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  1. Kantian Conditions for the Possibility of Justified Resistance to Authority.Stephen R. Palmquist - manuscript
    Immanuel Kant’s theory of justifiable resistance to authority is complex and, at times, appears to conflict with his own practice, if not with itself. He distinguishes between the role of authority in “public” and “private” contexts. In private—e.g., when a person is under contract to do a specific job or accepts a social contract with one’s government—resistance is forbidden; external behavior must be governed by policy or law. In contexts involving the public use of reason, on the other hand—e.g., when (...)
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  2. University, Republic, and Morality: On the Reversed Order of Progress in ‘The Conflict of the Faculties’.Roberta Pasquarè - manuscript
    It is commonly held that Kant, with his 1798 essay The Conflict of the Faculties, relinquishes some progressive stances and retreats to conservative positions. According to several interpreters, this is especially evident from Kant’s discussion of moral progress and public use of reason. Kant avers that moral progress can only occur through state-sanctioned education “from top to bottom” and entrusts the emergence of a state endowed with the relevant resolution and ability to “a wisdom from above” (7:92-93). According to numerous (...)
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  3. American Reconstruction and the Abolition of ‘Second’ Slavery: On Pascoe’s Intersectional Critique of Kant’s Theory of Labour.Elvira Basevich - forthcoming - Kantian Review:1-9.
    To highlight the promise of Jordan Pascoe’s Kant’s Theory of Labour, my comments concern the diagnostic and prescriptive dimensions of the book’s excellent intersectional critique of dependent labour relations. The diagnostic dimension of Pascoe’s critique establishes that the organisation of dependent labour relations is a neglected problem of Kantian justice. The prescriptive dimension offers solutions to this problem but is underdeveloped. To enhance the book’s prescriptive dimension, I draw on the noted Africana philosopher W. E. B. Du Bois for guidance. (...)
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  4. Two concepts of liberalism: creation, voluntarism and politics in the thought of Immanuel Kant and Edmund Burke.Christopher Insole - forthcoming - Modern Theology.
  5. Reason, Rights and Law: New Essays on Kantian Philosophy.Alice Pinheiro Walla & Mehmet Ruhi Demiray (eds.) - forthcoming - University of Wales Press.
  6. Slavery and Kant's Doctrine of Right.Huaping Lu-Adler - 2025 - History of Modern Philosophy 6 (2).
    In the 1780s through the end of 1790s, Kant made various references to slavery (in its different forms) and the transatlantic slave trade in the context of his political philosophy or philosophy of right; he thereby had opportunities to speak in favor of abolitionism, which was gaining momentum in parts of Europe, or at least to articulate a normative critique of the race-based chattel slavery or Atlantic slavery and the associated slave trade qua (legalized) INSTITUTIONS; but he did neither. Why? (...)
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  7. Sobre la igualdad en la concepción del matrimonio como institución en Kant.Noelia E. Quiroga - 2025 - Estudos Kantianos [Ek] 12.
    En el presente trabajo se aborda críticamente la concepción de igualdad en la institución del matrimonio en Kant. Argumentaré que dicha igualdad no se sostiene si consideramos al sexismo y a la homofobia en los que incurre Kant en sus escritos jurídicos, éticos y antropológicos. En cambio, propondré repensar la institución del matrimonio al retomar, por un lado, las críticas al sexismo y la homofobia en el pensamiento kantiano, y por otro lado, al considerar la idea del reconocimiento ético y (...)
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  8. Haus, Markt, Staat: Ökonomie in Kants praktischer Philosophie und Anthropologie.Achim Brosch - 2024 - De Gruyter.
    Nach einem weit verbreiteten Urteil gibt Kant der Ökonomie in seinem Werk keinen nennenswerten Raum. Die vorliegende Studie widerlegt dies, indem sie Kants Äußerungen zu ökonomischen Themen systematisiert: zur Selbstständigkeit, zum Kaufmann, zum Handel, zum Geld, zur „Staatswirthschaft" sowie zum technischen Fortschritt. Sie erschließt Kants Ökonomie aus der Ergänzung rechtlicher und ethischer Pflichten durch deren anthropologische Ausführungsbedingungen. Dabei geht sie aus von einem zeitgenössischen Verständnis der Ökonomie als Wissenschaft vom Wohlstand. Im deutschsprachigen Raum des 18. Jahrhunderts konkurrieren hier drei Paradigmen (...)
