Summary |
Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (Kritik der reinen Vernunft) inaugurates the Critical period in Kant's thought. The first publication is referred to as the "A" edition and was published in 1781, and the second, or "B" edition appeared in 1787. Most contemporary editions of the work combine the two editions. Citations are usually of the form "A [page] / B [ page]", or use the pagination of the edition published by the Berlin Academy (the Akademieausgabe). This category contains works that deal with the Critique itself: editions of the work, the historical context of the Critique itself, and, more generally, the nature of the Critique itself, rather than its content or specific arguments. Work on the content and arguments of the Critique, especially on Kant's specific philosophical positions, are found in the other Kant categories on PhilPapers. |