forza e facoltà nell'Allgemeine Naturgeschichte.Marco Costantini - 2023 - Con-Textos Kantianos 18:1-9.
    The contribution analyses the third part of the "Allgemeine Naturgeschichte", written by Kant in 1755, and focuses in particular on the ontological nexus that relate the activity of the soul to the material quality and to the morphology of the organic body. In the course of the analysis, the presence of two argumentative logics of Kant’s discourse will be highlighted. For the first one, the body is a limitation of the spirit, which would fully develop its cognitive faculties if it (...)
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  7. Uso del linguaggio e discorso comune. Da Wolff a Kant.Marco Costantini - 2023 - Lo Sguardo 37:195-214.
    In this contribution, we formulate the thesis that the methodological criticism against Wolff raised by Kant in his early writings is fully justified only if one grasps the different philosophies of language in the two authors. Depending on the function performed by linguistic usage in the analysis of concepts, a certain relationship between word, concept and thing is determined, which conditions the success of the analysis itself. Since Wolff abandons the use of language as soon as he has reached the (...)
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  8. Kant’s Philosophy of Language of Philosophy: On Philosophical Terminology.Eric Sancho-Adamson - 2023 - Kant Yearbook 15 (1):153-173.
    Among the passages which are suggestive of a philosophy of language in Kant’s writings are his remarks and arguments on appropriate terminology for philosophical concepts. I ask what it is for Kant that makes some words more suitable than others. I reconstruct the arguments from the Inquiry concerning the distinctness of the principles of natural theology and morality (1764) and the Critique of Pure Reason (1781/1787) that defend that there is no such thing as a proper, real definition for philosophical (...)
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  9. The Unity of Space in Kant’s Pre-Critical Philosophy.Dai Heide - 2022 - Journal of Modern Philosophy 4 (1):7.
    Much recent attention has been paid to Kant’s account of the unity of space in the Critique of Pure Reason, not least because of the significant implications of that view for other key critical-period doctrines. But far less attention has been paid to the development of Kant’s account of the unity of space. This paper aims to offer a systematic account of Kant’s pre-critical account of the unity of space. On the view presented herein, Kant’s early account of the unity (...)
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  10. Incompatibilism and the Principle of Sufficient Reason in Kant’s Nova Dilucidatio.Aaron Wells - 2022 - Journal of Modern Philosophy 4 (1:3):1-20.
    The consensus is that in his 1755 Nova Dilucidatio, Kant endorsed broadly Leibnizian compatibilism, then switched to a strongly incompatibilist position in the early 1760s. I argue for an alternative, incompatibilist reading of the Nova Dilucidatio. On this reading, actions are partly grounded in indeterministic acts of volition, and partly in prior conative or cognitive motivations. Actions resulting from volitions are determined by volitions, but volitions themselves are not fully determined. This move, which was standard in medieval treatments of free (...)
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  11. The Priority of Natural Laws in Kant’s Early Philosophy.Aaron Wells - 2021 - Res Philosophica 98 (3):469-497.
    It is widely held that, in his pre-Critical works, Kant endorsed a necessitation account of laws of nature, where laws are grounded in essences or causal powers. Against this, I argue that the early Kant endorsed the priority of laws in explaining and unifying the natural world, as well as their irreducible role in in grounding natural necessity. Laws are a key constituent of Kant’s explanatory naturalism, rather than undermining it. By laying out neglected distinctions Kant draws among types of (...)
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  12. Edward Kanterian, Kant, God and Metaphysics: The Secret Thorn, London and New York: Routledge, 2018 Pp. xvii + 444 ISBN 9781138908581 (hbk) £110.00. [REVIEW]David Forman - 2020 - Kantian Review 25 (3):497-504.
    This is a chronological commentary on Kant’s writings through 1769 whose aim is to reveal that the ‘secret thorn’ driving Kant’s thought through its twists and turns is the scripture-based faith of the German Protestant tradition.
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  13. Racial Non-Being. [REVIEW]David Miguel Gray - 2020 - Syndicate.
    A Critical Review Given as part of a Symposium on Harfouch's Another Mind-Body Problem: A History of Racial Non-Being.