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  9. How Much Geography in Kant’s Critical Project?Marco Costantini - 2024 - Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind, and the Arts 5 (1):61-76.
    In this paper we will address the following points: (1) we will question the general belief that Kant’s philosophical approach has a geographical character, by showing how critical philosophy and physical geography establish, in their respective systems, two inverse relationships between the rational and the aesthetic form of spatiality; (2) we will argue that cartography still plays a role in the realization of a scientific system of cognition, and that this role consists in guiding this very realization; (3) lastly, we (...)
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  10. Kant's Position on the Wide Right to Abortion.Samuel Kahn - 2024 - Kant Studien 115 (2):203-227.
    In this article, I explicate Kant’s position on the wide right to abortion. That is, I explore the extent to which, according to Kant’s practical philosophy, abortion is punishable, even if it involves an unjust infringement of the right to life. By focusing on the state’s right to punish, rather than the right to life or the onset of personhood, I use Kant to expose a novel range of issues and questions about the legal status of abortion (and criminal punishment (...)
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  11. Is Income Redistribution a Violation of the Categorical Imperative?Konstantin Morozov - 2024 - Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series Society. History. Modernity 9 (3):90-98.
    In Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Robert Nozick made the argument that income redistribution violates the Kantian categorical imperative. Nozick’s retrospective enslavement argument is still used today in discussions about the moral justification of taxation. This article explicates four implicit premises of Nozick’s argument: the self-ownership principle, its fullness, the absence of restrictions on the appropriation of natural resources, and the absence of restrictions on the distribution of the fruits of cooperation. Without additional justification for each of these premises, Nozick’s argument (...)
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  12. Luigi Caranti (2022) The Kantian Federation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 66. ISBN 9781009016971 (pbk) $22.00. [REVIEW]Toshiro Osawa - 2024 - Kantian Review 29 (1):153-156.
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  13. Kant on Enlightenment.Ian Proops - 2024 - In Andrew Stephenson & Anil Gomes (eds.). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Kant defines ‘enlightenment’ as ‘humankind’s emergence from its self-imposed immaturity’. This essay considers the meaning, role, and novelty of this definition, while also examining its relation to the Enlightenment slogans: ‘sapere aude’ (‘Dare to be wise!’) and ‘Think for yourself’. It is argued that there are two subtly different aspects to the ‘immaturity’ from which Kant, insofar as he endorses the transformative process of enlightenment, is urging us to ‘emerge’. These aspects correspond to his two images of immaturity: first, confinement (...)
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  14. Susan Meld Shell (2022) The Politics of Beauty: A Study of Kant’s Critique of Taste. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 75. ISBN 9781009011808 (pbk) $22.00. [REVIEW]Kristi Sweet - 2024 - Kantian Review 29 (1):165-168.
  15. Kant on Hope's Value and Misanthropy.Michael Yuen - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy:1-15.
    In this paper, I develop a neglected aspect of the value of hope in Kant’s philosophy. I do so by homing in on Section III of the 1793 essay “On the Common Saying.” In my interpretation, Kant argues that if one recognizes obligations to help future generations while also encountering people who violate these obligations, one is more likely to isolate oneself from society—what Kant calls the hatred of humanity or misanthropy. Thus, the paper argues that hope is valuable for (...)
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  16. Origine e senso dell'umanità. La metafisica di Karl Jaspers negli anni successivi alla Seconda Guerra Mondiale (1946-1949).Gianmaria Avellino - 2023 - Phronein. Rivista Semestrale di Filosofia 9 (1):109-118.
    The article highlights the metaphysical approach that lies beneath Karl Jaspers' conception of history as an unstoppable flow of individual states into a world unity. The analysis is based on a reading of Jaspers' contribution to the Geneva conference of 1946 and his 1949 book "The Origin and Goal of History".
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  17. The Concept of Property in Kant, Fichte, and Hegel: Freedom, Right, and Recognition.Jacob Blumenfeld - 2023 - New York: Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy.
    This book provides a detailed account of the role of property in German Idealism. It puts the concept of property in the center of the philosophical systems of Kant, Fichte, and Hegel and shows how property remains tied to their conceptions of freedom, right, and recognition. The book begins with a critical genealogy of the concept of property in modern legal philosophy, followed by a reconstruction of the theory of property in Kant's Doctrine of Right, Fichte's Foundations of Natural Right, (...)
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  18. Uso del linguaggio e discorso comune. Da Wolff a Kant.Marco Costantini - 2023 - Lo Sguardo 37:195-214.
