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  1. Silencios.I. Escañuela Romana - 2025 - Reflexiones Marginales 85.
  2. On Cosmic: A Reflection on one Semantic Concentration in the Noosphere.Pavel Krupkin - manuscript
    This essay explores the discoved place in human noosphere called as "Cosmos-not-Here," encompassing the speculative realms of science fiction, religious eschatology, and theoretical astrophysics. The content of "Cosmos-not-Here" contrasts with the same of "Cosmos-Here," representing humanity's tangible explorations and mastery of the physical universe. The text delves into how the Cosmos-not-Here operates as a mental construct, offering humanity an imaginative escape into utopian visions and hypertextual narratives, while disregarding the constraints of established physical laws. -/- The discussion emphasizes humanity's innate (...)
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  3. Essere e speranza nella dimensione della cura. Valutazioni teoretico-pratiche a partire da M. Heidegger, K. Jaspers, G. Marcel.Antonio Di Somma - 2025 - Assisi, Italia: Cittadella Editrice.
    Il presente lavoro di ricerca apre il pensiero e l’agire dell’aver cura della vita e della salute all’analitica della relazione fondamentale tra essere e speranza nella dimensione della cura. Attraverso l’analisi del rapporto tra “cura”, “limite” e “speranza” nel tempo della tecnica, si sono ricercate le condizioni ermeneutiche di uno sguardo rinnovato verso l’essere della cura, orientato dalla possibilità della speranza. A partire dal confronto con la concettualizzazione heideggeriana dell’ “aver cura”, dalla ricomprensione della nozione jaspersiana di “situazione limite” e (...)
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  4. Did Schrödinger solve the mystery of life?S. McKee - 2024 - The Institute for Art and Ideas.
    From Aristotle to Darwin and Schrödinger to Marie Curie, understanding life has been a scientific and philosophical goal since humans were first able to conceptualise their subjectivity. Sam McKee argues that there is no point in searching for life in other worlds when we do not know what it is on our own planet. Many a debate today centres around a dispute over the definition of life, whether that be abortion politics, assisted suicide or evolutionary biology. McKee argues that we (...)
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  5. Philosophie der Personalität: Syntheseversuche zwischen Aktvollzug, Leiblichkeit und objektivem Geist.Moritz von Kalckreuth - 2021 - Hamburg: Meiner.
  6. The Human A Priori: Essays on How We Make Sense in Philosophy, Ethics, and Mathematics.A. W. Moore - 2023 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The Human A Priori is a collection of essays by A. W. Moore, one of them previously unpublished and the rest all revised. These essays are all concerned, more or less directly, with something ineliminably anthropocentric in our systematic pursuit of a priori sense-making. Part I deals with the nature, scope, and limits of a priori sense-making in general. Parts II, III, and IV deal with what are often thought to be the three great exemplars of the systematic pursuit of (...)
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  7. Irigarayan Ontology and the Possibilities of Sexual Difference.James Sares - 2022 - In Ruthanne Crapo Kim, Yvette Russell & Brenda Sharp (eds.), Horizons of Difference. Albany, NY, USA: The State University of New York. pp. 117-136.
  8. The psychic subject and spiritual subject in Husserl's Ideias II.Nathalie de la Cadena - 2022 - Phenomenology, Humanities and Sciences 2 (3):346-355.
    Abstract: In this article I intend to highlight how the relationship between the psychic ego (seelischen Ich) and the spiritual ego (geistige Ich) is fundamental to the understanding of intersubjectivity and the lifeworld (Lebenswelt). In Ideas II, Husserl explains how, from the ego, natural, psychic and spiritual objectivities are constituted. These three strata of objectivity are known, first, in the theoretical attitude and, second, in the spiritual attitude. In this process, the ego becomes explicit. In the theoretical attitude, the constitution (...)
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  9. Sex or Gender Is Binary Due To Definiens Per Negationem.J. Camlin - manuscript
    This perspective asserts the existence of only two sexes/genders, male and female, based on not only biological and reproductive processes but also from claims of non-binary or transgender identities as defined through negation which rely on the binary concept of sex/gender. Thus, individuals claiming identities on the "gender/sex spectrum" are again defining themselves through negation (definiens per negationem). This perspective suggests that the diversity of gender experiences, (the sex or gender spectrum) is defined by what individuals are not rather than (...)