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  14. Space, Time, and the Origins of Transcendental Idealism: Immanuel Kant’s Philosophy from 1747 to 1770.Matthew Rukgaber - 2020 - Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book provides an account of the unity of Immanuel Kant’s early metaphysics, including the moment he invents transcendental idealism. Matthew Rukgaber argues that a division between “two worlds”—the world of matter, force, and space on the one hand, and the world of metaphysical substances with inner states and principles preserved by God on the other—is what guides Kant’s thought. Until 1770 Kant consistently held a conception of space as a force-based material product of monads that are only virtually present (...)
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  15. Kant, God and Metaphysics: The Secret Thorn, by Edward Kanterian. Routledge, 2017, xvii + 444 pp. ISBN 10/13: 9781138908581 hb £110; ISBN 10/13: 9780203729588 eBook £35.99. [REVIEW]Noam Hoffer - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):796-799.
  16. The Emergence of Autonomy in Kant’s Moral Philosophy.Stefano Bacin & Oliver Sensen (eds.) - 2018 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Autonomy is one of the central concepts of contemporary moral thought, and Kant is often credited with being the inventor of individual moral autonomy. But how and why did Kant develop this notion? The Emergence of Autonomy in Kant's Moral Philosophy is the first essay collection exclusively devoted to this topic. It traces the emergence of autonomy from Kant's earliest writings to the changes that he made to the concept in his mature works. The essays offer a close historical and (...)
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  17. Tetens as a Reader of Kant's Inaugural Dissertation.Corey W. Dyck - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner (eds.), Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 857-66.
    In this paper I consider Tetens' reaction to Kant's Inaugural Dissertation in his two most important philosophical works, the essay “Über die allgemeine speculativische Philosophie” of 1775 and the two-volume Philosophische Versuche of 1777. In particular, I focus on Tetens’ critical discussion of Kant's account of the acquisition of concepts of space and time.
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  18. Tetens as a Reader of Kant’s Inaugural Dissertation.Corey W. Dyck - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner (eds.), Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 857-866.
    In this paper I consider Tetens' reaction to Kant's Inaugural Dissertation in his two most important philosophical works, the essay “Über die allgemeine speculativische Philosophie” of 1775 and the two-volume Philosophische Versuche of 1777. In particular, I focus on Tetens’ critical discussion of Kant's account of the acquisition of concepts of space and time.
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  19. The Metaphysician Who Didn’t Know That He Was Dreaming: Kant and the Spirit-Seers.Stefan Heßbrüggen-Walter - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner (eds.), Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 867-874.
    Kant’s Dreams of a Spirit Seer has puzzled most of its readers since its publication in 1766. Herder complained in general terms about the lack of unity and coherence of the book as well as Kant’s dialectical method of presenting both sides of a problem without offering his own solution. Mendelssohn was in doubt about whether Kant wanted to ridicule metaphysics or make a case for Swedenborg’s visions. Another exegetical puzzle has not been noted yet: Dreams discusses not one, but (...)
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  20. Kant and the Crusians in the Debate on Optimism.Alexei N. Krouglov - 2018 - Kantian Journal 37 (2):7-31.
  21. From Anthropology to Rational Psychology in Kant's Lectures on Metaphysics.Jennifer Mensch - 2018 - In Courtney D. Fugate (ed.), Kant's Lectures on Metaphysics: A Critical Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 194-213.
    In this essay I position Kant's "psychology" portion of the lectures on metaphysics against the backdrop of Kant's work to develop a new lecture course on anthropology during the 1770s. I argue that the development of this course caused significant trouble for Kant in three distinct ways, though in each case the difficulty would turn on Kant's approach to "empirical psychology." The first problem for Kant had to do with refashioning psychology such that empirical psychology could be reassigned to anthropology (...)
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  22. Immaterial Spirits and the Reform of First Philosophy: The Compatibility of Kant’s pre-Critical Metaphysics with the Arguments in Dreams of a Spirit-Seer.Matthew Rukgaber - 2018 - Journal of the History of Ideas 79 (3):363-383.
  23. El papel de la noción de verdad en el planteamiento de la filosofía crítica de Kant.Stefano Straulino - 2018 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 56:49-74.