    In this contribution, we formulate the thesis that the methodological criticism against Wolff raised by Kant in his early writings is fully justified only if one grasps the different philosophies of language in the two authors. Depending on the function performed by linguistic usage in the analysis of concepts, a certain relationship between word, concept and thing is determined, which conditions the success of the analysis itself. Since Wolff abandons the use of language as soon as he has reached the (...)
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  19. Innate right, indeterminacy, and official discretion: A puzzle for Kantians.Paul Garofalo - 2023 - Law and Philosophy 43 (2):159-185.
    This paper poses a puzzle for contemporary Kantian political philosophy. Kantian political philosophers hold that the state’s purpose is to secure the conditions for people’s innate right to equal freedom, while at the same time claiming that innate right does not give a determinate set of conditions that the state is to bring about. Officials, then, have to make decisions in cases where the considerations of innate right provide no further guidance. I argue that, intuitively, in such cases there are (...)
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  20. Human Dignity and Social Justice.Pablo Gilabert - 2023 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Human dignity: social movements invoke it, several national constitutions enshrine it, and it features prominently in international human rights documents. But what is it, why is it important, and what is its relationship to human rights and social justice? Pablo Gilabert offers a systematic defence of the view that human dignity is the moral heart of justice. In Human Dignity and Human Rights (OUP 2019), he advanced an account of human dignity for the context of human rights discourse, which covers (...)
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  21. Kant’s Hylomorphic Formulation of Right and the Necessity of the State.Michael Gregory - 2023 - Kant Studien 114 (3):539-564.
    This paper argues against the common justification for the necessity of the state through the particular difficulty of private property right. Instead, I argue that the necessity of the state is internal to the concept of right in general. In order to show this, I point out how Kants adoption of hylomorphic language for the concept of right, where there is a formal and material aspect of right, allows us to understand the Rechtslehre as progressing through a syllogistic deduction from (...)
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  22. Alice Pinheiro Walla, Happiness in Kant’s Practical Philosophy: Morality, Indirect Duties, and Welfare Rights. [REVIEW]Samuel Kahn - 2023 - Kantian Review 28 (3):493-496.
  23. Kant, Race, and Racism: Views from Somewhere.Huaping Lu-Adler - 2023 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    Kant scholars have paid relatively little attention to his raciology. They assume that his racism, as personal prejudice, can be disentangled from his core philosophy. They also assume that racism contradicts his moral theory. In this book, philosopher Huaping Lu-Adler challenges both assumptions. She shows how Kant's raciology--divided into racialism and racism--is integral to his philosophical system. She also rejects the individualistic approach to Kant and racism. Instead, she uses the notion of racism as ideological formation to demonstrate how Kant, (...)
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  24. Hope and the Kantian Legacy: New Contributions to the History of Optimism.Katerina Mihaylova & Anna Ezekiel (eds.) - 2023 - London, Vereinigtes Königreich: Bloomsbury Academic.
    A history of the development of the concept of hope in German philosophy immediately after Kant.
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  25. Felicidad y poder político en Teoría y Praxis.Noelia E. Quiroga - 2023 - Anacronismo e Irrupción 14 (25):152-175.
    El objetivo del presente artículo es evaluar la posición de Kant sobre la relación entre la autoridad política y la felicidad, poniendo el foco en la declaración que realiza en Teoría y Praxis sobre la posibilidad de que el poder supremo jurídico dirija sus leyes a la felicidad. Esto parece contradecir uno de los principios nodulares de su doctrina del derecho, a saber, que el poder político tiene como límite la legislación jurídica sobre concepciones privadas del bien y de la (...)
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  26. Un frente a las distintas formas de opresión: desde Kant y más allá de Kant.Noelia Eva Quiroga - 2023 - Isegoría 69:e12.
    Si bien Kant ha sido considerado como el representante moderno del eurocentrismo, del racismo y del sexismo, me propongo argumentar que en su teoría del reconocimiento ético y jurídico se hallan las claves para rescatar una posición coherente con la defensa de una filosofía de la libertad, la igualdad y la pluralidad. Para ello, en la primera parte, considero el panorama de las críticas e interpretaciones dirigidas a Kant respecto de las distintas formas de opresión, para recuperar las razones para (...)
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  27. Right, Morals, and the Categorical Imperative.Fiorella Tomassini - 2023 - Kant Studien 114 (3):513-538.