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  10. Essere e speranza nella dimensione ontologico-esistenziale della cura. Valutazioni teoretico-pratiche a partire da M. Heidegger, K. Jaspers, G. Marcel.Antonio Di Somma - 2024 - Dissertation, Pontificia Università Lateranense
    Il lavoro di dottorato condotto apre la ricerca filosofica ed etica, riguardo il pensiero e l’agire dell’aver cura, alla possibilità teoretico-pratica e valutativa di un’analitica della relazione fondamentale, originaria e vivente sussistente tra essere e speranza nella dimensione ontologica, esistenziale e trascendente della cura. Attraverso un’ermeneutica del rapporto contemporaneo tra cura, limite e speranza nel tempo della tecnica, sviluppata a partire dalle riflessioni avanzate su tali questioni da Heidegger, Jaspers e Marcel, si sono venute ad individuare, affrontare e verificare, nella (...)
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  11. Pregnant Thinkers.David Mark Kovacs - 2025 - Philosophical Quarterly 75 (1):104-124.
    Do pregnant mothers have fetuses as parts? According to the “parthood view” they do, while according to the “containment view” they don’t. This paper raises a novel puzzle about pregnancy: if mothers have their fetuses as parts, then wherever there is a pregnant mother, there is also a smaller thinking being that has every part of the mother except for those that overlap with the fetus. This problem resembles a familiar overpopulation puzzle from the personal identity literature, known as the (...)
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  12. Do We Have a Soul? A Debate.Eric T. Olson & Aaron Segal - 2023 - Routledge.
    Are we made entirely of matter, like sticks and stones? Or do we have a soul—a nonphysical entity—where our mental lives take place? -/- The authors Eric T. Olson and Aaron Segal begin this accessible and wide-ranging debate by looking at the often-overlooked question of whether we appear in ordinary experience to be material things. Olson then argues that the dependence of our mental lives on the condition of our brains—the fact that general anesthesia causes complete unconsciousness, for instance—is best (...)
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  13. Irigarayan Ontology and the Possibilities of Sexual Difference.James Sares - 2022 - In Ruthanne Crapo Kim, Yvette Russell & Brenda Sharp (eds.), Horizons of Difference. Albany, NY, USA: The State University of New York. pp. 117–136.
    This chapter provides an account of sexual ontology, grounded in and responsive to Irigaray’s philosophy, that focuses on the question of possibility. I first consider possibility in terms of the ontological negativity of sexuate beings, whereby one sex or sexuate morphology does not exhaust all that that kind of being is or can be. Second, I consider how sexual difference, as a relational structure of being, engenders possibilities for sexuate beings to develop as irreducible individuals. With particular focus on the (...)
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  14. Cosmovisiones y realidades.Roberto Thomas Arruda - 2023 - São Paulo: Terra à Vista.
    No es pensando como creamos mundos. Es comprendiendo el mundo como aprendemos a pensar. Cosmovisión es un término que debe significar un conjunto de fundamentos a partir de los cuales emerge una comprensión sistémica del Universo, sus componentes como la vida, el mundo en que vivimos, la naturaleza, el fenómeno humano y sus relaciones. Es, por tanto, un campo de la filosofía analítica alimentado por las ciencias, cuyo objetivo es ese conocimiento agregado y epistemológicamente sostenible sobre todo lo que somos (...)
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  15. Essere ed esistenza in Heidegger: verso la prospettiva dell’ente.Elia Gonnella - 2023 - Quaderni di Inschibboleth 19:107-124.
    Heidegger’s ontologische Differenz imposes methodological limits which strictly mark his philosophy for rigor and determinacy. If it is not possible to think Being from the categories of the entity, it is also true that the difference is a tank of possibilities and developments to which Heidegger himself hints at. From the accuracy of the early works to the overturning of the problem in the later works, the ontological difference is a constant of Heideggerian thought. This paper seeks to push Existenz (...)
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  16. Dignidad humana, personalidad y control de constitucionalidad. ¿Normatividad fuerte sin metafísica?Wei Feng - 2022 - UNIVERSITAS. Revista de Filosofía, Derecho y Política 37:2-50.