    The Role of the Notion of Truth in the Project of Kant’s Critical Philosophy [English] The discussion about Kant’s theory of truth usually revolves around his ascription to some version of the coherence or correspondence theory of truth, and the matching criteria of truth. These discussions often deliberate which theory of truth is most appropriate given the critical principles. Instead, this paper aims to exhibit, through the evolution of Kant’s notion of truth in his precritical years and through the project (...)
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  24. Kant’s false subtlety of the four syllogistic figures in its intellectual context.Alberto Vanzo - 2018 - In Luca Gili & Marco Sgarbi (eds.), The aftermath of syllogism: Aristotelian logical argument from Avicenna to Hegel. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 157-190.
    This chapter discusses the relation between Kant’s views on the foundations of syllogistic inference in ‘The False Subtlety of the Four Syllogistic Figures’, the views of eighteenth-century German authors who wrote on syllogism, and the conception of metaphysics that Kant developed in 1762-1764. Kant’s positions are, on the whole, rather original, even though they are not as independent from the intellectual context as Kant’s later, Critical philosophy. Despite Kant’s polemical tone, his views on syllogism are not primarily motivated by polemical (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Kosmos und Subjektivität in der Frühromantik.Philipp Weber - 2017 - Dissertation, Humboldt University Berlin
    Kosmos und Subjektivität – dieses Begriffspaar stellt sogleich einen Antagonismus vor, denn Subjektivität konstituiert sich alleine im irreduziblen Bruch mit der kosmischen Einheit. Gegen Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts kommt es zu diesem Bruch, der sich durch ein Ineinanderwirken von wissenschaftlichen, philosophischen und ästhetischen Diskursen auszeichnet. Als entscheidender Schritt dieser Entwicklung, so die These der Untersuchung, lässt sich die Frühromantik verstehen: Sie insistiert zum einen auf dem Bruch mit der tradierten Vorstellung des Kosmos und entdeckt darin die Möglichkeitsbedingung moderner Subjektivität. Zum (...)
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  26. Kant's Modal Metaphysics, by Nicholas Stang. [REVIEW]Andrew Chignell - 2016 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 16:online.
    A review of Nicholas Stang's 2016 book, Kant's Modal Metaphysics.
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  27. Spontaneity before the Critical Turn: Crusius, Tetens, and the Pre-Critical Kant on the Spontaneity of the Mind.Corey W. Dyck - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (4):625-648.
    Kant’s introduction in the Kritik der reinen Vernunft (KrV) of a spontaneity proper to the understanding is often thought to be one of the central innovations of his Critical philosophy. As I show in this paper, however, a number of thinkers within the 18th century German tradition in the time before the KrV (including the pre-Critical Kant himself) had already developed a robust conception of the spontaneity of the mind, a conception which, in many respects lays the groundwork for Kant’s (...)
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  28. Kant, Immanuel: Natural Science. Ed. by Eric Watkins. 818 pages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. ISBN 978-0-521-36394-5. [REVIEW]Sophie Grapotte - 2016 - Kant Studien 107 (2):396-400.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 107 Heft: 2 Seiten: 396-400.
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  29. The Relation between God and the World in the Pre-Critical Kant: Was Kant a Spinozist?Noam Hoffer - 2016 - Kantian Review 21 (2):185-210.
    Andrew Chignell and Omri Boehm have recently argued that Kant’s pre-Critical proof for the existence of God entails a Spinozistic conception of God and hence substance monism. The basis for this reading is the assumption common in the literature that God grounds possibilities by exemplifying them. In this article I take issue with this assumption and argue for an alternative Leibnizian reading, according to which possibilities are grounded in essences united in God’s mind (later also described as Platonic ideas intuited (...)
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  30. Leibniz, the Young Kant, and Boscovich on the Relationality of Space.Idan Shimony - 2016 - In Wenchao Li (ed.), Für Unser Glück oder das Glück Anderer: Vortrage des X. Internationalen Leibniz-Kongresses, vol. 5. Olms. pp. Vol. 2, pp. 73-85.
    Leibniz’s main thesis regarding the nature of space is that space is relational. This means that space is not an independent object or existent in itself, but rather a set of relations between objects existing at the same time. The reality of space, therefore, is derived from objects and their relations. For Leibniz and his successors, this view of space was intimately connected with the understanding of the composite nature of material objects. The nature of the relation between space and (...)