    In this paper I examine the relationship between the principle of right and the principle of morals [Sitten] in Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals. My interpretation denies that the principle of right is derived from the categorical imperative, but neither does it adhere to the independence thesis. I present a third way of understanding the relationship between the law of right and the universal law of morals: the latter is needed in order to formulate the former, but it is not sufficient. (...)
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  28. Book Review: Rightful Relations with Distant Strangers: Kant, the EU, and the Wider World, by Aravind Ganesh (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2021). [REVIEW]Joris van de Riet - 2023 - Common Market Law Review 60 (3):913-916.
    This is review of the book "Rightful Relations with Distant Strangers: Kant, the EU, and the Wider World" by Aravind Ganesh, which discusses the relevance of Immanuel Kant's legal philosophy for the European Union's exercise of extraterritorial jurisdiction. The book explores this issue from the perspectives of public international law and private law theory as well.
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  29. The EU and Russian Aggression: Perspectives from Kant, Hobbes, and Machiavelli.Joris van de Riet & Femke Klaver - 2023 - European Papers 8 (3):1523-1537.
    This Insight examines the stance the EU should adopt towards the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the basis of the political thought of Immanuel Kant, Thomas Hobbes, and Niccolò Machiavelli. Taking as its starting point Josep Borrell’s comment that “we are too much Kantians and not enough Hobbesians” at the 2022 EU Ambassadors’ Conference, this Insight offers a revisionist interpretation of both Kant and Hobbes while suggesting Machiavelli as a third possible inspiration for EU external action. Although he is often (...)
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  30. Should Kant Be Viewed as a Public Philosopher?Zachary Vereb - 2023 - Con-Textos Kantianos 17:3-15.
    Immanuel Kant is rarely appreciated for his contributions to public philosophy. This is unsurprising, given his dry, technical style, criticism of the popular German philosophy movement, and prolonged silence on religious topics following censorship threats from Frederick William II. Yet Kant’s underappreciation vis-à-vis public philosophy is curious: Not only was he a vocal supporter of the early French Revolution, but he also said much on the public and political value of enlightenment. These ideas come across indirectly in his systematic writings (...)
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  31. Five perspectives on holding wrongdoers responsible in Kant.Benjamin Vilhauer - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (1):100-125.
    The first part of this paper surveys five perspectives in Kant’s philosophy on the quantity of retribution to be inflicted on wrongdoers, ordered by two dimensions of difference – whether they are theoretical or practical perspectives, and the quantity of retribution they prescribe: (1) theoretical zero, the perspective of theoretical philosophy; (2) practical infinity, the perspective of God and conscience; (3) practical equality, the perspective of punishment in public law; (4) practical degrees, the perspective we adopt in private relations to (...)
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  32. (1 other version)The concept of publicness in Kant’s critical method of metaphysics.Farshid Baghai - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (3):333-360.
    Kant’s writings on political philosophy do not clearly and conclusively determine its place and significance in his critical philosophy. To address this issue, most accounts of Kant’s political philosophy concentrate on his explicitly political texts that cluster around the second and third Critiques. Although many of these interpretations illuminate different aspects of Kant’s political philosophy, they are silent with regard to a concept of publicness that is implied in the first Critique. This article suggests that Kant’s critical method of metaphysics (...)
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  33. A prudência como “sabedoria política” no projeto kantiano da paz perpétua: um elo entre teoria e prática.Bruno Cunha - 2022 - In Ufsc (ed.), Comentários às obras de Kant: À paz perpétua. Florianópolis, SC, Brasil: pp. 323-368.
    É possível constatar, mesmo em uma leitura superficial, que Kant tem o propósito de empreender em seu opúsculo de 1795, À Paz Perpétua, uma defesa dos princípios normativos do direito em todas as esferas da vida pública. Isso se evidencia na tentativa de desenvolver uma teoria da paz erigida sobre uma teoria tríplice do direito público, dividida nos âmbitos do direito estatal, das gentes e cosmopolita. Mas, se a questão é, por um lado, adequar os princípios puros da doutrina do (...)
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  34. Hegel com e contra Kant no Direito Internacional.Bruno Cunha - 2022 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 21 (2):216-244.
    A filosofia do direito internacional de Hegel tem recebido certa atenção nos últimos anos. As pesquisas mais recentes têm buscado apresentar uma visão diferente daquela, apresentada no século XIX e primeira metade do século XX, que retratava Hegel como um entusiasta do estado de guerra. Com efeito, também se passou a reavaliar a relação de Hegel com Kant no que diz respeito às questões do direito internacional, sobretudo, a possibilidade da paz. Meu objetivo nesse artigo é, primeiramente, apresentar os aspectos (...)