    El concepto de dignidad humana ha sido considerado o demasiado denso o demasiado delgado. Sin embargo, desde el punto de vista del no-positivismo, la normatividad jurídica de la dignidad humana puede ser justificada y reforzada por medio de su corrección moral. Desde una perspectiva individual, la comprensión de Mencio sobre la dignidad humana como un valor intrínseco y el imperativo categórico de Kant (el ser humano como un fin en sí mismo) podrían ser adecuadamente comprendidos con base en la diferencia (...)
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  17. The Irreducibility of the Human Person: A Catholic Synthesis.Mark K. Spencer - 2022 - Washington, DC, USA: Catholic University of America Press.
    Catholic philosophical anthropologists have defended views of the human person on which we are not reducible to anything non-personal. For example, it is not the case that we are nothing but matter, souls, or parts of society. Nevertheless, most Catholic anthropologies have been reductionistic in other ways. Mark K. Spencer presents a philosophical portrait of human persons on which we are entirely irreducible to anything non-personal, by synthesizing claims from many strands of the Catholic tradition. These include Thomism, Scotism, phenomenology, (...)
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  18. Animalism is Either False of Uninteresting (Perhaps Both).Matt Duncan - 2021 - American Philosophical Quarterly 58 (2):187-200.
    “We are animals.” That’s what animalists say—that’s their slogan. But what animalists mean by their slogan varies. Many animalists are adamant that what they mean—and, indeed, what the true animalist thesis is—is that we are identical to animals (human animals, to be precise). But others say that’s not enough. They say that the animalist thesis has to be something more—perhaps that we are essentially or most fundamentally human animals. This paper argues that, depending on how we understand it, animalism is (...)
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  19. Why people act. [REVIEW]Deniz Celik - manuscript
    Context - my thought process as a sat and analysed my group of friends at a party... -/- Surrounding: -/- I feel as though I'm in a set although it's not a set but people performing with their emotions through true feeling, rather than manipulated which is acting, I believe everyone here is going through things in life weather minor or major but all can never he an excuse to true feeling which makes them who they are, it is interesting (...)
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  20. Heidegger’s Being and Time- Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Heidegger’s Being and Time - Irfan Ajvazi.
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  21. Becoming Artificial: A Philosophical Exploration into Artificial Intelligence and What it Means to Be Human.Alessandro Colarossi & Danial Sonik - 2020 - London, UK: Imprint Academic.
    Becoming Artificial is a collection of essays about the nature of humanity, technology, artifice, and the irreducible connections between them. -/- Artificial Intelligence (AI) was once the stuff of pure fantasy. Ideas about machines that could think seemed as plausible as space travel or inexpensive communication technology. The last two decades have introduced a number of game-changing innovations that make discussion of AI no longer a mere armchair speculation, but rather a serious topic of debate for everyone who will be (...)
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  22. Throwing spatial light: on topological explanations in Gestalt psychology.Bartłomiej Skowron & Krzysztof Wójtowicz - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (3):537-558.
    It is a well-known fact that mathematics plays a crucial role in physics; in fact, it is virtually impossible to imagine contemporary physics without it. But it is questionable whether mathematical concepts could ever play such a role in psychology or philosophy. In this paper, we set out to examine a rather unobvious example of the application of topology, in the form of the theory of persons proposed by Kurt Lewin in his Principles of Topological Psychology. Our aim is to (...)
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  23. Essere speranza nel tempo della tecnica. Prospettive teorico-pratiche di orientamento.Antonio Di Somma - 2021 - Rivista Italiana di Cure Palliative 23 (2):127-132.
    Come si può essere speranza nel tempo della tecnica? Forse può essere utile interrogare brevemente a tale proposito il pensiero, o meglio approfondire alcune riflessioni presenti nell’elaborazione filosofica di importanti pensatori del Novecento. Attraverso tale procedimento si aprirà forse una prospettiva, un piccolo spiraglio, una via d’uscita tanto per il pensiero, quanto per la comprensione contemporanea della pratica quotidiana dell’aver-cura. Non deve stupire se si rimanda a classici del pensiero filosofico, ciò che muove ogni azione, soprattutto in ambito clinico e (...)
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  24. Are We Bodies or Souls? [REVIEW]Andrew M. Bailey, Joseph Han & Alcan Sng - 2020 - Faith and Philosophy 37 (4):546-549.
  25. Carry out an evaluation of the measures to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe and report on the achievements made to date. [REVIEW]Tatenda Ngara - forthcoming - AIDS:0-15.