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  31. Los sueños de un visionario y la única realidad en que habitamos.Stéfano Straulino - 2016 - In Juan Manuel Navarro Cordón, Rogelio Rovira & Rafael Orden Jiménez (eds.), Nuevas perspectivas sobre la filosofía de Kant. Escolar y Mayo. pp. 33-39.
    The Dreams of a Spirit-Seer and the one reality in which we live [English] Traüme eines Geistersehers usually constitutes a problematic work for Kant’s scholars for its unusual style and for the apparent break with the problems that occupied him at the beginning of the 1760s. However, this work is to a large extent the natural outcome of those themes, especially of the search for an appropriate method for metaphysics. In this paper we are particularly interested in highlighting two ideas (...)
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  32. Metaphysics as Kant’s Coquette: Rousseau’s Influence on Dreams of a Spirit-Seer.Jeremiah Alberg - 2015 - Kantian Review 20 (3):347-371.
    KantObservations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime’ reveal a deep concern with the way in which the human drives to equality and unity lead inevitably to a drive for honour and its attendant delusions. He developed his thinking about these problems in the context of his reading of Rousseau. In his published Dreams of a Spirit-Seer, Kant tries to overcome the influence of the drive for honour by appealing to a metaphysics that is critical of itself. The (...)
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  33. On Kant’s First Insight into the Problem of Space Dimensionality and its Physical Foundations.Francisco Caruso & Roberto Moreira Xavier - 2015 - Kant Studien 106 (4):547-560.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 106 Heft: 4 Seiten: 547-560.
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  34. Die pragmatische Dimension des Geschmacks im aufgeklärten Bildungsprogramm der Anthropologie Kants.Manuel Sánchez-Rodríguez - 2015 - In Patricia Kuark-Leite, Giorgia Cecchinato, Virginia De Araujo Figueiredo, Margit Ruffing & Alice Serra (eds.), Kant and the Metaphors of Reason. Olms Verlag. pp. 429-441.
    In der Kritik der Urteilskraft vertritt Kant noch die analogische Beziehung zwischen Schönheit und Sittlichkeit (KU, AA 05: 351–354). Aber wir befinden uns hier in einem ganz anderen Zusammenhang. Und dies nicht nur, weil die Erörterung dieser analogischen Beziehung eine Lösung für das Problem der Verknüpfung zwischen theoretischer und praktischer Vernunft beansprucht. Die Reflexionen in den Vorlesungen über Anthropologie über die pragmatische Dimension des Geschmacks setzten die Möglichkeit dieser Verknüpfung bereits voraus, bevor Kant eine kritische Begründung derselben erreichte. Wir dürfen (...)
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  35. Kant's Only Possible Argument and Chignell's Real Harmony.Uygar Abaci - 2014 - Kantian Review 19 (1):1-25.
    Andrew Chignell recently proposed an original reconstruction of Kant's ‘Only Possible Argument’ for the existence of God. Chignell claims that what motivates the ‘Grounding Premise’ of Kant's proof, ‘real possibility must be grounded in actuality’, is the requirement that the predicates of a really possible thing must be ‘really harmonious’, i.e. compatible in an extra-logical or metaphysical sense. I take issue with Chignell's reconstruction. First, the pre-Critical Kant does not present ‘real harmony’ as a general condition of real possibility. Second, (...)
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  36. Kant and the ‘Monstrous’ Ground of Possibility: A Reply to Abaci and Yong.Andrew Chignell - 2014 - Kantian Review 19 (1):53-69.
    I reply to recent criticisms by Uygar Abaci and Peter Yong, among others, of my reading of Kant's pre-Critical of God's existence, and of its fate in the Critical period. Along the way I discuss some implications of this debate for our understanding of Kant's modal metaphysics and modal epistemology generally.
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  37. Kant’s Empiricist Rationalism of the Mid-1760s.Robert R. Clewis - 2014 - Eighteenth-Century Thought 5:179-225.
  38. Alexander Baumgarten on the Principle of Sufficient Reason.Courtney D. Fugate - 2014 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (44):127-147.