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  35. Kant and Rehberg on political theory and practice.Michael L. Gregory - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (4):566-588.
    ABSTRACT This article examines the under-researched figure A.W. Rehberg in his exchange with Kant over the relationship between theory and practice in the philosophy of right. I argue that Rehberg raises, what I call, two problems of political matter which attempt to show that Kant's overly formal approach to political theory cannot justifiably determine political practice. The first problem is the problem of positive determinations of right, rather than merely negative prohibitions. Rehberg takes this to mean that Kant cannot determine (...)
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  36. A Kantian Argument for Sustainable Property Use.Stefano Lo Re - 2022 - Studi Kantiani 35:49-64.
    The paper lays the foundations for a duty of sustainable property use based on Kant’s Doctrine of Right. In doing so, it contributes to the project of extending the application of Kant’s philosophy to environmental issues so as to include his legal-political philosophy. After providing some context, focusing in particular on Kant’s property argument, I present and critically evaluate a recent argument for a duty of sustainable property use, put forward by Attila Ataner. Then, I draw on Reinhard Brandt’s and (...)
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  37. Kant and Slavery—Or Why He Never Became a Racial Egalitarian.Huaping Lu-Adler - 2022 - Critical Philosophy of Race 10 (2):263-294.
    According to an oft-repeated narrative, while Kant maintained racist views through the 1780s, he changed his mind in the 1790s. Pauline Kleingeld introduced this narrative based on passages from Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals and “Toward Perpetual Peace”. On her reading, Kant categorically condemned chattel slavery in those texts, which meant that he became more racially egalitarian. But the passages involving slavery, once contextualized, either do not concern modern, race-based chattel slavery or at best suggest that Kant mentioned it as a (...)
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  38. Righting Health Policy: Bioethics, Political Philosophy, and the Normative Justification of Health Law and Policy.D. Robert MacDougall - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In Righting Health Policy, MacDougall argues that bioethics has not developed the tools best suited for justifying health law and policy. Using Kant’s practical philosophy as an example, he explores the promise of political philosophy for making normatively justified recommendations about health law and policy.
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  39. Kant's Rational Freedom: Positive and Negative Peace.Casey Rentmeester - 2022 - In Sanjay Lal (ed.), Peaceful Approaches for a More Peaceful World. Leiden: BRILL. pp. 230-238.
    World peace was a common theoretical consideration among philosophers during Europe’s Enlightenment period. The first robust essay on peace was written by Charles Irénée Castel de Saint- Pierre, which sparked an intellectual debate among prominent philosophers like Jean- Jacques Rousseau and Jeremy Bentham, who offered their own treatises on the concept of peace. Perhaps the most influential of all such writings comes from Immanuel Kant, who argues that world peace is no “high- flown or exaggerated notion” but rather a natural (...)
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  40. Scienza, filosofia e politica. Kant e le neuroscienze del giudizio morale.Daniela Tafani - 2022 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 33 (65):167-182.
    This article discusses the opposition of neurosciences of moral judgement to moral philosophy, shedding light on the political meaning of the thesis according to which a science of morality is possible, or already real, and would demonstrate that rights’ recognition equates to a cognitive error. It furthermore presents some theoretical contributions offered by Kant’s moral doctrine – on condition that one avoids providing an unfounded and caricatural account in order to make it the paradigm of armchair philosophy – about the (...)
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  41. Kant’s Four Political Conditions: Barbarism, Despotism, Anarchy, and Republic.Helga Varden - 2022 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 57 (3-4):194-207.
    In Kant’s “Doctrine of Right” there is a philosophical and interpretive puzzle surrounding the translation of a key concept: Gewalt. Should we translate it as “force,” “power,” or “violence”? This raises both general questions in Kant’s legal-political philosophy as well as puzzles regarding Kant’s definitions of “barbarism,” “anarchy,” “despotism,” and “republic” as the four possible political conditions. First, I argue that we have good textual reasons for translating Gewalt as “violence”—a translation which has the advantage that it answers these questions (...)
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  42. Kant on revolution as a sign of moral progress.Sacha Golob - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (6):977-989.
  43. The Drive to Society in Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment.Dietmar Heidemann - 2021 - In Manja Kisner & Jörg Noller (eds.), The Concept of Drive in Classical German Philosophy: Between Biology, Anthropology, and Metaphysics. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 149-168.