    HIV and AIDS is still menace bedeviling society particularly in 3rd world countries such as Zimbabwe. The impacts of HIV/AIDS are gravely felt within workplaces as affected employees suffer from stigma and prejudice. Organizations also suffer as the pandemic leads to high absenteeism and a high rate of employee turnover. This writing therefore addresses the impact of HIV/AIDS in organizations and communities and how the Zimbabwean Government, NGOS, Trade Unions and Companies have been battling this pandemic and the achievements made (...)
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  26. Deirdre’s Smile: Names, Faces, and ‘the Simple Actuality’ of Another.David Cockburn - 2019 - Sophia 60 (1):209-223.
    The paper explores what it could mean to speak of love as involving a delight in ‘the simple actuality’ of another, or, as Buber does, of the ‘touchable’ human being as ‘unique and devoid of qualities’. Developing strands in Merleau-Ponty’s treatment of perception, it is argued that the relation between recognising this as a particular individual and recognising particular qualities in her may be close to the reverse of what might be supposed: a recognition of this distinctive smile being dependent (...)
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  27. What is Spoken of when We Speak about Being.Niel Bezrookove - manuscript
    τὰ ὄντα ἰέναι τε πάντα καὶ μένειν οὐδέν: Another look at being, asking what a interlocutor means to show by saying they feel themselves to be something. An ambiguity of the verb "to be" is disambiguated to reveal that it can be meant to show what something is and a process of being something. The relationship between being and essence is made by describing engagement through the encounter, giving us a non-exhaustive account of something's essence. Practice is then understood as (...)
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  28. Silence’ as a Language of Faith and Being: A Comparative Study of Kierkegaard’s and Heidegger’s Uses of ‘Silence.Rojin Mazouji & Mohammad Raayat Jahromi - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (1):39-52.
  29. Menschenwürde, Persönlichkeit und die verfassungsmäßige Kontrolle. Oder: starke Normativität ohne Metaphysik?Wei Feng - 2021 - Archiv Für Rechts- Und Sozialphilosophie, Beiheft 165:23-61.
    The concept of human dignity has been criticized as either too thick or too thin. However, according to the non-positivistic standpoint, the legal normativity of human dignity can be justified and thus strengthened by means of its moral correctness. From the individual perspective, Mencius’ understanding of human dignity as an intrinsic value and Kant’s formula of ‘man as an end in itself’ can be adequately understood based on the differentiation of, as well as the connection between, principium diiudicationis and principium (...)
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  30. The Social Ontology of Personhood: A Recognition-theoretical Account (co-authored monograph).Heikki Ikäheimo, Arto Laitinen, Michael Quante & Italo Testa - manuscript
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  31. Введение в структурно-онтологическую методологию: анализ предметной области социализации личности (Introduction to Structural-Ontological Methodology: Analysis of the Subject Matter Field of Personality Socialization).Vitalii Shymko - 2020 - SSRN Electronic Journal.
    Russian Abstract: Данный документ является сборником «заметок на полях», раскрывающих состав и содержание метода структурно-онтологического анализа. Указанный метод разработан для системного описания предметной области изучаемых явлений. Он включает специальную процедуру по построению структурно-онтологических матриц и алгоритм их описания. Междисциплинарная направленность метода продемонстрирована на примере анализа процесса социализации личности. English Abstract: This document is a collection of `marginal notes` revealing the composition and content of the structural ontological analysis method. The specified method is developed for a systemic description of the subject (...)
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  32. The Politics of the Person as the Politics of Being. By David Walsh. Pp. xi, 299, Notre Dame, IN, The University of Notre Dame Press, 2015, $39.00. [REVIEW]Terrance Klein - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (2):351-352.
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  33. Inner Animalities: Theology and the End of the Human. By Eric Daryl Meyer. Pp. 228, NY, Fordham University Press, 2018, $32.00. [REVIEW]Daniel P. Horan - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (2):347-348.
  34. Theorie und Praxis der Menschenwürde.Ralf Stoecker - 2019 - Paderborn, Deutschland: Mentis.
    Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar. – Trotz ihrer prominenten Rolle im Grundgesetz und in vielen anderen Dokumenten nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hat sich die moderne Philosophie lange Zeit nur wenig um die Menschenwürde gekümmert. Erst als um die Jahrtausendwende herum die Würde von Embryonen zur Diskussion stand, zeigte es sich, wie spannend und schwierig es ist, ein angemessenes philosophisches Verständnis der Menschenwürde zu finden. Dieses Buch basiert auf drei Grundgedanken: dass die Menschenwürde aus ihren Verletzungen heraus verstanden werden muss, (...)