    This paper defends the Principle of Sufficient Reason, taking Baumgarten as its guide. The primary aim is not to vindicate the principle, but rather to explore the kinds of resources Baumgarten originally thought sufficient to justify the PSR against its early opponents. The paper also considers Baumgarten’s possible responses to Kant’s pre-Critical objections to the proof of the PSR. The paper finds that Baumgarten possesses reasonable responses to all these objections. While the paper notes that in the absence of a (...)
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  39. Preface: Kant and the Lawfulness of Nature.Michela Massimi - 2014 - Kant Studien 105 (4):469-470.
    :This paper traces the early reflections of the pre-Critical Kant on laws of nature back to Newton’s governing conception of laws. Three problems with the Newtonian conception are identified. I argue that in the attempt to provide a solution to them, in 1763 Kant came to forge a novel governing conception of laws. Key to Kant’s novel view are the notions of ground and its determinations. The role of these two notions in delivering the nomological necessity, explanatory power, and unity (...)
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  40. Prescribing laws to nature. Part I. Newton, the pre-Critical Kant, and three problems about the lawfulness of nature.Michela Massimi - 2014 - Kant Studien 105 (4):491-508.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 105 Heft: 4 Seiten: 491-508.
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  41. Healthy Understanding and Urtheilskraft: The development of the power of judgment in Kant’s early faculty psychology.Matthew McAndrew - 2014 - Kant Studien 105 (3).
  42. Kant’ın Eleştiri Öncesi Düşünceleri: Genel Bir Bakış [Kant’s Pre-Critical Thoughts: A General Outline].Ümit ÖZTÜRK - 2014 - Mavi Atlas 3 (3):87-98.
    Kant’ın 1781 tarihli Saf Aklın Eleştirisi adlı çalışmasına kadar geçen felsefî kariyeri, genel olarak literatürde, onun “eleştiri öncesi” dönemi olarak adlandırılır. Bu dönemin belirleyici unsuru, Kant’ın bir taraftan Newton fiziki diğer taraftan da Leibniz-Wolff metafiziki ile sürekli boğuşmasıdır. Bu süreç içerisinde Kant, aynı zamanda, hernekadar berrak ve keskin bir biçimde formüle edilmese de “eleştirel felsefe”ye doğru giden ilk açılımları da sunar. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Kant’ın sözü edilen düşünce dönemini mercek altına alarak onun “eleştiri öncesi” düşüncelerine dâir genel bir perspektif çizmektir. (...)
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  43. Kants Anti-Spinozismus – Eine Antwort auf Omri Boehm.Thomas Wyrwich - 2014 - Kant Studien 105 (1):113-124.
  44. (1 other version)Kant’s Conception of Philosophy, 1764 –1765.Robert R. Clewis - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 491-502.
  45. Review: Watkins (ed.), Immanuel Kant, Natural Science[REVIEW]Lydia Patton - 2013 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews:unknown.
    Natural Science is a new volume of the Cambridge translations of Kant's works. It makes available some of the most significant texts of Kant's pre-Critical period, some appearing for the first time in English translation. The translations are largely clear and accurate. Eric Watkins is a sure and knowledgeable editor, and provides concise and informative introductions to each text.
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  46. The Antinomies and Kant's Conception of Nature.Idan Shimony - 2013 - Dissertation, Tel Aviv University
  47. The early Kant’s Newtonianism.Eric Watkins - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (3):429-437.
  48. Pitanje, da li zemlja stari, fizikalno razmatrano.Imanuel Kant - 2012 - Theoria: Beograd 55 (1):5-17.
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  49. (1 other version)Carta a Markus Hertz.Immanuel Kant - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 10:165-172.
  50. “Omnis determinatio est negatio” – Determination, Negation and Self-Negation in Spinoza, Kant, and Hegel.Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2012 - In Eckart Förster & Yitzhak Y. Melamed (eds.), Spinoza and German Idealism. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Spinoza ’s letter of June 2, 1674 to his friend Jarig Jelles addresses several distinct and important issues in Spinoza ’s philosophy. It explains briefly the core of Spinoza ’s disagreement with Hobbes’ political theory, develops his innovative understanding of numbers, and elaborates on Spinoza ’s refusal to describe God as one or single. Then, toward the end of the letter, Spinoza writes: With regard to the statement that figure is a negation and not anything positive, it is obvious that (...)
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