    Prima facie, the concept of “drive” is not central or even relevant to the project of the Critique of the Power of Judgment. Other than one might expect, Kant, especially in the teleology, is not engaging with this concept and its cognates in great detail. On the other hand, the concept of “drive” is pivotal in his philosophy of history and culture as spelled out in the “Doctrine of Method” of the third Critique. For it is nature that drives human (...)
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  44. Kant : la nécessité au fondement de l’idée de communauté humaine.Angèle L’Hôte - 2021 - Philosophique 24.
    Chercher à établir un commun, ou ce qui est commun à l’humanité, est une question qui bien souvent trouve comme seule résolution une définition claire de l’être humain, doté de caractéristiques et de facultés déterminées. Cette démarche nourrissant déjà amplement le débat philosophique, nous nous concentrerons plutôt sur une reconsidération du problème de la détermination de ce que pourrait être la communauté humaine. Notre travail de recherche a pour objet la nécessité et l’obligation chez K...
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  45. Armut bei Kant.Reza Mosayebi - 2021 - In Gottfried Schweiger & Clemens Sedmak (eds.), Handbuch Philosophie Und Armut. J.B. Metzler. pp. 121-127.
    Nach Kant ist die Armut ein unerwünschtes Phänomen, dessen Entstehung hauptsächlich den durch menschliche Interaktionen entstandenen Ungerechtigkeiten geschuldet ist.
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  46. Immanuel Kant.Dieter Schönecker - 2021 - In Michael G. Festl (ed.), Handbuch Liberalismus. J.B. Metzler. pp. 29-35.
    Die im engeren Sinne politische Bedeutung des Wortes „liberal“ und erst recht der Begriff des Liberalismus haben im deutschsprachigen Raum bekanntlich erst recht spät und jedenfalls nach Immanuel Kant Fuß gefasst. Es überrascht daher nicht, dass Kant in seinen Schriften von solchen Begriffen wie „liberal“ und „Liberalität“ nur sehr sparsam, beiläufig und in einer Weise Gebrauch macht, die zwar die.
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  47. Kant’s Conception of Public Reason.Terence Hua Tai - 2021 - In Hon-Lam Li & Michael Campbell (eds.), Public Reason and Bioethics: Three Perspectives. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 283-315.
    This chapter presents an interpretation of Kant’s view on public reason. For Kant, reason in its theoretical use is the highest of our mental powers, giving principles for thinking in general that regulate our use of understanding as a faculty of cognition. In its practical use, it is a capacity to set ends to oneself and to pursue them by efficient means. Kant calls reason our “rational nature” and also employs the word ‘humanity’ as a technical term for it. Most (...)
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  48. The Symbol of Justice: Bloodguilt in Kant.Krista K. Thomason - 2021 - Kantian Review 26 (1):79-97.
    One of the more notorious passages in Kant occurs in the Doctrine of Right where he claims that ‘bloodguilt’ will cling to members of a dissolving society if they fail to execute the last murderer (MM, 6: 333). Although this is the most famous, bloodguilt appears in three other passages in Kant’s writings. These have received little attention in Kant scholarship. In this article, I examine these other passages and argue that bloodguilt functions as a symbol for the demandingness of (...)
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  49. Toleration and Some Related Concepts in Kant.Andrew Bain & Paul Formosa - 2020 - Kantian Review 25 (2):167-192.
    In this article we examine Kant’s understanding of toleration by including a study of all instances in which he directly uses the language of toleration and related concepts. We use this study to resolve several key areas of interpretative dispute concerning Kant’s views on toleration. We argue that Kant offers a nuanced and largely unappreciated approach to thinking about toleration, and related concepts, across three normative spheres: the political, the interpersonal and the personal. We examine shortcomings in earlier interpretations and (...)
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  50. Kant’s Doctrine of the Highest Good: A Theologico-Political Interpretation.Étienne Brown - 2020 - Kantian Review 25 (2):193 - 217.
    Kant’s discussion of the highest good is subject to continuous disagreement between the proponents of two interpretations of this concept. According to the secular interpretation, Kant conceived of the highest good as a political ideal which can be realized through human agency alone, albeit only from the Critique of the Power of Judgement onwards. By way of contrast, proponents of the theological interpretation find Kant’s treatment of the highest good in his later works to be wholly coherent with the discussions (...)
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