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  35. Sein, Gott, Freiheit. Eine Studie zur Kompatibilismus-Kontroverse in klassischer und analytischer Religionsphilosophie. [REVIEW]Jan Levin Propach - 2018 - Theologie Und Philosophie 93:97-99.
  36. Aquinas, Geach, and existence.Damiano Costa - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (3):175-195.
    Aquinas’ theory of being has received a growing amount of attention from contemporary scholars, both from a historic and a philosophical point of view. An important source of this attention is Geach’s seminal Form and Existence. In it, Geach argues that Aquinas subscribes to a tensed notion of existence and a theory of time according to which past and future entities do not exist in act. Subsequent commentators, such as Kenny in his Aquinas on Being, have agreed with Geach on (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Astrobiology and astrophilosophy: subsuming or bifurcating diciplines?Ian von Hegner - 2019 - Philosophy and Cosmology 23:62-79.
    Initially, astrobiology subsumed into philosophy. However, philosophy has increasingly subsumed into astrobiology concurrent with it steadily becoming an observational and experimental activity that mainly focuses on the link between life and the cosmos, rather than on extra-terrestrial life per se. However, the steadily increasing probability of locating such extra-terrestrial life and the questions this will lead to might require a refinement of astrobiology, with a bifurcation into astrobiology and astrophilosophy. There are many reasons for the emergence and necessity of astrobiology. (...)
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  38. From Eden to savagery and civilization: British colonialism and humanity in the development of natural history, ca. 1600–1840.Sarah Irving-Stonebraker - 2019 - History of the Human Sciences 32 (4):63-79.
    This article is concerned with the relationship between British colonization and the intellectual underpinnings of natural history writing between the 17th and the early 19th centuries. During this period, I argue, a significant discursive shift reframed both natural history and the concept of humanity. In the early modern period, compiling natural histories was often conceived as an endeavour to understand God’s creation. Many of the natural historians involved in the early Royal Society of London were driven by a theological conviction (...)
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  39. The story of humanity and the challenge of posthumanity.Zoltán Boldizsár Simon - 2019 - History of the Human Sciences 32 (2).
    Today’s technological-scientific prospect of posthumanity simultaneously evokes and defies historical understanding. On the one hand, it implies a historical claim of an epochal transformation concerning posthumanity as a new era. On the other, by postulating the birth of a novel, better-than-human subject for this new era, it eliminates the human subject of modern Western historical understanding. In this article, I attempt to understand posthumanity as measured against the story of humanity as the story of history itself. I examine the fate (...)
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  40. La identidad diacrónica de la persona: de una visión constitutiva a una visión relacional.Yolanda Rodriguez Jimenez - 2019 - Roma, Italia: GBPress.
    El deseo de superar los límites físicos y cognoscitivos, y la posibilidad de lograrlo gracias al creciente progreso tecnológico, pone en relieve un tema filosófico antiguo pero actual: el tema de la identidad diacrónica de la persona. ¿Qué es la persona? ¿A qué cambios puede sobrevivir? La respuesta a estas cuestiones repercute sobre todo en temas de bioética y escatología. Mi propuesta antropologica parte de una visión constitutiva de la persona e integra algunos elementos de la ontología relacional. El resultado (...)
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  41. A Filosofia como Estrutura Noética.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva & Eduarda Carvalho Fontain - manuscript
    Proponho uma cosmovisão especial cujo ponto de partida é a teoria sobre o duplo tipo de conhecimento que os seres humanos possuem: o primeiro é o conceitual (que também chamaremos categorial ou abstrativo) e o segundo é o holístico. Com o primeiro tipo de conhecimento (conceitual), o indivíduo impõe suas próprias categorias (também chamadas formas, estruturas ou Gestalt2 ) aos dados que recebe através dos sentidos. Quando ele sabe por dentro, mediante essa primeira modalidade, o que ela realmente faz é (...)
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  42. Resisting neurosciences and sustaining history.Roger Smith - 2019 - History of the Human Sciences 32 (1):9-22.
    The article began life as, and retains the character of, spoken argument for not allowing the neurosciences to shape the agenda of the history of the human sciences. This argument is then used to suggest purposes and content for the journal, History of the Human Sciences. The style is rhetorical, even polemical, but open-ended. I challenge two clichés about the neurosciences, that they intellectually challenge other areas of knowledge, and that they are reconfiguring the human with the notion of ‘brainhood’. (...)
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  43. The Co-Essential Self.J. J. McGraw - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (1-2):283-301.
    Mesoamerican cosmologies have developed ideas about self using change-in-time as the principal orientation. These approaches conceive existence to be a phenomenon of temporal organization, which is radically different in assumptions and consequences than a metaphysics based on substances. The chief consequence of this is a continuity between human beings-in-time and other living and non- living entities.One 's character and destiny are of a kind with specific animals, meteorological phenomena, places, and objects. The qualities of the timed world and the qualities (...)
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  44. Psychoanalysis and the Question of Self: A Dialogue with Spiritual Traditions.G. Karlsson - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (1-2):179-195.
    From a psychoanalytic point of view it is well established that an early development of a sense of self is crucial to a person's healthy development. At the same time, the psychoanalytic process can to a large extent be described as a deconstruction of narcissistic and illusionary apprehensions of oneself. With this as a background, I want to discuss the notion of self within a psychoanalytic perspective in relationship to the meaning of self and no-self within spiritual traditions. The most (...)
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  45. Embodying Your Realization: Psychological Work in the Service of Spiritual Development.J. Welwood - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (1-2):69-79.
    This paper explores the important place of psychological work in the service of spiritual development, as part of a larger question: how to realize impersonal true nature in a thoroughly personal, human form. The challenging truth is that spiritual realization is relatively easy compared with the much greater difficulty of actualizing it, integrating it fully into the fabric of one's embodiment and one's conditioning, To more deeply explore the relationship between contemplative practice and psychological understanding, personal and impersonal truth, individuation (...)
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  46. What Does it Mean to Say That We Are Animals?E. T. Olson - 2015 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 22 (11-12):84-107.
    The view that we are animals -- animalism -- is often misunderstood. It is typically stated in unhelpful or misleading ways. Debates over animalism are often unclear about what question it purports to answer, and what the alternative answers are. The paper tries to state clearly what animalism says and does not say. This enables us to distinguish different versions of animalism.
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  47. Nicolai Hartmanns Neue Ontologie und die Philosophische Anthropologie: Menschliches Leben in Natur und Geist.Moritz Kalckreuth, Gregor Schmieg & Friedrich Hausen (eds.) - 2019 - De Gruyter.
    Wie kann der Mensch in seiner Vieldeutigkeit als Naturwesen, kulturell-geistige Person und als Inhaber normativer Ansprüche auf nicht-reduktionistische Weise verstanden und in der Welt verortet werden? Diese Frage verbindet die Neue Ontologie Nicolai Hartmanns und die Philosophischen Anthropologien Max Schelers, Helmuth Plessners etc. Der vorliegende Band unternimmt den Versuch, beide Denkrichtungen miteinander in Beziehung zu setzen. Hierzu werden wesentliche Momente der Philosophie Nicolai Hartmanns mit Denkfiguren Plessners, Schelers und anderer verglichen, so etwa die Fragen nach dem Selbstverständnis der Philosophie, nach (...)
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  48. Essay Concerning Human Understanding. [REVIEW]A. R. E. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (3):592-592.
    Another edition of the Essay with little, outside of the fact that it is abridged, to distinguish it from various other editions already out in paper.—E. A. R.
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  49. Person und Selbsttranszendenz. Ekstase und Epoché des Ego als Individuationsprozesse bei Schelling und Scheler.Guido Cusinato - 2012 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    The main theory at the core of this monograph is that the person is an entity ontologically new, since she is able to perform an act of self-transcendence, which is meant as her critical distancing from her own “self”, understood as subject of social recognition (Anerkennung), in order to open to the encounter with the world (Weltoffenheit). This allows us to consider a person in a new way, different both from confessional interpretations that see her only as a center of (...)
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  50. Wie viel Religionsphilosophie braucht es für eine Philosophie der Person?Moritz von Kalckreuth - 2019 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 61 (1):67-83.
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